AMEDEO: Personal Training and Career Development Plan May 15, 2013 AMEDEO Personal Training and Career Development Plan PTCDP objectives: The PTCDP is a dynamic framework comprised of measurable technical and scientific objectives, task-specific milestones and deliverables with specific goals for each. In the first month of employment the ESR and supervisors/advisor will complete a formalised training needs analysis and they will jointly develop the ESR’s PTCDP. The PTCDP will be reviewed at each Network event, and as required throughout the duration of the Network. Basic Details: Name of fellow Department / Institute Name of Supervisor Names of Network Co-supervisors Name of Independent Advisor Date of PTCDP Date of last review (if applicable) Project overview (4 page max) 1. Brief overview of research project (0.5 page): 2. List of milestones and deliverables from AMEDEO Annex 1 relevant to project 3. Steps to be completed in next year, expected outcome and how they contribute to AMEDEO milestones and deliverables. 4. (Year 2 onwards: short summary of research results for previous year) 5. Anticipated publications or impact (IP, patents etc) 6. Anticipated collaborations with AMEDEO partners 7. Anticipated collaborations outside AMEDEO network 8. Anticipated outreach or dissemination activities (aside from publications) 9. Fellowship or other funding applications planned (indicate name of award if known; include fellowships with entire funding periods, grants written/applied for/received, professional society presentation awards or travel awards, etc.) Page 1 of 3 AMEDEO: Personal Training and Career Development Plan May 15, 2013 Training needs analysis: short and long term training objectives There is a list at the end of this template of skills identified by Marie Curie Actions for inclusion in your PTCDP. However, we would recommend that you use the ‘Researcher Development Framework’, devised by UK researcher training organisation Vitae, which provides a much more thorough tool for identifying your training needs: Please consider the following questions as part of your training needs analysis: 1. What additional knowledge, training or skills do you need to help you achieve the next 12m project objectives outlined in the Project Overview section? 2. What are your long-term (5+ year) personal career goals: what additional training / experience do you require to achieve them? Training plan This section should cover the training planned in the next 12 months to address the training needs identified in the previous section. A non-exhaustive list is provided below of possible training activities that may be undertaken. 1. Research skills and techniques: anticipated taught courses, workshops or seminar series, skills to be learnt within research group. 2. Secondment: anticipated skills development and experience, any direct training. 3. Networking and dissemination opportunities: anticipated conference, seminar presentations or other networking events: are you expecting just to attend or also to present your project? 4. Transferable skills: courses, workshops, skills learnt within research group. 5. Other activities with professional relevance e.g. teaching activity, membership of relevant industrial or learned body, additional communication activities (e.g. blog) Career progression A plan to secure next position should be included in the final year’s PTCDP. 1. What is your anticipated next career step? 2. What do you need to do to make this a reality? 3. Who in the AMEDEO network could help you with this? What action do you need to take to secure this help? Are there any other additional contacts you have made during your project that could also help? 4. Attach your current CV (to be reviewed by supervisor, co-supervisor and additional member of AMEDEO training committee and feedback provided) Date & Signature of fellow: Date & Signature of supervisor Page 2 of 3 AMEDEO: Personal Training and Career Development Plan May 15, 2013 Copies to be sent to AMEDEO Project Manager and Co-supervisors Training, skills & experience suggested by Marie Curie Actions for inclusion in PTCDP 1. Research Skills and techniques: Competence in experimental design, quantitative and qualitative methods, relevant research methodologies, data capture, statistics, analytical skills. Original, independent and critical thinking. Critical analysis and evaluation of one’s findings and those of others Acquisition of new expertise in areas and techniques related to the researcher’s field and adequate understanding their appropriate application Foresight and technology transfer, grasp of ethics and appreciation of IPPR. 2. Research management: Ability to successfully identify and secure possible sources of funding for personal and team research as appropriate. Project management skills relating to proposals and tenders work programming, supervision, deadlines and delivery, negotiation with funders, financial planning, and resource management. Skills appropriate to working with others and in teams and in teambuilding. 3. Communication skills: Personal presentation skills, poster presentations, skills in report writing and preparing academic papers and books. To be able to defend research outcomes at seminars, conferences, etc. Contribute to promote public understanding of one’s own field 4. Other professional training (course work, teaching activity): Involvement in teaching, supervision or mentoring 5. Anticipated networking opportunities. Develop/maintain co-operative networks and working relationships as appropriate with supervisor/peers/colleagues within the institution and the wider research community 6. Other activities (community, etc) with professional relevance. Issues related with career management, including transferable skills, management of own career progression, ways to develop employability, awareness of what potential employers are looking for when considering CV applications etc. Page 3 of 3