
Cell Organelle/ Transport Exam Review
1. Review parts of the cell. Make sure to study secretion of proteins. Understand the process of protein
production & secretion and the organelle involved.
2. Spend time comparing plant, animal, and bacteria cell. How are they different? How are they alike?
What organelle/functions do each do similarly/independently?
a. Usage of energy
3. Know the structure of the membrane. Know the types of membrane proteins. From the list below, which
are the 2 most significant structural components of the cell membrane (phospholipids, cellulose, nucleic
acids, proteins, glycoproteins, cholesterol)
4. Know the types of diffusion discussed in class (lecture) and be
able to give an example of each type.
5. What does semipermeable mean (it’s synonymous with
selectively permeable)?
6. How do these molecules go through the membrane: CO2, O2,
H2O, Glucose, Na+, K+, Large molecules, polar molecules,
7. What determines the direction water will travel?
8. An artificial cell consisting of an aqueous solution enclosed in a selectively permeable membrane has
just been immersed in a beaker containing a different solution. The membrane is permeable to water
and to the simple sugars glucose and fructose but completely impermeable to sucrose. Draw arrows
showing the direction everything will travel and what the relative concentrations should be when everything is
in equilibrium. Make sure you indicate what tonicity is the situation and how water would respond.
1 % Sucrose
20% Glucose
10% Fructose
3% Sucrose
0% Glucose
30% Fructose
9. What affects the rate of diffusion/transport?
10. The terms:
a. turgid,
b. plasmolyzed,
25% Sucrose
1% Glucose
6% Fructose
15% Sucrose
9% Glucose
4% Fructose
c. hypertonic,
d. hypotonic,
e. isotonic
11. Major transport mechanisms
a. Exocytosis,
b. Endocytosis,
c. Pinocytosis,
d. Phagocytosis,
12. The following experiment was designed to test whether different concentration gradients affect the rate of
osmosis. In this experiment, four solutions (0% NaCl, 1% NaCl, 5% NaCl, and 10% NaCl) were tested under
identical conditions. Fifteen milliliters (ml) of 0% NaCl were put into a bag formed of dialysis tubing that is
permeable only to water. The same was done for each NaCl solution. Each bag was submerged in a separate
beaker containing 300 mL of distilled water. The mass of the dialysis tubing was measured after 24 hours.
Mass of dialysis tubing after 24 hours
Concentration of
% mass change
NaCl (in tubing)
a) Graph the data.
b) Using the same set of axes, draw and label three
additional lines representing the results that you
would predict for a 15% NaCl solution, 20% NaCl
solution and a 35% NaCl solution
c) Farmlands located near coastal regions are being threatened by encroaching seawater seeping into the soil. In
terms of water movement into or out of plant cells, explain why seawater could decrease crop production.
d) Identify these cells= Prokaryote/Eukaryote (use size, features, anything possible! They are all @ 400x