Elouisa 2 - Rushmere Alpacas

Rushmere Elouisa
Female with cria at foot
Rushmere Elouisa is a second generation Rushmere alpaca, the first cria from Rushmere Brunhilda
and from a well known and very successful brown stud male, Purston Peruvian Kim. She is a large
alpaca with a strong frame and superb substance of bone. She shares the laid back temperament of
all that family and is very easy to handle. She is an unusual dark rose grey – almost a pewter colour
and has done very well in shows as can be seen:
Newark And Notts
Huacaya Junior Female - Grey
Scottish National Fleece Show
Spring Alpaca Fiesta - H O Eng
National Show
Huacaya Grey Fleece 6-12 Month
Huacaya Intermediate Female Huacaya Intermediate Female -
She has a lovely black female cria at foot born in June this year which is doing well and promises to
be part of our show team, as might be expected from the offspring of Houghton Hall’s beautiful
black stud male, Inca Balboa. Houghton Hall studs are only available to former customers of
Houghton Hall so this is an opportunity to gain access to extremely high quality genetics. We are
only selling her as our grey breeding programme has been so successful and we try to keep the herd
to under 30 animals to ensure they all get personal attention.
Fleece Results
1st fleece 2012 Average micron 25.5 Standard deviation 5.5 Staple length 125
2nd fleece 2013 Average micron 27.5, Standard Deviation 5.4, Comfort factor 73.9, Staple length 120
Elouisa summary
Dark Rose grey
Born 5 July 2011
Sire: Purston Peruvian Kim
4 years old
Dam: Rushmere Brunhilda
Elouisa and her new black cria Ismene at 3 days old
Rushmere Elouisa and Ismene
Elouisa before shearing 2015