COURSE OUTLINE RADT 1103: INTRODUCTION TO RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY COURSE DESCRIPTION This course introduces the field of Radiologic Technology, department and hospital organization, professional ethics, medicolegal considerations, patient care, and basic radiation protection, radiographic equipment and procedures. TEXTS Gurley, Laverne T., and Callaway, William J. Introduction to Radiologic Technology and Mosby’s OnLine Access Code, 8th Ed., Elsevier Publishing Co., 2011. COURSE OBJECTIVES Responsibilities of a Radiographer Overview of Medical Diagnostic Imaging Operation of a Diagnostic Imaging Department Professional Organizations and Career Advancement X-Rays and The X-Ray Tube Image Formation and Evaluation TEACHING METHODOLOGIES Lecture Class Discussion Guest Speakers Audio-Visual Presentations METHODS OF EVALUATION Short Answer Pop Quizzes……..10% Written Assignments……………. 10% Multiple Choice Lecture Tests…. 60% Multiple Choice Final Exam……..20% TARDIES AND ABSENCES After two (2) tardies, one point will be subtracted from the final grade for each tardy that follows. After the fourth (4th) absence from class, the student will be dropped from the course unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. All make-up work and tests are due the day the student returns to class. Ten points will be subtracted each class day the make-up work is late. STUDENT LEARNING GUIDE RADT 1103 INTRODUCTION TO RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY UNIT 1 COURSE OBJECTIVE Responsibilities of a Radiographer PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES The student will be able to perform the following with a pass rate of 75% or above: 1. Explain the importance of having a thorough understanding of the aspects of radiologic technology. 2. Set goals and plan for a life style that has meaning, serenity and a sense of wholeness. 3. Describe psychological needs and determine how to maintain a healthy social interaction with others. 4. Describe the process of learning to make wise judgments. 5. Define attention and describe methods to improve concentration for more effective learning. 6. Describe the significant developments in medicine from prehistoric to current times. 7. Discuss the discovery of x-rays and the events leading to the development of modern imaging modalities. RESOURCES Introduction to Radiologic Technology: Chapter 1 Introduction to Quality Customer Service Chapter 2 Becoming a Better Student Chapter 3 Memorization – A Key to Learning Chapter 4 Critical Thinking Skills Chapter 5 History of Medicine Chapter 6 Radiology: A Historical Perspective INSTRUCTION Lecture Class Discussion Guest Speakers UNIT ASSIGNMENT Class Handouts Chapter Reading TEST Multiple Choice Test of Knowledge STUDENT LEARNING GUIDE RADT 1103 INTRODUCTION TO RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY UNIT 2 COURSE OBJECTIVE Overview of Medical Diagnostic Imaging PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES The student will be able to perform the following with a pass rate of 75% or above: 1. Identify student responsibilities for patient-technologist interaction and optimum patient care. 2. List and define terms and phrases in general usage in radiography. 3. Identify and describe the function of diagnostic imaging equipment. 4. Describe what is included in routine and special procedures radiography. 5. Discuss the technologist's role in image production and evaluation. 6. Identify the stages of Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Reasoning. 7. Discuss personal obligations radiologic technologists have with their patients, their profession and to society at large. 8. Discuss the ethical dilemmas of genetic screening, counseling and the U.S. Genome Project. 9. Demonstrate proper body mechanics and describe the technologists role in the aspect of patient care. RESOURCES Introduction to Radiologic Technology: Chapter 7 Radiography Education: From Class to Clinic Chapter 8 Language of Medicine Chapter 9 Imaging Equipment Chapter 10 Rad. Exams-Diagnosing Disease and Injury Chapter 11 Imaging: Life Cycle and Quality Chapter 12 Ethics and Professionalism in Radiologic Technology Chapter 13 Patient Care and Management INSTRUCTION Lecture Class Discussion Guest Speakers UNIT ASSIGNMENT Chapter Reading TEST Multiple Choice Test of Knowledge STUDENT LEARNING GUIDE RADT 1103 INTRODUCTION TO RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY UNIT 3 COURSE OBJECTIVE Operation of Diagnostic Imaging Department PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES The student will be able to perform the following with a pass rate of 75% or above: 1. Discuss the steps a technologist may take to prevent a lawsuit against a health provider. 2. Describe the organization of a hospital and radiology department. 3. Identify steps to economize in a radiology department. 4. Discuss DRG’s and Prospective Payment Systems. 5. Explain the significance of a quality assurance program from the standpoint of patient care, economics and staff development. 6. Explain the need for radiation protection efforts by operators of radiation-producing equipment. 7. Describe the roles of the allied health team members. RESOURCES Introduction to Radiologic Technology: Chapter 14 Medicolegal Considerations Chapter 15 Organization and Operation of the Radiology Dept. Chapter 16 Economics of Radiology Chapter 17 Quality Assurance in Radiology Chapter 18 Radiation Safety and Protective Measures Chapter 19 Allied Health Professionals INSTRUCTION Lecture Class Discussion Guest Speaker UNIT ASSIGNMENT Chapter Reading TEST Multiple Choice Test of Knowledge STUDENT LEARNING GUIDE RADT 1103 INTRODUCTION TO RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY UNIT 4 COURSE OBJECTIVE Professional Organizations and Career Advancement PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES The student will be able to perform the following with a pass rate of 75% or above: 1. Describe the role of the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists and the examination procedure. 2. Discuss the role of the JRCERT in accrediting radiologic programs. 3. Describe the role of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists and its organizational arrangement. 4. List the requirements for entry into specialty programs and the qualifications for certification. 5. Discuss upward mobility career routes for technologists. 6. Identify continuing education opportunities required by ARRT. 7. Discuss prevailing values affecting health care systems. RESOURCES Introduction to Radiologic Technology Chapter 20 The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists Chapter 21 The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology Chapter 22 Professional Associations Chapter 23 Specialization in Radiologic Technology Chapter 24 Professional Development and Career Advancement Chapter 25 Continuing Education for the Radiologic Technologist Chapter 26 Status of Health Care Delivery INSTRUCTION Lecture Class Discussion UNIT ASSIGNMENT Chapter Reading TEST Multiple Choice Test of Knowledge STUDENT LEARNING GUIDE RADT 1103 INTRODUCTION TO RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY UNIT 5 COURSE OBJECTIVE X-Rays and The X-Ray Tube PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES The student will be able to perform the following with a pass rate of 75% or above: 1. Discuss the basic structure of an atom. 2. Define x-radiation and its characteristics. 3. Discuss the components of the x-ray tube. RESOURCES Handout: Basic Imaging Chapter 1 Basic Physics Chapter 2 X-Radiation Chapter 3 The X-Ray Tube INSTRUCTION Lecture Class Discussion Audio-Visual Presentations UNIT ASSIGNMENT Chapter Reading TEST Multiple Choice Test of Knowledge STUDENT LEARNING GUIDE RADT 1103 INTRODUCTION TO RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY UNIT 6 COURSE OBJECTIVE Image Formation and Evaluation PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES The student will be able to perform the following with a pass rate of 75% or above: 1. Explain how differential absorption affects the remnant beam. 2. Discuss technical factors such as mAs, kVp, and exposure time. 3. Discuss various factors affecting radiographic sharpness, such as light diffusion, geometries, and quantum mottle. 4. List source of scatter and ways of controlling scatter on the radiograph. RESOURCES Handout: Basic Imaging Chapter 9 Controlling Factors of the Radiographic Process Chapter 13 Geometry of Image Formation Chapter 10 Beam Restricting Devices Chapter 11 Radiographic Grids INSTRUCTION Lecture Class Discussion UNIT ASSIGNMENT Chapter Reading TEST Multiple Choice Test of Knowledge