CP Biology 622 CP Biology (622) Final Exam 2015 Name:_______________________________________________________________ Organism example: Clostridium tetani You have spent a good deal of time studying a variety of topics. For your final exam, you are going to reflect on many of these topics by studying several organisms that are harmful to humans. With your lab group, you are going to present a poster detailing an organism and how it is harmful to humans. Key Points You Need to Have on Your Poster: Is the organism alive? Why or why not? Focus on Structure and Function of Organism Explain the life cycle of the organism? Where does the organism live? How does it affect humans? How does this adaptation benefit the organism? o What human systems does it affect? And How o Does it affect the genetics of a human? What do we do to combat the organism? Is there any genetic variation in the human population to protect from the organism? Is there genetic variation in the organisms, explain Will human or the organism change in the next million years based on the relationship they have with each other. Cite evidence Your presentation is confined to 8-10 minutes per group. At many professional conferences, the bulk of the information is on a limited display board, and the presentation is very restricted. You need to prepare and illustrate the verbal essence of your work. You will not be allowed to read off your poster. You are expected to know your organism inside and out. CP Biology 622 CP Biology Final Exam Project Group Members_____________________________________________________________ Organism ___________________________________________________________________ Content Area 0 points Absent 1 point Below Standard 3 points Approaching Standard Does not use time in class Does not use time in class Does not use time in class Not present Student has to receive reminders to stay focused Student researches during class period Student has to receive reminders to stay focused Student researches during class period Student has to receive reminders to stay focused Student prepares poster during class period does not present information, arguments, ideas, or findings clearly, concisely, and logically; argument lacks supporting evidence; audience cannot follow the line of reasoning selects information, develops ideas and uses a style inappropriate to the purpose, task, and audience (may be too much or too little information, or the wrong approach) does not address alternative or opposing perspectives Life Cycle of Organism Not present does not present information, arguments, ideas, or findings clearly, concisely, and logically; argument lacks supporting evidence; audience cannot follow the line of reasoning selects information, develops ideas and uses a style inappropriate to the purpose, task, and audience (may be too much or too little information, or the wrong approach) does not address alternative or opposing perspectives Human Affects Not present does not present information, arguments, ideas, or findings clearly, concisely, and logically; argument lacks supporting evidence; audience cannot follow the line of reasoning selects information, develops ideas and uses a style inappropriate to the purpose, task, and audience (may be too much or too little information, or the wrong approach) does not address alternative or opposing perspectives Adaptations that benefit the organism? Not present does not present information, arguments, ideas, or findings clearly, concisely, and logically; argument lacks supporting evidence; audience cannot follow the line of reasoning selects information, develops ideas and uses a style inappropriate to the purpose, task, and audience (may be too much or too little information, or the wrong approach) does not address alternative or opposing perspectives Combating Organism Not present does not present information, arguments, ideas, or findings clearly, concisely, and logically; argument lacks supporting evidence; audience cannot follow the line of reasoning selects information, develops ideas and uses a style inappropriate to the purpose, task, and audience (may be too much or too little information, or the wrong approach) does not address alternative or opposing perspectives Genetic Variation Not present does not present information, arguments, ideas, or findings clearly, concisely, and logically; argument lacks supporting evidence; audience cannot follow the line of reasoning selects information, develops ideas and uses a style inappropriate to the purpose, task, and audience (may be too much or too little information, or the wrong approach) does not address alternative or opposing perspectives Evolution Not present does not present information, arguments, ideas, or findings clearly, concisely, and logically; argument lacks supporting evidence; audience cannot follow the line of reasoning presents information, findings, arguments and supporting evidence in a way that is not always clear, concise, and logical; line of reasoning is sometimes hard to follow attempts to select information, develop ideas and use a style appropriate to the purpose, task, and audience but does not fully succeed attempts to address alternative or opposing perspectives, but not clearly or completely presents information, findings, arguments and supporting evidence in a way that is not always clear, concise, and logical; line of reasoning is sometimes hard to follow attempts to select information, develop ideas and use a style appropriate to the purpose, task, and audience but does not fully succeed attempts to address alternative or opposing perspectives, but not clearly or completely presents information, findings, arguments and supporting evidence in a way that is not always clear, concise, and logical; line of reasoning is sometimes hard to follow attempts to select information, develop ideas and use a style appropriate to the purpose, task, and audience but does not fully succeed attempts to address alternative or opposing perspectives, but not clearly or completely presents information, findings, arguments and supporting evidence in a way that is not always clear, concise, and logical; line of reasoning is sometimes hard to follow attempts to select information, develop ideas and use a style appropriate to the purpose, task, and audience but does not fully succeed attempts to address alternative or opposing perspectives, but not clearly or completely presents information, findings, arguments and supporting evidence in a way that is not always clear, concise, and logical; line of reasoning is sometimes hard to follow attempts to select information, develop ideas and use a style appropriate to the purpose, task, and audience but does not fully succeed attempts to address alternative or opposing perspectives, but not clearly or completely presents information, findings, arguments and supporting evidence in a way that is not always clear, concise, and logical; line of reasoning is sometimes hard to follow attempts to select information, develop ideas and use a style appropriate to the purpose, task, and audience but does not fully succeed attempts to address alternative or opposing perspectives, but not clearly or completely presents information, findings, arguments and supporting evidence in a way that is not always clear, concise, and logical; line of reasoning is sometimes hard to follow Research Day 1 Research Day 2/3 Research Day 4 Structure and Function of Organisms 4 points At Standard 5 Points Above Standard Student utilizes guided research worksheet to remain on task and researching Student utilizes guided research worksheet and rubric to prepare poster Student utilizes guided research worksheet to create poster presents information, findings, arguments and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically; audience can easily follow the line of reasoning selects information, develops ideas and uses a style appropriate to the purpose, task, and audience clearly and completely addresses alternative or opposing perspectives Exceeds At Standard Level presents information, findings, arguments and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically; audience can easily follow the line of reasoning selects information, develops ideas and uses a style appropriate to the purpose, task, and audience clearly and completely addresses alternative or opposing perspectives Exceeds At Standard Level presents information, findings, arguments and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically; audience can easily follow the line of reasoning selects information, develops ideas and uses a style appropriate to the purpose, task, and audience clearly and completely addresses alternative or opposing perspectives Exceeds At Standard Level presents information, findings, arguments and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically; audience can easily follow the line of reasoning selects information, develops ideas and uses a style appropriate to the purpose, task, and audience clearly and completely addresses alternative or opposing perspectives Exceeds At Standard Level presents information, findings, arguments and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically; audience can easily follow the line of reasoning selects information, develops ideas and uses a style appropriate to the purpose, task, and audience clearly and completely addresses alternative or opposing perspectives Exceeds At Standard Level presents information, findings, arguments and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically; audience can easily follow the line of reasoning selects information, develops ideas and uses a style appropriate to the purpose, task, and audience clearly and completely addresses alternative or opposing perspectives Exceeds At Standard Level presents information, findings, arguments and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically; audience can easily follow the line of reasoning Exceeds At Standard Level Exceeds At Standard Level Exceeds At Standard Level Exceeds At Standard Level Points Earned CP Biology 622 selects information, develops ideas and uses a style inappropriate to the purpose, task, and audience (may be too much or too little information, or the wrong approach) does not address alternative or opposing perspectives Organization Not Present does not meet requirements for what should be included in the presentation does not have an introduction and/or conclusion uses time poorly; the whole presentation, or a part of it, is too short or too long Eye Contact Student Reads presentation ; no eye contact Not Present Student occasionally uses eye contact, but still reads most of report Presentation Aid Overall Not Present attempts to use a visual aid, but it does not add to or may distract from the presentation Visual Aid Layout Not Present Response to audience Citations Teams Listening Skills Fills out Chart Total Not Present Voice mumbles or speaks too quickly or slowly speaks too softly to be understood frequently uses “filler” words (“uh, um, so, and, like, etc.”) does not adapt speech for the context and task Contains 2/5 of the following o Border o Colorful/ fills space o Entirely Printed o Even Edges o Pop-up Effect Does not address questions or goes off topic without seeking clarification attempts to select information, develop ideas and use a style appropriate to the purpose, task, and audience but does not fully succeed attempts to address alternative or opposing perspectives, but not clearly or completely meets most requirements for what should be included in the presentation has an introduction and conclusion, but they are not clear or interesting generally times presentation well, but may spend too much or too little time on a topic, a/v aid, or idea Student maintains eye contact most of the time but frequently returns to notes selects information, develops ideas and uses a style appropriate to the purpose, task, and audience clearly and completely addresses alternative or opposing perspectives speaks clearly most of the time speaks loudly enough for the audience to hear most of the time, but may speak in a monotone occasionally uses filler word attempts to adapt speech for the context and task but is unsuccessful or inconsistent uses visual aids, but they may sometimes distract from or not add to the presentation sometimes has trouble bringing visual aids or media smoothly into the presentation Contains 3/5 of the following o Border o Colorful/ fills space o Entirely Printed o Even Edges o Pop-up Effect Answe3rs audience questions, but not always clearly or completely meets all requirements for what should be included in the presentation has a clear and interesting introduction and conclusion organizes time well; no part of the presentation is too short or too long Exceeds At Standard Level Student maintains eye contact with audience, seldom returning to notes Exceeds At Standard Level speaks clearly; not too quickly or slowly peaks loudly enough for everyone to hear; changes tone and pace to maintain interest rarely uses filler words adapts speech for the context and task, demonstrating command of formal English when appropriate uses well-produced visual aids or media to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence, and to add interest smoothly brings visual aid into the presentation Contains All of the following o Border o Colorful/ fills space o Entirely Printed o Even Edges o Pop-up Effect Answers questions completely and clearly, admits to “I don’t know”, or explains where to find a question if the answer is unknown Exceeds At Standard Level Exceeds At Standard Level Exceeds At Standard Level Exceeds At Standard Level Not Present Contains 3 sources Contains 5 Sources cited properly Contains 5 high quality sources cited properly Exceeds At Standard Level Not Present Not all team members participate All team members participate, but not equally Needs to be reminded to be respectful Listens to all presentations All team members participate for about the same length of time Actively Listens to presentations Exceeds At Standard Level Disrespectful Not filled out Does not fill out chart Completes Half the Chart Fills out entire chart Exceeds At Standard Level Total Points: _____________ (out of 100) Exceeds At Standard Level CP Biology 622 CP BIOLOGY FINAL EXAM GUIDELINE Names: ________________________________________________________________________________ Organism common name: _________________________________________________________________ You will have several days with the laptops in class to research your organism. You may ONLY research your organism. If you are on a game site or doing personal work or email you will lose 30 points on your grade. Take written notes; do NOT print out pages on the printer. Read (READ!) and take notes. If you copy and paste it is an automatic zero as a grade. DAY ONE: Find out the common name of your organism: Describe the life, life span and/or life cycle of your organism: Where does the organism live? Include habitat preference and geographic area (where in the world?) How does the organism affect humans? Include the human system, cells and if it affects the genome (DNA) of the human. If it affects the DNA, then it can be transmitted to offspring. You may use Wikipedia to start your search BUT then go to the NIH (National Institute of Health), CDC or an .edu website. Compare the information. Google to see if there is a “.org” website dedicated to your organism. CP Biology 622 DAY TWO AND DAY THREE: Read through the notes from Day One. Fix or add as needed. Today you will look up the history of the organism and its affect on humans and their lives. Include any native people connections. Explain what we humans do to combat the organism and if there are any long-term effects. In this box to the left, plan the layout of your poster. Consult the rubrics. Then, type the words you will cut out and glue to the poster. Print them out without wasting paper. On DAY FOUR you will have time in class to begin putting printed information on your poster. NO handwriting allowed on your poster. CP Biology 622 Name_____________________________________ Group Organism Structure and Life Cycle Members Function Effects on Humans How to combat organism Genetic Variation Evolution CP Biology 622 Group Members Organism Structure and Function Life Cycle Effects on Humans How to combat organism Genetic Variation Evolution CP Biology 622 NGSS Standards Assessed 1. Structure and Function a. HS-LS1-2 b. HS-LS1-3 c. RST.11-12.1 d. WHST.9-12 e. WHST.11-12.8 f. WHST.9-12.9 g. SL.11-12.5 2. Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems a. HS-LS1-7 b. HS-LS2-3 c. HS-LS2-4 d. HS-LS2-5 e. MP.2 3. Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems a. HS-LS2-1 b. HS-LS2-2 c. HS-LS2-6 d. HS-LS2-7 e. HS-LS2-8 f. HS-LS4-6 g. RST.11-12.1 h. RST.11-12.7 i. WHST.9-12.7 4. Inheritance and Variation of Traits a. HS-LS3-1` b. HS-LS3-2 c. HS-LS3-3 5. Natural Selection and Evolution a. HS-LS4-1 b. HS-LS4-2 c. HS-LS4-4 d. HS-LS4-5