Trinity Hospice and Palliative Care Services have a vision that ‘By 2020, everyone on the Fylde Coast should have access to good end of life care and a good death’. JOB DESCRIPTION: Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Specialist Manager ACCOUNTABLE TO: Clinical Director RESPONSIBLE FOR: Palliative Care Community and Hospital Clinical Nurse Specialists and Hospice at Home. OVERALL PURPOSE: To provide leadership and team management for the Community and Hospital Palliative Care Nurses and Hospice at Home to ensure that the service to patients is of the required standard and effectively utilises the resources available. To develop practice in line with the Specialist Palliative Care Review and Quality Standards for End of Life Care. To evidence consistent and sustained improvements in standards of practice and care in specialist palliative care. To inspire and encourage the team members, guiding them through change processes with skill and sensitivity. To introduce appropriate metrics (measurement systems) to enable the effective management of the service. To develop comprehensive communication links with community and acute trust partners to ensure that Trinity is recognised and a valuable partner in End of Life care for the Fylde Coast. To make an effective contribution to achieving Trinity’s vision, strategic objectives and key work programmes, by working in partnership with the Clinical Director, Hospital and Community Consultants as clinical leads for these areas. On occasions it may be necessary to provide clinical expertise, support and advice to patients living with life threatening limiting illness and their families. MAIN DUTIES OF RESPONSIBLITIES: Leadership and Management 1. Account to the Clinical Director for the overall performance of the team, working within Trinity’s policies, procedures, code of conduct etc. 2. Lead and manage the teams ensuring the right skills and capabilities are in place to deliver the strategic goals shared with partners. Reviewed Jan 15 3. Monitor the workload of staff ensuring work is fairly allocated, forecasting demand for the service and ensuring sufficient resources are in place, to deliver high quality care within the departmental budget. 4. Manage performance of staff effectively and take appropriate remedial action when necessary utilising Trinity’s HR policies. 5. Coordinate and conduct annual staff personal development reviews and reviews for the team, setting work objectives and personal development plans in line with the Trinity Strategy and Business Plan as wells as required clinical competences. 6. Ensure staff members work within Trinity’s policies and procedures. 7. Promote team harmony and close, collaborative working within the Hospice and other service providers. 8. Work closely with Consultants in Palliative Medicine, NHS leads, GPs, District Nursing Teams, all other relevant professionals and colleagues within Trinity to sustain and further develop effective partnerships delivering innovative integrated End of Life Care initiatives within primary and secondary care. 9. Build strong relationships and shared goals/work programmes with the Palliative Care Consultant, clinical leads in the community and Foundation trust. 10. Ensure high level performance monitoring of key performance indicators of the clinical nurse specialists and Hospice at Home, using IT systems and reporting these to the board along with analysis of appropriate actions to improve performance based on the results that will profile the service and inform future strategic development. 11. Promote a consistently high level of quality information exchanges between service providers. 12. Undertake investigations of specific incidents or complaints relating to Palliative Care and End Life Care utilising clinical expertise and advanced communication skills. 13. Represent the CNS team & Hospice at Home team at Hospice meetings / events. 14. Contribute to policy development at Trinity in response to local and national policy changes and to ensure compliance with the Care Quality Commission. 15. Act as a role model for excellent advanced communications skills and expertise. 16. Take every opportunity to raise the profile of Trinity through a variety of agreed initiatives. Clinical Responsibilities 17. Demonstrate expert knowledge by being visible and accessible. Work clinically and take a patient case load for a period of time when this is in the best interest of the service. 18. Discuss all treatments with sensitivity, knowledge and expertise. Act as patient advocate when appropriate and respect patient confidentiality and privacy with respect for diverse cultural backgrounds and requirements. Foster and maintain effective communications and promote collaborative working relationships, with other professionals and formal carers providing relevant information about patients’ needs, clinical knowledge and shared goals to improve EOL care and provision on Reviewed Jan 15 19. the Fylde Coast. 20. Contribute to Clinical Governance, and fundamentals of care within Trinity via service improvement initiatives to improve standards of specialist care by developing practice to ensure that patients and carers have a quality experience, and to reduce risk and increase safety for staff and patients. 21. Ensure team members undertake and document comprehensive specialists palliative care assessments. 22. Ensure team members gather relevant information from other sources to assist the assessment process. 23. Encourage and support advance care planning. 24. Provide all relevant and necessary information and advice to patients, families and carers. 25. Develop systems and practice to ensure patients and carers are fully engaged in the assessment and care planning process. 26. Apply highly developed evidence-based knowledge to influence the provision of complex symptom management. 27. Contribute to multi-disciplinary team meetings. 28. Ensure the recording of the MDS and Departmental KPI’s and review the targets set within the team action plan and Trinity Strategy and Business plan. 29. Ensure a seamless service for patients moving between services. Education Training Audit and Research 30. Ensure strong mentorship of newly appointed members of staff and others who are pursing palliative care training/education. 31. Utilise professional supervision and reflective practice skills to enhance development of self and colleagues in the professional team to optimise care. 32. Oversee the management and development of competencies for the Clinical Nurse Specialists and Hospice at Home Team to care for end of life care patients. 33. Lead the CNS Team and Hospice at Home Team in developing and delivering palliative care educational initiatives across the Fylde Coast Health Economy, working with other partners delivering end of life training. 34. Keep abreast of developments in Palliative Care and advanced /expert practice and update other staff accordingly. 35. Lead the CNS Team and Hospice at Home Team in identifying areas of research. Initiate or participate in active research as appropriate and implement findings into practice. 36. Lead the CNS team and Hospice at Home Team in identifying areas for clinical and organisational audit and completing the audit cycle. Reviewed Jan 15 37. Continually update and maintain own professional development in palliative care through attendance at meetings/study days and through utilisation of appropriate educational and study resources. 38. Disseminate findings from own professional development through the use of written reports, presentations and the implementation of educational initiatives. Service Development and Strategic Work 39. Ensure up to date knowledge of local and national standards of care and be able to lead and inspire on the development of national agenda and strategies within our locality. 40. Ensure that services are continually reviewed and adjusted to meet patients’ need and choice ensuring a culture of patient involvement and engagement. 41. Actively participate in the Specialist Palliative Care Peer Review and End of Life Care Quality Standards. 42. Meet regularly with the Clinical Director and Consultants in Palliative Medicine to report on and discuss service developments including Hospice @ Home opportunities. 43. Ensure effective relationships and communications with the Primary and Acute Healthcare Teams and Trusts and other professionals. 44. Participate in local and national committees/steering groups and working parties as appropriate. 45. Participate in the audit programme to assess patient satisfaction. 46. Chair team meetings and encourage staff to actively and positively contribute to service development. 47. Be an active member of Trinity Management Team. Reviewed Jan 15