Kappa Sigma Fraternity Delta Omicron Chapter By-Laws Article I Organization Section I. Name This chapter, being founded on the 19th day of May, in the year of 2007, will hereon be known as “The Delta Omicron Chapter of Kappa Sigma.” Section II. Priority and Ratification The by-laws of the Delta Omicron Chapter of Kappa Sigma are established in accordance with the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of Kappa Sigma. The by-laws herein are supplemental to, and in conformity with, these rules and regulations. In the event of a conflict of interest between the by-laws of the Delta Omicron Chapter and the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of Kappa Sigma, the latter will supersede. The by-laws prescribed within shall supersede all previous by-laws in effect and upon approval of these said by-laws, all preceding by-laws will be null and void. Section III. Purpose Kappa Sigma is a men’s college fraternity. Its goals are many, but all center on the promotion of friendship, loyalty, and brotherly feeling. The objective of this organization is to excel in all phases of fraternity and student activity at The University of Montana-Missoula. To fulfill this objective, the development of scholarship, leadership, community service, social graces, and cultural awareness are encouraged and stressed. One step to achieving the status of a Kappa Sigma is to be a “worldly” gentleman. It is each member’s duty to work diligently toward the ideal virtue of a true Kappa Sigma, which few may equal and none excel. Article II Membership Section I. Members in Good Standing All regular initiated members of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity shall be members in good standing except: 1. Any member who has been expelled. 1 2. Any member who owes any sum of money to Kappa Sigma or any undergraduate chapter in excess of $350, or any member who owes any non-negligible amount of money more than 60 days past due. 3. Any member who is considered not in good standing under any provision of the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules and Enactments of the Grand Conclave of Kappa Sigma. 4. Any initiate who is considered not in good standing under any provisions of the bylaws or other enactments of the Delta Omicron Chapter. Only members in good standing shall be entitled to attend Grand Conclave and social affairs conducted in the name of Kappa Sigma. Every member in good standing shall enjoy perpetual membership in this Fraternity, including the continuing right to attend meetings of the Delta Omicron Chapter by which he was initiated and vote on all questions, except that only initiated members shall be eligible to vote on the election of officers of such chapter and assessments applicable to initiate members. Section II. Classes of Membership 1. Pledge: Any male who has been formally pledged by the Delta Omicron Chapter of Kappa Sigma. a. The Chapter may release any Pledge after a vote is taken as prescribed by the Ritual of Kappa Sigma. b. A Pledge may be released from his obligations if he deems it in the best interest of both the Delta Omicron Chapter and himself. 2. Initiate: Any male enrolled at The University of Montana-Missoula who has been formally initiated by the Kappa Sigma Fraternity, completed the preparation requirements of a Pledge, fulfilled their financial obligation, and met scholastic requirements. 3. Alumnus: Any initiate that has left The University of Montana-Missoula, has received a bachelor’s degree, or transferred to another institution that has no Kappa Sigma chapter. 4. Member: A general name referring to all classes of membership. Article III Executive Committee Section I. Members of Executive Committee The Executive Committee shall consist of Grand Master (GM), Grand Procurator (GP), Grand Master of Ceremonies (GMC), Grand Treasurer (GT), and Grand Scribe (GS). 2 The Executive Committee may elect to have an assistant Grand Treasurer and assistant Grand Scribe who may sit as non-voting members of the Executive Committee (EC). The Alumnus Advisor shall serve a non-voting member of the Executive Committee. Section II. Executive Committee Meetings Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held weekly during the school year at some time within thirty-six (36) hours prior to all regular meetings. The GM or two voting members of the EC may call special meetings of the Executive Committee and the person or persons calling the meeting shall make reasonable attempts to notify each official member of the Executive Committee of the time and place of the meeting. Section III. Duties of the Executive Committee In addition to any responsibility or duty stated in the Ritual and/or the international Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of Kappa Sigma, each Executive Committee member is responsible for the following: 1. The Grand Master shall be the chief executive officer of the chapter and as such shall be conversant with all the duties and responsibilities of all other officers of the chapter, both elective and appointive. While he shall not usurp the duties of the remaining officers as outlined hereinafter, it is his responsibility to have personal knowledge of the status of reports, correspondence, and functions of all other chapter officers. The Grand Master shall be the presiding officer of the chapter. He shall preserve order and compel attendance upon meeting, by imposing fines in accordance with these by-laws, provided that no member shall be debarred the right to appeal to the chapter as provided in these by-laws. The Grand Master shall nominate the committee chairmen with the approval of the chapter. 2. The Grand Procurator shall succeed to the office of Grand Master when the Grand Master is absent from the chapter. The Grand Procurator shall be charged with enforcing these by-laws outside of the chapter meeting by imposing fines in accordance with these by-laws, provided that no member shall be debarred the right to appeal to the chapter, as provided in these by-laws. The Grand Procurator shall make sure that all initiates receive and understand the chapter by-laws. The Grand Procurator shall be responsible for the updating of these by-laws. 3. The Grand Master of Ceremonies shall oversee the Brotherhood Development Program, from rush to initiation and beyond. The Grand Master of Ceremonies will also see to the Ritual and to the maintenance and repair of the Ritual Equipment. He shall promote and arrange for Ritual Proficiency testing. The Grand Scribe shall keep the minutes of the chapter and in all other respects act as its secretary and to that end shall be provided by the International Memorial Headquarters with a suitable book in which he shall keep a full record of the 4. 3 proceedings. The Grand Scribe shall read each communication in the first chapter meeting held after its receipt and note its receipt and reading. 5. The Grand Treasurer shall act as the custodian of the chapter funds and shall pay out no money except by a check countersigned by the Grand Master, or in his absence, by another officer expressively authorized by the chapter. 6. The guards shall act as doorkeepers of the chapter and shall allow no one to enter or exit a chapter meeting unless he has the “Grand Master’s permission.” 7. The assistant Grand Scribe, if any, shall succeed to the office of Grand Scribe when the Grand Scribe is absent from the chapter. The assistant Grand Scribe shall assist the Grand Scribe in the performance of his duties. 8. The assistant Grand Treasurer, if any, shall succeed to the office of Grand Treasurer when the Grand Treasurer is absent from the chapter. The assistant Grand Treasurer shall assist the Grand Treasurer in the performance of his duties. Section IV. Election of Officers Officers of Kappa Sigma are to be elected on the second-to-last or third-to-last meeting of April of each year. Nominations to the office shall be made one (1) regular meeting prior to the date of the elections. The newly elected officers shall be installed on the last or second-to-last meeting of the spring semester. All officers shall serve for a period of one (1) year, unless otherwise approved in connection with the chapter by-laws. Only initiates in good standing shall be allowed to vote in the election. Section V. Qualifications of Officers To be eligible to be elected to an office, the initiate must be in good standing. He shall agree to attend all meetings connected to his office and any other Kappa Sigma function when possible. He shall anticipate enrollment for the entire term of office Section VI. Qualifications of the Grand Master To be eligible to be elected to the Office of Grand Master, the initiate must serve at least one (1) term as another officer of the Executive Committee. The eligible offices to meet this requirement are Grand Procurator (GP), Grand Master of Ceremonies (GMC), Grand Scribe (GS), or Grand Treasurer (GT). Section VI. Special Elections In the event of an officer’s resignation or removal from office, a special election will be held by the in order to elect a new officer. That officer will hold office until the next election date. Section VII. Removal from Office 4 An initiate has the right to serve a written complaint to the Grand Master requesting removal of any officer. If any such complaint is regarding the Grand Master, the complaint should be made to the Grand Procurator. The complaint shall be read at the following chapter meeting and if necessary, the chapter may vote to impeach the officer. A three-fourths (75%) vote is required to impeach or remove an officer from office. Article IV Chapter Meeting Section I. Frequency Chapter meetings shall be held once a week during the school year. Special meetings may also be called by the Executive Committee when deemed necessary as long as there is a minimum of a twenty-four (24) hour notice posted in the chapter house or otherwise provided to all chapter members. Quorum is required before any action can be taken against another initiate member. Section II. Conduct of Business 1. Quorum: At least two-thirds (66%) of the initiates in good standing are required for quorum, except when less than 30 initiates in good standing are enrolled in the chapter, then quorum shall be three-fifths (60%). 2. Order of Business: The meeting’s agenda shall be as follows: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. 3. Call meeting to Order Roll call Minutes of preceding meeting Officer’s reports Committee chairmen’s reports Reading of communications Unfinished business Installation of officers New business Appointments of committees/chairmen Ceremony of Balloting Ceremony of Affiliation Ceremony of Pledging Ceremony of Initiation Good of the Order Adjournment Election to Membership: The unanimous secret vote of the initiated members of a chapter attending the meeting shall be required to elect a person for initiation as follows: 5 A. Two anonymous secret ballots of the members of the chapter; the first shall be one (1) month after pledging, and the second (2) ballot shall not be more than seven (7) days preceding the date fixed for initiation, and such ballot must be unanimous. B. Such votes shall only be held at regular or special meetings of the chapter. C. Three-fourths (75%) of the initiates of the chapter in good standing shall constitute a quorum for conducting such a vote. D. A Pledge is to be relieved of his Pledgeship if he should receive a vote, equal to one-fifth (20%) of the initiate roll in good standing, in favor of releasing the Pledge. E. Two-thirds (66%) of the members present in good standing may call for a revote to reverse the decision to release a Pledge from his obligation, provided it is during the same meeting the vote was cast. F. Two-thirds (66%) of the members present in good standing may call for an emergency ballot at any regular or special meeting if the members determine circumstances warrant a ballot. 4. Voting: All votes taken on matters of finances and membership (other than Pledges), shall be taken by secret ballot and required a four-fifths (80%) vote of the initiates in good standing present. Other matters can be voted on as prescribed by the members present. Section III. Attendance All initiates are required to be on time for and attend all regular chapter meetings. Any initiate absent without prior notification to an Executive Committee member may be summoned by the Judicial Court for a hearing. Excused absences will be determined by the Executive Committee and include but are not limited to medical emergency, death in the family, work with 24 or more hours notification given, and school-sponsored activities. Section IV. Conduct for Meetings All initiates shall be expected to follow the code of conduct for all meetings. All initiates should request the Grand Master’s permission to speak during meetings. Article V Committees Section I. Membership on Committees All initiates may be required to serve on two (2) committees. Any initiate can serve on any additional committees if approved by the committee’s chairman. Section II. Special Standing Committees 6 1. Ritual Committee: Shall be composed of the Grand Master of Ceremonies, both guards, and at least two (2) but no more than (4) additional ritually proficient initiates. This committee shall be responsible for helping the initiated members of the chapter become ritually proficient and help grasp a better understanding of the Ritual. 2. Committee for Brotherhood Development: Shall consist of the Grand Procurator and at least three (3) other elected initiates. The committee will run programs to encourage positive behaviors (i.e. My Brother’s Keeper). The committee will work with all members in changing negative Brothers. In the event that the prior step fails, the committee can recommend to a Brother to change his actions. If this fails, then this committee can make a recommendation to the chapter for further action. Section III. Standing Committees Standing committee chairmen are to be members in good standing and to be appointed by the Grand Master before the third (3) regular meeting of the semester. A simple majority (preponderance) of the initiates present shall approve these appointments. Each committee shall consist of the chairman and a prescribed number of members. This number is to be set by the EC and may be changed if they deem it necessary. 1. Judicial Court: The Judicial Court, also known as the Judiciary, will serve as a confidential means to resolve conflicts within the Chapter. The committee will consist of the Chief Justice and two initiates not currently serving on the Executive Committee. The committee will operate in accordance with the Judicial Court Bylaws as well as the Chapter and National bylaws of Kappa Sigma. No member convicted by the Judiciary may serve on the Judicial Court until the start of the next fall semester unless the conviction is successfully appealed by the Chapter. The Chief Justice will make weekly reports to the Grand Procurator (unless chaired by the Grand Procurator). 2. Scholarship Committee: This committee is in charge of checking that all members meet scholarship requirements and is responsible for offering advice to members on ways to increase scholarship, and assist in study hall. The Scholarship Committee shall also verify the scholastic eligibility of all candidates for office. The chairman will report weekly to the Grand Procurator (unless chaired by the Grand Procurator) and the Chapter. A. Members who fall below a 2.0 for one semester will be required to complete the following criteria: a. b. Complete a scholarship report administered by the Scholarship Committee chair at the first four weeks of the semester. The member will lose function privileges until the report is turned back in to the scholarship chairman. If at midterms a member’s grades are below a 2.0, they must meet with the scholarship chairman. 7 c. d. e. The third four weeks, the member must complete another scholarship report. The member will lose function privileges until the report is turned back in to the scholarship chairman. The last quarter (finals) if a 2.0 is not met, the member will be considered a member not in good standing. All Pledges are required to attend four hours of study hall per week. B. Members who fall below a 2.5 for one semester shall be warned that the chapter’s minimum standard is a 2.5, may have to do additional tasks as required by the Executive Council and may have restrictions imposed upon them if they keep receiving deficient Grade Point Averages. 3. Interfraternity Council Representatives: Three representatives will attend IFC meetings, vote on behalf of the chapter, and facilitate communication between both entities. They will make weekly reports to the Grand Master and the Chapter. 4. Social Committee: This committee shall be responsible for organizing all social functions except rush, and ensure that all policies are followed. This includes local and state laws, as well as Kappa Sigma policies relating to social functions. The chairman of this committee shall report monthly to the Grand Treasurer and to the Chapter. 5. Alumni Relations Committee: This committee shall be responsible, under the leadership of the Grand Scribe, for publishing the chapter’s alumni newsletter, one time per semester, as well as updating the alumni database. Under the leadership of the Grand Treasurer, this committee shall be responsible for coordinating alumni activities. The chairman of this committee shall report monthly to the appropriate Executive Officer and to the Chapter. 6. Service Committee: Composed of the chairman and at least two (2) other members, this committee shall be responsible for suggesting, organizing, and executing suitable community service projects. The chairman of this committee shall report weekly to the Grand Treasurer if not chaired by the Grand Treasurer. 7. Fundraising Committee: Composed of the chairman and at least two (2) other members, this committee shall be responsible for suggesting, organizing, and executing suitable fundraising projects. The chairman of this committee shall report weekly to the Grand Treasurer if not chaired by the Grand Treasurer. 8. Games and Sports Committee: Composed of the chairman and at least one (1) other member, but no more than three (3) other members, this committee shall be responsible for entering intramural teams, setting up teams for the betterment of the chapter, and posting game times. This committee will also be in charge of planning and coordinating all talents, serenades and other activities for the senior philanthropy weeks hosted by sororities of the University of Montana-Missoula as well as encouraging participation by all members. The chairman of this committee will make weekly reports to the Grand Treasurer (unless chaired by the Grand Treasurer) and to the Chapter. 8 9. Public Relations Committee: Composed of the chairman and at least two (2) other members. This committee is responsible for developing programs to strengthen ties with the public, the media, other Greek organizations, and the faculty and staff of the university. The chairman of this committee will make monthly reports to the Grand Scribe unless chaired by the Grand Scribe. 10. Awards Committee: Composed of the chairman and at least two (2) other members, this committee is responsible for organizing and presenting all awards (i.e. Homecoming, formals, etc.). This committee is also responsible for organizing and executing applications for International Kappa Sigma awards. The chairman of this committee shall report monthly to the Grand Procurator unless chaired by the Grand Procurator 11. Risk Management Committee: Composed of chairman and one (1) other member, this committee is responsible for organizing and presenting programs about the use and abuse of alcohol to the chapter as well as producing a Risk Management plan for every social function hosted by the Chapter. The chairman of this committee shall report monthly to the Grand Procurator (unless chaired by the Grand Procurator) and to the Chapter. Section IV. Special Chairman Special chairmen are to be nominated and elected form the initiates in good standing before the third regular meeting of each semester by two-thirds (66%) of the initiates present. 1. House Manager: When applicable (if the chapter owns a house), the house manager is responsible for the general upkeep of the chapter house. He will be in charge of all repairs to the chapter house. He will also make weekly reports to the Grand Master and the Grand Treasurer. 2. Rush Chairman: The rush chairman shall be responsible for the organization and execution of rush programs and functions making sure that the chapter does not violate the Kappa Sigma Fraternity’s rush policies. The chairman of this committee will report weekly during the selected period of rush to the Grand Master of Ceremonies and to the Chapter. 3. Pledge Educator: The Pledge educator is in charge of the Pledge education program. He will educate Pledges in the history of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity as well as the chapter’s history. He will also assist the Pledges in developing leadership and scholarship skills and implement other programs that are beneficial to Kappa Sigma. This chairman of this committee will report weekly to the Grand Master, Grand Master of Ceremonies and to the Chapter. 4. New Media Chairman: The New Media chairman will be responsible for developing, maintaining and updating the Chapter website as well as production of other media such as rush videos as prescribed by the Chapter. The chairman of this committee 9 will report weekly to the Grand Scribe and the Chapter. Section V. Ad-Hoc Committees The chapter can form ad-hoc committees for special events such as officer elections (nominations), Homecoming, formals, Greek Week, or any other instance when deemed necessary. Upon completion of the duties and tasks, the committee will be dissolved. Article VI Chapter Finances Section I. General Fraternity Fees payable to Kappa Sigma International Headquarters are to be collected and distributed in accordance with the Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Kappa Sigma. Section II. Chapter Fees 1. Pledges: All Pledges must pay the Grand Treasurer a $45.00 pledge fee within three weeks of pledging. Pledges must pay the Grand Treasurer a $150.00 initiation fee prior to initiation. Additionally, pledges are obligated to pay a $75 assessment, due over the rest of the semester after his initiation. 2. Initiate Dues: All initiates are obligated to pay $350 per semester; members may elect to pay this to the University of Montana through student billing (Cyberbear) or directly to the chapter. $350 dollars shall be due by Friday of the third week of the semester. 3. Alumni Dues: There will be no set alumni dues, but alumni shall pay their portion of events they attend when they attend as if they were an initiate. Section III. Collection of Fees 1. Payment: a. The University of Montana, through student billing (Cyberbear), may be used in the collection of member fees. b. The due date of dues for members that elect not to use this system shall be Friday of the third week of the semester. 2. Fines: a. Reasonable fines may be imposed by the Executive Council. Fine amounts shall be announced by the meeting of the second week of the semester. b. Any member who writes a bad check to Kappa Sigma will receive a $30.00 fine. 3. Suspension: Those who have not paid the following amounts at the certain points in the semester will be submitted to the next chapter meeting for a vote for suspension. A suspended member shall not be in good standing and will lose all voting, social, 10 intramural, and other privileges of Kappa Sigma. To become a member in good standing once again, the member must pay their account in full. a. Friday of the 6th week of the semester: Members must have paid enough of their dues as to have paid the proportion of the costs to nationals for them as a member b. Friday of the eleventh week of the semester: one half of all remaining dues. c. At the end of the semester: all dues must be paid. d. The Grand Treasurer shall determine these costs by the meeting of the second week of the semester. 4. Expulsion: If the chapter decides by a vote of three-fourths (75%) that a member’s account is irreconcilable, then the delinquent initiate’s name may be submitted to the chapter and/or the Supreme Executive Committee for expulsion. a. Members with outstanding dues from the previous semester shall be brought up for a vote for expulsion by the Grand Treasurer at the meeting of the third week of the semester. 5. Meetings: Should a meeting not occur during a week of the Semester, events that should occur at that meeting shall be conducted at the next meeting. Should the Grand Treasurer not be present at a meeting, the order of officers that shall bring up votes or other duties shall be: Grand Master, Grand Procurator, Grand Scribe, Grand Master of Ceremonies. Article VII Code of Conduct All Initiates and Pledges shall conduct themselves as to exemplify the Ritual of Kappa Sigma. Section I. Hazing The Delta Omicron Chapter of Kappa Sigma, under no circumstances, will permit any form of hazing. Any member caught hazing will be dealt with in accordance with the Constitution, ByLaws and Rules of Kappa Sigma Fraternity. “Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created by any Kappa Sigma chapter or any member, undergraduate or alumnus, to produce or result in mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment or ridicule or as may otherwise by prohibited by local rules, statues, or ordinances. Some of the prohibited behaviors may include but are not limited to paddling or physical abuse in any form; creation of fatigue including sleep deprivation; physical or psychological shocks; kidnapping; scavenger hunts; personal servitude; lineups; the use of Pledge requirements such as signatures or interviews as a means of harassment; any activities which may tend to expose initiates or pledges to physical danger including but not limited to activities involving the consumption of any alcoholic beverage or any other beverage; any other activities which would disrupt public order or tend to bring the Fraternity into disrepute in the local community and any other activities not consistent with Kappa Sigma Fraternity principles; 11 federal, state, provincial or local laws or the regulations of the host college or university, whether voluntary or involuntary.” Any member witnessing or discovering hazing violations who does not report said violations to an officer of the Fraternity will be guilty of violating the Hazing Policy and will suffer the same penalties as those members actively involved in the hazing. Any officer who receives a report of alleged hazing violations must: 1. 2. Report the alleged activity and results of the inquiry to the chapter’s Alumnus Advisor immediately; Take action with the Alumnus Advisor to determine the validity of such a report. Any officer failing to cause all of the above to occur will suffer the same penalties as a member found guilty of hazing. Any officer actively or passively involved in, having knowledge of any hazing activity or failing to follow every requirement of this policy shall cause the chapter to be guilty of violating this policy and the chapter shall suffer the same penalties as a chapter found guilty of hazing. The following penalties for violations of this policy will be strictly enforced: I. Chapter 1. Upon the first (1st) conviction of this chapter on violations that are deemed by the Supreme Executive Committee, or their designees appointed for inquiry, to be chapter-wide, sponsored or tolerated by this chapter or its leadership will be: a. b. c. d. Suspended from engaging in any social, intramural or recruitment/pledging activities for a period of no less than six (6) months, or one full academic term (whichever is greater) or may have its charter revoked at the discretion of the Supreme Executive Committee. If allowed to continue under a suspended charter, the chapter will focus strictly on leadership, fellowship, scholarship, and service; and Fined an amount to be determined by the Supreme Executive Committee, but in no event less than necessary to cover any and all expenses incurred by the General Fraternity for investigative and/or development purposes; Required to elect a new Executive Committee for which none of the prior Executive Committee members will be eligible to serve on and the election must be approved by the chapter’s District Grand Master and Membership Development Commission; and The chapter will be placed under any other sanctions deemed necessary by the Supreme Executive Committee 12 2. Upon a second (2nd) conviction of this chapter for violation of this policy within a ten year period, the chapter’s charter will be revoked. II. Member 1. Upon first conviction of any individual member for violation of this policy, the individual member will be suspended from all involvement in the Fraternity for a period of one year, or may be expelled from Kappa Sigma Fraternity at the discretion of the Supreme Executive Committee. 2. Upon a second conviction of any individual member for violation of this policy, that individual will be expelled from Kappa Sigma Fraternity. 3. If this chapter is found to be not upholding the suspension or expulsion of individual member(s) by allowing any right or benefit of membership the chapter will have its charter revoked. Section II. Care of the Chapter Venues All members are charged with contributing to maintenance of any venue that hosts any meeting, social function, or other chapter business. Any damage to the house or venue will be repaired by the responsible member and be fined in accordance with the chapter by-laws. All members are expected to clean any mess or litter they create. Section III. Removal of Chapter Property Any member found to have removed any property of the chapter from the chapter house or venue without prior permission from any officer shall be fined in accordance with these by-laws and be charged for the item if not returned. Section IV. Attendance All Initiates and Pledges are required to attend all fundraising, community service of other mandatory functions of the Delta Omicron Chapter. Unexcused Initiates and Pledges from these events may be sent to the Judicial Court for punishment in accordance with these by-laws. Section V. Suspension Any member may be suspended for a definite period, not to exceed one (1) calendar year, from all rights and privileges of membership in Kappa Sigma. Such suspension may be imposed as outlined in the Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Section VI. Expulsion Any member may be expelled, if after a fair trial in the manner provided in the Constitution, ByLaws and Rules of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity, he is found guilty of conduct unbecoming a Kappa Sigma or other causes prescribed in the by-laws. 13 Section VII. Chapter Venue Rules 1. Any use of tobacco products is strictly prohibited in any chapter venue. 2. If the chapter venue has a balcony, the balcony shall be off limits to all members and guests during an “official chapter social function” unless it is utilized for the purposes of risk management or is supervised by a third party. 3. Any damage or destruction of any venue in which chapter business is carried out caused by a member shall be grounds for “conduct unbecoming a Kappa Sigma” and shall be dealt with in a severe fashion by the Judicial Court. Possible penalties include expulsion, suspension, and replacement of damaged property or a monetary fine. 4. No resident of the house under the age of twenty-one (21) shall be allowed to store alcohol in their room. Article VIII Amendments to the Chapter By-Laws Section I. Amendment The by-laws may be amended at a chapter meeting by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members present. Section II. Introduction of Amendment All proposed amendments must be introduced as new business accordingly and the proposed amendments must be typed. Section III. Approval The new amendment must be presented to the District Grand Master and Alumnus Advisor for approval. Immediately after being presented and approved by the District Grand Master and the Alumnus Advisor, it shall be entered as an amendment to the chapter by-laws. Section IV. Disbursement All members shall receive a copy of the amendment(s) to the by-laws. 14