Organic System Plan Poultry Office use only Received: Livestock and Dairy producers must use the Organic System Plan – Livestock/Dairy. A separate Organic System Plan - Crops must be filled out if you are growing your own feed or other organic crops for sale. Use additional sheets if necessary. If new applicant, attach a completed General Information form provided. Do not leave any applicable sections blank; write ”none” or “not applicable” when needed. Remember to sign this form on the last page. Section numbers refer to National Organic Program regulations (7 CFR, Part 205). SECTION 1: General Information Name: MI: §205.406(a)(2) and §205.401(b) Last Name: Today’s Date: Farm Name: Address: City: State: Zip code: Contracted Operation Name (if applicable): Contracted Operation Address (if applicable): City: State: Zip code: Does this operation engage in any processing of organic livestock or livestock products? (e.g. slaughtering, packaging) Yes No If yes, describe. You may need to complete a Processor/Handler Organic System Plan. Contact PCO to confirm applicability. Please check any of the follow countries to which you intend to export organic poultry or poultry products in the next 18 months: Canada European Union Taiwan Japan If you intend to export any of your organic products to Japan, Taiwan, European Union or Canada, complete Section 15 of this form. SECTION 2: Organic Poultry Operation Profile §205.201(a)(1) Complete the following table for all poultry and poultry products requested for certification. Type of Poultry # of Birds Projected Flocks per Year Projected Annual Production Projected Weight at Slaughter Pennsylvania Certified Organic • 106 School Street, Suite 201 • Spring Mills, PA 16875 (814) 422-0251 • fax (814) 422-0255 • • Page 1 of 15 Cert A10 OSP Poultry V2, R1, 1/11/13 Organic System Plan – Poultry Complete this table for non-organic poultry on your farm: # of Describe how these are separated from organic poultry or Type of Poultry Birds products. Projected Annual Production Split Poultry Production 1. Do you manage organic and non organic flocks (split production) at this operation? If no, skip to the next section. Yes 2. What is the expected schedule of organic and non-organic flock placement dates and expected removal dates in the houses where split production will be taking place (attach schedule or describe below): 3. What measures do you implement to prevent contamination of the organic flock with any prohibited materials that are used during non organic poultry flocks, including but not limited to bedding treatments, foot baths, pest control products, cleansers/sanitizers used in cleaning: 4. Describe procedure(s) for cleaning the house(s), and cleaning/purging feed/water lines before placement of organic birds: 5. Describe management of outdoor access areas during non-organic production, including weed management, fertility management, and seeding: 6. What procedures do you have in place to avoid contact with non-organic bedding and bedding materials: SECTION 3: Source of Birds No §205.236(a)(1) Poultry or edible poultry products must be from poultry that has been under continuous organic management from no later than the second day of life. 7. What age are poultry when they arrive at your operation? : 2 days old or younger Older than 2 days 8. If applicable, describe your management plan for raising chicks/pullets (heating, space allowed etc.): 9. If purchasing/placing after 2nd day of life, describe source below: Page 2 of 15 CERT A10 OSP Poultry V2, R1, 1/11/13 Organic System Plan – Poultry Type of Poultry Purchased Flock Number Date of Purchase Projected Slaughter or Egg Production Date Purchase Source, Phone Number SECTION 4: Poultry Feed and Feed Supplements Certified organic poultry must be fed certified organic feed. Save all feed labels for the inspector to verify. 10. Do you raise any feed for poultry on your farm? If yes, complete Organic System Plan—Crops or Update—Crops. 11. Describe feed on the following chart: Organic certificates must be available for the inspector to verify. Dates Type of Feed Quantity Purchased (If applicable) Certified by Which Agency? §205.237 Yes No Certified by Which Agency? (If applicable) Source(s) 12. Do you process feed (mix, grind, roast, extrude, etc.) on-farm? If yes, is the equipment also used to process conventional products? If yes, how is equipment cleaned prior to processing organic feed to prevent contamination? Yes Yes No No 13. How do you determine the amount of methionine provided to the birds through the total ration (i.e. methionine present in complete organic feed ration and any added methionine) is in compliance? 14. What is your plan for emergency feed supplies? B. FEED SUPPLEMENTS AND ADDITIVES List all feed supplements and additives, including probiotics, water additives, and vitamins on the Livestock Materials/ Medicine Cabinet Inventory form. No supplements used C. FEED STORAGE Describe your feed storage locations: Storage Type of Storage ID# Page 3 of 15 Type of Feed Stored Capacity Organic, Conventional, Buffer Organic Conventional Buffer CERT A10 OSP Poultry V2, R1, 1/11/13 Organic System Plan – Poultry Organic Conventional Buffer Organic Conventional Buffer Organic Conventional Buffer SECTION 5: Water §205.239(a)(1) Water used for organic poultry must be potable and readily accessible. Water tests for coliform, bacteria, nitrates and/or known contaminants may be required. 15. What are your sources of water for poultry use? On-site well Municipal River/creek/pond Spring Other (specify): 16. Describe how you monitor water quality: 17. How often do you conduct water quality monitoring? Weekly Monthly Annually As needed Other (specify): 18. What is the date of your last water test for bacteria and nitrates? (Have results ready to show inspector.) 19. Were results of this test satisfactory? If no, please explain: No water test done Yes 20. Do you use additives in the water? Water additives must be listed on the Livestock Materials/ Medicine Cabinet Inventory form. Yes 21. Describe any water contamination problems in your region: 22. If poultry have access to a river, creek, or pond, how do you prevent bank erosion? No No No contamination problems No access SECTION 6: Poultry Living Conditions and Outdoor Access Plan §205.239 Poultry living conditions must provide access to the outdoors, shade, shelter, exercise areas, fresh air, direct sunlight and appropriate bedding. Required density and outdoor access area is determined on a species and stage-of-life basis. Fill out the table below to provide a description of the houses/mobile units that you wish to have certiifed. If you manage more than two houses/mobile units, attach an additional sheet. Page 4 of 15 CERT A10 OSP Poultry V2, R1, 1/11/13 Organic System Plan – Poultry Pullets/Layers: Not Applicable House / Floor House/Floor Describe house design (e.g. aviary, portable pen, house over manure pit) # of birds housed per flock Dimensions/sq. ft. of indoor area Dimensions/sq. ft. of outdoor area Density of indoor area (sq. ft./bird) Number & dimensions of windows Number & dimensions of exits Feeding/watering system Nest boxes (describe dimensions) Linear feet of perch available Additional floor spacing available to birds (e.g. platforms, tables) Size of scratch/dusting areas Type of bedding (indicate whether organic/untreated) Hours of artificial light provided per day Additional information if applicable Broilers/Turkeys/Other: BROILERS/TURKEYS Page 5 of 15 Not Applicable House/Floor House/Floor CERT A10 OSP Poultry V2, R1, 1/11/13 Organic System Plan – Poultry Describe house design (e.g. aviary, portable pen, house over manure pit) # of birds housed per flock Projected finish weight Dimensions/sq. ft. of indoor area Dimensions/sq. ft. of outdoor area Density of indoor area (lbs/sq. ft.) Number & dimensions of windows Number & dimensions of exits Feeding/watering system Additional floor spacing available to birds (e.g. platforms, tables) Type of bedding (indicate whether organic/untreated) Hours of artificial light provided per day Additional information, if applicable 23. How often is the house cleaned? List all products used for cleaning on Livestock Materials/Medicine Cabinet Inventory form. 24. If any wood/lumber has been used that has been treated with prohibited products (such as arsenate), does the wood/lumber come into contact with soil or poultry? Yes If yes, please describe and include date of installation or replacement and location (including house #): No E. OUTDOOR AREA DESCRIPTION Attach a drawing of your buildings and the outdoor access area. Indicate the location of doors between the indoor and outdoor areas, windows, locations of all pest control devices, slope of the land if applicable, and adjoining land uses. Page 6 of 15 CERT A10 OSP Poultry V2, R1, 1/11/13 Organic System Plan – Poultry 25. What type of surface is the outdoor area? Grass or other vegetation Bare soil Concrete 26. If there is grass or other vegetation, is this area: Conventional In transition Certifiable Gravel/shale Other (specify): Certified organic 27. List any inputs and dates of use (fertilizer, weed control, pest control, lime) applied in past 36 months: 28. Do you plan to apply fertility inputs, or pest control inputs to the outdoor access areas in the future? If yes, describe. Yes No 29. Describe how drainage and/or nutrient management concerns are addressed in the outdoor access area: 30. Is the outdoor area adequate for the number of birds in the house? 31. What is the basis for this determination? F. ACCESS TO OUTDOOR AREA PRACTICES §205.239(b)(5-8): The producer of an organic livestock operation may provide temporary confinement for an animal because of: (1) inclement weather; (2) the animals stage-of-life; (3) conditions under which the health, safety, or well being of the animal could be jeopardized; (4) risk to soil or water quality; (5) preventive health care procedures or treatment of illness; (6) sorting or shipping of animals; (7) breeding; (8) 4-H, FFA, and other youth programs. The conditions in which temporary confinement will occur should be supported and documented through historical data, research literature, educational material and/or producer experience with the applicable species. 32. Describe your policy for providing birds with outdoor access. This includes but is not limited to: a. At what age are birds given outdoor access? b. If temporarily confined, describe reasons [Note: Provide detailed parameters, for example, temperature limits, examples of inclement weather, outdoor access conditions that would prevent birds from going out, or any other additional reason]: c. Number of hours birds are provided outdoor access per day (average): d. Description of type of outdoor access/confinement records that are maintained (attach a copy, if applicable) [i.e. log, calendars]: e. Monitoring practices used to estimate number of birds utilizing the outdoor area daily? SECTION 7: Health Management Page 7 of 15 §205.238 CERT A10 OSP Poultry V2, R1, 1/11/13 Organic System Plan – Poultry A proactive health management program is required to prevent health problems and potential use of prohibited materials. If prohibited treatments are used, the treated animals and/or their products may not be sold as organic. Records must be kept of all treatments, whether they are allowed or not. A. GENERAL INFORMATION 33. How often do you conduct health care monitoring? Weekly Monthly Annually As needed Other (specify): 34. Identify the general components of your animal health management program: Selective breeding Raise own replacement stock Isolation for purchased/diseased animals Culling Vaccinations Good sanitation Access to outdoors Dry bedding Good ventilation in housing Good quality feed Pasture rotation Nutritional supplements Probiotics Homeopathy Other (specify): 35. Describe how you monitor the effectiveness of your health care management: 36. How will you measure the effectiveness of temporary confinement periods on flock health and well being? 37. How often do you conduct health care monitoring? Weekly Monthly Annually As needed Other (specify): B. SURGICAL PRACTICES Surgical Practices Not Used As needed to promote the animals’ welfare, and must be performed in a manner that minimizes pain and stress. 38. Describe surgical practices you use, such as de-beaking, beak trimming, wing trimming, spur or toe trimming, caponizing, and types of poultry, reasons and procedures used to minimize pain and stress: a) Age: b) Method: c) Practices used to minimize pain/stress: C. HEALTH PROBLEMS AND DISEASE 39. List all health or disease problems in the last 12 months. Health Problem/ Disease No problems Prevention and Management Practices * Include on Medicine Cabinet Inventory; you may attach a vaccination schedule if applicable. 40. Name and phone number of your veterinarian, if applicable: 41. Projected mortality per flock: 42. Reasons poultry are culled from flock: 43. How are carcasses disposed of? Page 8 of 15 CERT A10 OSP Poultry V2, R1, 1/11/13 Organic System Plan – Poultry D. FLY CONTROL Not a problem 44. If flies are a problem in your operation, what do you do to control them? List on Livestock Materials/Medicine Cabinet Inventory form all products that are used for fly control. E. PARASITE CONTROL Not a problem 45. If internal or external parasites are a problem in your operation, what are they and how do you prevent or control them? List on Livestock Materials/Medicine Cabinet Inventory form all products that are used for parasite control. F. PREDATOR CONTROL Not a problem 46. What predators do you have problems with and how do you control them? *If you use poison baits, list products on the Livestock Materials/Medicine Cabinet Inventory form. No poison baits used SECTION 8: Manure Management §205.237 A producer of an organic poultry operation must manage manure in a manner that does not contribute to contamination of crops, soil or water. Composting manure is preferable. 47. Do you have an approved nutrient management plan? Yes No If no, how is manure disposed of? 48. If manure from your poultry operation is used on your fields, describe how it is used: 49. During what months do you apply manure/compost? Not used N/A 50. Describe your composting method(s): Composting not used 51. Acres of land available for manure application: 52. Estimated quantity of manure generated per year: N/A tons 53. Describe how you monitor the effectiveness of your manure management: 54. How often do you conduct manure management monitoring? Weekly Monthly Annually As needed Other (specify): *List ingredients/additives (example: bedding, barn lime, inoculants, preservatives) on the Livestock Materials/Medicine Cabinet Inventory form. Page 9 of 15 CERT A10 OSP Poultry V2, R1, 1/11/13 Organic System Plan – Poultry SECTION 9: Handling for Slaughter §205.270 We don’t slaughter Meat to be sold or labeled as organic must be slaughtered at a certified organic facility. 55. If you slaughter your poultry and sell it as organic under your certification, you must fill out a Processor/Handler OSP. Request this form from PCO. 56. Name address, and phone number of slaughter facility: First Name: Last Name: Business name: On-farm slaughter Phone number: Address: City: Email: State: Zip code: 57. Is the facility certified organic? If yes, by what agency? Yes 58. If you are responsible for live bird transport, fill out the following: a. How are poultry loaded? N/A b. How many birds are loaded per cage? c. What form of transportation is used? d. How long does transportation take? e. Are animals provided with food in transit? f. Where are animals kept after delivery to slaughter facility but before slaughter? g. How many hours from loading until time of slaughter? h. Are organic animals separate from non-organic animals? SECTION 1O: Egg Handling and Packing Page 10 of 15 No Size of transportation cage? Yes No Water? Yes No Yes No §205.236 CERT A10 OSP Poultry V2, R1, 1/11/13 Organic System Plan – Poultry Facilities that handle organic eggs must be inspected and certified to verify that organic integrity is maintained. N/A: We do not produce eggs 59. Do you pack eggs on farm? If yes, check all that apply: You have an egg handler’s license Sell direct from farm Shipped to a certified facility for further packing? Other (specify): Yes 60. Do you use egg washes/cleaners/inks on eggs? If yes, list all materials on the Livestock Materials/Medicine Cabinet Inventory form. Yes 61. Name address, and phone number of facility where eggs are washed, graded and packed: First Name: Last Name: Business name: No No On-farm packing Phone number: Address: City: Email: State: Zip code: 62. Is the facility certified organic? If yes, by what agency? Yes No SECTION 11: Facility Pest Management §205.271 Complete this section to describe pest control practices and materials used in a facility where organic poultry or poultry products are produced and/or stored, including but not limited to feed storage areas, inside poultry house and poultry outdoor access areas. 63. What type of facility pest management system(s) do you use? In-house: Name of responsible person: Contracted pest control service (name, phone no.): 64. Check all facility pest problems you generally have: Flying insects Crawling insects Spiders Birds Rats Mice Other(specify): 65. Check all facility pest management practices you use. Note: All materials must be listed on your Livestock Materials/Medicine Cabinet Inventory form. Good sanitation Removal of exterior habitat/food sources Cleanup of spilled product Mowing Physical barriers Monitoring devices Repair of holes, cracks, etc. Screened windows, vents, etc. Inspection zones around interior perimeter Electrocutors Ultrasound/light devices Release of beneficials Sticky traps Pheromone traps Mechanical traps Non-Synthetic substance on the National List (e.g. pyrethrum) Synthetic substance NOT on the National List (e.g. most commercially available rodent bait)* Synthetic substance on the National List (e.g. vitamin D3 bait) Other (specify): * If you want to use a synthetic substance not on the National List you must receive authorization from PCO prior to use. Page 11 of 15 CERT A10 OSP Poultry V2, R1, 1/11/13 Organic System Plan – Poultry 66. Describe monitoring, including frequency, used to determine effectiveness of management practices above: 67. Indicate locations where pest control materials are used or planned to be used: Exterior only (not in outdoor access areas) Exterior and interior (including in outdoor access areas/perimeter/interior/work room/ egg storage) Interior only (egg storage, work room, etc.) N/A no baits currently used or planned to use Other locations (specify): *Attach facility map showing location of pest traps and monitoring devices. Map Attached 68. If pest control materials are used where are they stored? 69. What records do you maintain to document pesticide use and measures taken to prevent contamination of feed and/or organic products? SECTION 12: Animal Identification § 205.236 Flock identification is required. Separation and identification in your records are required for those birds that have been treated with prohibited products. Records sufficient to preserve the identity of all organically managed animals must be kept 70. Describe your flock identification system: 71. If individual birds were to be treated with prohibited materials, how would you plan to identify and/or segregate those animals? 72. If the entire flock is treated with prohibited materials, what changes do you make to ensure that this flock is not sold as organic? SECTION 13: Record Keeping §205.236 USDA regulations require documentation of purchased animals and/or breeding records; purchased feed and feed supplements; health records; and sales/shipping records. Have your records available for review by the inspector. 73. Check types of records you keep: Documentation of purchased animals Purchased feed/feed supplements Sales Breeding Feed labels Flock health Feed storage Dead bird count Egg production/handling reports Weight gain Water usage Shipping/transportation Slaughter Sanitation records Other (specify): SECTION 14: Marketing TYPE OF MARKETING: Farmers market Wholesale Direct to retail Wholesale to processor §205.303 CSA/subscription service Contract to buyer Labels must identify Pennsylvania Certified Organic as the certifying agent. 74. Do you use or plan to use the PCO logo on the label? 75. Do you intend to use the USDA logo on the label? Page 12 of 15 On-farm retail Other (specify): Yes Yes No No CERT A10 OSP Poultry V2, R1, 1/11/13 Organic System Plan – Poultry SECTION 15: International Export: Canada, the European Union, Taiwan, Japan Please provide the following information even if you do not currently intend to export any organic products to Canada, European Union, Taiwan, or Japan in order for PCO to review this information. This will expedite any export verification needs you or your customers may have in the future. However, this information is not required for your Organic System Plan to be considered complete. A. CANADA N/A 76. If exporting poultry or poultry products, provide the stocking densities for these birds: Indoor Space (head/sq ft) Outdoor Pens & Runs (head/sq ft) 77. Are you using any labels for exported products other than labels already approved by PCO? If yes, attach labels for PCO to review. Yes No *Note: The 100% Organic Label is not permitted in Canada. Labels must be bilingual (English and French). Livestock Requested for Export to Number of Livestock Products Requested for Product Amount Canada Animals Export to Canada Estimated for Export B. EUROPEAN UNION N/A 78. Are you using any labels for products exported to the European Union other than labels already approved by PCO? *Note: The 100% Organic Label is not permitted in the European Union. Yes No If yes, attach labels for PCO to review. Livestock Requested for Export to European Union Number of Animals Livestock Products Requested for Export to European Union Product Amount Estimated for Export C. TAIWAN N/A 79. If livestock products are to be exported to Taiwan, were systemic painkillers or analgesics, including lidocaine or procaine used in the animals’ management? Yes No Livestock Requested for Export to Taiwan Page 13 of 15 Number of Animals Livestock Products Requested for Export to Taiwan Product Amount Estimated for Export CERT A10 OSP Poultry V2, R1, 1/11/13 Organic System Plan – Poultry D. JAPAN N/A 80. Do you use livestock inputs that contain: a. Alkali-extracted humic acid? b. Lignin sulfonate (used as a flotation agent)? Livestock Requested for Export to Japan Number of Animals Livestock Products Requested for Export to Japan SECTION 16: Conflict of Interest Yes No Yes No Product Amount Estimated for Export §205.501 81. Have you used any organic production consultants for your operation in the last 12 months? Yes No (This does not refer to your inspector, certification specialist, or other PCO representative involved with your certification review.) If Yes, list the name and contact information for organic production consultant(s) your operation has used in last 12 months. (7 CFR §205.501(a)(11)(ii)): SECTION 17: Previous Organic Certification §205.401 82. List current organic certification by other agencies and dates: If currently certified by another agency, submit a copy of your current certificate and verification of the items you are certified to produce/sell. 83. If currently certified organic, has your operation received a non-compliance(s) or been issued a proposed suspension or proposed revocation that has not yet been resolved? Yes No If yes, submit a copy of any adverse action notice including: notification of noncompliance, notification of proposed suspension or proposed revocation issued to you and a description of any actions taken by you to correct the noncompliance(s) noted in the adverse action notice, including evidence of such corrections and resolution letter from certifier, if any. 84. If previously certified, list names of agencies, dates, non-compliances and reasons for surrender or termination of certification: 85. Have you ever been denied organic certification or has your organic certification ever been withdrawn, surrendered suspended or revoked? Yes No If yes, submit a copy of any adverse action notice, including suspension, revocation or denial of certification issued to you and a description of any actions taken by you to correct the non-compliances noted in the notification, including evidence of such corrections and resolution letter from certifier or the National Organic Program Administrator, if any. If certification was withdrawn or surrendered, provide reason: 86. Gross organic sales of organic crops in previous calendar year: $ If none sold, enter 0. Page 14 of 15 CERT A10 OSP Poultry V2, R1, 1/11/13 Organic System Plan – Poultry SECTION 18: Affirmation Information provided on this application is held in strict confidence and will be used only for certification purposes. I affirm that all statements made in this application are true and correct. To the best of my knowledge, no prohibited materials have been applied to any of my organically managed fields during the three-year period prior to projected harvest. I understand and agree as follows: 1. My operation may be subject to unannounced inspection and/or sampling for residues at any time as deemed appropriate to ensure compliance with the National Organic Program. 2. Acceptance of this questionnaire in no way implies granting of certification by the certifying agent. 3. Failure to comply with the applicable regulations, policies or procedures, or giving false information may result in denial, suspension, revocation or termination of certification. 4. Payment of all certification fees is a condition of certification. As required by the National Organic Program, and as conditions of certification I agree to: 1. Cooperate with the certification process by completing all documentation requested. 2. Make every effort to ensure that no prohibited products have been used, applied or otherwise allowed to compromise the integrity of the organic crops or products produced or sold by me. 3. Provide access to all areas and parts of my operation, including records, products and personnel. 4. Comply with the National Organic Program Rule (7 CFR Part 205) and Pennsylvania Certified Organic certification policies and procedures. 5. Make appropriate certification claims, which accurately reflect the type of certification granted 6. Ensure that my certificate or certification report is not used in a misleading manner and does not harm PCO. 7. Only use certification claims, or the PCO name and logo, to indicate that products are in compliance with PCO standards, and use them correctly on advertising, marketing and packaging materials. 8. Discontinue use of certification claims, and PCO name and logo, upon surrender, suspension, revocation or termination of certification, and return any certification documents or materials required by PCO. 9. Notify PCO of any significant changes to my operation’s organic system plan. 10. Notify PCO concerning any application, including drift, of a prohibited substance to any field, production unit, site, facility, livestock, or product that is part of an operation. 11. Comply with all conditions of certification listed on Certification Reports or other certification documents. I understand that failure to abide by the above requirements may result in denial, suspension or revocation of my organic certification, prosecution for fraud or misrepresentation, denial of services, or any other remedy allowed by law. I give permission for PCO to release information from my file to other recognized certification organizations for purposes of document review. I understand that PCO will obtain a confidentiality statement from the requesting certifier before releasing any information. PCO has my permission to obtain information, documents, or materials related to certification or de-certification from other certifiers. Your signature(s): Date: If applicable: Signature of Contracted Grower: Date: Required attachments: These records must be returned with your application or it may be returned to you resulting in a delay of the certification process. General Information Form (If new applicant) Maps of the operation (including field #’s, acreage, buildings and adjoining land use) Poultry Outdoor Access Records Livestock Materials/ Medicine Cabinet Inventory Labels used on your organic product(s) (if applicable) Page 15 of 15 CERT A10 OSP Poultry V2, R1, 1/11/13