Tinley Park Girls Soccer Student-Athlete Contract

Tinley Park Girls Soccer StudentAthlete Contract
Tinley Park Girls Soccer Student-Athlete Contract 2014
Head Coach: Mrs. Michelle Youngberg
Email: myoungberg@bhsd228.com
Athletic Director: Mike Mongan
Assistant Coach: Michael Boniface
Email: mboniface@bhsd228.com
Athletic Director: Mike Mongan
JV Coach: Pete Sansone
Email: psansone@bhsd228.com
Athletic Director: Mike Mongan
Teamwork, both on and off the field, will determine the success of a soccer program. Soccer players are highly visible leaders of
Tinley Park High School and are thus expected to conduct themselves in a manner that brings credit to Tinley Park High
School at all times, and will be held to a higher standard, whether in or out of uniform. Showing respect to our teammates,
opponents and members of the community will be expected at all times. The THPS soccer program takes pride in displaying
sportsmanship at all times. Sportsmanship from players, coaches and parents will be displayed at all times. Playing soccer
for Tinley Park High School is a privilege, not a right. To maintain these high standards, the coaches have established this
As certified teachers, academics are extremely important to us. Each week, the student-athletes grades will be sent to us in order to
monitor the success and eligibility of the student-athlete.
1. Please be aware that you are a student-athlete and academics come first.
2. According to IHSA, student-athletes are required to be passing 5 classes with a D or higher at all times.
3. Tinley Park varsity soccer players should maintain a C or higher in all classes. Failure to maintain a C or better in classes will
result in consequences determined by the coaching staff.
4. If a student is receiving a D or an E in any classes, they will be required to go to study tables provided by TPHS. It is the
student-athlete’s responsibility to make sure they are attending study tables if necessary. TPHS soccer players should be
taking full of advantage of connection periods on Wednesday’s. Connection periods give student-athletes an opportunity to
improve academics.
5. Although academics come first, missing practices or games because of poor academic performance is considered an
unexcused absence. Student-athletes are required to attend every practice and game even if they are considered ineligible
for a game.
Attendance Policy
1. Student- athletes are required to attend all games and practices. Failure to attend games and practices will result in a
suspension of one game for each unexcused absence. For instance, if a player misses one practice unexcused, they will sit
for one game. If a player misses a game, they will sit for the following game.
2. All of the following are considered UNEXCUSED: Work, school dances, school clubs, after school activities, homework, spring
break, vacation, babysitting, family parties, etc.
3. Listed below are the only absences that are considered EXCUSED; however, the student-athlete must notify one of the
coaches at least 24 hours in advance by email or phone call if one of these situations were to occur and result in an absence
from a game, practice or fundraising event.
a. Funerals/ Wakes
b. Sickness or urgent doctor’s appointment
4. If a student has an UNEXCUSED absence at school, they may not attend practice or games that day.
Tinley Park Girls Soccer Student-Athlete Contract 2014
Time Management
Time management and organization are not only important skills to have for soccer but also to have for the rest of our
student-athlete’s lives.
1. Practice will start at 3:20 pm every day. Being late to any practice, game or soccer event will result in a consequence
determined by the coaching staff.
a. “To be early; is to be on time; to be on time; is to be late; to be late; is to be forgotten.”
2. For each additional time a player is late to practice, game or any soccer event, it will result in player sitting the bench for an
amount of time that will be determined by the coaching staff.
Appearance and Behavior
1. Soccer players are leaders of Tinley Park High School and are thus expected to conduct themselves in a manner
that brings credit to TPHS at all times, and will be held to a higher standard, whether in or out of uniform.
Teamwork and respect towards teammates is required at all times and will be a determining factor in the success of
the TPHS soccer program.
Fighting or threatening another student or team member inside and/or outside of school will not be tolerated and will
result in removal from the team.
Student-athletes are required to respectful at all times. Disrespect to teammates, coaches, refs, and teachers will
not be tolerated.
Student-athletes are required to present themselves in a positive manner in the community as well as social media.
Illegal activity posted on social media networks will result in removal from the TPHS soccer team.
Student-athletes are required to follow the law inside and outside of school. Failure to follow the law inside and
outside of school will result in removal from the team.
Detentions, suspensions, LOP and other school consequences for behavior will not be tolerated. Consequences will
be determined by coaching staff.
Bus Policy
We win together, we ride the bus together. We lose together, we ride the bus together. We are a team. With that being said, all players
in the TPHS Soccer Program are required to ride the bus to and from each event, unless proper forms are filled out and signed by
player, parents and coach.
1. All student-athletes are responsible for safeguarding any personal possessions brought to
school/games/practice/all related events. Athletes should be aware that Tinley Park High School and the
coaches are not responsible for personal items and the school will not pay for any personal items lost.
2. IPods, cell phones, & any other electronic devices are not to be used during games and practices. StudentAthletes will be allowed to use their cell phone after games and practices.
3. Each player will be provided with an athletic lock and locker. Please be sure to lock up all personal belongings.
The lock will be collected at the end of the season. Failure to turn in the lock will result in a fine.
4. Students are responsible for their uniform, warm-up, bag and any other items provided by TPHS. Each player
will be required to sign an equipment contract before receiving items owned by TPHS.
Tinley Park Girls Soccer Student-Athlete Contract 2014
Contract Agreement
As a soccer player and a student at Tinley Park High School, I realize that it is a privilege to
participate in the TPHS soccer program. Furthermore, I understand that it is my responsibility to
uphold the standards and values of Tinley Park High School. I hereby do agree to follow the
contract set forth by the coaches and approved by the TPHS Athletic Director. I also agree to follow
the rules and regulations set forth by the District 228 Athletic Code. I also understand that there are
consequences that I will face if I choose not to follow the rules listed in this contract.
Student-Athletes Name_________________________________________________
Student-Athletes Signature
I allow my child to participate in the Tinley Park High School soccer program. I will support my child
in following the rules listed in this contract and if my student-athlete should choose not to follow
these rules, I understand that my student-athlete will face the consequences determined by the
coaches. I understand that if my student-athlete quits or is dismissed from the team, my money will
not be refunded.
Parent/Guardian signature