MedX Machines Article

Worlds Best Equipment
Muscles and the Strengthening
Exercises for Each:
Common injuries and the machines
for their rehabilitation
Strengthening Machines and the
Areas they Strengthen:
The Worlds Best Equipment
At Mike Arteaga’s one of our primary goals has
always been to offer the most advanced, scientifically
credible programs and equipment. The field of exercise is
overflowing with incredibly inaccurate information. Rest
assured, we have never and will never use or recommend
equipment or programs that have not been scientifically
Toward this end, we have one of the largest
collections of MedX equipment in the country available
for your use. MedX is the most advanced scientifically
proven strengthening equipment. As a result, it is the
most expensive line of equipment, and most gyms choose
not to invest the money.
In addition, we have large, well equipped free weight
areas with the most advanced free weight equipment, the
Hammer equipment.
Both Hammer and MedX equipment were developed
by Arthur Jones, who over his lifetime conducted
hundreds of millions of dollars of research. His research
clearly revealed how to produce the best strength and
muscle development results; the MedX machines were
then built to these specifications.
Why is MedX so effective? The invention of the
barbell dramatically advanced muscle strengthening when
it was introduced over 100 years ago. Used correctly,
barbells provide excellent results. However barbells have
inherent and unavoidable shortcomings that researchers in
the field have been trying to correct since they were first
introduced. The major shortcoming is that barbells
provide resistance through only part of each muscle’s
movement, which results in only partial development of
the muscle.
In effect they strengthen and build only the part of
the muscle being worked. In order to strengthen and build
an entire muscle, the muscle must have resistance through
its entire movement. This is what MedX is designed to
The millions of dollars of research that went into the
design of the MedX equipment was focused on providing
the correct amount of resistance for each muscle, at each
point, through its entire movement. This full range
resistance stimulates and grows the entire muscle.
MedX is simply a dramatically improved barbell.
Due to its increased efficiency, MedX requires less
training time. A complete body workout can be done in
20 to 30 minutes.
The Hammer equipment in our free weight area uses
the same concepts but in place of a weight stack, barbell
plates are used to adjust the resistance.
What is Strength Training and What does it
do for Me?
Strengthening exercise or weight training is
technically known as “progressive resistance” exercise.
This type of exercise builds strength in the muscle, while
simultaneously building strength in the surrounding
connect tissue and bone; as opposed to aerobic exercise
that builds endurance but provides little or no strength
In order for strengthening exercise to be effective, the
amount of weight lifted must be sufficient to exhaust the
muscle within a 60 to 90 second window of time. A
muscle is exhausted when it reaches a point where it is
momentarily unable to move the weight.
Exhausting the muscle triggers the strengthening
process, which occurs over the next couple of days as the
muscle recovers. As the muscle gets stronger, the weight
must be progressively increased to accommodate the
muscle’s new level of strength; thus the name
“progressive resistance”.
There is often confusion on the speed of movement
for strengthening exercises, but the research has clearly
proven that slow, deliberate speed is required to
strengthen the entire muscle. Physics dictates: the faster
the weight is moved the more momentum is created, as
momentum builds less work is required of the muscle,
thus reducing your results. Rapid weight lifting or jerking
a weight is also what causes injury when performing
strengthening exercise. Eliminate the speed and injuries
are eliminated. Slow movement has the added benefit of
producing faster results.
For years, the medical and healthcare community
considered strengthening exercise unimportant and
beneficial merely for appearances. In the last 20 years,
this has totally changed with even the “father of
aerobics”, Dr. Kenneth Cooper, world-renowned expert
on exercise and health, reversing his position.
Strengthening exercise is now recognized as critical for
our health, particularly as we age. It is the only way to
maintain muscle strength as we age, and muscle strength
is the key to, healthy joints, bone density, and a long list
of other health benefits.
Strengthening Equipment for Every
Muscle Group
At Mike Arteaga’s we have one of the largest and
most complete collections of strengthening and
rehabilitation equipment in the country. There is a
machine and program for virtually every muscle and
rehabilitation requirement.
If you have had an injury and have been okayed by
your doctor to begin exercise, please check with one of
our trainers to get started on a program. They will design
a program to help speed your recovery and prevent reinjury.
What Makes MedX Different?
The MedX is basically an improved barbell, designed
to overcome the shortcomings of barbells and other
strengthening machines.
The MedX machines are designed to work each
muscle through its full natural range of motion.
MedX machines are built with automatically
variable resistance which matches each muscle’s natural
change in strength. This eliminates the obvious sticking
points and easy points, that occur with a barbell exercise.
MedX machines have balanced weight stacks with
no guide rods, using ball joints and levers rather then
extensive chains or belts and pulleys. The result is an
85% reduction in mechanical friction.
MedX weight stacks are over double the size (500
lbs.) of conventional weight stacks (200 lbs.) and geared
to move half the distance. This slows the speed of the
weight being lifted, reducing momentum and forcing the
muscle to work harder.
MedX has 2 weight stacks on each machine with the
smaller 2 lb. weight stack on top. This provides 280,
steps of resistance rather than the 20, ten pound steps of
resistance, that most machines provide.
MedX’s 2 pound weight stack enables the user to
move the resistance up in very small steps which more
closely matches the body’s growth rate.
MedX is ergonomically designed to reduce stress on
the joints and to provide stretching of the muscle with
each repetition, actually increasing flexibility as strength
is increased.
When using the recommended sequence of MedX
machines, a workout is balanced so that all opposing
(antagonistic) muscle groups are strengthened. This
guarantees that all the major joints in the body are
strengthened for joint health.
Muscles and the Strengthening
Exercises for Each:
When attempting to rehabilitate an injury, make sure
your doctor has approved beginning exercise. Then have
a trainer assist you in setting the machines and always be
careful to work slowly in a strict pain-free range of
Abdominal muscles: The MedX Abdominal Machine
works these muscles through their full range when done
correctly. To isolate the abdominal muscles, care must be
taken to exclude the shoulder muscles and hip flexor
muscles as much as possible.
Ankle flexors, (muscles on the shin): The Hammer
Tibial Flexion Machine strengthens the muscle that flex
the ankle, raising the toes towards the shin. This helps
heal shin splints, drop foot and helps to prevent
reoccurring ankle sprains even in cases of chronic
Biceps Muscles: The MedX bicep machine is the only
exercise that works the biceps muscles through their full
range of motion, strengthening the entire muscle.
Calf Muscles: The soleus and gastrocnemius muscles of
the calf are worked on the Calf master toe raise stand, the
seated calf machine, standing calf machines or the leg
Deltoid muscles (shoulder muscles): The MedX Lateral
Raise Machine strengthens the deltoid muscles through
their full range of motion. The deltoid crosses the
shoulder joint, raising the upper arm. Strengthening the
deltoid provides critical support for the shoulder joint, and
helps with healing most shoulder problems.
Forearm muscles: The Nautilus Super Forearm Machine
Strengthens the muscles of the forearm and the hand,
helping to heal elbow, forearm and hand injuries
including tennis or golfer’s elbow.
Gluteus muscles: The Nautilus Hip and Back (only in
Poughkeepsie) strengthens the hip extensor muscles,
including the gluteus muscles that provide up to 85% of
the force in any jumping or leg drive movement.
Hamstring muscles: The MedX Leg Curl machine
works the hamstring muscles on the back of the thigh,
bending the knee. Strengthening these muscles in
conjunction with the quads on the front of the thigh, helps
to alleviate knee pain from a multitude of knee problems,
most commonly torn cartilage to osteoarthritis. In some
cases with osteoarthritis, pain is eliminated, even when
the cartilage is worn completely through and is said to be
“bone of bone”. (see our Knee Brochure)
Hand muscles: The Nautilus Super Forearm Machine
gripping movement, strengthens the small muscles in the
hand and forearm that close the hand. Strengthening these
muscles often increases finger mobility and reduces finger
joint pain from osteoarthritis.
Hip abductor and adductor muscles: The MedX
Abductor and Adductor machines strengthen the
antagonistic (opposing) muscles that cross the hip joint
and pull the thighs apart (abductors) or that pull the thighs
together (adductors). They lend support to the hip joint
and help strengthen the bones in the hip area.
Latissimus dorsi muscles: The MedX Pullover Machine
isolates and works the latissimus dorsi muscles of the
upper back through their full range of motion. By
applying the resistance directly to the upper arm through
elbow pads it works the lats directly without the
involvement of weaker muscles, as in a lat pulldown,
which limits the effectiveness of the exercise.
The MedX Torso Arm Machine also strengthens the
lats, along with the rear deltoid and biceps muscles but is
limited to only part of their ranges of motion. Like most
pulldown machines, this exercise is also limited by the
inclusion and dependence on the biceps which are much
weaker than the latissimus dorsi and exhaust long before
the lats.
Neck extensor and flexor muscles: The Nautilus Neck
Machine (Poughkeepsie) and the MedX Neck
Machine(Highland) strengthen the neck extensor muscles
that pull the head back and the neck flexor muscles that
pull the head forward. Strengthening these muscles often
resolves neck and shoulder pain from pinched nerves, and
whiplash injuries, as well as a myriad of other neck pain
Oblique muscles that rotate the torso: The Rotary
Torso machine works the obliques directly, along with the
rotators on the spine. New research has shown this
machine can help stabilize spinal curves and in some
cases reverses the spinal curves from scoliosis. (click on
this web link for more information )
Pectoralis muscle group: The MedX Arm Cross
Machine works the pectoralis (chest) muscles that rotate
the upper arm forward in front of the torso. By applying
the resistance against the upper arm, this machine works
the pectoralis muscles directly, through their full range of
Quadriceps Muscles: The MedX Leg Extension works
the quad muscles on the front of the thigh that extend
(straighten) the knee. It is the only exercise that works
the “quads” through their full range of motion. Full range
strengthening of this muscle group helps to alleviate knee
pain for a multitude of knee problems, from torn cartilage
to osteoarthritis. In some cases, knee pain is reduced or
eliminated, even when the cartilage is worn through, and
the knee is “bone on bone”. (check our “Eliminate Knee
Pain” brochure for more information)
The MedX Leg Press Machine also works the quads, in
combination with the hamstrings and gluts, that extend
the knee and hip joints. As with barbell squats, the leg
press works all these muscles through only part of their
range of motion and thus only strengthens them in these
limited areas. There has been some confusion leading to a
belief that the leg press was better and safer for the knees
particularly for rehabilitation. Through more modern
research techniques this has been disproven. In fact the
primary muscles that support the knee joint can only be
strengthened in all positions with leg extensions and leg
curls. For more on this research click on the following
Rhomboids: The MedX Row Machine and the MedX
Pullover machine, strengthen the rhomboid muscles that
pull the shoulders blades and shoulder joints back towards
the spine.
Rotator cuff muscles: The Nautilus Rotary Shoulder
Machine strengthens the rotator cuff group. The rotator
cuff is a group of 4 muscles that lie under the larger
deltoid, pectoralis and latissimus muscles. They support
the shoulder joint, helping to rotate as well as hold the
head of the humerus (upper arm bone)in the shoulder
socket. Strengthening the rotator cuff helps with healing
most shoulder problems including rotator cuff injuries and
helps to prevent shoulder dislocations, even in the case of
chronic shoulder dislocations. This machine requires a
trainers assistance for the initial set-up.
Spinal erector muscles of the back: The MedX Exercise
Lumbar machine is the first and only exercise machine
that isolates the spinal erector muscles which are critical
for back rehabilitation. The femur restraint system on the
Lumbar Machine stabilizes the pelvis so that the hip
extensor muscles are removed from the movement. As a
result, the muscles on the spine must perform the
movement. Strengthening these muscles prevents and
often heals even severe back problems without surgery.
For chronic back problems, the Medical Lumbar and
Cervical Machines in the Healthy Back Program are
recommended. (for information on the Healthy Back
Program with an informative video clip click this link or pick up our back
brochure at either club)
Trapezius muscles: The MedX Lateral Raise Machine
along with the MedX Row Machine, strengthen the
trapezius muscles of the upper back that pull the
shoulders back and/or raise the shoulder joints.
Triceps muscles: The MedX Triceps Machine
strengthens the triceps muscle group that extends
(straightens) the elbow joint. It works the triceps through
their full natural range of motion.
Common injuries and the machines
for their rehabilitation
A note of rehabilitation:
One of the major benefits of rehabilitation is a concept
called “chemical spill over”. When an injured area cannot
be exercised directly, exercising the muscles surrounding
the injury, has a direct beneficial effect. All exercise
generates a chemical signal telling the brain to strengthen
that area that was worked. When the muscles surrounding
the injured area are worked, the chemical signal that is
generated “spills over” into the surrounding tissue causing
the entire area to strengthening and grow. Fortunately
strengthening is the same as healing. In this way working
the surrounding muscles delivers healing to the effected
area and speeds the healing process.
Achilles tendon injury can be anything from an
inflammation caused by overuse to a partial or complete
rupture of the calf muscle tendon. This tendon runs from
the calf muscles down the lower leg, attaching to the heal
bone. After being approved for exercise by your doctor,
exercise must be adjusted to suit your situation. Work
with a trainer to establish specific exercises. For
tendonitis of the achilles tendon, calf raises can be
painful; they may be able to be started gently with a short
pain free range of motion. The Hammer Tibial Flexion
Machine should be included. Normally this movement is
pain free with achilles problems and helps promote
healing in the affected area. Higher impact CV machines,
and high impact group classes should be avoided at the
ACL or PCL Surgery is performed to repair a torn ACL
(anterior cruciate ligament) or PCL (posterior cruciate
ligament) ligament in the knee. Once you have been ok'd
for exercise by your doctor, begin by working with one of
our trainers. Strengthening all the leg muscles that
support the knee is critical to expedite the healing process
and prevent future problems. Leg extensions and curls are
the key to re-establishing a healthy knee, since they are
the only full range exercises for the quads and hamstrings;
only full range strength will support the knee in all
positions. Begin with a very light weight through a
shortened and pain free range of motion, working on
slowly stretching the knee with each rep, once you have
been cleared by your doctor to work on stretching. (also
see Knee Rehabilitation below and our “Eliminate Knee
Pain” brochure)
Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia, and
exercise has now been shown to be associated with
reduced risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia even when
there is a genetic predisposition! New research, has
shown that exercise can regenerate brain cells. As with
heart problems, Alzheimer’s is due to plaque buildup in
the blood vessels of the brain and responds best to a
program that includes CV exercise, strengthening exercise
and dietary changes. All these should also be included in
an Alzheimer’s prevention program.
Arthritis (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis) is an
inflammation of a joint usually accompanied by swelling
and pain. The two most common types of arthritis are
osteoarthritis, which is characterized by a deterioration of
the joint cartilage and rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic
inflammation disease causing destruction and deformities
of the joints. The Arthritis Foundation recommends
aerobic and strengthening exercise to reduce pain.
Strengthening exercise tightens and provides critical
support for the joints reducing, or in many cases,
eliminating pain. Exercise is also necessary to pump
nutrients into the cartilage and to help lubricate the joint.
All exercise should be started with a pain-free range of
motion at a very easy level. The intensity should be
reduced when pain flare-ups occur. (See our Arthritis
Advanced Osteoarthritis is a deterioration of the joint
cartilage, often to a point where the joint cartilage is
completely worn through and the knee is “bone on bone”.
At this point most patients are told they need a knee
replacement. This radical surgery should be avoided
whenever possible and should only be performed if the
pain gets to a point that you can no longer tolerate. Dr.
Henry Lodge, a nationally known gerontologist and best
selling author of Younger Next Year, says that he sends
his patients with this diagnosis to do leg extensions and
leg curls, and 60% of the time they never have the
surgery. Even when a knee is bone on bone, as the leg
muscles are strengthened the pain in many cases
diminishes and in some cases goes away. Start the leg
extension, leg curls and calf raises with very light weight
and in a pain free range of motion. Leg extensions and
curls are the key to re-establishing a healthy knee since
they are the only full range exercises for the quads and
hamstrings, and only full range strength will support the
knee in all positions. (see our Eliminate Knee Pain
Asthma is a lung disease that is characterized by
narrowing of the bronchi (lung passageways) making
breathing difficult and in some cases closing off the
airways completely. Assuming you have been ok’d for
exercise by your doctor, regular CV exercise helps to
increase lung capacity, making breathing easier.
Autoimmune diseases include a number of diseases
which occur when the body's tissues are attacked by its
own immune system. A normal, healthy immune system
seeks out and destroys germs and other external invaders
in the body. The causes of autoimmune diseases are not
understood, however exercise stimulates the immune
system and can often help alleviate some the symptoms of
many autoimmune diseases.
Bursitis is an inflammation of a bursa. The bursa are
fibrous sacs found between tendons, ligaments, bones and
muscles. They cushion and reduce the sliding friction
between them, and they produce synovial fluid that
lubricates and feeds joint cells. Light resistance in the
pain free range of motion for the affected movement, as
well as strengthening the surrounding muscles will help
increase joint stability, reduce pain and help the bursa
Torn Knee Cartilage is very common problem that is
often unnecessarily surgically treated. New research has
found the Meniscal or cartilage surgery is detrimental for
the knee and increases the chances of knee deterioration.
Studies have shown that rehabilitation is as effective for
pain relief without the longterm negative effects on the
knee. It is now understood that cartilage will often heal
without surgical intervention. Strengthening the muscles
surrounding the knee, while working exclusively in a pain
free range of motion, will often expedite the healing
process. The MedX Leg Extension and Leg Curl
Machines, along with calf strengthening are the key
exercises for stimulating the healing process and reestablishing a healthy knee. The full range exercise that
the MedX leg extension and leg curl machines provide
develops strength in the quads and hamstring muscles
through their full natural range of motion. Only full range
strength will support the knee in all positions. (see our
Eliminate Knee Pain brochure)
Carpal tunnel syndrome is pressure on the medial nerve
where it passes through the wrist and palm of the hand,
causing pain, numbness and/or weakness in the fingers. It
is usually caused by repetitive motions with some impact
such as typing, playing the piano or even using a hammer.
Performing the exercises that are pain-free on the Super
Forearm Machine can often relieve the pain or prevent it
from developing.
Chondromalacia is a deterioration of the cartilage on the
back of the knee cap. The cartilage can be torn, worn or
have pieces floating loose, causing pain. It is a common
overuse running injury. Strengthening in the pain free
range of motion will help stabilize the joint, reduce pain
and promote the healing of the cartilage. Limiting the leg
extension exercise to the first 10-15 degrees of flexion,
puts minimal pressure on the knee cap cartilage and often
can be done with no pain. Have a trainer show you how
set the leg extension machine at this point. Also the
standing leg extension against the rubber Versa bands
works the same 10 to 15 degrees of movement and can
usually be done with no pain. Have a trainer show you
how to correctly perform these exercises. In coming
months, as the pain dissipates, the pain free range can be
slowly extended, often with an eventual return to a normal
pain-free range of motion.
Diabetes is the body’s inability to produce the insulin
necessary for moving sugar from the blood into the cells
(type 1 diabetes) or when the insulin produced
malfunctions or is insufficient for what is needed (type 2
diabetes). Regular exercise is critically important for
people with both types of diabetes. With Type 1 diabetes,
regular exercise will dramatically reduce and delay the
serious deterioration caused by the disease. With Type 2
diabetes regular exercise, particularly strengthening
exercise, can often totally reverse and cure this disease,
preventing the multitude of problems it causes in the
body. (See our Diabetes brochure)
Fibromyalgia is an autoimmune disease of unknown
cause, which usually causes persistent fatigue with painful
muscles, tendons and ligaments. The Arthritis
Foundation recommends regular exercise to reduce the
symptoms. Exercise should be started with very light
resistance and be increased very gradually. Resistance
should also be adjusted based on how you feel each day.
Fibromyalgia is prone to flare-ups and when they occur,
exercise intensity should be reduced or eliminated for that
day. People with this condition may suffer from
depression and are also more likely than the general
population to become sore from exercise. Care should be
taken to start at a very easy level.
Frozen shoulder is a shrinking of the connective tissue in
the shoulder capsule, resulting in a lack of motion and
stiffness in the shoulder joint. It is caused by lack of
movement and anyone whose arm is immobilized with a
sling or a cast for even a short period of time is at risk.
(See shoulder brochure) The pullover, lateral raise, torso
arm, and rotary shoulder are exercises that can be set to
gently stretch the shoulder and regain range of motion.
To prevent this condition anyone who has a limb
immobilized for any period of time should talk to their
doctor about manually moving the shoulder through a
broad range of motion each day.
Hamstring pull can be minor or serious tear of the
hamstring muscles or their connective tissue, resulting the
hamstring muscles being forcibly stretched beyond their
normal range of motion. Often the tear and resulting pain
is at the top of the hamstrings. This is a difficult injury to
heal particularly if the damage was to a tendons or
ligaments. An imbalance in strength between the quads
and the hamstring muscle groups is often a major
contributing factor. Slow strengthening of the hamstrings
starting with very light weight and pain free range of
motion will promote healing and help prevent future
Headaches (exercise induced) are usually the result of
unconsciously holding the breath during exercise. Be
sure to breathe rhythmically as you exercise. In addition,
make sure your grip is as loose as possible; gripping too
tightly raises the blood pressure and increases the chance
of developing a headache.
Heart attack (myocardial infarction) is a condition
caused by the closure of one or more of the coronary
arteries (arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle)
cutting off blood supply to part of the heart. Symptoms
include: pain in the chest and/or left arm, jaw and/or
shoulder, difficulty breathing. Symptoms are often
accompanied by insistence that nothing is wrong! With
your doctors permission, CV exercise coupled with
strengthening exercise, has proven to be most effective
for recovering and rebuilding heart function.
Hernia (Abdominal) is a breech in the abdominal wall,
sometimes resulting in a portion of the small intestine
bulging through the hole, often requiring surgery. When
a hernia has been diagnosed, exercise intensity,
particularly on exercises that include abdominal muscles,
should be kept low to avoid building up internal pressure.
Following surgery, when the surgeon approves, a
strengthening program should be started at a very light
level and progressed very gradually.
Herniated disc is a bulging or rupture of a spinal disc
that separates the vertebra bones of the spine, most
commonly in the lumbar spine. A herniated disc is a
VERY common condition, that almost everyone will
eventually develop. The rupture or bulge itself usually
doesn’t cause pain and may never be detected unless the
bulge touches a nerve. Strengthening the muscles directly
on the spine is critical to stabilize the spine, aid healing,
relieve pain and prevent further problems. Only the MedX
Lumbar or Cervical machines isolate and strengthen the
muscles directly on the spine, through their full range of
motion. These exercises should be started in a pain free
range of motion with very light weight, with the weight
moved up very slowly as strength increases. Bulging or
herniated discs are the most common back problems that
we see in the Healthy Back and Neck Program. When you
have substantial or constant pain, we recommend you set
an appointment with a technician in our Healthy Back
Program. If the situation is less severe, speak with a
trainer to set up the MedX Exercise Lumbar machine or
the neck machines on the fitness floor. To view a short
informative video, click on the following web link: or pick up our
Healthy Back brochure.
High cholesterol is an elevated level of LDL cholesterol
in the blood associated with clogging of the arteries.
LDL is considered the “bad” cholesterol that contributes
to the clogging of the arteries. Regular exercise, both
cardio and strengthening, is critically important to reduce
the LDL levels and increase the HDL levels.
Hip replacement is a surgical procedure to replace the
hip joint with an artificial joint. The leg extension and leg
curl machines, along with the Hip and Back Machine and
Leg Press, are important for restrengthening the legs and
hip area. Gentle re-strengthening of all the muscles that
support the hip should be started as soon as the doctor
allows. Movements which require the knees to be spread
apart like the Hip adduction or abduction and opening the
hips on the MedX Abdominal machine should be avoided.
Hypertension (high blood pressure) is an elevated blood
pressure above 120/80. Regular exercise, both cardio and
strengthening exercise, is important to lower blood
pressure. Make sure not to hold your breath or grip
handles too tightly; both will elevate BP while exercising.
Knee Rehabilitation is a strengthening of the muscles
that cross and support the knee, to expedite the healing
process and prevent a reoccurrence after an injury or
following surgery. Proper rehabilitation will promote
healing for a long list of knee injuries. Knee injuries will
heal faster when the muscles that support the knee are
strengthened. Most knee injuries leave at least some of
the joint structure in a permanently weakened condition.
Strengthening the muscles that cross the knee will help to
compensate for these weaknesses especially when muscle
strength is raised to a higher then the pre-injury level.
This increased level of strength needs to be maintained
permanently to prevent re-occurrence. Leg extensions,
leg curls and calf raises should be included, beginning
with very light weight in a strictly pain free range of
motion. Ideally, super slow movements should be used to
reduce the stress on the joint while increasing the load on
the muscles. Super slow movements will produce the
fastest strength gains and insure increased strength
through the entire range of motion. (see our Eliminate
Knee Pain brochure)
Knee replacement is a complete or partial surgical
replacement of the knee joint with an artificial joint. Once
your surgeon has approved exercise, rebuilding leg
strength is critical to support of the new knee.
Rehabilitation begins with a shortened range of motion on
the leg machines. Gently working on stretching the leg
muscles as well as building strength, primarily with the
leg extension and leg curl machines, to regain range of
motion and strength. (see our knee brochure)
Ligament damage results from a joint being forced
beyond its normal range of motion, stretching or tearing a
ligament. Major contributing factors are muscle
weakness, overuse deterioration or high impact accidents.
When the muscles that surround a joint weaken, more of
the work to support the joint falls on the ligaments. Most
people don’t do regular strengthening exercise. As a
result, their muscles weaken as they age, and the chances
of ligament and other joint injuries increase with age. The
reverse is also true. Strengthening the muscles at any age
reduces the chance of ligament and other joint injuries.
Following your doctors approval to begin exercise,
strengthening the muscles that surround the joint is
critical to compensate for the damaged and weakened
ligaments. Strong muscles stabilize the joint, increase
functionality, compensate for the permanently damaged
ligaments and reduce the chance of re-injury. Damaged
ligaments generally never completely return to their
original tightness and strength. As a result it is critically
important that leg muscle strength is raised and
maintained at higher than pre-injury level to permanently
regain the stability of the joint. (see our Eliminate Knee
Pain brochure)
Mastectomy is the removal of all or part of the breast due
to cancer. Once you doctor has approved exercise, care
should be taken with the range of motion on any exercise
that stretches the muscles of the chest (pullover, arm
cross, chest press, torso Arm) as well as any exercise that
places pad pressure on the chest area (Row, MedX
abdominal ). Exercise should begin with very light
weight and a limited pain free range of motion for the
chest and shoulder exercises.
MS (Multiple Sclerosis) is believed to be an autoimmune
disease that primarily affects the central nervous system,
resulting in muscle weakness. The National Multiple
Sclerosis Society recommends both CV and strengthening
exercise to help maintain functionality. The exercise
intensity must be adjusted to the individual’s strength and
endurance levels and should be reduced during “flareups”. Care should be taken not to get overtired, as this
may cause a “flare-up” of symptoms. The patterning of
the MedX circuit machines is beneficial to muscle
control. Although MS sufferers used to be told to avoid
exercise, current studies have shown that exercise is
critical for slowing the progression of the disease.
Muscular Dystrophy is a group of diseases characterized
by progressive degeneration and/or loss of muscle fibers,
without nervous system involvement. Nearly all cases
have hereditary origin. Generally the muscles become
progressively weaker. Strengthening exercise can help
slow the loss of strength, which in turn slows the
progression of disability. Strengthening exercise on the
MedX machines should be started at an easy level and
moved through as broad a pain free range of motion as
Muscle spasms are involuntary, sudden muscle
contractions, that most commonly occur in the back or
legs. Usually they result from lack of regular exercise
and diminish with regular exercise. They may also be
nutrition related. Care should be taken to consume a
balanced diet with substantial amounts of fruits and
vegetables. Start with very light weights, particularly in
the affected area; with a shortened range of motion, to
prevent triggering a spasm.
Osteoporosis is a progressive thinning of the bones, with
a loss of bone mass, resulting from reduced activity
levels. Bone loss may also result as a side effect from
some drugs as well as from Celiac Disease. Some current
researchers believe that taking calcium supplements may
contribute to bone loss. This may explain why the U.S. is
the highest calcium consuming society in the world with
the highest number of bone fractures. Osteopenia refers to
bone thinning in its earlier stages prior to advanced
osteoporosis where bone fractures are more likely.
Research has clearly indicated that bone loss can be
reversed, even post-menopause, with strengthening
exercise. Be sure to check any drugs you are taking and
get checked for Celiac Disease. Then work with one of
our trainers to establish your whole body strengthening
program. As the muscles become stronger, so do the
bones. All efforts should be made to avoid the
osteoporosis medications, as they are controversial with
serious side effects and have not been proven to stop or
reverse Osteoporosis.
Parkinson’s Disease is a nervous system disease
characterized by a slowly spreading tremors, shuffling
gait, muscle weakness and rigidity. Regular exercise
(including CV and strength exercise) is now
recommended and in some cases has been shown to
prevent the tremors and restore coordination. Some
studies using rapid cycling have shown remarkable
success eliminating the tremors temporarily, improving
quality of life.
Patella femoral syndrome is the improper tracking of the
patella (kneecap) and patella tendon of the knee joint,
which often results from a weakness in the vastus
medialis (one of the quadriceps muscles). Specific
strengthening for the vastus medialis to correct the
weakness can be achieved with leg extensions,
emphasizing the top 10 degrees of movement (from a
straight knee position to 10 degrees below that) on the
MedX Leg Extension and with standing knee extensions
with the rubber band. (Ask a trainer to explain these
Plantar Fasciitis is an inflammation of the sheet of
connective ligament on the sole of the foot. Calf raises
can be painful, along with higher impact activities
including some CV machines and group classes. Careful
short range calf exercises should be done along with
gentle stretching. The Hammer Tibial machine should
also be included to promote healing in the area. Contrast
therapy, moving back and forth between the whirlpool
and the cold plunge in the pool area has proven to very
helpful in reducing pain. Patience is important since this
condition is often slow to heal.
Pregnancy. Check with your doctor. With a normal
pregnancy, most doctors now recommend regular exercise
including strength training and CV exercise, maintained at
an easy to moderate level. The intensity will need to be
lowered in the 3rd trimester. Abdominal exercises are
usually avoided at this point, and the forward position
should be reduced on the Lumbar machine as required.
Most doctors encourage exercise, since fit women
generally have easier deliveries.
Rotator cuff damage is incurred when one or more of the
four rotator cuff muscles that hold the head of the
humerus in the shoulder socket is strained, torn or
repaired surgically. Any exercise that includes shoulder
rotation could potentially be a problem. The rotary
shoulder machine, in particular, is designed specifically to
rehab the rotator cuff muscle group. Rehab should also
include the Arm Cross, Lateral Raise, and Pull Over to
strengthen all the major muscles that surround and cross
the shoulder joint. They should all be performed in a
strictly pain-free range of motion, to restrengthen the area
and build support for the damaged tissue.
Shoulder dislocation, the head of the humerus is forced
out of the shoulder socket. Sometimes it will easily pop
back in, but often, it will require medical intervention to
put it back in place. Once a shoulder has dislocated, it is
much more susceptible to another dislocation. (See the
shoulder brochure) This is a very disruptive injury, often
tearing and stretching much of the tissue in the shoulder
joint. Increasing muscle strength in the muscles that
surround the shoulder joint is critical to compensate for
damage to the ligaments and other supportive tissue.
Increased strength also helps to prevent another
dislocation and other potential shoulder problems.
Strengthening exercises should be started with light
resistance and limited to a pain free range of motion.
Shoulder stability and pain free range of motion normally
increases slowly as strength increases.
Shoulder impingement occurs when the normal space
between the top of the humerus and the bone above the
shoulder socket becomes too small and muscles and/or
tendons are pinched as the arm is raised. It’s often caused
by repeated overhead activities such as painting, a blow to
the shoulder, poor form on overhead exercises or strength
imbalances. Often a contributing structural cause is an
imbalance in the muscles that support the shoulder,
resulting in the head of the humerus being pulled too high
in the shoulder socket. Strengthening the muscles that
pull down on the humerus will help to center it properly
in the socket and often provide relief. The MedX Torso
Arm machine and the Pullover machine strengthen these
muscles. Usually the Torso Arm can be performed with a
full range of motion. If there is any pain, as with all
shoulder exercises, the range of movement must be
strictly limited to a pain free range of motion. The
overhead press exercise should usually be avoided. The
rotary shoulder and the Lateral Raise should be included
but strictly limited to a pain free range of motion.
Sciatica refers to pain, radiating down the back of the leg,
in the calf area, or the groin caused by impingement of the
sciatic nerve. Often the impingement is caused by a
herniated disc that touches the nerve where it exits the
spine. Strengthening the muscles directly on the spine
will stabilize the spine and usually help relieve the pain.
With occasional pain, start on the MedX Exercise Lumbar
machine using a very light weight with a limited, pain
free, range of motion, with a trainers instruction. As long
as there is no discomfort after the exercise session, slowly
move the weight up over the coming weeks. If the pain is
severe or chronic, speak to one of our staff in the MedX
Healthy Neck and Back Program. The MedX Medical
Lumbar Machine is designed specifically to focus on the
muscles in this area. Sciatica is one of the most common
problems in the Healthy Back Program. For a short
informative video, click on the following web link or pick up our
Healthy Back brochure.
Scoliosis is an abnormal lateral curve of the spine. For the
first time in patients with serious scoliosis, doctors in San
Diego have stabilized, and in a number of cases, reversed
scoliosis curves. This amazing research, utilizing the
MedX Rotary Torso Machine is summarized in a number
of published research papers on our website under “News
About Scoliosis”. (click on this web link for more
information )
Strengthening all the muscles in the area of the spine is
recommended by most doctors to slow or help halt further
deterioration. Usually all of the machines on the circuit
can be used without a problem and will help stabilize the
spine. The exercise Lumbar machine, Rotary Torso
machine and the Neck machine should be included, since
they strengthen the specific muscles that help support and
straighten the spine. They should be started carefully
with a very light weight and a limited, pain free range of
Shin splints are tiny tears in the tendons’ attachments
and/or connective tissue attachments on the front of the
shin. They usually result from overdoing high impact
activities, such as running or basketball, without allowing
sufficient rest for recovery. Shin splints can also be
caused by sudden changes in an exercise program.
Strengthening the muscles on the front of the ankle with
the Hammer Tibia Flexion Machine, coupled with calf
exercises, will often eliminate the problem, sometimes in
a matter of weeks. Contrast therapy, moving back and
forth between the whirlpool and the cold plunge in the
pool area has proven to very helpful in reducing pain.
Sprained ankle occurs when the ankle joint is forced
beyond its natural range of motion (usually laterally)
stretching or tearing the ankle ligaments and other soft
tissue. As swelling subsides, calf raises (seated and
straight leg) and the Hammer Tibial Flexion Machine
should be performed in a pain free range of motion. The
Hammer Tibial Flexion Machine is often the key to
healing and preventing further ankle sprains. As the
strength increases on this machine, chronic ankle
problems often disappear. Patience is also key since
ankle sprains usually involve damage to the ligaments
which are often slow to heal. Contrast therapy, moving
back and forth between the whirlpool and the cold plunge
in the pool area has proven to very helpful in reducing
Stenosis is a narrowing of a passage or orifice. Most
often it refers to the spine where the nerves pass through
the vertebra. The spinal cord and nerve roots pass
through holes in the vertebra that often accumulate
calcium deposits causing the holes to narrow. This
narrowing can constrict the spinal cord or the nerves
exiting the spine. This situation is worsened when the
muscles stabilizing the vertebra are weak and allow the
vertebra to move more then they should. Strengthening
the muscles directly on the spine provides stability to the
spine and can help alleviate pain. Strong spinal muscles
will align the vertebra bones, so that holes line up
properly and are held in alignment to relieve the pressure
on the nerves.
Spondy – what?
Here is a very basic overview so you know what each is.
Spondylolysis (spon-dee-low-lye-sis) refers to a defect in
one of the vertebra in the lower back, usually the last
vertebra of the lumbar spine. When a spondylolysis is
present, the back part of the vertebra and the facet joints
simply are not connected to the body - except by soft
tissue. It is almost as if the back portion had been broken
off and tried to heal - but never did. Actually, there is
good evidence to suspect that this is exactly what has
occurred. Spondylolysis is not something people are born
with, but it appears to first show up sometime in
childhood. Interestingly, boys who are football linemen
and girls who are gymnasts seem to be affected the most.
The current thought is that the spondylolysis is probably a
stress fracture that never completely healed.
Spondylolisthesis (spon-dee-low-lis-thee-sis) is the term
used to describe when one vertebra slips forward on the
one below it. This usually occurs because there is a
spondylolysis in the upper vertebra. There are two main
parts of the spine that keep the vertebrae aligned - the disc
and the facet joints. When a spondylolysis occurs, the
facet joint can no longer hold the vertebra in place. The
intervertebral disc may slowly stretch under the increased
stress and allow the upper vertebra to slide forward. In the
vast majority of cases, the stretching only allows a small
amount of forward slip. Furthermore, there is no real
danger in an adult that the slipping will continue until the
upper vertebra slips off.
In both of the above cases, spondylolysis and
spondylolisthesis, strengthening the muscles that hold the
vertebra in place helps to prevent further deterioration.
The discs are not designed to be the primary alignment
system for the vertebra so when the back of the vertebra
with the facet joints breaks off, stress is put on the disc
that it is not designed to handle. Without help it will
continue to deteriorate under this load leading to further
problems. Strengthening the powerful back muscles in
the area lends tremendous help to the disc to hold the
vertebra in place.
Spondylitis (also called ankylosing spondylitis) (spon-dlie-tiss) is a type of arthritis that affects the spine or
backbone. Spondylitis may cause back pain and stiffness.
As in any joint in the body, the key to reducing arthritic
pain is strengthening the muscles that cross and support
the joint. Strengthening the muscles on the spine
promotes movement and reduces the pain of arthritis in
the spine, as it does in an arthritic knee, for example.
The Exercise Lumbar Machine and the Neck
Machine, are essential for strengthening the spinal
muscles. Start with a very light weight and a pain free
range of motion. If the pain is severe or persistent, you
should speak to our Healthy Back staff about using the
MedX Medical Lumbar or Cervical Machines.
Stroke is sometimes called a "brain attack", when blood
flow to a part of the brain is cut off. When blood flow is
stopped for longer than a few seconds, brain cells can die,
causing permanent damage. There are two major types of
stroke: ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic
stroke occurs when a blood vessel that supplies blood to
the brain is blocked by a blood clot. A hemorrhagic stroke
occurs when a blood vessel in part of the brain becomes
weak and bursts open, causing blood to leak into the
brain. In both cases paralysis in the body may occur. In
many cases some or all of the mobility that has been lost
can be regained with specific exercise. Strengthening the
affected and surrounding muscles with MedX equipment
will help to re-establish mobility.
Tendonitis is an inflammation of a tendon, usually from
overuse. It is often annoyingly slow to heal since tendons
have a limited blood supply. Strengthening the
surrounding muscles will promote healing due to a
principle called chemical spillover. When a muscle is
exposed to difficult strengthening exercises a chemical
signal is generated in the muscle and sent to the brain.
The signal carries a message to the brain that the muscle
needs to grow and strengthen, so that it is better prepared
for next time. This is a basic instinctual part of our
survival instinct. When the muscle creates the chemicals,
they spill over into the surrounding tissue, including
muscles ligaments and tendons. This assures that the
entire area is strengthened and is able to handle the
increased muscle strength. Rehabilitation can use this
principle to promote healing even when a specific muscle
or joint can’t be moved. Any painful movement should
be avoided since it will aggravate the injury; this is
particularly true of tendonitis. Generally, there are
strengthening exercises for muscles surrounding the
injured area that can be performed pain free.
Strengthening these muscles causes chemical spillover to
the affected tendon, helping to promote healing. Contrast
therapy, moving back and forth between the whirlpool
and the cold plunge in the pool area has proven to very
helpful in reducing pain and promote healing.
Tennis elbow or Golfer’s elbow is a tendonitis with
inflammation and tenderness of the forearm muscle
tendons in the elbow area. It is usually caused by overuse
from gripping or wrist flexion activities, like tennis, using
a screwdriver or even shaking hands. Check with a trainer
to make sure that incorrect form on the Torso Arm
Machine isn’t causing the problem. Trying to pull the
weight on the Torso Arm Machine below the jaw level
involves flexion of the wrist and can causes tennis elbow.
This is also true with any arm pulling type machine like a
row machine. Any exercise that causes pain should be
limited to a pain free range or eliminated. Although
tennis elbow is often slow to heal, the Super Forearm
Machine can expedite the healing process and prevent
reoccurrence. Of the five exercises on the Super Forearm
machine, usually at least two will be painful. Leave the
painful exercises out and perform the ones that are pain
free. This utilizes the principle of chemical spillover to
help with the healing. Contrast therapy, moving back and
forth between the whirlpool and the cold plunge in the
pool area has also proven to very helpful in reducing pain
and promote healing.
Torn Cartilage most often refers to torn meniscus
cartilage in the knee, which unfortunately, is a very
common injury. For years it was believed that cartilage
wouldn’t heal, it wasn’t really needed and when torn, it
was often surgically removed! Now it’s understood that
meniscus cartilage is essential and will often heal on its
own and every effort is made to preserve it. New research
has also shown that much of the cartilage surgery is
unnecessary and harmful causing a major increased risk
for arthritis and knee replacement. Strengthening of the
muscles that cross the knee is the key to healing cartilage
tears. Since cartilage has a very limited blood supply,
most of the nutrients required by the cartilage cells comes
from the synovial fluid that surrounds the cartilage.
Cartilage is spongy tissue and much like squeezing water
in and out of the sponge, exercise is essential to pump the
needed nutrients into the cartilage, feeding the cells. The
MedX leg extension machine for the quads and the MedX
leg curl for the hamstrings, along with calf exercises are
the critical exercises for healing knee problems, including
torn cartilage. Both should be performed in a pain-free
range of motion, starting with a very light weight,
utilizing a very slow speed to make sure that the muscles
are being worked through as broad a range of motion as
possible. Contrast therapy, moving back and forth
between the whirlpool and the cold plunge in the pool
area, has proven to very helpful in reducing pain and
promoting healing. Most doctors and physical therapists
emphasize the importance of the leg extensions for knee
rehabilitation. There are still a few who still recommend
avoiding them based an old study that has since been
disproven. Unfortunately this is serious misinformation
because leg extensions are the only quadriceps
strengthening exercise through their full movement. And
full range strength is essential for pain relief and
preventing re-injury. Click here to read a summary of leg
extension research.
Whiplash is an injury to the cervical area of the spine
with adjacent soft tissue damage. It is caused by a
whipping action of the head and neck resulting from
sudden impact, most commonly cause by “rear-ended”
car accidents. Strengthening the muscles of the upper
body, with particular focus on the neck area, often
reduces or eliminates the pain. The MedX Cervical
Machine in our Healthy Back and Neck Program is
specifically designed for rehabilitating this area.
Wrist sprain is damage to the soft tissue (ligaments,
tendons and/or muscles) that cross the wrist joint. It most
often results from the wrist being forced beyond its
normal range of motion. The Super Forearm machine can
help speed the healing process, using the principle of
chemical spillover. (for more on chemical spillover see
Tendonitis above) There are five movements on the Super
Forearm; at least two and possibly three will be painful.
Leave the painful movements out, and perform the pain
free movements, starting with light weights and slow
movement. Use the principle of progressive resistance to
strengthen these muscles, increasing the weight up when
8-10 repetitions are performed in good form at the same
slow speed.
Strengthening Machines and the
Areas they Strengthen:
Strengthening exercises fall into three categories:
1) Full range single joint exercise machines, where a
muscle group is isolated and is worked through its full
natural range of motion with resistance that automatically
changes to match the muscles change in strength. These
are the only exercises that strengthen the entire muscle in
all it positions. All other exercises provide the correct
resistance through only part of the muscles full natural
range of motion. Therefore strength increases occur in
only part of a muscle’s movement, leaving areas of
2) Compound exercises involve multiple muscle groups
acting on two or more joints to create a straight-line
movement, like an overhead press, a bench press or a
squat. These exercises have inherent limitations since
none of the muscles involved are worked or strengthened
through their full range of motion. These exercises can be
used as additions following full range exercise.
3) Rotational free weight exercises such as a bicep curl or
overhead triceps extension that focus on one muscle
group. Since free weight resistance is always one
directional (the force is always directly downward) these
exercises, have inherent limitations that make it
impossible to work a muscle through its entire range.
With a barbell bicep curl, for example, at the start there is
no resistance, in the middle of the movement there is
maximum resistance and at the top of the movement there
is again zero resistance. As a result the biceps the biceps
are strengthened only in the mid range.
Full Range Rotational Machines:
Each of the following machines strengthens the muscle it
is designed to work, through its entire natural range of
motion, thus increasing muscle strengthen in all its
positions. Muscle strength in all positions is critically
important for injury recovery, injury prevention, athletic
performance and muscle size.
MedX Adductor Machine
Isolates and works hip adductor muscles through their full
range of motion. These are the muscles on the inside of
the thigh crossing the hip joint that pulls the legs together
from a split position.
MedX Abductor Machine
Isolates and works the hip abductor muscles through their
full range of motion. The abductors are the muscles that
cross the hip joint on the outside of the thigh and pull the
legs away from the center line of the body into a split
MedX Neck Machine (In Highland) and the Nautilus
Neck machine (in Poughkeepsie)
Isolates and works the muscles that support the head and
the neck, moving the head through a full range of motion.
Strengthening these muscles reinforces the neck and adds
bone density to the upper spine. Although there are four
movements on these machines, the extension movement
incorporates the largest percentage of neck musculature,
and strengthening these muscles helps prevent or
rehabilitate many common neck problems, such as
whiplash injuries. Any one at risk of an impact neck
injury such as football players or race car drivers, should
be performing all four exercise movements to strengthen
their necks as much as possible. The stronger the muscle,
the higher the breaking point of the neck, thus reducing
the chance of injury.
MedX Arm Cross Machine
Isolates and works the pectoralis muscles of the chest
through their full range of motion. The pectoralis is
critical for support of the shoulder joint and is heavily
involved in any throwing type movement.
MedX Pullover Machine
Isolates the latissimus dorsi muscles of the upper back,
working them through their full range of motion. These
powerful muscles of the upper back lend critical support
to the shoulder joint and contribute to its proper
alignment. These muscles are heavily involved in any
throwing and pulling arm pulling movement.
MedX Lateral Raise Machine
Isolates and works the deltoid muscle group through its
full range of motion. The deltoid crosses the shoulder
joint and is critical for support of the shoulder joint and
for shoulder rehabilitation.
MedX Tricep Machine
Isolates triceps muscle group on the back of the upper arm
and works this muscle group through its full range of
motion. The triceps crosses the elbow joint, extends the
elbow and provides critical support for the elbow joint.
MedX Bicep Machine
Isolates the biceps muscles and works them through their
full range of motion. The biceps muscle group is
essential for support of the elbow joint.
MedX Exercise Lumbar Machine
Isolates the spinal erector muscles, working them through
their full range of motion. This machine is unique, since it
is the only exercise that is capable of accomplishing full
range exercise for the core spinal erector muscles. These
muscles provide critical support for the spine and their
weakening is the major cause of back problems. When
strengthened with this machine or the MedX Medical
Lumbar Machine, even chronic back pain is often reduced
or eliminated. For a short informative video click on the
following web link
or pick up our Healthy Back brochure.
MedX Abdominal Machine
Isolates the abdominal muscles, and when used when
used with correct form, works them through their full
range of motion.
Hammer Tibial Flexion Machine
Isolates the muscles on the front of the lower leg (shin).
and works these muscles through their full range of
motion. This muscle group is usually quite weak but with
regular use of this machine, responds very quickly,
gaining strength that often eliminates ankle problems
and/or shin splints.
Compound Machines:
Compound exercises involve multiple muscle groups
acting on two or more joints to create a straight-line
movement, like an overhead press, a bench press or a
squat. None of these exercises work the muscles through
their full range. These exercises should be used as a
follow-up to the full range exercises.
MedX Dip Machine
Works the triceps and the pectoralis muscle groups
through a part of their range of motion. It is a good follow
up exercise for the MedX Arm Cross Machine or
alternative when someone has difficulty with the MedX
Triceps Machine.
MedX Overhead Press Machine
Works the deltoid and the triceps muscle groups through
part of their range of motion. It’s a good follow-up for the
MedX Lateral Raise Machine or the MedX Triceps
MedX Leg Press Machine
Works the quadriceps on the front of the upper leg, the
glutes and the hamstring muscle groups through part of
their range of motion. It is a good follow-up exercise for
the MedX Leg Extension and Leg Curl Machines.
MedX Torso Arm Machine
Works the latissimus dorsi as well as the rear deltoid,
pectoralis and the biceps through part of their range of
motion. It’s a good follow-up exercise for the MedX
Pullover Machine as well as a number of other upper
body exercises. The major shortcoming of this exercise is
that the biceps is its weak link. The exercise has to be
discontinued when the biceps, which are smaller and
weaker then the lats are exhausted. This makes it
impossible to exhaust any of the torso muscles with this
exercise alone.
MedX Chest Press Machine
Works the pectoralis (chest) muscle group on the front of
the torso, the deltoid and the triceps through part of their
range of motion. It’s a good follow-up exercise for the
MedX Arm Cross Machine as well as a number of other
upper body exercises. The major shortcoming of this
exercise as with all bench press type exercises, is that the
triceps are its weak link. The exercise has to be
discontinued when the triceps, which are smaller and
weaker then the pectoralis, are exhausted. This makes it
impossible to exhaust the pectoralis or any of the torso
muscles with this exercise alone.
Medical Lumbar and the Medical Cervical Machines
These machines are part of our MedX Healthy Back and
Neck Program with locations in both clubs and are open
to members and non-members. Individualized programs
are established and performed under the supervision of
one of our Healthy Back technicians. For a short
informative video click on the following web link or pick up our
Healthy Back brochure. For a list of the some of the
extensive medical research conducted on the MedX Back
and Neck programs click on the following link
MedX Medical Lumbar Machine
Isolates the spinal erector muscles in the lower back.
Numerous research articles (research on MedX Back
Machines) have shown that once these muscles are
strengthened, their remarkable strength stabilizes the
spine, reducing or eliminating lower back pain. This
program has an 85% success rate and is totally
noninvasive. In most cases, even with severe back pain,
this program should be tried before invasive surgery is
MedX Medical Cervical Machine
Isolates the extensor muscles of the neck. When these
muscles are strengthened, they stabilize the vertebrae in
the cervical spine (upper back and neck area) Numerous
research articles (research on MedX Cervical Machines)
have shown that once these muscles are strengthened,
their remarkable strength stabilizes the neck, reducing or
eliminating neck pain. This program has an 85% success
rate and is totally noninvasive.
The MedX Healthy Back and Neck Program is totally
non invasive and should be considered whenever possible
before risky invasive neck or back surgery is performed.