Your name: Peer Assessor: Checklist Stage 1: Picture Peer

Your name: _______________________
Peer Assessor: _____________________
Stage 1: Picture Peer Assessment and Final Checklist
Note to Peer Assessors – if you aren’t sure about something, write them a note explaining what you aren’t sure about!
4 Temperatures from the blog on the picture
At least 1 arrow showing wind moving from west to east through the Columbia River Gorge in at
least 1 picture?
Wind arrow (or wind arrows) show how there is little to no wind in the morning and lots of wind in
the afternoon (the wind arrows should look different between the two pictures)
At least 1 convection cell shown - extends across the mountains
4 zoom-ins on the air – 2 for the morning picture (1 on the west side of the mountains, 1 on the east
side of the mountains), 2 for the afternoon picture (1 on the west side of the mountains, 1 on the
east side of the mountains).
Zoom-Ins: Compare the zoom-ins on the morning picture – do the densities look similar? Does the
motion look similar?
Zoom-Ins: Compare the zoom-ins on your afternoon picture – do the molecule pictures show a
difference of densities? Does the motion look different?
Stage 2: Writing Self-Assessment – Color Coding Parts
Use colored pencils to color code where things are in your explanation.
You found and underlined/starred/bracketed something! Check it off!
You couldn’t find it. Use the colored pencil and add in a brief, useful note about what you need for your final draft. Once
you have a note, check it off!
 (RED) Underline where you talked about how the west and the east side of the mountains heated up differently by
afternoon time.
 (RED) Underline where you talk about little (or no) difference in temperature in the mornings.
 (RED) Double underline your evidence – how do we know that one side will heat up more (or be the same)? You need
EVIDENCE – reference (briefly describe) observation from lab or an experience that supports your claim.
 (GREEN) Underline where you talk about air molecules speeding up or slowing down as a result of the heat transfer. For
convection, there has to be BOTH an area where molecules speed up AND and area where air molecules slow down.
 (GREEN) Double underline where you talk about molecules and density – as particles move faster, do they get
closer/further apart; as particles move slower, do they get closer/further apart.
 (BLUE) Underline where you talk about temperature and density or the air mass (chunk of air) – cold air is ___________ and
warm air is _______________ (more/less dense).
 (ORANGE) Underline where you talk about the convection cell – cold air sinks, warm air rises, in between there is wind.
(PURPLE) Underline where you say without much convection, there isn’t wind. Underline where you say with convection
there is more wind.
Stage 3 – Use what you’ve learned to write your final draft on notebook paper (or typed). Your final draft should be an essay. You
can use pictures if they help your explanation. Answer the question:
Why is there little to no wind in the mornings and lots of wind in the afternoons during the summer in the Columbia River Gorge?