Curriculum vitae 20 March 2014 Devin D. Bloom Postdoctoral Researcher Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology & Biodiversity Institute University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 66045 Phone: 541-224-3325 Email: Website: Education 2013 2007 2004 Ph.D., Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto M.S., Department of Biological Sciences, Southeastern Louisiana University B.A., Environmental Biology, Saint Mary’s University Professional Positions 2013-present 2007 2005-07 2004 2003 2002 Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Univ. of Kansas Research Associate, Southeastern Louisiana University Graduate Research Assistant, Southeastern Louisiana University Biological Technician, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Biological Technician, United States Geological Survey Fisheries Intern, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Publications Bloom, D.D. and Lovejoy, N.R. 2014. The evolutionary origins of diadromy inferred from a timecalibrated phylogeny for Clupeiformes (herring and allies). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 281 (1778), 20132081. Bloom, D.D., Weir, J.T., Piller, K.R. and Lovejoy, N.R. 2013. Do freshwater fishes diversify faster than marine fishes? A test using state-dependent diversification analyses and molecular phylogenetics of New World Silversides (Atherinopsidae). Evolution 67 (7): 2040-2057. Bloom, D.D. and Lovejoy, N.R. 2012. Molecular phylogenetics of anchovies (Engraulidae) reveals a single origin of freshwater Amazonian lineages. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25 (4): 701-715. Bloom, D.D., Unmack, P., Gosztonyi, A.E., Piller, K.R., and Lovejoy, N.R. 2012. It’s a family matter: molecular phylogenetics of Atheriniformes and the polyphyly of surf silversides (Family: Notocheiridae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 62: 1025-1030. Bloom, D.D. and Lovejoy, N.R. 2011. The biogeography of marine incursions in South America. IN: Historical Biogeography of Neotropical Freshwater Fishes. J. Albert & R. Reis, Eds., University of California Press. pp. 137-144. Bloom, D.D., Piller, K.R., Lyons, J., and Mercado-Silva, N., and Medina-Nava, M. 2009. Systematics and biogeography of the silverside tribe Menidiini based on the mitochondrial ND2 gene. Copeia. 2: 408-417. Curriculum vitae 20 March 2014 Bloom, D.D., Piller, K.R., Lyons, J., and Mercado-Silva, N. 2008. Threatened fishes of the world: Chirostoma aculeatum Barbour 1973 (Atherinopsidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 82: 221222. Cochran, P., Bloom, D.D., and Wagner, R. 2008. Alternative reproductive behaviors in lampreys and their significance. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 23(3): 437-444. Manuscripts Submitted and In Revision Waldman, J., Devries, D., Bloom, D.D., Hilton, E.J., Bemis, W. (Accepted pending revision). Clupeidae. IN: North American freshwater fishes: ecology evolution, and behavior. B.M. Burr and M.L. Warren, Eds., John Hopkins University Press. Bloom, D.D., Fikáček, M., Short, A.E.Z. Clade age and diversification rate variation explain disparity in species richness among water scavenger beetle (Hydrophilidae) lineages. In Review. PLoS One. Short, A.E.Z. Joly, L.J., García, M., Wild, A., Bloom, D.D., Maddison, D.R. In Review. Molecular phylogeny of the Hydroscaphidae (Coleoptera: Myxophaga) with description of a remarkable new lineage from the Guiana Shield. Systematic Entomology Non Peer-Reviewed Publications Lujan, K. N., Bloom, D.D., Watson, L.C. 2013 A Rumble in the Jungle. New York Times, OP-ED. January 17, 2013. Sidlauskas, B., Bernard, C., Bloom, D., Bronaugh, W., Clementson, M., and Vari, R.P. 2011. Ichthyologists Hooked on Facebook. Science. 332: 537. *Press coverage by: BBC, CBC, Science Daily, Smithsonian Science, The Guyana Press Grants 2014 (submitted) NSF Systematics & Biodiversity Science Cluster, “Linking functional morphometrics and next generation phylogenetics to test whether habitat shifts promoted convergence or diversification in South American Darters” (~$150,00) *Senior Personnel. I conceived this study and wrote the proposal, but do not have PI-status at my current institution. 2013 National Geographic Committee on Research and Exploration, “Inventory of the Aquatic Beetles of Tafelberg Tepui, Suriname”, ($26,500) *Co-PI 2010 Centre for Global Change Science grant ($4519) 2008 Lerner-Gray Grant, American Museum of Natural History ($2,200) 2008 Sigma Xi Grant-Aid of Research ($977) 2006 Southeastern Louisiana University, Travel Grant ($1,196) Teaching Experience 2011, 2012 2010, 2011 2008, 2010 2009 2007-2011 2007 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Macroevolution Lab, University of Toronto Guest Lecture, Ecology and Evolution, University of Toronto (~80 students) Graduate Teaching Assistant, Introductory Biology Lab, University of Toronto Graduate Teaching Assistant, Ecology, University of Toronto Graduate Teaching Assistant, Ecology and Evolution Lab, University of Toronto Graduate Teaching Assistant, Tropical Ecology Field Course (Costa Rica), Southeastern Louisiana University Curriculum vitae 2006 2004 20 March 2014 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Ichthyology Lab, Southeastern Louisiana University Graduate Teaching Assistant, Introductory Biology Lab, Southeastern Louisiana University Students Mentoring Experience Undergraduate students at University of Toronto Scarborough: 2009-2010 Erin Brown: A comparison of morphological diversity between marine and freshwater anchovy clades. Undergraduate thesis 2010-2011 Justin Wakileh: Evolutionary transitions between habitats: molecular phylogenetics of Beloniformes. Undergraduate thesis I have trained >15 undergraduate and master’s students in molecular phylogenetics and lab techniques. Contributed Presentations Short, A.E.Z., Bloom, D.D., & Fikacek, M. 2013. Diversification of the water scavenger beetles: pattern and process. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Austin, Texas. Van Nynatten, A.D., Bloom, D.D., Lovejoy, N.R., and Chang, B.S.W. 2013.Improving the molecular detection of positive selection using biogeographic data. International Biogeography Society Special Meeting. Montreal, Canada. Van Nynatten, A.D., Bloom, D.D., Lovejoy, N.R., and Chang, B.S.W. 2013. Effects of marine and freshwater habitats on the evolution of visual pigments. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. (Poster) Bloom, D.D., Piller, K.R., and Lovejoy, N.R. 2012. Do freshwater fishes diversify faster than marine fishes? A test using state-dependent diversification analyses and molecular phylogenetics of New World Silversides (Atherinopsidae). Joint Congress on Evolution Meetings. Ottawa, Canada. Bloom, D.D. 2011. Does habitat control lineage diversification rates? A test using molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Silversides (Atherinopsidae). Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Minneapolis, MN. *Stoye award for best student presentation. Bloom, D.D. and Piller, K.R. 2011. Does habitat control lineage diversification rates? A test using molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Silversides (Atherinopsidae). Evolution Meetings. Norman, OK. (Poster) Bloom, D.D. 2010. Into the Amazon: How Marine Fishes Rode the Wave of a Global Sea-Level Rise into South American Freshwater Rivers. Centre for Global Change Science Symposium, Toronto, Canada. *Invited speaker Bloom, D.D. 2010. Into the Amazon: time-calibrated phylogeny and biogeographic pattern reveal a Miocene origin of freshwater anchovies. Evolution Meetings. Portland, OR. Piller, K.R. and Bloom, D.D. 2010. Diversification of New World Silversides (Atherinopsidae: Tribe Menidiini). Evolution Meetings. Portland, OR. (Poster) Piller, K.R. and Bloom, D.D. 2010. Diversification of New World Silversides (Atherinopsidae: Tribe Menidiini). Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Providence, RI. (Poster) Curriculum vitae 20 March 2014 Bloom, D.D. and Lovejoy, N.R. 2009. Testing the Miocene marine incursion hypothesis using anchovies (Engraulidae). American Society for Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Portland, OR. Bloom, D.D. and Lovejoy, N.R. 2009. Marine derived lineages of Anchovies (Engraulidae). Canadian Society of Zoologists. Toronto, Canada. Piller, K.R. and Bloom, D.D. 2009. Phylogeny, biogeography, and species boundaries of the Brook Silverside (Atherinopsidae: Labidesthes sicculus). Southeastern Fishes Council. Chattanooga, TN. Bloom, D.D. and Lovejoy, N.R. 2008. Phylogenetics and evolution of New World anchovies (Engraulidae). American Society for Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Montreal, Canada. Piller, K.R. and Bloom. D.D. 2008. Phylogeny, biogeography, and species boundaries the Brook Silverside (Atherinopsidae: Labidesthes sicculus). American Society for Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Montreal, Canada. Cochran, P., Bloom, D.D., and Wagner, R. 2007. Alternative reproductive behaviors in lampreys and their significance. American Fisheries Society Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Bloom, D.D., Cordes, L., Hayes, M.R., Chabarria, R., and Piller, K.R. 2007. Comparative Phylogeography of Central Mexican Fishes (Chirostoma and Goodea). American Society for Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. St. Louis, MO. (poster) Piller, K.R., Bloom, D.D., Lyons, J., Mercado-Silva, N., and Dominguez, O. Systematics and Taxonomy of Chapalichthys (Teleostei: Goodeidae) a small genus of live-bearers from Central Mexico. American Society for Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. St. Louis, MO. (poster) Bloom, D.D. 2006. Systematics of an atherinopsid fish complex (Tribe Menidiini): with emphasis on the genus Chirostoma, a group of freshwater silversides endemic to Mexico. American Society for Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. New Orleans, LA. Bloom, D.D. 2006. Systematics of an atherinopsid fish complex (Tribe Menidiini): with emphasis on the genus Chirostoma, a group of freshwater silversides endemic to Mexico. Southeastern Ecology and Evolution Conference. Tuscaloosa, AL. Bloom, D.D. and Piller, K.R. 2005. Molecular systematics of the Tribe Menidiini, with emphasis on the silverside genus Chirostoma (Atherinopsidae). Desert Fishes Council. Cuatro Cienagas, Mexico. Sadinski, W., Roth, M.F., Monson, L., Bloom, D.D., Yahn, J. D., Miracle, F. Tyler, P. Jones and S. Bourassa. 2004. The ecology of amphibians in a large-river floodplain: Results from ARMI in the Upper Mississippi River. American Society of Ichthyology and Herpetology Meeting. Norman, OK. Bloom D.D. 2004. Alternative Reproductive Behaviors by the American Brook Lamprey (Lampetra appendix) in a Minnesota Stream. Undergraduate thesis, 2004. Saint Mary’s University biology symposium. Winona, MN. Bloom, D.D. 2004. Alternative Reproductive Behaviors by the American Brook Lamprey (Lampetra appendix) in a Minnesota Stream. American Fisheries Society Meeting- Minnesota Chapter. St. Cloud, MN. (poster) Curriculum vitae 20 March 2014 Sadinski, W., Roth, M.F., Monson, L., Bloom, D.D., Yahn, J.D., Miracle, F. Tyler, P. Jones and S. Bourassa. 2003. The Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative in the Upper Mississippi Region. 46th annual SETAC conference. Austin, TX. Sadinski W., Bourassa, S., Roth, M.F., Monson, L., Bloom, D.D., and Yahn, J. 2003. A riverway and a refuge: Different river systems with similar herpetofauna. St Croix River Rendezvous. Stillwater, MN. Awards/Scholarships 2011 2011 2011 2004 2003 Stoye Award, Best talk in General Ichthyology (Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists) Donald A. Chant Scholarship, University of Toronto ($342) Jack Dainty Scholarship, University of Toronto ($5194) Beta Beta Beta National Biology Honors Society American Fisheries Society Minnesota Chapter, Travel award ($500) Professional Service and Outreach Peer Reviewer Journals: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Biological Journal of Linnaean Society, Environmental Management, Neotropical Ichthyology, Bulletin of Marine Science Granting Agencies: Foundation of Science and Technology (Portugal), Sigma Delta Epsilon (Graduate Women in Science), FONDECYT (Federal science funding agency, Chile) Other Service and Committee work 2014-present Curator, Global Freshwater Fish Bioblitz (powered by 2013-2014 Co-Organizer Systematics discussion group, University of Kansas 2012 Knowledge: Production & Dissemination in the Digital Age. *Panel Member 2010-2011 Scarborough Rep., Graduate Student Organization, University of Toronto 2009 Search committee member, tenure track faculty position Dept. Biological Sciences, University of Toronto at Scarborough 2009 Volunteer Organizer, Canadian Society of Zoologists Meeting hosted by UTSC 2008 Co-Organized graduate student fundraiser, American Society of Ichthyology and Herpetology 2008 Graduate Student participation committee, American Society of Ichthyology and Herpetology 2007 Co-Founder/Organizer Louisiana BioBlitz 2007 Vice-President Southeastern Louisiana University Graduate student organization Workshops Attended 2011 2009 Comparative Methods in R workshop Bodega Phylogenetics workshop Field Experience International: Mexico (2005, 2006, 2007), Costa Rica (2007, 2013), Nicaragua (2007), Panama (2008), Barbados (2008), Guyana (2009, 2010, 2011), Colombia (2010), Trinidad (2010), and Suriname (2013). Domestic (2002-2014): Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee. Curriculum vitae Professional/Academic Societies Society for Systematic Biologists The Society for the Study of Evolution American Society for Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Desert Fishes Council Sigma Xi 20 March 2014