YOUR INVITATION TO CONVENTION 2016 April 25-27, 2016 Kirkley Hotel & Conference Center - Lynchburg, VA FEATURED SPEAKERS Honored Guest Sarah Ann Parler, South Atlantic Region Director, will be attending the convention and speaking at the Luncheon on Tuesday. The theme for her administration is “Inspire Conservation Through Education.” Robert McDuffie is an Associate Professor and Director of the Hahn Horticulture Garden at Virginia Tech. He is a landscape architect whose primary focus is on small scale landscape design and contracting. His topic is “Robert’s 10 Worst Design Ideas.” Lincoln Brower is a Professor in the Biology Department of Sweet Briar College and will speak on “Monarch Butterflies and the North American Flora.” He has been studying Danaus plexippus for over 50 years and for 30 years he has made preservation of this butterfly a personal mission. Jim Revell of the Bedford Area Master Gardeners Association will present a program on “Native Pollinators – Who are they and are they important?” Jack Gary is the Director of Archaeology and Landscapes at Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar Forest, a position he has held since 2006. He leads a team of archaeologists, specialized consultants, and scholars in order to discover the hidden landscapes of Thomas Jefferson’s private retreat and plantation. Topic: “Restoring the Gardens at Poplar Forest.” Floral designer, Jackie Davies, is a NGC Accredited Master Judge, a NGC Flower Show School Design Instructor, a NGC Landscape Design Consultant and is a member of the NGC Flower Show School Committee. She is a member of the Creative Flower Arrangers of the Americas and the National Flower Show Arrangers and has judged the Philadelphia Flower Show numerous times. As an award-winning garden designer, author and lecturer, Kerry Ann Mendez focuses on time-saving techniques, workhorse plants, and sustainable practices. She has been on HGTV and in numerous magazines including, Horticulture, Fine Gardening, Garden Gate and Better Homes & Gardens. She has published three popular gardening books – her most recent, The Right-Size Flower Garden, is a top seller. “CONNECT-CREATE-SOAR” REGISTRATION FORM – 2016 VFGC CONVENTION Kirkley Hotel and Conference Center – Lynchburg, Virginia April 25-27, 2016 Mail to: Mary Olson • 1821 Windsor Ave. • Roanoke, VA 24015 Telephone: 540-353-6665 Email: Registration deadline April 1, 2016 • Make checks payable to VFGC Name_______________________________________ Phone____________________ Address_______________________________________________________________ City___________________________________ State_______ Zip____________ Email____________________________________________________________ May we confirm registration by your email noted above? ____Yes ____No Club __________________________________ District _____________________ Check ALL that apply: ( ) National Officer/Chairman ( ) District President ( ) NGC Life Member ( ) Regional Officer/Chm ( ) District Director ( ) SAR Life Member ( ) Former VFGC President ( ) Club President ( ) VFGC Life Member ( ) VFGC Officer/Chm ( ) Club Member ( ) Visitor/Guest ____ Check here if VFGC Life Member or Book of Honor since May 1, 2015 *Special Package Plan (add $5 if after April 1) ............$190.00 $___________ (*includes registration fee and 4 meals but does not include the optional tour) Early Bird Registration Fee postmarked by 4/1/2016… $10.00 or Registration Fee postmarked after 4/1/2016……. $15.00 Monday April 25, 2016 Dinner and Program........................................... $55.00 Tuesday April 26, 2016 Luncheon ........................................................... $50.00 Poplar Forest Tour: (not in package plan) .......... $35.00 (limited to first 50 registering, bus transportation provided) Banquet and Design Program ............................ $60.00 Wednesday April 27, 2016 Breakfast and program ...................................... $35.00 $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ $___________ No refunds after April 17, 2016 TOTAL _____________ _____ check if special needs menu is requested. List name and details on separate page. Credentials Form for 2016 VFGC Convention To be completed by all delegates, alternates & VFGC Board Members and sent along with Convention Registration Form. Note: Number of Club Delegates is determined by club size. See VFGC Bylaws on page 100 of the Yearbook. Name ______________________________________________________ District _______________________ Garden Club _____________________________________ ( ) VFGC Officer/Board of Directors ( ) Club Delegate ( ) Club President ( ) Club Alternate VFGC CONVENTION 2016 ▪ “Connect-Create-Soar” Kirkley Hotel & Conference Center 2900 Candlers Mountain Road, Lynchburg, VA 24502 The Convention 2016 room rates are $99.00 (2 persons per room) plus taxes. Be sure to make your hotel reservation by Thursday, March 24, 2016 and state that you are with the Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs to get the special rate. Kirkley: (434) 237-6333 9:00-11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m.-6 p.m. Lunch on your own * 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00-3:00 p.m. 3:30-4:30 p.m. 5:30-6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Monday, April 25, 2016 Finance Committee Meeting Registration opens Exhibits and Shopping Executive Committee Meeting Board of Directors Meeting Program “Monarch Butterflies and the North American Flora” by Lincoln Brower Program “Robert’s 10 Worst Design Ideas” by Robert McDuffie Cash Bar Banquet-Honored Guest Sarah Ann Parler, SAR Director Program “Restoring the Gardens of Poplar Forest” by Jack Gary Tuesday, April 26, 2016 Breakfast on your own * 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Registration is open 8:00-6:00 p.m. Exhibits and Shopping 9:00 a.m. Official Opening of Convention Business meeting 12:00 Noon Luncheon Honored Guest SAR Director Sarah Ann Parler 1:45 p.m. Meet in lobby for Bus Tour to Poplar Forest-return 4:30 p.m. 2:30-3:30 p.m. Program “Native Pollinators -Who are they and why are they important?” by Jim Revell 5:30-6:30 p.m. Cash Bar 6:30 p.m. Banquet Floral Design Program “CREATIVITY – Look out – IT”S CONTAGIOUS!” by Jackie Davies 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Breakfast – Program “The Right-Size Flower Garden: Simplify your Outdoor Space with Smart Design Solutions and Plant Choice.” by Kerry Ann Mendez * Breakfast is served at the Hotel from 6:30-10 a.m. The cost is $ 9.95 plus tax. The hotel does not serve lunch but there are many restaurants nearby. There will be a list at the registration table.