EL PASO COMMUNITY COLLEGE Professional Staff Association POLICY NUMBER: 81265.01 ORIGINAL DATE: September 13, 2013 PSA Humanitarian Outreach Fund DATE REVISED: June 13, 2014 PURPOSE The PSA Humanitarian Outreach Fund (PHOF), sponsored by the Professional Staff Association, provides assistance to our members, co-workers, EPCC organizations, the community, and country in time of need. POLICY The PHOF committee, or designated representatives, may receive non-monetary donations for the PSA Humanitarian Outreach Fund. Any monetary donation must be directed through the Bursar’s office to the PSA Humanitarian Outreach Fund. A donation is either a product of value, which can produce revenue, or monetary contribution given as a gift or donated during a fundraiser subject to EPCC policy and procedural approval. The PHOF committee is responsible for the management of these funds. PROCEDURES 1. The PHOF committee is responsible for overseeing the administration of the PHOF. 1.1 The PHOF committee is the point-of-contact for coordinating donations and distribution of funds. 1.2 The Treasurer and the President of the Professional Staff Association are responsible for receiving and distributing donations under the guidance and approval of the PHOF committee. 1.3. Committee will follow a scheduled meeting time, but will have the option of meeting other times as needed. 2. The PHOF is a voluntary program organized by the Professional Staff Association. The PHOF committee cannot surrender the management or responsibility of the fund unless supported by a majority vote at a Professional Staff Association general membership meeting. 3. A minimum of $300 will be reserved for future fundraising activities. A 2/3 majority of attendees at a PSA General Membership meeting must approve utilization of any reserved funds. DONATIONS 1. All donations are of a voluntary nature, without compensation or any consideration to the donor of such funds. Please see EPCC’s Donation Policy 1.1 A receipt, upon request, will be provided to the donor. (i.e., see attached receipt) 1.2 Records of, and accounting for, donations and distributions will be maintained by the Professional Staff Association according to a schedule provided by Records Management. A monthly financial statement/report will be presented at the monthly general meetings by the PSA Treasurer. 1.3 The PHOF committee will determine the manner in which contributions that are a product of value can be used to obtain monetary funds for disbursement. 2. Fund Org to be used for deposits is 81265-G81265-51650-603. 3. Within 15 days of the conclusion of the fund raising event, the list of donors will be forwarded to the PHOF Secretary. The PHOF Secretary will be notified in order to fill out the donation form. A formal thank you and tax donation letter(s) will be sent out by Marketing Department upon receipt of the donation form(s). https://www.epcc.edu/Marketing/Lists/DonationsForm/NewFormDonationsForm.aspx?RootFold er=%2FMarketing%2FLists%2FDonationsForm&ContentTypeId=0x01005B521B3E1D12FA49 894EC4274D6BE9C2&Source=https://www.epcc.edu/Marketing/Pages/ThankYou.aspx FUND RAISING 1. Fund raising activities must be agreed upon by the committee. All PSA members are encouraged to participate. 2. The PHOF Chair will fill out the Application for Approval of Fund Raising and get the signatures for approval (PSA President, PSA Liaison, and Comptroller). The link of the website is listed below. Three (3) weeks prior to the date of the event, the Approval of Fund Raising form must be filled out and approved or fund-raising cannot occur. 3. The Chair must keep record of all deposits (with the deposit receipts from the cashier) and of all expenses (with the cashier payout receipts or with copies of the invoice(s) to be paid by accounts payable). 4. After the event takes place, a Fund Raising or similar report must be filled out within 15 working days. Use the form report from the website below. This report must have the required signatures and submitted into the Comptroller’s Office. 5. If any items were given away or given at a discount, the Complimentary Ticket or Article Form must also be filled out to identify the recipients. DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS There are no guarantees that a request will be approved. The committee reserves the right to approve or disapprove any request regardless of the priorities. The PHOF committee decisions are FINAL. 1. PHOF monies awarded will be distributed in accordance to the college’s policies and procedures. Monies are not to be considered as payment of any service, consideration, or the like, on the part of the recipient by the Professional Staff Association, the El Paso Community College District, or related groups. 2. For catastrophic events, you must apply to the sick leave pool first. If awarded, you may not submit an application for the PHOF assistance. These funds cannot be used in conjunction with Sick Leave Pool. Please see the website below for information on the sick leave pool: http://www.epcc.edu/EmployeeRelations/Pages/SickLeavePoolForms.aspx 3. Application Submission. 3.1 PSA member themselves. 3.2 PSA member on behalf of an organization. 3.3 Intended recipient with a PSA sponsor. 3.4 All portions of the application will be completed when being submitted. The “purpose” section must be completed. Previous PHOF recipients may submit a new application after 1 full year of disbursement (date of award issuance). This will enable the PHOF committee to distribute funds fairly and appropriately. A list of recipients will be kept by the PHOF chair to keep track of the “1 full year must pass before requesting aid again” rule. 3.5 The PHOF committee Chair will review the application for completion. The committee may request additional information or documentation. Once the application is complete, the Chair will call for a meeting with the PHOF committee members in order to review the application(s). 3.6 At the time of application or disbursement of funds, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed; however reasonable attempts will be made. 3.7 Disbursement of monies will be based on need and availability of funds. 3.7.1 First priority will be given to PSA members on leave without pay who need help paying for one month of health insurance at premium level. 3.7.2 Next priority will be given to PSA members with a sudden catastrophic lifetime event, such as a terrible accident or home burning down, leaving the PSA member displaced (not divorce situations, nor situations that qualify under sick leave pool). 3.7.3 Next priority will be given to PSA members on leave without pay because of illness or health related issues. 3.7.4 Next priority will be given to PSA member spouse or children due to acute illnesses or sudden health related issues. 3.7.5 Next priority will be given to non-PSA EPCC employees - Other EPCC employees must request help from their classification association first, and if they receive an award, they may not request funds from PSA. Applicants must be able to show they did not get assistance from their classification association in order to apply for assistance from the PSA Humanitarian Outreach Fund. Applicants must be able to show that they were denied help from the sick leave pool first in order to apply for assistance from the PSA Humanitarian Outreach Fund. 3.7.6 Assistance to EPCC organizations, the community, and country. This fund may serve as a pass-through. Examples: If an organization is requesting help with food, toys, blankets, toiletries, etc. or if a community in any country is devastated from a terrible natural disaster, PHOF could collect funds or other items to help out or send a check to the Red Cross on PSA’s behalf. Deposits for these specific organizations, community members/events or country will have specific dates and the deposit will have the name/reference of the organization, community member, country event on it to distinguish these funds. 4. A check request will then be made to the designated organization, community member/event or a PAR/EAR will be processed for EPCC employees. Monies or items may be collected for their specific purpose and then the monies will be sent via direct deposit or check to the designated organization or community member/event. 5. The PHOF committee Secretary will keep records of all decisions made. 6. Disapproved applicants will be notified as soon as possible after a decision is made. 7. The Professional Staff Association Humanitarian Outreach Chair will notify the PSA President by e-mail of any employee(s) or organization(s) approved. The PSA President will let the PSA Treasurer know, by e-mail, the recipient and amount of the award. The PSA Treasurer will do the paperwork for the check request or PAR/EAR. 7.1 The fund-org used for awarding will be 81265-G81265-71464-603 7.2 The PSA President may announce the award amount at the PSA General Membership meeting or via any other media (meetings, PSA website, events, etc.). “The PHOF committee has awarded $XXX for the month of ________20XX.” Websites: For APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF FUND RAISING go to: http://www.epcc.edu/Comptroller/Documents/Application_for_Approval_of_Fund_Raising.pdf For COMPLIMENTARY TICKET OR ARTICLE RECIPIENTS go to: http://www.epcc.edu/Comptroller/Documents/Complimentary_Ticket_Form.pdf For FUND RAISING REPORT go to: http://www.epcc.edu/Comptroller/Documents/Fund_Raising_Report.pdf Related EPCC policies: Fund Raiser Policy Donation Policy Gifts Policy 4.06.02 For Sick Leave Pool information go to: http://www.epcc.edu/EmployeeRelations/Pages/SickLeavePoolForms.aspx For Donation Thank You Form go to: https://www.epcc.edu/Marketing/Lists/DonationsForm/NewFormDonationsForm.aspx?RootFold er=%2FMarketing%2FLists%2FDonationsForm&ContentTypeId=0x01005B521B3E1D12FA49 894EC4274D6BE9C2&Source=https://www.epcc.edu/Marketing/Pages/ThankYou.aspx HUMANITARIAN OUTREACH FUND APPLICATION Professional Staff Association Name of Intended Recipient: ____________________________________________ (Please Print) E mail: ___________________________ Contact Telephone #: __________________________ ______________________ Street Address ____________________ City ________ State _________________ Zip Code Have you applied for Sick Leave Pool for this situation?_________ Were you awarded?______ Are you an EPCC employee who is non PSA?______ If so, have you requested help from your classification first?______ PLEASE ATTACH OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION TO SUPPORT REQUEST. Purpose of the request (Be Specific) ____ Self ____ Family member ____ Organization ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Attach Documentation _________________________________________________________ NOTE: Name and amount is public information. Reasonable attempts will be made to keep details as private as possible. Cannot use in conjunction with sick leave pool. _______________________________________ Applicant/Recipient Signature _______________________ Date ____________________________ ID#: _______________ _________________________ PSA Sponsor Signature Date Committee Application Approved: ______YES _____NO Amount $ _____________________ _____________________________________ PSA PHOF Chairperson Signature Date _____________________________________ PSA President Signature Date HR Verification for Employees Only Non PSA Applicants Classification: _____PSA _____ Other PSA Sponsor__________________________ Name of Organization__________________ ____________________________________ Status: _____Active _____Inactive Copy of Receipt (Example Only) PSA Humanitarian Outreach Receipt 001 Date________________ From_________________________________ _____________________________________ For__________________________________ Amount_______________ Cash Amount _______________ Check Balance Due_____________ By__________________________ PSA Humanitarian Outreach Receipt 001 Date________________ From_________________________________ _____________________________________ For__________________________________ Amount_______________ Cash Amount _______________ Check Balance Due_____________ By__________________________ Original to be retained by PSA HOF Committee Acknowledgement of Donation Listing of Donations for Fundraiser dated ________________ 1. Name of Donor Address Donor’s Phone e-mail Cash donation Amount Purpose of Donation Item(s) donations description 2. Name of Donor Address Donor’s Phone e-mail Cash donation Amount Purpose of Donation Item(s) donations description