Name ____________________ Symbols in Death of a Salesman Arthur Miller uses many meaningful objects to communicate important themes in the play. Fill out the chart to determine the meaning and theme for each symbol. Some topics you might consider are: selling, economic struggles, family conflict, commitment, the class system, betrayal, dissatisfaction, etc. Symbol Quotation that Refers to the Symbol Copy a passage (1-2 sentences) from the play that mentions the symbol and hints at its meaning. Football (Miller 29-30) Tennis Racket (Miller 91-92) Sneakers (Miller 94) Fountain Pen (Miller 104) Meaning of the Symbol Author’s Theme What does the symbol mean? What does it stand for? What does it show about the characters and/or the story? What is the main idea or main message the author is communicating through the symbol? (sentences) Symbol Quotation that Refers to the Symbol Copy a passage (1-2 sentences) from the play that mentions the symbol and hints at its meaning. Rubber Hose (Miller 115) Stockings (Miller 119, 121) Seeds (Miller 122) Diamonds (Miller 134) Meaning of the Symbol Author’s Theme What does the symbol mean? What does it stand for? What does it show about the characters and/or the story? What is the main idea or main message the author is communicating through the symbol?