Chair Tangedahl called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.

ASCRC Minutes 2/14/12
GBB 202, 2:10
Members Present: B. Borrie, D. Dalenberg, M. Grimes, C. Henderson, L. Tangedahl, C. Springmeyer, D. Stolle
Members Absent/Excused: W. Davies, N. Greymorning, C. Knight, J. Staub, B. Holzworth, A. Walker-Andrews
Ex-Officio Present: E. Johnson, S. O’Hare
Chair Tangedahl called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.
The minutes from 2/7/12 were approved after a quorum was present.
Communication Items:
The curriculum consent agenda and the Police Science proposal were approved at the Faculty Senate meeting. There was a motion
from the floor to approve Police Science. When concerns were voiced regarding signatures on the MoU, the Provost indicated he
would not let the program go to the Board of Regents until MLEA signed the MoU. The motion was approved unanimously.
Business Items:
ASCRC reviewed the draft catalog production schedule (below). The catalog is scheduled to be published on June 11th.
Departemnts are sent access to the catalog staging area on February 24th to start the review process. Concerns were expressed
about how common course numbering changes impact the accuracy of the catalog given that numbers are continuously changing.
Accoridng to Registrar Johnson, Karen Jansen at the Commissioner’s Office has improved the accuracy of the common course
numbering matrix. There is a teleconference this week to agree on all the items submitted by January 15th (the deadline for CCN
updates). These should be entered into both the OCHE matrix and the UM Translation guide by February 24th. The letter
(apended) was revised and will be sent to Department Chairs to aide the Registrar’s Office in assuring an accurate catalog.
Executive Director O’Hare asked when the catalog would no longer reference old course numbers. This is confusing for new
students, who are not informed of common course numbering. This may be eliminated once the majority of students who entered
entered when the old numbers were in place have graduated. Common Course numbering is a particular challenge for advising.
Searching for courses in Cyberbear is a frustrating experience for students. Unfortunately, this is a function of the Banner
ASCRC discussed whether post-baccaloriate students are eligible for Academic Forgiveness. The procedure was reviewed and the
first bullet (below) was revised slightly. The student in question graduated then returned to UM and has taken 72 additional
credits. He is trying to improve his GPA to get into Law School.
A University of Montana – Missoula undergraduate who returns to the university after a minimum absence of three years and
completes at least 30 credits of academic study with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 for those credits is eligible for
Academic Forgiveness.
The feasibility of submitting grades in a single CSV file upload was discussed. Registrar Johnson will ask John Thundstrum,
Assistant Chief Informaiton Officer about the issue. Banner also has a grade book function. It is currently being used by MSU.
Faculty are not pleased with the functionality of Moodle. It is very time consuming. Members reported loosing work that was
entered. Faculty were not involved in the decision to transition to Moodle therefore the process was flawed given the pedogical
implications. There seems to be a general disconnect between IT’s wishes and faculty needs. This should be brought to the
attention of the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate. Other IT problems include dead links on the website. ECOS is
meeting with Dean Maclean and Rick Hughes next week to discuss online strategic planning and other IT conserns. Chair
Tangedahl was invited to the meeting. Members should send concerns to Chair Tangedahl to bring up at the meeting.
The remaining items on the agenda were devided into three catagories for workgroups. Members in attendance agreed to chair the
workgroups. ASCRC will meet again on March 6th to discuss and hopefully vote on the draft procedures created by the
1) Course Review Procedures (Professor Grimes)
2) Common Course Numbering and Rubric (Professor Henderson)
3) Academic Oversight (Professor Borrie)
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
2012-2013 Draft Catalog Production Calendar
Dates or Date Range
# Weeks Prior to
Release of Catalog on
# Weeks Prior to First New
Freshmen On-Campus
Orientation Program
Request Roll of Current Catalog to New
Catalog Staging Area of CMS
1st Draft Notification Sent to Depts.
All Depts. Complete Revisions to 1st Draft
All Depts. - Deadline for 1st Draft Return
to R.O.
2/25/2012 to 3/15/2012
Registrar's Office Processes 1st Draft
2nd Draft Notification Sent to Depts. from
Registrar's Office
3/16/2012 to 4/16/2012
New Transfer Student "Transfer Transition"
Orientation/Advising/Registration Event
All Depts. Complete Revisions to 2nd Draft
All Depts. - Deadline for 2nd Draft Return
to R.O.
Registrar's Office Processes 2nd Draft
Course Planning/Selection/Registration
Period Begins for New Freshmen Students
4/17/2012 to 5/4/2102
5/4/2012 to 6/10/2012
Registrar's Office Publishes Catalog on Web
and pdf Available
First New Freshman Student
Orientation/Advising/Registration Event
Second New Freshman Student
Orientation/Advising/Registration Event
Final New Student Orientation Event
Autumn 2012 Classes Begin
Department Chairs and Program Directors
From: Academic Standards and Curriculum Review Committee
Date: February 24, 2012
Annual Review of Catalog Language
Please be particularly vigilant in checking the catalog copy this year. Inadvertent changes related to common
course numbering have potential for unintended consequences. Correcting these changes is your
responsibility. You are sent catalog copy to assure that the information is entered correctly by the Registrar’s
ASCRC recommends that departments put in place a system by which each faculty member reviews the
course description for his or her courses. This is the departments’ opportunity to correct errors prior to the online
publication of the catalog. Please pay special attention to courses outside of your department that are
required for your program and are listed in your section of the catalog. Refer to the campus translation guide
at or OCHE’s translation guide at for an accurate listing of courses. Please take this review
seriously so your students have accurate information.
Workgroup Message
ASCRC members,
At the end of our last meeting (when there were very few members left to vote me down) I proposed that we tackle the pending items
on our agenda by splitting up into work groups with one item assigned to each workgroup. I further proposed that ASCRC meetings
be cancelled for the next 2 weeks to give the workgroups time to complete their tasks. Therefore the next ASCRC meeting will be on
March 6 and hopefully each work group will have results ready to be considered or voted on by the full committee. Finally, I begged
Mark, Colin, and Bill to each lead a workgroup, to decide the procedure (e.g. online editing, meetings, split up the work, etc.), and to
make sure there were deliverables to bring back to ASCRC. Camie will send each workgroup the information and drafts for the
workgroup topic, and GBB 202 is available for the next 2 Tuesdays should you want to hold meetings there.
Camie and I have assigned everyone to a workgroup, please let me know if you have interest in a different topic.
1) Course Review Procedures (M. Grimes, L. Tangedahl, D. Stolle)
Revised course form
Instructions and /or Check list
Sample learning outcomes
Curriculum Subcommittee responsibilities (201.3.2)
2) CCN /rubric transition (C. Henderson, J. Staub, W. Davies)
(Note: information from S. O’Hare, E. Johnson, A. Walker-Andrews)
CCN Workflow Procedure
Other issues for CCN transition
Procedure for adding a new rubric
Ownership of a rubric
3) Academic Oversight ( B. Borrie, D. Dalenberg, C. Knight, N. Greymorning)
Standalone minors/certificates
Interdisciplinary programs
Non-academic units offering courses