NSERC-CREATE International Research Training Group in Membrane Biology Trainee Application Form 2015 For use by graduate students and PDFs Note: This application form can only be used by trainees who have been invited to apply by one of the researchers in the IRTG. Applications from trainees who have not been accepted into one of the IRTG laboratories will not be accepted. INFORMATION FOR COMPLETION OF APPLICATION A. GUIDELINES FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE TRAINING PROGRAM The NSERC CREATE IRTG in Membrane Biology is an exceptional opportunity for exceptional students. The goal of the training program is to develop a group of trainees with specialized skills in membrane biology, combined with the ability to move into the workplace with talent in communication and research at the international level. Successful applicants will receive a stipend of $16,900 per year, provided by the training program for up to three years. Trainees may receive additional stipend support to bring their support in line with the guidelines of their home university department. Trainees will participate in the IRTG for three years, whether they receive support from the IRTG, or from another award. If a student wins a studentship award while holding an IRTG award, then total funding from IRTG and the additional award may not exceed $20,000. Trainees will visit Germany to carry out research in a partner laboratory for 3-6 months, with travel and living expenses paid for by the IRTG. B. APPLICATION DEADLINE AND EVALUATION PROCEDURE Completed application package must be received in 4020 Katz Research Centre by Tuesday, June 10 2015 at 12:00 noon. Applications will be reviewed by the IRTG’s Program Advisory Committee. Announcement of successful candidates will be made to the supervisor and candidate by email in early August. Funding will commence September 1, 2015. C. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF AN APPLICATION PACKAGE A complete application package consists of: Signed and completed IRTG Trainee application form (This form) Supervisor’s CIHR CV module (common CV and publications last five years) University transcripts Letter(s) of recommendation 1 NSERC-CREATE International Research Training Group in Membrane Biology Trainee Application Form 2015 IRTG in Membrane Biology, 4020 Katz Research Building Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H7 Phone: 780-492-7203 / Fax: 780-492-0886 Email: casey@ualberta.ca SECTION I PERSONAL DATA Trainee Name: Surname, First Name, Middle Initial Birth date: Year, month, day Gender: (check) Female Lab Phone: Home Phone: Male Email Address: Type of application (check): Graduate studentship Postdoctoral fellowship Name of Proposed Supervisor: SECTION II: SIGNATURES Signature of: Candidate Printed Name Date Supervisor: Department Head/Chair Signatures of candidate and supervisor indicate agreement to abide by the guidelines of the IRTG in Membrane Biology, as outlined on page 7 of this Application form. Failure to meet these obligations may lead to termination of funding by the IRTG. 2 NSERC-CREATE International Research Training Group in Membrane Biology Trainee Application Form 2015 SECTION III DETAILS OF APPLICATION A. TRAINING PROGRAM 1. Anticipated start and completion dates of enrollment in IRTG in Membrane Biology, Start Date ___/___ Completion Date ___/___ MO/YR MO/YR 2. When did you or will you start in the laboratory of the IRTG member? ____/____ MO/YR 3. If applicable, indicate the graduate program and department in which you will register or are currently registered. Masters Ph.D. Department ________________________ A1 – ACADEMIC RECORD CANDIDATE’S CURRENT AND COMPLETED UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS Append all university level transcripts behind this page. Degree/Diploma/Specialization/Faculty University/Institution/Country 3 Dates of Enrolment FROM (Mo/Yr) TO(Mo/Yr) NSERC-CREATE International Research Training Group in Membrane Biology Trainee Application Form 2015 UNIVERSITY ACADAMIC ACHIEVEMENTS (Prizes, Honors, Awards) (Additional pages may be appended if necessary) Prizes/Honors/Awards Awarded By Year Won/Held ACADEMIC INTERRUPTION (Do not exceed the space provided here.) If there has been an interruption in your academic career, please provide an explanation indicating the period and reasons for the interruption. A2 – RESEARCH EXPERIENCE RELEVANT RESEARCH AND WORK EXPERIENCE FROM: TO: YR. MO. YR. MO. Position Insititution/Company/City/Country 4 Supervisor’s Name NSERC-CREATE International Research Training Group in Membrane Biology Trainee Application Form 2015 B. CANDIDATE’S PUBLICATIONS Provide a list of candidate’s scientific publications, including published abstracts. Attach additional page, if required. A3 –LETTERS OF REFERENCE Only one letter of reference is required, which can be from the present or proposed supervisor. Other letters are optional. Where appropriate, identify three individuals who have been asked to submit a letter of reference on your behalf. The proposed supervisor may be one of the three. Name Institution/Organization Telephone Number ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 5 NSERC-CREATE International Research Training Group in Membrane Biology Trainee Application Form 2015 SUPERVISOR TO DISCUSS RELEVANCE TO THE TRAINING PROGRAM Please discuss the relevance of the project to the program. You may include a discussion of the collaborative nature of the project with our German partners. 6 NSERC-CREATE International Research Training Group in Membrane Biology Trainee Application Form 2015 Section III Guidelines and Expectations of Trainees Trainees enrolled in the IRTG will have exciting opportunities and experiences available to them. With these benefits come expectations that need to be met, for the student’s training and the program itself to be successful. If the trainee is accepted into the program then the obligations below need to be fulfilled. If these are not met, then the student’s stipend and or enrollment in the IRTG may be withdrawn at the discretion of the IRTG’s Program Advisory Committee (PAC). 1. Trainee will complete an annual evaluation form, provided by the PAC. 2. Once enrolled in the IRTG, the student will complete three years of active participation in the program, regardless of the student’s source of stipend support. 3. The trainee will annually apply to at least one external agency for stipend support. Proof of application will be supplied as part of the annual report. If the trainee is successful in attracting external support, then the value of the external award will be subtracted from the stipend provided by the IRTG so total funding does not exceed $20,000. The student will continue to be a member of the IRTG including all benefits and expectations, even if stipend support comes from another source. 4. Trainee will make strong efforts to attend all IRTG events, including annual meetings in Canada, and or Germany as directed by the PAC. Other activities will include seminars by visiting speakers, weekly IRTG (MPDRG) meetings and the IRTG/Membranes journal club. 5. Trainee will attend industrial visits arranged in Canada and Germany. 6. Trainee will endeavor to complete productive research and publish this research as abstracts and research papers. 7. Trainee will annually present: i) An oral research presentation at the weekly IRTG (MPDRG) meeting, ii) a presentation in the IRTG Journal Club, iii) poster or oral presentation at an international meeting. 8. Trainee will complete a 3-6 month research experience in the laboratory of a German IRTG partner some time during the three year IRTG training period. As part of the experience, the trainee will complete a written proposal prior to the trip and complete a final report following the trip. 9. Upon completion of the training program, the trainee will complete an exit evaluation survey, provided by the PAC. 7