1. DATOS INFORMATIVOS: 1.1. Disciplina: Language Arts 1.2. Profesor(s): Mr. Ken Gulfan 1.3. Especialidad: Spelling 1.4. Grados / Cursos: Fourth Grade 1.5. Horario: 3 hours a week 1.6. Correo electrónico:kenjitsu2@hotmail.com, Kenjitsu2@gmail.com 2. OBJETIVO 2.1. Objetivo General Provide the students with spelling rules of English phonetics, to develop the ability to write and pronounce correctly. 3. DESCRIPCIÓN 3. 1. Importancia de la disciplina dentro de la malla curricular Spelling is a required skill that enables the student to write and pronounce correctly. This class provides the spelling of specials sound in English sounds. 3.2. Incidencia de la asignatura The student will develop abilities such as writing and speaking, using the variety of English sounds and their correct spelling. 4. RESULTADOS DEL APRENDIZAJE 4. 1. Cognitivos (aprender) The student will develop pronunciation and speaking skills. 4. 2. Prácticos (hacer) The student will write and speak correctly, by using special English sounds. 4. 3. Desarrollo personal (valores) Motivate the student to develop his/her speaking and writing skills, with a correct spelling. CONTENIDOS: I PARCIAL 5.1.Temas/Problemas Short a and Long a Short e and Long e Short i and Long i Short o and Long o Homophones Vowel Sounds: /û /, /ōō/, and /ŏŏ / 5.2.Estrategias Metodológicas Dictation Sentences Pronunciation Identify meaning Proofreading Sentence Usage Dictation Sentences Pronunciation Identify meaning Proofreading Sentence Usage Dictation Sentences Pronunciation Identify meaning Proofreading Sentence Usage Dictation Sentences Pronunciation Identify meaning Proofreading Sentence Usage Dictation Sentences Pronunciation Identify meaning Proofreading Sentence Usage Dictation Sentences Pronunciation Identify meaning Proofreading Sentence Usage 6. METODOLOGÍA: Writing Dictation Sentences Pronounce English Special Sound Proofreading texts Active Library Sentence usage 5.3. Recursos 5.4.Tiempos Practice Book Notebook Story Books Internet Worksheets Practice Book Notebook Story Books Internet Worksheets Practice Book Notebook Story Books Internet Worksheets Practice Book Notebook Story Books Internet Worksheets Practice Book Notebook Story Books Internet Worksheets Practice Book Notebook Story Books Internet Worksheets 5 hours 5 hours 5 hours 5 hours 5 hours 5 hours 7. SISTEMA DE EVALUACIÓN: (Instrumentos, modalidad) Practice Book Exercises Identifying exercises Completing exercises Writing Sentences Proofreading exercises II Tests: I Test 30% II Test 30%