Lesson Plan 1 Mean Teacher(s): Grade band:HS Number of Students: Subject: Math Setting: Grade(s): HS Unit: Statistics Standard: (ID) H.S. 2- Use statistics appropriate to the shape of the data distribution to compare center (median, mean) and spread (interquartile range, standard deviation) of two or more different data sets. Essence: (ID) H.S. 2- Use measures of center to compare data Extensions: 1) Given a data set involving numbers less than 100, compute mean (average), median, or mode. 2) Given a data set involving numbers less than 100, select the appropriate mean (average), median, or mode from given options. 3) Given a data set involving numbers less than 20, select the appropriate mean (average) from given options. Lesson Objective: Least support Moderate support Most support Students will compute the mean (average) of a data set. Students will identify the correct mean (average) of a data set. Students will identify the correct mean (average) of a given data set. Activities : 1) The teacher will split students into at least 3 groups and will pass out 20 pieces of colored candy to each group. 3) The teacher will collect the findings from each group and display the data for the class. 2) Students will then sort the candy into groups by color and record how much they have in each group. 4) Students will then add the amount of each color group from the class data and find the average of each color and record it onto their worksheet. Warm-up: The teacher will introduce the vocabulary word mean and average. Then the teacher will model how to find the mean (average) by collecting data on the age of each student in the class. The teacher will record the ages on the board, add the ages together, and divide by the number of students in the class. ACCESS Project, Center for Disabilities Studies, UD Delaware Department of Education Key Vocabulary: Mean Average Total Divide Data Barriers: Visual impairments Limited mobility Writing Calculations Universal Design for Learning (UDL) brainstorm: Representation How will instructional content and materials be presented to the students (the “what” of learning)? Color coded organizer Actions/ Expression How are the students able to interact with the materials and demonstrate knowledge (the “how” of learning)? Adhere candy to the graphic organizer Use of a calculator Math manipulatives Adapted calculator Tactile Organizer Engagement What interests and engages students in the learning process (the “why” of learning)? Reinforcements Group work Teaching Strategies: Cooperative pairs Direct instruction Modeling Assessments: Response mode: Candy color sort data worksheet Worksheet on the mean of each candy color ACCESS Project, Center for Disabilities Studies, UD Delaware Department of Education Possible accommodations to use with this lesson: Enlarged print Objects Graphic organizer Tactile organizer Tactile representation Adapted calculator Closing Activity: Find the mean (average cost) of soda from the following stores Wawa 7-Eleven 1.00 2.00 ACCESS Project, Center for Disabilities Studies, UD Royal Farms 1.50 Delaware Department of Education