Academic Partnerships Template Plymouth University Academic Partnerships Duchy College Rosewarne Programme Quality Handbook for FdSc Veterinary Nursing 2014 – 15 Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 1 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Contents 1. Welcome and Introduction to Veterinary Nursing ................................................................................... 3 2. Programme Specification ........................................................................................................................... 3 3. Module Records ....................................................................................................................................... 17 Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 2 of 32 1. Welcome and Introduction to Veterinary Nursing. Welcome to the Foundation Degree in Veterinary Nursing/Animal Health. The College is delighted that you have chosen to study with us. This programme provides a Higher Education route by which to study Veterinary Nursing and on successful completion of the FdSc Veterinary Nursing programme, register with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) as a Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN). The programme is designed to incorporate modules based on the RCVS Veterinary Nursing Professional Syllabus with the opportunity to study additional areas of interest such as Animal Nutrition and Animal Behaviour. You will also spend a minimum of 60 weeks in a Veterinary Nursing placement throughout the duration of the programme and due to the structure of this programme be able to relate theory to practice and vice versa throughout your course of study. This programme has been designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge base required to work in your chosen specialism or other graduate opportunities. It is also a platform from which you can undertake additional vocational and academic qualifications. This Programme Quality handbook contains important information including: The approved programme specification Module records Note: the information in this handbook should be read in conjunction with the current edition of the College / University Student handbook available at (college to add link) which contains student support based information on issues such as finance and studying at HE along with the University’s Student Handbook - and your Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook available on your programme virtual learning environment. 2. Programme Specification On the following pages you will find the specification for your programme; this provides a detailed overview of the programme as a whole. It explains what you will learn and how you will be assessed throughout the two stages of your Foundation Degree. The Programme Learning Outcomes Map specifies the knowledge and skills you will develop at each stage of your Foundation Degree. Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 3 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Awarding Institution: Teaching Institution: Accrediting Body: Final Award: Intermediate Awards: Programme Title: UCAS Code: QAA Benchmarks: Date Produced: Plymouth University Duchy College, Rosewarne FdSc Veterinary Nursing or FdSc Animal Health Embedded HNC Animal Health Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE) FdSc Veterinary Nursing D311 Foundation Degree Qualification Benchmark (Draft Benchmark supplied by RCVS) 2005 Admissions Criteria: Awards Required for Entry to the FdA or FdSc Candidates must have: Key Skills requirement GCSEs in English Language, Maths and Science (or Double Science), plus any two others at Grade C or above. Comments N/A This is a requirement for RCVS enrolment as a Student Veterinary Nurse (SVN). Plus at least one of the following: A Levels required: AS/A2/UCAS Points Tariff BTEC National Diploma AND HNC/D VDA: AGNVQ, AVCE, AVS Access to HE International Baccalaureate Irish/Scottish Highers/Advanced Highers Work Experience Other non-standard awards or experiences 120 points (combination of appropriate A-levels, Key Skills and AS Levels (Maximum of 40 points from Key Skills)) 120 points and award should be in an appropriate subject D in the award MP in the certificate PPP in the Diploma M or D in an appropriate subject Award should be in an appropriate subject at Pass or above. 120 UCAS points. Award should be in an appropriate subject Considered on a case by case basis but generally a Diploma with 24 points or above. 120 UCAS points Appropriateness of previous Work Experience should be discussed with the Programme Manager at Interview. Each candidate should have at least 2 weeks prior to commencement of the programme. Any other qualification deemed appropriate by the College Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 4 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template APEL/APCL possibilities Interview/portfolio requirements Please refer to Plymouth University Academic Regulations ( Mature students will be required to demonstrate that they have the necessary motivation, potential, experience and/or knowledge to follow their chosen programme successfully. Brief Description of the Programme The Foundation Degree (FdSc) in Veterinary Nursing at Duchy Rosewarne is a Higher Education route to becoming a Registered Veterinary Nurse. You’ll get the chance to study the RCVS core professional syllabus and, at the same time, delve deeper into some of the issues and related topics surrounding veterinary nursing as a profession. Aims of the FdSc Programme: The aims of the FdSc Veterinary Nursing and the FdSc Animal Health programmes are to: a) Meet the College’s and University of Plymouth’s mission statements and core values. b) Provide an innovative, broad-based and work-related programme. c) Develop the students’ knowledge base, and practical, vocational and transferable skills in preparation for employment as a veterinary nurse. d) Develop the students’ theoretical and scientific knowledge, practical and study skills to enable participation in further study at degree level in relevant subject areas. Programme Learning Outcomes: By the end of this programme the student will be able to ……. Demonstrate a development of their interest in the health of animals and in veterinary nursing. Demonstrate learning, organisational and planning skills and qualities important to personal and career life. Demonstrate an ability to deal with people in order to work effectively and constructively with other employees within the animal industry. Demonstrate an understanding of the technological, political, social and economic influences over managing an animal business. Perceive their field of study in a broader perspective and demonstrate an ability to transfer the skills and knowledge learned at College to different areas of the working environment within the animal industry. Demonstrate a development of competence of skills to industry standards and encourage adaptability in and an ability to identify the need to develop new skills where necessary. Make an immediate contribution in employment or progress successfully to further studies. Demonstrate skills, qualities and attitudes essential for success in academic and industrial life. Have the option of continuing in HE through progression to a degree at some time in the future or continue to develop professional skills through lifelong learning. Complete the Veterinary Nursing portfolio or online progress log (NPL) to meet the requirements of the NVQ/Diploma Veterinary Nursing Demonstrate a level of specialist knowledge in veterinary nursing to enable work as specialists within the veterinary industry. Demonstrate an understanding of and discuss current practice and research in veterinary science. Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 5 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Distinctive Features of the Foundation Degree Veterinary Nursing Delivery at Duchy College Rosewarne is ideal for mature students or students who wish for a degree experience where support for the individual is maximised. As a partner college of the University of Plymouth we operate with smaller group sizes than traditional degrees and can therefore provide a different learning experience. The Veterinary Nursing route is part-delivered in practice. Duchy College has strong links with the Veterinary Industry in the South-west. Our Veterinary Nursing Unit has close links with training and assessment in veterinary practices throughout Cornwall and Devon through its work as a Veterinary Nursing Centre. The Animal Care Advisory Board has representatives from varied industry sectors who advise the Department on the requirements of the industry and how to develop programmes with appropriate and relevant content. Members of the Board are also keen to develop integrated research projects with interested students. Duchy College has links with over 30 Training Practices in the South West where work-based learning opportunities may be available Certificated learning available alongside core curriculum includes Health & Safety, Risk Assessment and First Aid Students on the programme will enrol as Student Veterinary Nurses On completion of the FdSc Veterinary Nursing qualification students will be eligible for professional registration with the RCVS as a Registered Veterinary Nurse Progression Route(s) A choice of progression routes from the FdSc Veterinary Nursing/Animal Health qualification to a Stage 2 (Level 6) qualification are possible: • • Plymouth University: BSc (Hons) Animal Conservation Science Plymouth University: BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour and Welfare (Level 5) Other progression routes may be available, subject to FdSc graduates satisfying any requirements laid down by the receiving institution. Alternatively you may wish to go straight into industry Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 6 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Teaching methods and assessments A: Development of Knowledge and Understanding knowledge and critical understanding of the wellestablished principles of their area(s) of study, and the way in which those principles have developed knowledge of the main methods of enquiry in their subject(s) an understanding of the limits of their knowledge, and how this influences analyses and interpretations based on that knowledge Maintain standards and practices required of a registered practitioner by the statutory regulatory board (RCVS) Adhere to professional code of conduct, engage in reflective practice, apply ethical and legal knowledge to practice and work within the constraints of that knowledge Use knowledge to undertake assessment using appropriate tools/frameworks and discern information to determine and prioritise care Assess potential for health promotion and priorities for clinical effectiveness. Understand the nature of veterinary nursing, requirements of statutory body, different client groups, variation in patient care due to life-stages and professional issues Apply knowledge of the natural and life sciences, social, health and behavioural sciences, ethics and law to veterinary nursing practice Learning and Teaching Strategy/Method Primary Lectures and tutorials Directed independent study Learning from work experience Secondary Case studies Problem-solving exercises NB: Benchmark References Assessment Veterinary Nurse benchmarks for Higher Education (6th Draft January 2004): A1, B1, C1: nursing, natural and life sciences, social health and behavioural sciences Key knowledge and understanding is assessed via a combination of multiple choice tests, examinations, essays, presentations and seminar performances. B: Cognitive and Intellectual Skills Learning and Teaching Strategy/Method ability to apply underlying concepts and principles outside the context in which they were first studied Reflect on own practice to appraise and evaluate effectiveness of care Interpret and respond to changes in health of patient and circumstances of the client Recognise situations in which the quality of care might be compromised Seek out and apply research based evidence and gather and record clinical or other data Assimilate and asses new concepts, thick critically and analyse, interpret and assess the value of evidence to inform problem solving Primary Class exercises Tutorial/seminar discussions Feedback via coursework assessment process (essays etc) Secondary For example: Policy and practice analysis in surgeries Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 7 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Computer-based practicals on data and measurement problems NB: Benchmark References Assessment Veterinary Nurse benchmarks for Higher Education (6th Draft January 2004): B4, C2: information gathering, problem solving C: Key Transferable Skills Learning and Teaching Strategy/Method ability to evaluate critically the appropriateness of different approaches to solving problems in the field of study; use a range of established techniques to initiate and undertake critical analysis of information, and to propose solutions to problems arising from that analysis effectively communicate information, arguments, and analysis, in a variety of forms, to specialist and non-specialist audiences, and deploy key techniques of the discipline effectively Demonstrate effective team working with colleagues, patients/clients, and work with professional and support staff with appropriate delegation of care Be aware of the economic and emotional climate in which the veterinary surgeon operates and generate and maintain effective communications with relevant organisations Use appropriate communication and interpersonal skills, recognise moral/ethical dilemmas and issues Recognise own learning needs and draw up action plans to address these Be aware of personal limitations and demonstrate awareness of where to seek support Apply principles of health proposition and care and justify decision making processes associated with practice Be able to apply counselling skills specific to client/patient situations, identify and manage challenging behaviours and recognise the need for and provide emotional support while recognising when specialist counselling is required Assessed discussions Essays/projects/dissertations Examinations/tests Coursework/group work on practical application questions Primary Library and other research exercises Group work awareness and practice Computer-based learning and assessment Secondary Class and seminar interactions and feedback NB: Benchmark References Assessment Veterinary Nurse benchmarks for Higher Education (6th Draft January 2004): A2, A3 C1: Managing self and others reflective practice; C2 Communication and interpersonal skills Coursework of all types Examination preparation and completion Assessed discussions Group work assessments Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 8 of 32 D: Practical Skills Be able to maintain accurate records, contribute to a safe working environment, recognise the need for changes in practice and initiate appropriate actions in accordance with employers guidelines Be able to formulate plans and strategies for meeting veterinary nursing needs Be able to demonstrate standards of competence as laid down by the statutory regulatory body including: management of patient, application of knowledge to inform decisions, effective case management , health promotion, interpretation of information, effective communication and use of information technology Use word processing, email, spreadsheets and databases, access electronic veterinary information and use the internet Understand and undertake dose calculations, record information and report changes in information or data appropriately Be competent in practice and be able to undertake the tasks required by the National occupational Standards Learning and Teaching Strategy/Method Laboratory work Projects Designated tasks Lectures and tutorials Learning from work NB: Benchmark References Assessment Veterinary Nurse benchmarks for Higher Education (6th Draft January 2004): A4, B2, B3, C2: information technology, numeracy, D Project work Competence in a range of businessrelated communication techniques Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 9 of 32 Foundation Degree Intended Learning Outcomes Map 1 Graduate Attributes and Skills Core Programme Intended Learning Outcomes The FHEQ requirements are given here in italics Knowledge/ Understanding knowledge and critical understanding of the well-established principles of their area(s) of study, and the way in which those principles have developed knowledge of the main methods of enquiry in their subject(s) an understanding of the limits of their knowledge, and how this influences analyses and interpretations based on that knowledge Maintain standards and practices required of a registered practitioner by the statutory regulatory board (RCVS) Adhere to professional code of conduct, engage in reflective practice, apply ethical and legal knowledge to practice and work within the constraints of that knowledge Use knowledge to undertake assessment using appropriate tools/frameworks and discern information to determine and prioritise care Assess potential for health promotion and priorities for clinical effectiveness Understand the nature of veterinary nursing, requirements of statutory body, different client groups, variation in patient care due to life-stages and professional issues Apply knowledge of the natural and life sciences, social, health and behavioural sciences, ethics and law to veterinary nursing practice Intermediate level 2 3 4 Aim(s) Subject) Benchmark Related Core Modules a/b/c/d (FdSc) benchmark p8 CORR119, CORR126, CORR120, CORR129, CORR224, CORR214 CORR222, CORR215, CORR216 a/b/c/d Benchmark for Veterinary Nursing 6th Draft (BVN) A1 b/c/d BVN B1 CORR119, CORR126, CORR120, CORR129, CORR224CORR222, CORR215, CORR216, CORR217 CORR121 a/b/c/d a/b/c/d a/b/c/d BVN C1 b/c/d CORR119, CORR120 b/c/d CORR120 CORR120, CORR222 b/c/d Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 10 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Cognitive / Intellectual Skills (generic) ability to apply underlying concepts and principles outside the context in which they were first studied Reflect on own practice to appraise and evaluate effectiveness of care Interpret and respond to changes in health of patient and circumstances of the client Recognise situations in which the quality of care might be compromised a/b/c/d a/b/c/d (FdSc) benchmark p9 BVN B4 PESD CORC1013, CORR2000 CORR224 CORR129 CORR129 b/c/d ab/c/d Seek out and apply research based evidence and gather and record clinical or other data Assimilate and asses new concepts, thick critically and analyse interpret and assess the value of evidence to inform problem solving PESD CORC1013, CORR2000 a/b/c/d BVN C2 b/c/d Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 11 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Key / Transferable Skills (generic) ability to evaluate critically the appropriateness of different approaches to solving problems in the field of study; use a range of established techniques to initiate and undertake critical analysis of information, and to propose solutions to problems arising from that analysis effectively communicate information, arguments, and analysis, in a variety of forms, to specialist and non-specialist audiences, and deploy key techniques of the discipline effectively Demonstrate effective team working with colleagues, patients/clients, and work with professional and support staff with appropriate delegation of care Be aware of the economic and emotional climate in which the veterinary surgeon operates and generate and maintain effective communications with relevant organisations Use appropriate communication an interpersonal skills, recognise moral/ethical dilemmas and issues Recognise own learning needs and draw up action plans to address these Be aware of personal limitations and demonstrate awareness of where to seek support Apply principles of health prevention and care and justify decisions making processes associated with practice Be able to apply counselling skills specific to client/patient situations, identify and manage challenging behaviours and recognise the need for and provide emotional support while recognising when specialist counselling is required a/b/c/d a/b/c/d PESD CORC1013, CORR2000 PESD CORC1013, CORR2000 PESD CORC1013, CORR2000, CORR120, CORR222 CORR128, CORR224 a/b/c CORR120, CORR222, CORR128, CORR224 a/b/c/d (FdSc) benchmark p9 BVN A2 CORR120, CORR222 b/c a/b/c b/c/d PESD116, CORR2000 BVN A3 b/c CORR129, CORR120, CORR119 b/c CORR120 b/c/d BVN C2 Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 12 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Practical Skills (subject specific) Be able to maintain accurate records, contribute to a safe working environment, recognise the need for changes in practice and initiate appropriate actions in accordance with employers guidelines a/b/c BVN A4 CORR120, CORR224, CORR128, CORR222 Be able to formulate plans and strategies for meeting veterinary nursing needs a/b/c BVN A4 CORR119, CORR120, CORR129, VNR115 Be able to demonstrate standards of competence as laid down by the statutory regulatory body including: management of patient, application of knowledge to inform decision, effective case management, health prevention, interpretation of information, effective communication and use of information technology b/c/d BVN B2 CORR120, CORR128, CORR224 Use word processing, email, spreadsheets and databases, access electronic veterinary information and use the internet a/b/c/d BVN B3 PESD1013, CORR2000 Understand and undertake dose calculations, record information and report changes in information or data appropriately b/c/d BVN C2 CORR120, CORR216, CORR215 Be competent in practice and be able to undertake the tasks required by the National occupational Standards CORR128, CORR224 b/c BVN D Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 13 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Employment-related skills the application of subject principles in an employment context undertake further training, develop existing skills and acquire new competencies that will enable them to assume significant responsibilities within organisations qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and decision making. a/c a/c (FdSc) benchmark p8 & 9 a/c CORR128, CORR224 PESD The LANTRA Veterinary Nursing National Occupational Standards describe the skills, knowledge and understanding required to carry out a job competently. Material for the NOS units is embedded in the FdSc modules. The underpinning knowledge for each aspect of the practical skills required are embedded within the FdSc modules and are assessed in the workplace through direct observation and collation of evidence in an assessed NPL. Completion of all FdSc Veterinary Nursing requirements enables students to apply for professional registration with the RCVS as a Registered Veterinary Nurse. Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 14 of 32 Programme Structure Diagram College: Cornwall College 2707 Year: 2014/2015 PU Course Code: 3065 Programme: FdSc Veterinary Nursing Mode of Attendance: Full Time Total Credits: 240 Stage 1 Module Code Module Title CORC1013C CORR119 CORR120 CORR126 CORR129 CORR140 CORR142 Personal & Employability Skills Development Maintaining Animal Health Essential Veterinary Nursing Skills Functional Anatomy Application of Veterinary Nursing Care Introduction to Animal Behaviour Care and Rehabilitation Module Code Module Title CORR2000A CORR214 CORR215 CORR221 CORR222 CORR223 CORR224A CORR2011 Research Project Diagnostic Methods Theatre Practice and Anaesthesia Pharmacy Current Practice in Veterinary Nursing Large Animal Health and Disease Veterinary Placement Animal Nutrition No. of Credits 20 Core / Optional Core 20 20 20 20 10 10 Core Core Core Core Core Core No. of Credits 0 20 20 10 10 10 0 10 Core / Optional Core Core Core Core Core Core Core Core No. of Credits 0 20 20 Core / Optional Core Core Core Stage 2 Year 3 Module Code Module Title CORR128 CORR2012 CORR2000B Veterinary Work Experience Veterinary Placement Research Project Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 15 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template College: Cornwall College 2707 Year: 2014/2015 PU Course Code: 3065 Programme: FdSc Veterinary Nursing Mode of Attendance: Part Time Total Credits: 240 Year 1 Module Code Module Title CORC1013C Personal and Employability Skills Development Maintaining Animal Health Introduction to Animal Behaviour Care and Rehabilitation CORR119 CORR140 CORR142 No. of Credits 20 Core / Optional Core 20 10 10 Core Core Core No. of Credits 20 20 20 Core / Optional Core Core Core No. of Credits 0 20 20 10 10 0 Core / Optional Core Core Core Core Core Core No. of Credits 10 20 20 10 Core / Optional Core Core Core Core Year 2 Module Code Module Title CORR120 CORR126 CORR129 Essential Veterinary Nursing Skills Functional Anatomy Application of Veterinary Nursing Care Module Code Module Title CORR2000A CORR214 CORR215 CORR221 CORR222 CORR224A Research Project Diagnostic Methods Theatre Practice and Anaesthesia Pharmacy Current Practice in Veterinary Nursing Veterinary Placement Year 3 Year 4 Module Code Module Title CORR223 CORR2012 CORR2000B CORR2011 Large Animal Health and Disease Veterinary Placement Research Project Animal Nutrition Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 16 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template 3. Module Records Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 17 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 18 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 19 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 20 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 21 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 22 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 23 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 24 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 25 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 26 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 27 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 28 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 29 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 30 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 31 of 32 Academic Partnerships Template Academic Partnerships Teaching, Learning and Assessment Handbook 2014-15 Page 32 of 32