NPB Website Policy - National Plant Board

National Plant Board Website Policy
Last updated:
Sept. 2015, C. Holko
The NPB Website serves as an information clearinghouse for the National Plant Board (NPB) and its regulated industries.
Guiding Principals
Content will be focused on information and issues of direct interest to NPB members and representatives.
Cross linking will be used whenever possible to avoid duplicate posting of material that exists elsewhere on the
State law and regulation summaries are the sole responsibility of individual states.
Content and structure will be designed for simplicity and ease of use by all Internet users regardless of their
technological capabilities.
Roles and Responsibilities
The NPB Website Committee will consist of the regional Vice Presidents, the NPB Vice President, the Webmaster, and
the Content Manager. Regional Vice Presidents will be responsible for ensuring that their region’s content is current. The
Website Committee, in consultation with the BOD, will determine whether to include new content on the Website, and
the best method of incorporating this content, such as adding to an existing page or creating a new page or section.
The NPB Vice President will serve as the NPB Website Committee Chair.
The NPB Executive Secretary will manage the NPB Committees and notify the Content Manager of new or updated
The Webmaster is the point of contact for Website inquiries and supports the Content Manager generally. The
Webmaster will determine whether to elevate an issue to the Website Committee.
The Content Manager will update the site with information provided to him/her. The Content Manager will not be
expected to generate content. The Content Manager will also maintain the NPB listservs.
The NPB Executive Secretary will renew the Web hosting and domain name so as to ensure no disruption in service. The
Executive Secretary will also maintain a record of all relevant accounts, user ids, and passwords, and manage the
Website contractor.
Individual states are responsible for annually downloading the Word version of their state law and regulation summary,
reviewing/updating the contents (including the revision date), and sending it to the Content Manager.
The Website contractor will, on request of the Content Manager or Webmaster, troubleshoot issues and do more
complex updates such as new content areas and restructuring.
Content Management
Requests for routine updates/corrections to existing content, except committee membership, should be
submitted to the Content Manager. Provide all relevant information, e.g. for a member change, include all
contact information. Always specify the URL of the page on which the change is to be made.
Committee updates will be coordinated through the NPB Executive Secretary. Required elements for NPB reps
on non-NPB Committees include name of the committee, short paragraph of its purpose, chair(s), PPQ point of
contact if appropriate, NPB member names with state and regional board affiliation, and email address if not a
Requests for new content area should be submitted to the NPB Webmaster.