SOLUTION OF 3D HELMHOLTZ WAVE EQUATION USING GREEN’S FUNCTION No geometric spreading losses, no multiples, a layered media and no transmission losses are unrealistic for many purposes. So for arbitrary acoustic media, we must solve the wave equation using Green’s function. The 3D Helmholtz equation is given by, [∇2 + 𝜔2 𝑠(𝑟)2]P(r’)=F(r’) 𝜔 Where k(r)=𝑐(𝑟) eqn(3.4.1) for an inhomogeneous medium with velocity c(r), F(r) is harmonically oscillating source at r and P(r’) is the pressure field. The Green’s function associated with the 3-D Helmholtz equation for an arbitrary medium is given by [∇2 + 𝑘 2 ]G(𝑟, 𝑟 ′ )=δ(r’-r) eqn(3.4.2) Where , δ(r’-r) = δ(x-x’) δ(y-y’) δ(z-z’) eqn(3.4.3) For this second order partial differential equation there are two independent solution. One is an outgoing Green’s function G(𝑟 ′ , 𝑟) and another one is its complex conjugate, the incoming Green’s function. The outgoing Green’s function for a homogeneous medium with velocity c0 is given by G(𝑟, 𝑟 ′ ) = 1 ik0 ( r r ' ) e /( r r ' ) 4 eqn(3.4.4) The denominator term is geometrical spreading factor the represents the geometrical spreading factor while the exponential phase factor is proportional to the with distance between the ' observer r and the source r . Green’s function is the acoustic response measured at r for a ' harmonically oscillating point source located at r .The source and receiver locations can be interchanged so that G(𝑟 ′ , 𝑟) = G(𝑟, 𝑟 ′ ) which is the reciprocity principle. This says that a trace recorded at position A excited by a source at B will be the same as the trace located at B for a source excitation at A. Multiplying the Helmholtz equation by the Green’s function gives G(𝑟, 𝑟 ′ ) [∇2 + 𝑘 2 ]P(r’)=F(r’) G(𝑟, 𝑟 ′ ) eqn(3.4.5) The differentiation ∇ is with respect to the primed coordinates. Use the identity G∇2 𝑃 = 𝑃∇2 𝐺 + ∇. (G∇P − P∇G) into the above equation gives, P(r’) [∇2 + k 2 ] G(r, r ′ )+ ∇. (GVP − P∇G) = F(r’) G(r, r ′ ) eqn(3.4.6) Integrating above equation over entire volume yields, ∰[P(r’)[∇2 + k 2 ]G(r, r ′ ) + ∇. (GVP − P∇G)] = ∰ F(r’) G(r, r ′ ) dv ′ ∰ P(r’)δ(r’ − r)dv ′ + ∰ ∇. (GVP − P∇G) = ∰ F(r’) G(r, r ′ ) dv ′ Or by using Divergence theorem ∰ ∇. Fdv = ∯(F. n). ds P(r’) +∯(GVP − P∇G). dA = ∰ F(r’) G(r, r ′ ) dv ′ Rearranging gives the integral equation solution to the Helmholtz equation P(r’) − ∯(GVP − P∇G). dA + ∰ F(r’) G(r, r ′ ) dv ′ If only outgoing waves are considered and the surface integral is at infinity then the surface integration is zero in the above equation. Therefore the solution becomes, P(r’) = ∰ F(r’) G(r, r ′ ) dv ′