Summary of Activities 2011-12

Summary of Activities
CEO Evaluation 11/12
Kathy Tuell, President and CEO (September 11, 1995-present)
Part 1: Individual Efficiency, Productivity and Effectiveness
The CEO participates on numerous boards and committees at the local, state, regional and national
levels. The purpose of this activity is to be proactive in understanding the ongoing changes in the
funding system, changes in funder expectations, upcoming opportunities and emerging issues. A
secondary purpose is to secure and maintain those relationships that are influential in, or responsible
for, funding decisions. These groups include:
National Network for Youth, Youth Policy Council (2006-2012)
Youth and Family Services Network Board of Directors
Received the Mary Jane Dewey Leadership Award, Sept. 29, 2011
Florida Network of Youth and Family Services
Executive Advisory Council
Circuit 16 Juvenile Justice Board
Past President (1996-2000, 2010-2012)
Guidance Care Center Board of Directors (2011-2012)
Monroe County Community Alliance, member
Monroe County Continuum of Care
Member, Board of Directors
Part 2: Performance Expectations
Council on Accreditation: Received expedited reaccreditation in April of 2012.
The Organization received a clean audit – no management letter (eight years in a row)
The Organization continued development with Social Solutions to implement Efforts to
Outcomes, a nationally-recognized Performance Management/Outcomes Management system.
The system design, software development and staff training took place in the 2009-2010 fiscal
year. Data input began January 1, 2011. The first year of data entry was completed in January
of 2012. Work continues on staff training and improvement of reporting abilities.
The Organization has exceeded all contractual requirements for the Florida Network. Successful
completion of Quality Assurance and Contract Compliance reviews.
The Organization continues to work on the Education Initiative and has submitted a proposal to
the University of Miami, School of Education and Counseling for UM to be the lead university in
this project. Interns have come from Nova Southeastern University, Florida International
University, Barry University, University of Prescott (AZ), and Capella University. A
homeless/runaway youth arts project completed by the University of Prescott intern at Project
Lighthouse was displayed at a Key West arts gallery, a Florida Network statewide conference,
and a Youth and Family Services Network regional conference.
Part 3: Organizational Effectiveness (Impact) Across All Programs
Chief Executive Outcomes as established by the Executive Council
Academic success
Data evaluated was from 07/01/2011 to 06/30/2012
The Jelsema program showed a school attendance rate of 86.5% for all clients while in residential care
at the Jelsema center.
The Community Based Counseling program showed that 42.75% of clients increased their school
attendance for the time period.
Poinciana 1 showed a school/day care attendance rate of 100% for all clients in residential care.
Poinciana 2 showed a school attendance rate of 91.5% for all clients in residential care; all unexcused
absences involved just two clients.
Project Lighthouse: of the t36 clients who need to be enrolled in school or GED 9 were able to be
enrolled in GED and 3 in FKCC during this time period or 33%; all 9 clients completed their GED and one
graduated FKCC.
Healthy behaviors
Data evaluated was from 07/01/2011 to 06/30/2012
The Jelsema program Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) score showed 68.27% increase change
during the period for an average increase of .95%. Data showed and average 85.14% increase in
behavior management point totals across all clients for the period. In order to increase knowledge of the
negative effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other substances an agreement was developed with the
Guidance Care Center to provide weekly groups to all clients, and for any clients with substance abuse
issues additional referrals are made to the Guidance care Center.
The Community Based Counseling program Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) score showed
135.33% increase during the period. In order to increase knowledge of the negative effects of alcohol,
tobacco, and other substances all clients are given materials and counseled on the negative effects and
for any clients with substance abuse issues additional referrals are made to the Guidance care Center.
Poinciana 1 showed a 6.5% decrease in number of behavioral time outs that were given for the period
but did not show a statistical increase or decrease in age appropriate behaviors. In order to increase
knowledge of the negative effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other substances all clients (age appropriate)
are given materials and counseled on the negative effects and for any clients with substance abuse
issues additional referrals are made to the Guidance care Center.
Poinciana 2 outcome data showed clients were able to maintain the daily privileges 92% of the time,
showing they were acting appropriately and taking responsibility. In order to increase knowledge of the
negative effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other substances all clients are given materials and counseled
on the negative effects and for any clients with substance abuse issues additional referrals are made to
the Guidance care Center.
Project lighthouse data showed that 78% of clients had no health issues or concerns which required
referral for services and the remaining 22% were either already receiving services for their concern or
were referred to the appropriate provider for their concern, 28 clients were assisted in finding housing,
136 clients or 94% of the total who would qualify were assisted in obtaining food stamps or were
already receiving, and 98% of the clients were given survival supplies. In order to increase knowledge of
the negative effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other substances all clients are given materials and
counseled on the negative effects and for any clients with substance abuse issues additional referrals
are made to the Guidance care Center.
Employment readiness
Data evaluated was from 07/01/2011 to 06/30/2012
The Jelsema program data showed that no youth during the period maintained a position of
employment. The primary educational goal for this program is the completion of high school or receipt
of a GED. However, we believe that a healthy discussion with youth on the requirements for
employment and the impact of employment on future lifestyle is equally important. A performance
Improvement Plan is being developed for this program and includes 1) reviewing approved, evidencebased educational material for group work in the area of employment readiness; 2) development of
inclusion of this information in the Efforts to Outcomes tracking and reporting system; and 3)
implementation decisions.
The Community Based Counseling program showed that 17% of clients maintained part time
Poinciana 2 outcome data showed that 80% of clients maintained part time positions of employment.
Poinciana 1: N/A
Project Lighthouse data showed that 50% of clients seeking employment obtained employment with
55% being part time and 45% full time employment.