National Academy of Agricultural Sciences Subject: Ranking of Agricultural Universities The President, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences constituted an Expert Committee consisting of Dr. S.L.Mehta (Chairman), Prof. Anupam Varma, Dr. A.K. Srivastava, Dr. S.K. Bandyopadhyay, Dr.K. Ramasamy, Dr. George John, Dr. M.P. Yadav, Dr. Ramesh Chand, Dr. SudhirSoporyto develop robust, transparent and simple yet sophisticated indicators for Ranking of Agricultural Universities.The Committee developed draft indicators which give fairly good idea about quality of teaching, research and extension and impact thereof. The indicators and weightage as finalized by the Committee are attached. The Fellowship/Associateship of the Academy are requested to suggestions/comments on the January 31, the Academy 2016 to kindly indicators for send / their weightage further valuable latest consolidation by and submission to the committee to enable it to finalize the first part relating to development of reliable, transparent and appropriate criteria/indicators for assessment. Once these are finalized and approved by NAAS Executive Council, the Proforma and details of methodology and approach for data collection and analysis will be developed by the Committee. Evaluation Proforma for Ranking of Agricultural Universities Parameters Score Suggestions/ comments TEACHING OUTCOME (IMPACT/QUALITY WEIGHTAGE 30% OR 30 MARKS) A. Ph.D./UG student number ratio (Research environment indicator) If ratio is 0.25 or more 1 mark B. % of passed out students employed If Percentage is 70 % or more 1 mark C. JRF/SRF/Upper 5% Rank in GATE during last year. If more than 20 per year then 1 mark D. Number of University Students getting admission in M.Sc. and Ph.D. through ICAR entrance examination and in 4 Deemed Universities of ICAR during last year. If number is 50 or more 1 mark E. ICAR Jawahar Lal Nehru Award for Ph. D. thesis in last 5 years. If number is less than 3 No mark If number is 3-5 then 1 mark If number is 6 or more then marks 2 marks F. Selection in ARS during 5 years If number is less than 6 No marks If number is 6-10 1 mark If number is more than 11 2 marks G. % of faculty positions filled in teaching, research, extension , KVK, AICRP and at regional station If more than 60% but less than 70% 1 mark If more than 70 % 2 marks H. No of students admitted overseas during last 5 year from If number is 10 or more 1 mark -1- I. Awards (three marks – Awards listed in ASRB score card) Awards given nationally and internationally only to be listed. National Sciences Academy award, or award given on national basis. Number is less than 10 Awards No marks Number is 11-15 Award 1 mark Number is 16-20 Award 2 marks Number is more than 21-25 Award 3 marks Number more than 25 Award 4 marks J. Fellowship or Associateship of National Science Academies recognized by ICAR/ICMR/DST/CSIR only to be included Upto 5 1 mark 6-10 2 marks Above 11 or more 3 marks K. % of Faculty with Ph.D degree from university from out side of the state where employed If less than 15 No marks If 15 - <25% 1 mark If 25% or more 2 marks L. % Faculty from the state other than the state in which university situated Less than 15% - No marks 15 - < 25% 1 mark 25% or more 2 marks M. Number of Academic Staff with 6 months or more of Post doctoral/Visiting scientist experiences abroad More than 10 but less than 20 1 mark More than 20 2 marks N. Total Spending on Library Resources, IT infrastructure and equipment in last 5 years More than 10 crore but less than 15 crore 1 mark More than 15 crore but less than 20 crore 3 marks -2- O. Wi-fi connectivity and CERA utilization Wi-fi connectivity on Campus & Hostels 1 mark CERA Utilization Upper 10 Universities 2 marks RESEARCH (WEIGHTAGE 35 % OR 35 MARKS) A. Research Product – (No of research articles having NAAS rating of over 5.0 in last 5 years) If published 500 papers 1 mark If published 501-600 papers 2 marks If published 601-700 papers 3 marks If published 701-800 papers 4 marks If published more than 800 papers 5 marks B. Research Impact No of papers cited 20 times or more each in last 5 years If 20 to 25 1 mark If 26 to 35 2 marks If 36 to 55 3 marks If 56 or more 4 marks C. Research Excellence (i) No of research articles in high impact journals (NAAS rating of over 7.0 in 5 years) Number is 100 1 mark Number is 101-200 2 marks Number is 201-250 3 marks Over 250 5marks (ii) Patents granted during last 5 years Per patent granted ½ mark limited to 6 marks (iii) Varieties released, Breeder Seed demand thereof, Area Covered, products developed, traits identified and its economic impact, breed developed, technologies developed -3- 1 mark for each limited to 10 marks (iv) External funding in last five years (Total amount agency wise) for the projects Upto 35 crore 1 mark More than 35 but < 60 crore 2 marks More than 60 crore 5 marks EXTENSION (WEIGHTAGE 20% OR 20 MARKS) A. No of technologies transferred to farmers during last year 10 Technologies 1 mark More than 10 technologies 2 marks B. Increase in Agricultural growth in the area of jurisdiction of the university in last 5 years 1% - 2% 1 mark More than 2% 2 marks C. KVK Awards (Limited to 6 marks total) More than 2% 2 marks Zonal Award 2 marks (each) National Award 4 marks D. Extension workers Award State/National Level during last years. at five Five Awards 2 marks More than 5 awards 4 marks E. Quality input supplied by University (Seed, Semen, planting material etc. during last year) (Marks limited to two marks) More than 50,000 planting 1 mark More than 1,50,000 planting 2 marks Or semen 10,000 doses 1 mark 2 marks 50,000 doses Breeder Seed 1000 quintals 1 mark More than 1000 quintals 2 marks -4- F. Resource generated including revolving fund and commercialization of technologies in five years. Total amount year wise as reflected in Book of accounts Upto 1 crore 1 mark More than 1 crore but less than 5 crore 2 marks More than 5 crore but less than 10 crore 3 marks More than 10 crore 4 marks Linkages (weightage 5 % or 5 marks) A. List number of interinstitutional/collaborative projects More than 3 B. Partnership with Private institutions & Impact 2 marks sector R&D 2 marks C. Exchange of faculty (Sabbatical, Visiting Scientist, Adjunct Faculty) Faculty coming from University (Minimum 5) outside 1 mark Faculty of University going to other University(Minimum 5) 1 mark Confidential Survey of Stake holders perception (opinion of experts) (weightage 10% or Ten Marks) Assessment of University by Fellows of the Academy, Directors of ICAR institutes, and teachers and faculty identified by each university (20 from list furnished by University) who have superannuated or Alumni based in India or abroad -5-