Chapter 10, 11.1, 12.1 Study Guide

Chapter 10
__________reactions are reactions where electrons transfer from one atom or ion to another.
reactions are reactions where oxygen is a reactant and carbon dioxide and water
are products.
is the gain of electrons and
is the loss of electrons.
T or F: Reduction and oxidation happen simultaneously.
is the apparent charge on an atom when lone pairs or bonding electrons are
assigned to it.
Oxidation numbers in an ionic compound is determined by the number of
given away or
added to form a stable octet.
Covalent compound:
• Oxidation number for elements by themselves is ____
• Oxidation number for monatomic ions is the ________
• Oxidation number for Hydrogen in front of a compound is ______ and at the end of a
compound is __
• Alkali metals have an oxidation number of ___ and Alkaline Earth metals are ___
• Oxidation number for Oxygen is ____ unless it's in peroxide.
• The sum of oxidation numbers in a compound have to equal __
• In a polyatomic ion, the oxidation number equals the _____
If the element's oxidation number is reduced, it's _______
If it increases, it's _______
The reducing agent is the compound containing the _______ element.
The ________ is the compound containing the reduced element.
Find the oxidation number for each and determine what is oxidized, reduced, oxidizing agent,
and reducing agent:
Fe2O3(s) + 3 CO(g) --> 2Fe(l) + 3 CO2(g)
reactions are redox reactions.
An ________ is a list of metals from most likely to react in a chemical reaction to least likely to
More likely to react means ____ likely to be found in a compound, rather than a compound.
Balancing Redox Reactions in Acidic Reactions:
1. Write half-reactions for _______ and
the half-reactions with respect to atoms involved (except hydrogen and oxygen).
3. Balance Oxygen by adding _____.
4. Balance ______ by adding H+.
5. Balance charges by adding ____.
6. Balance the -e charge of the half-reactions by multiplying the half-reactions by the least
common multiple.
7. Next add the two half-reactions.
8. _
_ anything out that appears on both sides of the equations.
Balance the following Redox Reactions in Acidic Solution:
I2 + HClO --> HIO3 + HCl
Balancing Redox Reactions in Basic Reactions:
1. Write half-reactions for _______ and ________ processes.
_______ the half-reactions with respect to atoms involved (except hydrogen and oxygen).
Balance Oxygen by adding _________
Balance ______ by adding H+
Balance charges by adding _____.
Balance the -e charge of the half-reactions by multiplying the half-reactions by the least
common multiple.
7. Next add the two half-reactions.
8. _______ anything out that appears on both sides of the equations.
Balance the following Redox Reaction in Basic Solution:
C2O4-2 + MnO4- --> MnO2 + CO3-2
_________ use the natural flow of electrons from an element that is more easily oxidized to an
element that is more easily reduced.
The part of the voltaic cell that is being reduced is the ________ and the side that is oxidized is
the ______
A ________ is added to allow ions of the salt to go to each side of the battery
The difference between the potential energy on the cathode and on the anode side is known as
the _______, which is measured in ______
A standard reduction potential table gives the standard reduction potential for ____-reactions
Cell potential is ______________
Find the cell potential for the following:
Fe|Fe+2|Br2|Br- when Br2 SRP is 1.065 and Fe+2 is -.44
A ________ is when a cell has the same reactants and products on each side of the cell.
________ is added to an electrolytic cell to force a redox reaction to occur
___________ is when electricity causes a chemical reaction to occur
Label the following:
________ are large molecules made of many small molecules joined together
The simplest type of organic molecule is the __________, which are nonpolar
The larger the hydrocarbon, the ________ LDF
_______ is a set of rules that tells us how to name a molecule
__________ is a hydrocarbon that contains only single bonds between the carbons, aka
saturated hydrocarbons. They are named by using the prefix for the longest chain of carbon
atoms and then adding the suffix ______
Alkenes contain _______ bonds and use the suffix –ene
Isomers are _______________________________________________
_________ have triple bonds and suffix –yne
Name the following:
A _______ reaction is one that the nucleus of the atom is changed and _________ is released
during this reaction
A radioactive element changes the makeup of its nucleus _________
________ particles contain two protons, two neutrons, and zero electrons
Beta particles has ___ protons, ____ neutrons, and ____ electrons
________ is given off as the nucleus releases energy, often with the ejection of alpha or beta
The nucleus after the nuclear reaction has occurred is called the _________
The law of radioactive decay shows _____________________________________
____________ is the time it takes half of a sample to decay