St. James Catholic School 507 S. Camp St. Seguin, TX 78155 830

St. James Catholic School
507 S. Camp St.
Seguin, TX 78155
FAX 830-379-0047
July 2013
Dear Parents,
This letter is intended to give you information that will help to make 2013-2014 a great year. First, I
would like to state how excited I am to become principal of St. James Catholic School. Earlier in the
summer you should have received a letter from me introducing myself and a little about my
background. This communication is designed to give you any updates regarding the school that you
would like to know before school starts.
With input from Fathers Dennis and Greg, Mr. Weber, faculty and staff, School Council, and PTC, we
have been busy planning for the upcoming school year. Their contribution and yours will help to
ensure a successful school year and productive communication between home and school. Please note
the following dates:
 Registration – August 14 (9:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M and 4:00 – 7:00 P.M. in the gym) During
registration, families will finalize all registration paperwork and payments, meet their
children’s teachers, and drop off school supplies in the classrooms.
 New Family Orientation - August 14 (7:00 – 7:45 P.M.) This is an opportunity to meet the
principal, teachers and staff, and members of the organizations who are so valuable to SJS and
to learn procedures to make your first days at school easier.
 First Day of School – August 19 This year we shall be making improvements to our drop off
and pick up procedures to enhance the safety and security of the children. School will begin
daily at 7:55 A.M. for all students. The school day will end at 3:10 for students in PK2 – Grade
5 and at 3:20 for students in Grades 6-8. Please see the information below for further details.
We have made a few updates to the school program, class offerings, and faculty that we would like to
share with you now. We are very excited about these developments, which will enhance the learning
environment of St. James Catholic School. You will receive more information in your registration
packet and after school begins.
 Special area classes: In addition to the core subjects of religion, language arts
(reading/literature, English, spelling, handwriting, composition, etc.), math, science, and social
studies, all students in K-8 will study art, music, PE, Spanish, and computer with a specialized
instructor. Teaching these classes will be Mrs. Baize for art and music, Mrs. Deal for PE, Mrs.
Hermes for Spanish, and Mrs. Tims for computer (technology). Additionally, Lower School
(grades K – 5) students will have library school classes with Mrs. Matalik, and Upper School
students (grades 6-8) will incorporate library within their literature classes. The number of
weekly class periods at the respective grade levels will depend on teacher availability and
scheduling. Possible changes may be made as the schedule is finalized.
 School uniform: The school uniform policy remains almost the same as last year with the
following adjustments. * Socks for both boys and girls need to be solid white crew socks, or
girls may also wear solid white or navy, opaque knee socks. Ankle socks, golf socks, “noshow” socks, and socks with designs or of other colors are not permitted. * Shoes for boys
Keeping God in Everything We Do!
St. James Catholic School
507 S. Camp St.
Seguin, TX 78155
FAX 830-379-0047
should be solid black, all leather, non-scuff, low cut tennis shoes with matching black laces.
Shoes for girls should be solid white, all leather, non-scuff, low cut tennis shoes with matching
laces. Younger students may have Velcro fasteners on their school shoes. Some brands that
make solid white or black tennis (athletic) shoes are New Balance, Sketchers, and Reebok.
* Skirts and jumpers for girls need to be no shorter than the top of the knee. Girls need to
wear modesty shorts under their skirts/jumpers. * Skorts and shorts should be no shorter than
two inches above the knee. On Mass days, boys are encouraged to wear pants, and girls should
wear skirts or skorts. * PK Students wear play clothes and tennis shoes to school. Cowboy
boots may NOT be worn. Before the weather gets colder, we shall announce any uniform
changes for sweaters, jackets, and/or sweatshirts.
PE Uniform: SJS will no longer require a PE uniform, and students will not change clothes for
PE. They will wear what they have on, and girls who have on skirts/jumpers will participate in
the shorts they have on underneath their skirts and put their skirts/jumpers back on after PE.
This will allow more class time since students will not need to change clothes or shoes for PE.
Drop off and pick up (carpool lines): Most students will be dropped off and picked up from
school in car lines. Teachers and safety patrol students will be outside to assist students getting
in and out of cars. Please see the information in your registration packet for further
Conduct and Discipline: The SJS Conduct and Discipline Policy is undergoing revisions.
Students will be apprised of these revisions, and you will receive a copy after school begins.
Communication: SJS is in the process of updating the school website and changing the
school’s domain log-in so that both the school’s website and teacher e-mails will be similar and
easier for all to access. As soon as this is accomplished, we shall publish the school’s new
website address and teacher e-mail addresses. We shall still be using RenWeb. The school’s
packet of information will now go home on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays.
St. James School is very fortunate to have such a wonderful and talented faculty and staff. The list of
faculty and staff and their assignments as of mid-July are as follows: (Note: these are subject to change
depending on enrollment. Specific classes, i.e. grade 6 English, grade 2 religion, etc., will be
announced closer to the start of school.)
 PK2 – Mrs. Tracie Seiler
 PK3 – Mrs. Dawn Luu
 PK4 – Mrs. Rita Medellin (Preschool Director) and Mrs. Martha Weber
 Kindergarten – Mrs. Cynthia Reininger and Mrs. Chrissy Belicek
 Grade 1 – Mrs. Shelley Marek
 Grade 2 – Mrs. Stephanie Thomas
 Grade 3 – Ms. Amanda Crow
 Grade 4 – Mrs. Paula Soukup
 Grade 5 – Mrs. Sharon Frederickson
 Grade 6 – Mrs. Susan Jasek
 Grade 7 – Mrs. Brenda Allen
 Grade 8/Assistant Principal – Mr. Jim Weber
Keeping God in Everything We Do!
St. James Catholic School
507 S. Camp St.
Seguin, TX 78155
FAX 830-379-0047
Spanish – Mrs. Dana Hermes
PE/Athletic Coordinator – Mrs. Raeann Deal
Music/Art – Mrs. Karen Baize
Library – Mrs. Kathy Matalik
Computer/Technology Specialist – Mrs. Lisa Tims
Administrative Asst./Safe Environment Coordinator – Mrs. Monica Sayen
Student Services/Health Representative – Mrs. Terri Hartmann
Business Manager – Mrs. Dawn Sandee (located in parish administration building)
Principal – Dr. Cindy Cummins
Aides – Mrs. Mary Lou Sassenhagen, Mrs. Ophelia Arce, Mrs. Matilde Espinoza, Mrs. Wanda
Fisher (others to be determined)
I look forward to meeting all those in the St. James Community. I promise to work hard for St. James
Catholic School and to ensure its strong tradition of Catholic education. May the rest of your summer
be filled with blessings, and I hope to meet all of you soon. God bless you.
Cindy Cummins, Ed.D.
Keeping God in Everything We Do!