Department of Pediatrics 2

Department of Pediatrics №2
Faculty of Foreign Students
Clinical base of the Department:
Ternopil Regional Communal Children's Hospital
Address: Sakharov str. 2, Ternopil, 46023
Tel: (0352) 269061
The Head of the Department Pavlyshyn Galyna Andriyivna., PhD, Professor
The Department staff: 1 professor, 3 associate professors, 3 assistants, 1
laboratory assistant.
The Department of Pediatrics №2 was created in June 2009 on the basis of
one of the leading departments of pediatrics, which was headed during 33 years by
Smiyan Ivan Semenovych - prominent scientist, Corresponding-Member of the
Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Higher
School, Professor.
Smiyan I.S., PhD,
Corresponding-Member of the Ukrainian Academy
of Medical Sciences, Professor
The peculiarity of the work of the department is continuation of research
traditions which were initiated and implemented by Smiyan Ivan Semenovych,
who is highly qualified pediatrician, the founder of scientific studies of the
treatment of children at water resorts, the study of malabsorption syndrome,
endogenous intoxication, viral respiratory tract infections in children, bone mineral
density and osteoporosis in pediatric practice. His name is included into the List of
the Outstanding people of the 20th century (Cambridge, 1998). Prof. Smiyan I.S. is
a member of Journals Editorial Board: "Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology",
"Perinatology and pediatrics," "Modern pediatrics", "Infectious diseases",
"Research Bulletin", "Actual problems of pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology".
The basis of the Department is Ternopil Region Children's Hospital.
The Department staff
The II, III, IV, V, VI year foreign students of the Medical and the Dental Faculties
receive practical and theoretical knowledges in Pediatrics. Teaching is provided in
English and Russian according to the typical syllabuses of the Health Care of
The work of students during the practical part of training
During the seminar part of the class students discuss theoretical issues and
situation tasks. Teachers determine the level students' knowledge.
Discussions at the seminar classes
Each lecturer is responsible for educational process, creating teaching materials,
test databases for daily knowledge evaluation and test exam. The activity of
students during the study of pediatrics is maintained by the competition
organization, by the speech preparations for students' academic congresses and
Work during the I phase of competition in pediatrics
The staff of the Department is constantly developing progressive methods of
teaching. 12 teaching manuals and textbooks were published by the staff. Two
compact discs about nutrition for babies and toddlers and about neonatology were
formed at the Department. 10 educational movies were translated into English.
Staff of the department
Lecturers include different areas
of pediatric activity: Neonatology, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology,
Children’s Infectious diseases.
Leading investigations are:
substantiation of the measures of medical and diagnostic aid for
newborn with neonatal disadaptation and perinatal infectious pathology, the
selection of independent predictors of the adverse consequence of perinatal
infectious diseases in infants;
establishment of clinical diagnostic criteria of the newborns
nervous system disorders in early neonatal period by using of neurofunctional
research methods;
therapy efficacy and its monitoring in patients with juvenile
rheumatoid arthritis in three ways: functional status assessment, activity of
rheumatic process and life quality assessment;
epidemiologic research of the primary hypertension and metabolic
syndrome in children and adolescents.
Main scientific achievements of the Department staff:
The algorithm of diagnostic and therapeutic care of newborn with
disadaptation and clinical manifestations of perinatal infectious diseases was
Measures of prediction of perinatal pathology in newborns have
been developed and implemented.
Effectiveness of the modified treatment regimens in this category
of patients with correcting of disorders of the metabolic homeostasis links, immune
imbalances has been proved.
Modified diagnosis scheme and treatment scheme of newborns
with disadaptation and clinical manifestations of perinatal infectious diseases have
been introduced.
Neuro-functional methods of nervous system investigations
(electroencephalography, caused visual and auditory potentials of the brain
vessels) have been implemented for the purpose of early diagnosis of hypoxicischemic lesions in newborn.
Creation of clinical-predictive model of early diagnosis and
prevention of perinatal infectious disease in the early neonatal period have been
also implemented (author prof. Pavlyshyn G.A).
Pavlyshyn G.A., PhD,
Diagnosis and development of correction methods of bone mineralization
disorders in children with type I diabetes by studying bone mineral density using
dual energy X-ray densitometry with a parallel study of phosphorus-calcium
metabolism and some biochemical markers of bone metabolism; videyin-3 and
calcium glycerophosphate evaluation in the treatment of diabetic Osteopathy have
been done (Associate Professor Sakharova I.Ye).
Assoc.Prof. Sakharova I.Ye., PhD
Practice diagnostic criteria of endogenous intoxication syndrome in children
with different pathology and methods of its correction have been developed and
implemented in public health.
Mechanisms of enterosorbents action and its effectiveness in the treatment
infectious diseases in children of different ages have been studied and
demonstrated (Associate Professor Horishna I.L, Associate Professor Nykytyuk
S.O). Horishna I.L., PhD Nykytyuk S.O., PhD
The new approach to early diagnosis of diabetic cardiomyopathy in the
early stages of heart diseases, efficiency of medications and natural methods in
complex treatment and prevention of diabetic cardiomyopathy in children has
been proved ( Furdela V.B.). Furdela V.B., PhD
The condition of adaptation of the cardiovascular system in preschool
children was identified after clinical and physiological examinations and
according to the risk factor results of disadaptation of the cardiovascular
system of preschoolers in modern conditions were determined. Algorithm of
diagnosis and correction methods for outpatient phase has been implemented
(ass. prof. Luchyshyn N.Yu.).
Ass. prof. Luchyshyn N.Yu., PhD
The results of two years monitoring of effectiveness and safety of basic therapy
and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs showed that methotrexate at a dose 5
mg/m2 body surface introduced parenterally improves functional status (CHAQ)
and physical health (CHQ) after 1 year, reduces disease activity (DAS) and affects
psychosocial health (CHQ) after 2 years of continuous use. This is safe in terms of
side effects and efficacy than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Algorithm of monitoring juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in children of all ages
was developed and implemented in practice to improve the control of thetherapy
effectiveness (Ass. prof. Kovalchuk T.A.)
Ass. prof. Kovalchuk T.A.
Clinical Work
The staff of the Department provide expert advice for various health care for
children of Ternopil and Tenopil Region. Lectures treat patients in the different
clinical departments of the Regional Children's Hospital: the children's department
for infants (prof. Pavlyshyn G.A.), II pediatric department (assoc. Prof. Sakharova
I.Ye.), infectious-boxed (assoc. prof. Nykytyuk S.O., ass. prof. Furdela V.B.), I
pediatric (ass. prof. Kovalchuk T.A., ass. prof. Luchyshyn N.Yu.), infectious
department of Ternopil Children’s Hospital (assoc. prof. Gorishna I.L.), newborns
in the perinatal center "Mother and child" and Maternity Home №2 (Prof.
Pavlyshyn G.A.).
Clinical examination of patients
Teachers take part in the planned clinical examinations in the rural district
hospitals and enhance the quality of care for children in rural areas. They hold
clinical conferences, organize training seminars for advanced studies for regional
doctors, introduce new methods of diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of
children's diseases. Representatives of the Department have their internship in the
hospitals abroad (Poland, Austria).
The delegation of the Department during the internship
The most significant achievements of the department, which were introduced
in the medical diagnostic process of clinics, were modified scheme diagnosis and
treatment of newborns with disadaptation and clinical manifestations of perinatal
infectious diseases aimed at correcting disorders of metabolic homeostasis links
and immunological imbalance (Prof. Pavlyshyn G.A.). Differentiated therapy of
salmonellosis (Assoc. Prof. Horishna I.L.), viral hepatitis A in children (Assoc.
Prof. Nykytyuk S.O.) using biochemistry has been pathogenically substantiated,
developed and tested in the clinic. The state of bone mineral density and correction
of disorders in children with diabetes mellitus (Assoc. Prof. Sakharova I.Ye.) has
been studied also. The mechanisms of diabetic cardiovascular complications in
children with diabetes mellitus has been studied and methods of diagnosis of
diabetic cardiomyopathy were improved ( Furdela V.B.). Algorithm of
diagnosis of the cardiovascular system disadaptation in preschool children in
outpatient phase has been implemented ( Luchyshyn N.Yu.). The scheme
for monitoring of the therapy effectiveness in patients with juvenile rheumatoid
arthritis in three areas: assessment of functional status, activity of rheumatic
process and quality of life ( Kovalchuk T.A.).
Staff of the Department projects to continue working closely with the
physicians of clinical health care establishments and to set cooperation with
foreign hospitals in the future.