N237 Cultural Spiritual Group Presentation Guidelines Prelicensure

N237 Cultural Spiritual Group Presentation Guidelines
Prelicensure Students
In order to share with one another more fully about the unique lifeways and pathways of various
cultures, students will select a culture or religion from a group of options on the first day of class. Each
group of students will then prepare a pamphlet on their culture including the topics described on the
Cultural and Spiritual Presentation Scoring Criteria (see pp 2 & 3). The pamphlet must be posted at least
2 days before the presentation day. Please send to your instructor via ReggieNet under Assignments,
and she will post the pamphlet as a RESOURCE. On the designated day, the class will be divided into
groups. The presenting group will review the pamphlet with classmates, and then ask the classmates to
discuss important approaches based on Leininger’s theory (see guidelines). After the groups have
brainstormed, the whole class will get back together, and the ‘expert group’ will share only the “TOP 10
THINGS EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT OUR CULTURE”. The case study that your group has created
will be reviewed and discussed by the whole class. This piece—“Top 10” and Case Study should be done
on PowerPoint or Prezi. I would encourage you to include a map of where your country is, just to
inform your peers. This is NOT to restate everything in your pamphlet, but rather to highlight the 10
things your group discerns are KEY to caring for persons of this culture and/or religion.
Be sure to note the number of points allotted to each area so the adequate emphasis is placed on the
areas of greatest importance--NURSING IMPLICATIONS. Students may take artifacts of their
culture/religion, food that is typical of that culture/religion, costumes or dress of that culture/religion.
The only real restriction is the time factor. We have 2-3 groups presenting on the designated class days.
Please use a variety of resources including, but not limited to, professional nursing journals, online
resources, Transcultural nursing texts, or other texts on cultures and religions (see course syllabus for
list of resources). It is essential that there be at least 2 refereed nursing journal references on your
Bibliography. There should be 1 reference per group member. Remember to include your reference list
using APA format on the pamphlet so persons will see your resources. (Basics of APA Style)
Your instructor will use the Criteria for Evaluation of the Cultural/Spiritual Presentations. Follow the
appropriate criteria i.e. Religion/Spirituality OR Cultural Presentation. This project is worth 25% of your
course grade.
Student Presentation Scoring Criteria—Culture/Race
1. Background of the culture—including location, brief history,
important influences on the culture in their history.
2. Family roles and organization
3. Cultural rituals / restrictions
4. Communication
-- Dominant language
-- Touch
-- Personal space
-- Eye contact
5. Nutrition
-- Common foods
-- Meaning of food
-- Dietary practices for health promotion
6. Concept of Time (Temporal relationship)
7. Educational background
8. Religious affiliation and Spiritual considerations
9. Health care practices
-- Beliefs about health
-- Beliefs about illness
-- Health provider relationship
-- Barriers to health care
10. Complementary Therapy used in this culture
11. Case study
3 ________
8 ________
7 ________
10 ________
10 _______
2 _______
2 _______
6 _______
10 _______
5 _______
Develop a case study for a client from this culture.
Create a hypothetical situation in which you are the nurse caring for this
person in the hospital setting because of an accident, or emergency surgery,
and you must strive to provide culturally and spiritually congruent and competent
care for this person and their family.
Ask the class to help you identify culturally specific approaches that would
be pertinent to the client and family’s care based on the presentation you have
just made. (Your group should have some ideas of a plan of care to help the class get started.)
Keep in mind how you might maintain, accommodate, or restructure
(see discussion on Leininger's terminology on Intro to Transcultural Nursing
PowerPoint presentation) the plan of care based on the cultural needs of this
client/family. There is also a link in Blackboard under Guidelines and Directives
that has some ideas for the case study.
This should be a PowerPoint presentation to the whole class supported by content
in the pamphlet, and be a summary of the 10 most important things you know
should be integrated into a person’s plan of care from your culture..
10 _______
13. Presentation, depth, and creativity of Pamphlet & Case Study
7 _______
14. Type list of references (APA format)
5 ________
(Minimum of 1 reference per member if part of a group. See guidelines for
examples of reference types.)
Student Presentation Scoring Criteria: Religion/Spirituality
1. Background/origin of the religion
--Who founded, where, and when did this religion begin?
--What are some of the geographic areas where it is practiced today?
--How does this religion affect nutrition, family systems, work ethic?
Points 100
25 _____
2. Specific practices of worship
-- Religious practices, beliefs, and use of prayer
-- Meaning of life and sources of strength
-- Beliefs about the afterlife
-Death rituals
20 _____
3. Relationship between beliefs and health practices
-- Include all aspects of life span and including pregnancy
13 _____
4. Complementary Therapy used in this religion
5. Case study
5 ______
Develop a case study for a client from this culture.
Create a hypothetical situation in which you are the nurse caring for this
person in the hospital setting because of an accident, or emergency surgery,
or a sudden exacerbation of an illness, and you must strive to provide
spiritually congruent and competent care for this person and their family.
Ask the class to help you identify spiritually specific approaches that would
be pertinent to the client and family’s care based on the presentation you have
just made.
(Your group should have some ideas of a plan of care to help the class get started.)
Keep in mind how you might maintain, accommodate, or restructure
(see discussion on Leininger's terminology on Intro to Transcultural Nursing
PowerPoint presentation) the plan of care based on the spiritual needs of this
This should be a PowerPoint presentation to the whole class supported by content
in the pamphlet, and be a summary of the 10 most important things you know
should be integrated into a person’s plan of care from your culture/religion 10 _______
7. Presentation and creativity/style
7 _______
8. Typed list of references (APA format) either in Powerpoint, OR as Word doc
with your pamphlet. (Minimum of 1 reference per member if part of a group.
5 _______
See guidelines for examples of reference types.)
100 _______