Workshop 3 Offering Support with Maths

Workshop 3 – Offering Support with Maths
The overall objective of this project is to improve the quality of teaching with a focus on
English and Maths, employability and basic occupational skills. In doing that it concentrates,
in the main, on developing trainers and assessors to deliver English and Maths, with a focus
on GCSEs.
Project objectives
Share good practice in the delivery of Traineeship programmes across the project
provider base
 Identify the staff development needs of English and Maths tutors as they develop
progression routes through both Functional Skills and GCSE qualifications
 Review materials and teaching strategies to embed English and Maths learning at
induction and within employability and vocational skills programmes
 Develop good practice ‘How to’ guides covering:
1. contextualised resources for initial assessment & induction
2. embedded approaches to English & Maths delivery
3. e-learning tools for classroom activities & blended learning models
4. useful websites and resources for sector specific support programmes
5. information and support for the development of personal skills in Maths and
 Explore ways in which support staff may gain L3 Awards in English and Maths as a
progression route to NCETM FE GCSE Maths/English Enhancement programmes.
Aim of the workshop
The purpose of this workshop is to
provide you with an opportunity to share your experiences of delivering Maths
support on Traineeships
gather examples of good practice for collation in a set of 'How to' guides
identify areas of programme delivery in which you or your staff might like to have
support through the project
The areas we are keen to explore include:
resources and teaching strategies that you are finding useful
how Maths teaching can be contextualised to reflect the demands of the work
useful documentation that you have developed for use on Traineeships
how tutors may be using new technology to engage and motivate learners
common challenges and the support needs of your staff
At the end of the workshop we will be asking you to draft an action plan that would identify
ways in which you could develop and improve your Traineeship programmes as a result of
what you have learnt from partners.
In preparation for the Workshop we would like you to complete the table below and then
answer the Learner Journey questions with information about your traineeship provision.
ACER will require you to email your form to them so that they can keep an electronic record
of all information.
Traineeship data - Maths
Level on entry Type of tr'ship
to programme e.g. H & SC, Retail
No of learners
Type of tr'ship
e.g. H & SC, Retail
No of learners
Type of tr'ship
e.g. H & SC, Retail
No of learners
Level 2+
Level 1
Entry 3
Entry 2
Entry 1
Learner journey:
(for you to complete and bring with you to the meeting)
(When you interview learners or run induction sessions how do you present the opportunity for Maths
support in ways that engage learners? Do you use any contextualised skills check materials? )
Initial assessment
(What kind of initial assessment tool do you use for Maths? How do you use the data to inform the
learners' Traineeship programme and their work placement?)
(What kind and what level of Maths qualifications do you offer? Which awarding organisation do you
use? Are there particular QCF units in Maths that you find are particularly useful?)
Mapping out the learner journey
(Do you have any examples of effective target setting in Maths on Traineeships? How do you relate
the ILP to the opportunities for skills development within the learner's work placement?)
Employability skills training and Maths
(Do you have examples of employability sessions or resources that illustrate good practice in
embedded Maths support ? Do you have a scheme of work that shows an embedded element?)
(Are there particular resources and websites that you find particularly useful in teaching Maths on
traineeships? Are there materials that are relevant to your particular occupational sectors?)
Common topics and challenges
(Are there particular Maths skills required for work placements that you regularly have to cover?)
Use of new technology in the classroom
(Are there particular e learning tools that you use in the classroom which engage learners? Do you
use mobile technology for that purpose?)
Blended learning
(Do you offer a blended learning approach to maths skills development? Do you use online materials
or digital technology?)
Examples of learner progress in Maths
(Do you have examples of learners who have made good progress in their maths skills development as
a result of the support and work experience opportunities they have enjoyed on a Traineeship?)
Support needs of staff involved in Maths teaching on traineeships
(Are there particular topics and teaching strategies they would like to review? Would some benefit
from updating their own subject knowledge through the L3 Award in Mathematics for Numeracy
Teaching or the new Maths Enhancement Programme?)
Progression to GCSE Maths
(How do you introduce and plan for the opportunity for learners to progress to a GCSE English
Many thanks for completing this template. Please send to Sheila Louth (
along with any other electronic versions of any resources or documentation that you may have
described in the template. If you do not have the electronic copies please bring hard copies to share
with colleagues at the workshop.