By Dr. Harrell Rhome
This article is a chapter in my unpublished 2012 manuscript entitled Opening The Memory Hole, Reviewing
Some Ignored But Important Historical Events And Personalities. To find out more about this book, email me
at EagleRevisionist@aol.com.
This chapter, re-edited, is from Blood Ritual, An Investigative Report
Examining A Certain Series Of Cultic Murder Cases by Harrell Rhome, writing
as Philip de Vier, National Vanguard Books, 2001. What follows is excerpted
from a timeline of publications and key events related to ritual murder crimes.
To order a hardcopy or eBook edition, email as per above.
Streicher is shown in his Nuremburg cell.
Publisher Acquitted of Criminal Libel Charges.
Julius Streicher of Der Sturmer newspaper, was acquitted of libel in a noted
court case. Streicher even managed to read sections of The Talmud into the
court records that, among other things, revealed the verses permitting the
cheating and even deaths of the goyim, the court also ruling that his quotations
were essentially accurate.
Der Sturmer newspaper, Special Edition of May 1934.
Julius Streicher, an early member of the National Socialist Party, was the editor
and publisher. Dubbed “the Jew Baiter of Nuremberg” for his radical
opposition to the Jews, he was certainly a colorful and notorious figure of the
politically volatile twenties and thirties. For his early work with the party, he
was named Gauleiter (district governor) over the Nuremberg area. He proved
to be, however, too corrupt in his business practices, and was removed from his
post early in the war. Nonetheless, with great perseverance and persistence, he
published Der Sturmer until the end of the war and his capture by the Allies.
The Special Edition of May 1934 was a hot seller, soon going into several
reprints. But it was too hot for some circles, especially the Church (both
Catholic and Protestant) as Streicher said some defamatory and
uncomplimentary things about Holy Communion and its sacrificial origins.
These passages do not appear in the only known English translation.
This issue also contained illustrations that his critics called obscene. In truth,
the offending material was straight out of old court records and books. The
pictures were of old paintings and woodcuts depicting ritual murders. This was
not the only issue that featured stories about Jewish ritual murder. Such a story
appeared every few issues, but the 1934 Special Edition packed many
accusations into one big issue. The howls of the Jews and their supporters
spread over the world, accompanied by requests to the German government to
suppress any further distribution of the issue. It is of interest to the serious
researcher as it compiles and condenses material from many famous cases such
as that of St. Simon of Trent (1475). Without commenting on or endorsing
Julius Streicher’s political views, we can certainly benefit from a study of the
material he published in that famed May 1934 issue. Translated into English,
it still circulates.
DER STURMER, No. 28, Vol. 16, p. 5. Issue of July 1938. The May 1934 issue
was not the only time Julius Streicher featured prominent ritual murder stories
in his newspaper, which appeared on a rather regular basis.
Some of the more lurid and allegedly libelous issues were translated into
English for Streicher’s trial at Nuremberg. In some instances, these appear to
be the only English translations ever made of this material. In the following
passage, the paper drew a parallel between kosher animal slaughters (regarded
as cruelty to animals) and the ritual slaughter of humans.
“The ritual murder Jews slaughter (schaechten) men. Whoever had the
occasion to be an eyewitness during the slaughtering of animals or to see at least
a truthful film on the slaughtering, will never forget this horrible experience -it is atrocious. And unwillingly, he is reminded of the crimes, which the Jews
have committed for centuries on men. He will be reminded of the ritual
murder. … History points out hundreds of cases, in which non-Jewish children
were tortured to death. They were also given the same incision through the
throat, as is found on slaughtered animals. They also were slowly bled to death
while fully conscious.” From the Records of the International Military
Tribunal (I.M.T.), partial translation of the document designated as 2700-PS.
This forensic speculation is evidently quite dangerous and deadly. For such
“genocidal” acts, the publisher was tortured and hanged in 1946 during the
Nuremberg atrocities.
Nuremberg, Germany.
The trial, torture and execution of Julius Streicher, who was a newspaper
journalist, cartoonist and publisher.
In 1946, the International War Crimes Tribunal heard the cases against the
major National Socialist figures, a group that included Streicher. Let’s be
straight about this. The Jews universally revile him as a modern-day Haman,
right out of the Book of Esther. As investigators, we decided to do a little more
background checking into this infamous and supposedly vile figure. Briefly,
here is what we found. Contrary to popular belief, perhaps because of his party
uniform worn in most photographs, he was never a soldier, policeman or any
type of armed combatant. Before he became a full-time publisher and NSDAP
organizer, he was a schoolteacher. Although proud and aggressive, he never
seriously hurt anyone. Moreover, Streicher never commanded or guarded a
concentration camp. He was a financially corrupt official in an era that
somewhat tolerated and encouraged it. For his practices he was deposed from
his post of Gauleiter of Franconia. After this he was totally out of the loop as
far as having any role in government decisions or personal influence on his
leader. He was unarguably arrogant, boastful, and overbearing as well as being
hateful and spiteful in his writings. These, however, are not capital crimes in a
civilized nation. Or were they? As we see, the controversial author and
publisher spoke plainly.
“[We] relentlessly fight the shady mixing of religion and Jewish party politics,
and fight to keep religion pure, as did the Lord when he threw the hagglers and
usurers out of the Temple.” Kulturkampf!, Flugblatt, 10 March 1924, Munich.
During the Nuremberg trials, he was asked about his role in the Nuremberg
Race laws of 1935.
“Yes, I believe I had a part in it insofar as for years I have written that any
further mixture of German blood with Jewish blood must be avoided. I have
written such articles again and again; and in my articles I have repeatedly
emphasized the fact that the Jews should serve as an example to every race, for
they created the racial law for themselves -- the law of Moses, which says, "If
you come into a foreign land you shall not take unto yourself foreign women."
And that, Gentlemen, is of tremendous importance in judging the Nuremberg
Laws. These laws of the Jews were taken as a model for these laws. When after
centuries, the Jewish lawgiver Ezra demonstrated that notwithstanding many
Jews had married non-Jewish women, these marriages were dissolved. That
was the beginning of Jewry which, because it introduced these racial laws, has
survived throughout the centuries, while all other races and civilizations have
perished.” Trial, International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 1945, Vol. 12.
Julius Streicher’s real “crime” might be described as a crime of persistence. He
doggedly, determinedly and stubbornly published Der Sturmer until the bitter
end. The main goal of the newspaper was complete and unequivocal opposition
to what he, and many others, saw as a menacing international conspiracy. This
is what convicted him at the Nuremberg international court of Jewish revenge.
For this work against the Jews he was hanged at Nuremberg in 1946.
Reportedly, the depleted and weakened Streicher, already repeatedly beaten
and tortured, raised his voice and said “Purim Fest 1946!” just as his
executioners released the trapdoor.
Records of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg show that Julius
Streicher, although barred from introducing any testimony as to the
truthfulness of his ritual murder allegations, was able to declare that he was not
the actual author of the infamous Ritualmord edition! When asked who was the
author, he replied: “My collaborator, the Editor-in-Chief at the time, Karl
Holz, who is now dead. But I assume the responsibility.” IMT Records, 29
April 1946, Vol. 12, p. 336.
Apparently one of the main arguments against the ritual murder issue was not
its truth or falsity, but its bad taste and anti-Semitism. It is, as we know, “antiSemitic” to say anything remotely critical of the Hebrew people or their history.
But, is it deserving of torture and death? Regardless of your feelings about the
Second World War, a close look will reveal that the Nuremberg trials were
anything but fair. Most Americans would be appalled at the almost total lack
of judicial due process. Streicher was repeatedly refused permission to
introduce any evidence about the truth of his ritual murder allegations. His
court-appointed Jewish attorney also refused him permission to testify. Truth
was not important. Streicher must suffer as an example of what happens to a
Haman in any age. The following excerpt from Streicher’s testimony not only
illustrates the shocking lack of fairness, but also shows how the defendant
cunningly got some statements in the record.
[Dr. Marx, the court-appointed attorney speaks.] “The Prosecution accuses
you, in connection with this ritual murder affair, of having treated the matter
without documentary proof, by referring to a story from the Middle Ages.
What, in brief, was your source? [Streicher replies.] The sources were given
in that issue. Nothing was written without the sources being given at the same
time. There was a reference to a book written in Greek by a former Rabbi who
had been converted to Christianity. [Teofito] There was a reference made to a
publication of a high clergyman in Milan, a book which has appeared in
Germany for the last 50 years. Not even under the democratic government did
the Jews raise objections to that book. That ritual murder issue refers to court
files which are located in Rome, it refers to files which are in court. There are
pictures in it which show that in 23 cases the Church itself has dealt with the
question. The Church has canonized 23 non-Jews killed by ritual murder.
Pictures of sculptures, that is, of stone monuments were shown as illustrations;
everywhere the source was pointed out; even a case in England was mentioned,
and one in Kiev, Russia. But in this connection I should like to say, as I said to
a Jewish author here, that we never wanted to assert that all Jewry was ready
now to commit ritual murders.
But it is a fact that within Jewry there is a sect which engaged in these murders,
and has done so up until the present. I have asked my counsel to submit to the
Court a file from Pisek in Czechoslovakia, very recent proceedings. A court of
appeal has confirmed a case of ritual murder. Thus in conclusion I must say....”
[Justice Jackson interjects.] “I object to this statement, your Honor. After his
counsel has refused to submit it, he insists on stating here the contents of a court
record. Now this is not an orderly way to make charges against the Jewish
people. [We have never seen an “orderly” method described!] Streicher says
he is asking counsel to submit. His counsel apparently has refused; whereupon
he starts to give evidence of what he knows, in any case, is a résumé of the
matters which his counsel has declined to submit here. It seems to me that,
having appointed counsel to conduct his case, he has shown repeatedly that he
is not willing to conduct his case in an orderly manner and he ought to be
returned to his cell [What a good democratic example!] and any further
statements he wishes to make to this court be transmitted through his counsel
in writing. This is entirely unfair and in contempt of court.” [The Presiding
Judge speaks.] “Dr. Marx, I think you had better continue.” [Dr. Marks.] “I
should like to say that that closes this affair. The essential thing is whether one
can say that he treated the case with documentary truth.” From records of the
Intl. Military Tribunal, I.M.T. Documents of 29 April 1946, Vol. 12, p. 337.
The story of Julius Streicher and his newspaper show the incredible
power this remarkable accusation of human sacrifice holds over the Jews. No
holds were barred when it came to stanching the flow from this bloody wound.
In Streicher’s case, it cost him his life. The accusations from the various Der
Sturmer issues doubtless still shock and polarize readers. A reading of the court
records clearly reflects that his publishing of the infamous Der Sturmer
ritualmord issues, rather than alleged war crimes, was the real reason for his
indictment. His execution was an act of punishment and revenge, a judicial
Jewish ritual murder in the true Talmudic tradition of torture and terrorism.
The botched and gruesome hangings of Saddam Hussein and later butchery of
Muammar Gaddafi reflect the same perverted psychopathic paradigm.
©2012 Harrell Rhome d.b.a. Eagle Publishing Company All Rights Reserved.