Hebe Profile - Rushmere Alpacas

Rushmere Hebe
Weanling female £950
Rushmere Hebe is a black female yearling. She is the daughter of a very fine black female bought at
the Alpaca Classic auction 2 years ago and the superb stud male, now in Europe, Viracocha Prophesy
of Anzac. She has a beautiful soft dense fleece which grew an incredible 135 mm and excellent
substance of bone. She is very easy to handle and has a lively and inquisitive nature. She is halter
trained and as might be expected with such strong genetics did well at shows in 2015, coming 5th in
both the National Show and the Heart of England Show.
Her first fleece statistics are: AM: 19.5 SD 4.9 CV 25.1 CEM: 10.5 CF 96.7 SL 135
Hebe summary
Born 23 May 2014
6 months old
Sire: Viracocha Prophecy of Anzac
Dam: Jessamine Hustle
Rushmere Hebe December 2014
Hebe fleece March 2015