
Boy Scouts
10:30 Worship
All Presbytery
Day at Camp
Cub Scouts
Boy Scouts
Girl Scouts
Choir 7:30
10:30 Worship
Cub Scouts
10:30 Worship
Cub Scouts
Boy Scouts
Session 7:15
in chapel
Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts
Choir 7:30
Boy Scouts
Cub Scouts
Boy Scouts
Choir 7:30
Norma & John
Choir 7:30
Girl Scouts
Helen Biggar
Connie Richards
Michael Muracco
Dick Loessy
Charles Wehrle
Danny Clark
16th Claire& Charles
Pastor Ken will be on Continuing Education leave
from October 21 thru October 28th.
10:30 Worship
Sharon Telban,
Leads worship
Choir 7:30
Special dates
World Communion
Sunday, Oct 6
Columbus Day
Observance, Oct 14
October 27
Reformation Day,
October 31
A congregational meeting of The Presbyterian
Church of Dunmore will be held on Sunday, October
6, 2013, following the worship service.
All are urged to attend this very important meeting to
be informed on the decisions of our Session and
Finance Committee on the installation and financing
of a new heating and cooling system for the church.
Everett Fitch
Nancy Walsh
Don Williams
Sue Cantarella
Ralph Metzgar
Jean Biggar
Barbara Keller
John Frank
Dick Loessy
President: Everett Fitch Financial Secretary: Dick Loessy
Treasurer: Sue Canarella
Clerk of Session: Sue Canarella
Treasurer of Endowments: Jack Cross
The next session meeting will be held on
As our Nominating Committee prayerfully seeks leaders for the
Tuesday, October 15, 2013 7:15 p.m. in the chapel.
coming church year, a lot of already busy people will be asked
to assume a place of responsibility. It is no trouble for all of us
to find enough to keep busy. The real question is, “Where will
we be busy, and for whom?” God delights to call busy people,
who have the graces and skills to work in His “business.”
Are you busy enough for God to use? Will you be busy about
His “business?”
Staples Rewards
01/01/2013 - 08/31/2013 $ 29.70
Ink Recycling Rewards 01/01/2013 - 08/31/2013 $112.00
Total Coupons Redeemed
Total Shipping Costs $0.00
Total Savings
Georgie Levy
Lisa Price
Jack Solsman
Debbie Kimmerle
Betty Lamm
Connie Richards
Bonnie Forbes
Myrna Watkins
Mary Grace Donati
Myrna Watkins, Moderator
Betty Lamm, V. Moderator
Bonnie Forbes, Treasurer
Debbie Kimmerle, Secr.
The next meeting will be held on
Saturday, November 23, 2013, at 10:00 a.m.
The Board of Deacons continues to collect non-perishable food
items that are taken to the Safety Net in Scranton.
Items may be left in the church vesitbule in designated area or
leave them in the church office.
Prayer Concerns and Events of our
Claire Wehrle had a fall and was
admitted to Regional Hospital, Scranton.
Jack Cross was released from the hospital and has
returned home.
Also continue prayers for:
Joe and Della Orazzi
Ron Martinelli and his mom, Sara
Lorraine Sterner, (Bonnie’s mom)
…..and to those of our church family dealing with any daily
health or personal issues.
Maggie Young passed away on the evening of Spetember 28th
and our deepest sympathies and prayers are with her family
and friends.
Maggie had been regularly attending our services and become a
close part of our church family. A memorial service was held at
the Edward Chomko Funeral home.
Some Christian converts in an African village were
diligent about daily prayer. In fact, they each had a
special place in the thicket outside town where they
prayed in solitude. Over time, they wore pathways
through the brush to their private prayer areas. If
someone neglected his or her prayer life, it was evident
because fresh grass started growing on that particular
Out of concern, fellow Christians offered this loving
reminder: “Friend, there’s grass growing on your path.”
How worn is your own path to prayer? Are you
persistent when answers don’t seem to come? Do you
trust that God will answer your prayers, according to his
good and gracious will?
Don’t abandon your pathway to prayer.
When you grow weary, remember Galatians 6:9 (NIV),
which promises that “at the proper time we will reap a
harvest if we do not give up.”
Sunday, November 3 – be sure to change
your clocks back before you go to bed on
Saturday evening.
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggedy beasties,
If you have a special anniversary (25th, 30th, 40th, 50th) or
a special birthday or any event, please let the church
office know and we will be happy to share it with our
church family.
and things that go bump in the night,
good God deliver us.
– traditional Scottish prayer
Many years ago, a man bought a
rundown house on a piece of land
overgrown with brush and choked
with weeds.
After repairing and painting the house, he turned his
energies to the yard. He trimmed shrubs and trees.
He raked and seeded and coaxed grass to grow. He
planted flowers. Behind the house, he cultivated the
soil and planted a garden that produced good-size
vegetables. The once-neglected property became a
showplace, and townspeople frequently came by to
admire it.
One woman who visited was particularly overflowing
with her remarks. “Praise the Lord God for the beauty
of the flowers,” she said, “and the green grass . . . and
the bounty of the garden.” The man listened for a time
and then said, “I’m all for praisin’ God and givin’ God
his due, but you shoulda seen this place when God
had it all to himself.”
Psalm 145 in the Bible is one of praise. Praise is part of
our relationship with God. We praise God in prayer.
We praise God by living out God’s message of love as
exemplified by Jesus.
Jesus promised that as we strive to live out the call to
love by him, God will guide and sustain us. God
will never reject or abandon us. God will be with us
always. But as the man in the story understood so
well, we can’t just turn our challenges and goals over
to God for God to accomplish.
If we want our garden to bloom we have to put in the
toil – the work that will make it happen. The same
goes for our church, we have to put in the toil – the
work that will make it HAPPEN.
We – the family of God,
not just one person – all of US!
Pastor Ken
If you have any type of prayer need request for a friend or
family member, please contact:
Pastor Ken
at 570-344-3145, Sue Cantarella at 570-343-6807
(or after
hours) 570-383-9298 or let a prayer chain member know.
Our chain:
Bonnie Forbes
Betty & Everett Fitch
Liz Hamborsky
Nancy Walsh
Danny Clark
Betty Lamm
Norma Mecca
Eleanor Metzgar
Doris Keller
All-Presbytery Day At Camp Lackawanna
Sunday, October 6
Carpooling is available for anyone who would like to go,,
but not drive. Call Sue in the church office -570-343-6807.
An Advent Bible Study entitled
“Finding Bethlehem in the
Midst of Bedlam”
is scheduled to begin on Wednesday,
November 20
at 1:00 p.m.
A sign-up sheet will be
posted for those planning to attend in order to have the
correct amount of materials. All are invited to attend.
Monday thru Friday
8:30 to 11:0
Pastor Ken is in the office Tuesday thru
Thursday mornings most weeks.
Should you need pastoral care for any reason you may
contact Pastor at:
570-344-3145 or 570-343-6807
or when Pastor Ken is away, please contact Sue during
office hours or after hours – 383-9298 or 954-5846.
Church website: dunmorepresby.org
Pastor Ken:
Church email: dunmorepresb@verizon.net
The Presbyterian Women in Lackawanna Presbytery will
have their Fall Gathering on Wednesday, October 9 at the
Franklin Hill Presbyterian Church beginning at 9:30 a.m.
with morning coffee. The theme is Angels Among Us and
everyone is asked to bring an angel and/or an angel
story. There will be Bible Study, Thank offering
dedication, worship and Communion. Everyone is asked
to bring a covered dish for lunch (dessert and beverages
All women are invited to attend this gathering for a
day of prayer, study, worship, good food, and
fellowship. Franklin Hill is a small country church in
Susquehanna County and the fall foliage should
be beautiful at that time.
Let Jean Biggar know if you would like to go.
"Please pray for wisdom and solutions and God's
providence — So many are hurting in our State right
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is responding in the
western United States, where heavy rain over recent days
has caused severe flooding in Colorado and adjacent
states. PDA is there with spiritual support and caregivers
who understand and are trained for the unique challenges
of those going through disaster. PDA works directly with
mid councils to ensure community needs are met.
Residents of affected areas need your prayers and
financial support in these critical hours and days
Thanks to all who helped and worked
very hard in preparation and planning,
shopping and cooking, serving and
cleaning up and to those that helped
in anyway the night of the dinner .
The dinner has grown each year and this year over 150
people were served.
Our Property Committee has recently been busy again.
A new water heater was recently replaced in the manse.
A new exhaust fan was installed in the kitchen and it was
operating for the dinner and one of the large light fixtures
in the front of the sanctuary received “new light”.
Thanks to our committee and all they do!
Celebrate World
Communion Sunday
Nearly 70 years ago, on November 1, 1936, World-Wide
Communion Day was born. In the winter of 1935, a group of
ministers met to study the spiritual needs and possibilities of the
church during the dark days of the Great Depression. In the Lord's
Supper they saw a great opportunity to unite Christians
in dedication to Christ.
In 1937, the date of World-Wide Communion Sunday was
changed to the first Sunday in October, where it has remained. The
word 'wide' has since been dropped from the name, giving us the
present observance of World Communion Sunday.
The day remains as it began: 'A great opportunity to unite
the membership in dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ.' People
from the four corners of the world gather together to answer
Christ's invitation, 'This do in remembrance of me.'
Sunday, October 20th
In America
• 50.2 million Americans live in foodinsecure households, meaning they aren’t always sure where
the next meal will come from.
• 17.2 million children in our country don’t get enough healthy
food to eat.
• Households with children experience almost double the food
insecurity rate of childless households.
• 1 in 8 Americans currently participate in SNAP
(Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program).
The Outreach Committee is planning a program for everyone to
participate in Cropwalk Sunday during coffee hour. Watch
weekly bulletins for more information.
Western U.S. Flooding Report from pastor in Lyons, Col.
On Wednesday, September 18, John Buechner, Pastor of
Pinewood Springs Presbyterian Church in Lyons, Colorado,
shared the following Good News and Bad News. Lyons is one of
the Colorado communities severely impacted by the flooding.
“First the Good News:
So grateful our church turned out to be very helpful to the folks
stuck in Pinewood Springs. We had about 30 folks show up this
past Sunday where we emptied our little food bank and then
used our propane-run stoves in the Fellowship Hall to feed
people a good soup and bread lunch/dinner. From what I can
tell, the families are fine and many of the homes are fine. Many
have been evacuated but some are attempting to stay (these are
mountain folk, after all). I am grateful and thankful and
praying for all of them! I am praying for safety and for the
ability to not let pride keep some from being safe and
consequently rescued — Pride gets in the way of everything.
“Now the Bad news:
Although the church is high and dry and many homes are in
decent condition, the town is to be evacuated. People cannot
get down to Lyons, and they cannot get up to Estes. There
simply are no roads. Those who have left have become
scattered to many places — hotels, friend's homes, and the
like. How does a pastor help the scattered? I cannot get into
Lyons, let alone Pinewood, and those who are leaving are told
not to re-enter for the time being. I am not sure how long it will
be until we can all meet again together as a congregation
Did you know that the bumble bee cannot fly? It’s a very silly question,
because of course, bumble bees do fly. Yet, according to the laws of
aerodynamics, they should not be able to.
A bumble bee’s wings are, in theory, too small to lift the weight of its body.
But, apparently, no one told the bee that fact, and so they fly. Quite well, in
fact. They do so by flapping their wings not up and down, as one might expect,
but back and forth.
“With God, all things are possible,” Jesus reminds us in Matthew 19:26.
Certainly the bumble bee is a living example of this simple but profound truth.
The Bumble Bee
Rev. Kenneth Forbes, Pastor
Dunmore, PA 18512
137 Chestnut Street
The Presbyterian Church of Dunmore