Dietary deficiency of phosphorus ,calcium ,vitamin D and imbalance of the calcium :phosphorus ratio A dietary deficiency or disturbance in the metabolism of calcium, phosphorus, or vitamin D, including imbalance of the calcium: phosphorus ratio, is the principal cause of the osteodystrophies. The interrelation of these various factors is often very difficult to define and because the end result in all these deficiencies is so similar the precise etiological agent is often difficult to determine in any given circumstance. Absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus In ruminants, dietary calcium is absorbed by the small intestine according to body needs. Calcium absorption is increased in adult animals during periods of high demand, such as pregnancy and lactation, or after a period of calcium deficiency, but a substantial loss of body stores of calcium appears to be necessary before this increase occurs. The dietary factors influencing the efficiency of absorption of calcium include the nature of the diet, the absolute and relative amounts of calcium and phosphorus present in the diet and the presence of interfering substances. Phosphorus is absorbed by young animals from both milk and forage-containing diets with a high availability (80-1 00%), but the availability is much lower (50- 60%) in adult animals . The metabolism of calcium and phosphorus is influenced by the parathyroid hormone calcitonin and vitamin D. Parathyroid hormone is secreted in response to hypocalcemia and stimulates the conversion of 25 -dihydroxy cholecalciferol to 1,25 -dihydroxy cholecalciferol (1,25DHCC). Parathyroid hormone and 1,25- DHCC together stimulate bone re sorption and 1,25-DHCC alone stimulates intestinal absorption of calcium. Calcium enters the blood from bone and intestine, and when the serum calcium level increases above normal, parathyroid hormone is inhibited and calcitonin secretion stimulated. The increased calcitonin concentration blocks bone re sorption and the decreased parathyroid hormone concentration depresses calcium absorption. Calcium deficiency (hypocalcicosis) Calcium deficiency may be primary or secondary, but in both cases, the end result is an osteodystrophy, the specific disease depending largely on the species and age of the animals affected. Etiology A primary deficiency due to a lack of calcium in the diet is uncommon, although a secondary deficiency due to a marginal calcium intake aggravated by a high phosphorus intake is not uncommon. In ponies, such a diet depresses intestinal absorption and retention of calcium in the body and the re sorption of calcium from bones is increased. Epidemiology Calcium deficiency is a sporadic disease occurring in particular groups of animals rather than in geographically limited areas. Although death does not usually occur, there may be considerable loss of function and disabling lesions of bones or joints. Horses in training, cattle being fitted for shows, and valuable stud sheep are often fed artificial diets containing cereal or grass hays which contain little calcium and grains which have a high content of phosphorus. The secondary calcium deficiency that occurs in these circumstances is often accompanied by a vitamin D deficiency because of the tendency to keep animals confined indoors. Dairy cattle may occasionally be fed similarly imbalanced diets, the effects of which are exaggerated by high milk production. Outbreaks can affect many sheep and are usually seen in winter and spring, following exercise or temporary starvation. In most outbreaks the characteristic osteoporosis results from a long-term deprivation of food due to poor pasture growth. In females there is likely to be a cycle of changes in calcium balance, a negative balance occurring in late pregnancy and early lactation and a positive balance in late lactation and early pregnancy and when lactation has ceased. The negative balance in late pregnancy is in spite of a naturally occurring increased absorption of calcium from the intestine at that time, at least in ewes. Pathogenesis The main physiological functions of calcium are the formation of bone and milk, participation in the clotting of blood and the maintenance of neuromuscular excitability. In the development of osteodystrophies, dental defects and tetany the role of calcium is well understood but the relation between deficiency of the element and lack of appetite, poor growth, loss of condition, infertility and reduced milk flow is not readily apparent. The disinclination of the animals to move about and graze and poor dental development may contribute to these effects. Feeding repletion diets results in complete remineralization of rib bones, but only partial remineralization of the metatarsal bones. Nutritional factors other than calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D may be important in the production of osteodystrophies, which also occur in copper deficiency, fluorosis and chronic lead poisoning. Vitamin A is also essential for the development of bones, particularly those of the cranium. Clinical findings ●the clinical findings are less marked in adults than in young animals, in which there is decreased rate or cessation of growth and dental mal development. ●The deformity of the gums, poor development of the incisors, failure of permanent teeth to erupt for periods of up to 27 months and abnormal wear of the permanent teeth due to defective development of dentine and enamel, occurring principally in sheep. ● A calcium deficiency may occur in lactating ewes and sucking lambs whose metabolic requirements for calcium are higher than in dry and pregnant sheep. ●Exercise and fasting often precipitate tetanic seizures and parturient paresis in such sheep. ●Attention is drawn to the presence of the disease by the occurrence of tetany, convulsions and paresis but the important signs are ill-thrift. ●Serum calcium levels will be as low as 5.6 mg/dL (1.4 mmol/L) . ●There is lameness, but fractures are not common even though the bones are soft. ●A simple method for assessing this softness is compression of the frontal bones of the skull with the thumbs. In affected sheep, the bones can be felt to fluctuate. ● In appetence, stiffness, tendency of bones to fracture, disinclination to stand, difficult parturition, reduced milk flow, loss of condition, and reduced fertility are all non-specific signs recorded in adults. all nonspecific signs recorded in adults. ●Specific syndromes Primary calcium deficiency no specific syndromes are recorded. Secondary calcium deficiency Rickets, osteomalacia, osteodystrophia fibrosa of the horse and pig and degenerative arthropathy of cattle are the common syndromes in which secondary calcium deficiency is one of the specific causative factors. In sheep, rickets is seldom recognized, but there are marked dental abnormalities. Clinical pathology Data on serum calcium and phosphorus and plasma phosphatase levels, radiographical examination of bones and balance studies of calcium and phosphorus retention are all of value in determining the presence of osteodystrophic disease, but determination of the initial causative factor will still depend on analysis of feedstuffs and comparison. The response to dietary supplementation with calcium is also of diagnostic value. Necropsy findings True primary calcium deficiency is extremely rare but when it does occur, severe osteoporosis and parathyroid gland hypertrophy are the significant findings. The cortical bone is thinned and the metaphyseal trabeculae appear reduced in size and number. The ash content of the bone is low because the bone is resorbed before it is properly mineralized. Calcium deficiency secondary to other nutritional factors is common and typically induces the from of osteodystrophy known as osteodystrophia fibrosa. In most instances, the confirmation of a diagnosis of hypocalcinosis at necropsy includes an analysis of the diet for calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D content. Treatment and Control The response to treatment is rapid and the preparations and doses recommended below are effective as treatment. Parenteral injections of calcium salts are advisable when tetany is present. When animals have been exposed to dietary depletion of calcium and phosphorus over a period of time, it is necessary to supplement the diet with calcium and phosphorus during dietary mineral repletion. The provision of adequate calcium in the diet, the reduction of phosphorus intake where it is excessive and the provision of adequate vitamin D are the essentials of both treatment and prevention. Phosphorus deficiency (hypophosphatosis) Phosphorus deficiency is usually primary and is characterized by pica, poor growth, infertility and, in the later stages, osteodystrophy. Hypophosphatemia in dairy cattle is also associated with increased fragility of red blood cells and post parturient hemoglobinuria. Etiology Phosphorus deficiency is usually primary under field conditions but may be exacerbated by a deficiency of vitamin D and possibly by an excess of calcium. Epidemiology Primary phosphorus deficiency occurs worldwide. Soils and crops commonly deficient in phosphorus. Primary deficiency may occur in lactating dairy cattle in early lactation. Occurs under range conditions in beef cattle and sheep. In pigs not supplemented with sufficient phosphorus. Pathogenesis From 80 to 85 % of the phosphorus of the body is located in the skeleton where it occurs as hydroxyapatite in a 1.0:1.7 ratio with calcium. These two minerals provide bone strength necessary for normal activities, such as grazing. Bone phosphorus also functions as an important phosphorus reservoir for re sorption when body requirements temporarily exceed dietary intake. Phosphorus is also essential for a broad range of enzymatic reactions, especially those concerned with energy metabolism and transfer. Phosphorus is also essential for the transfer of genetic information and is a vital component of various buffering systems. Phospholipids are necessary for maintenance of cell wall structure and Prolonged phosphorus deficiency was associated with increased plasma concentrations of total calcium and 1,25- dihydroxyvitamin D and reduced plasma concentrations of parathyroid hormone. Rumen microbes have a phosphorus requirement apart from the animals requirement which must be met for optimum rumen microbial activity to occur .phosphorus is essential for the laying down of adequately mineralized bones and teeth and a deficiency will result in their abnormal development . Inorganic phosphate which may be ingested as such, or liberated from esters during digestion or in intermediary metabolism, is utilized in the formation of proteins and tissue enzymes and is withdrawn from the plasma inorganic phosphate for this purpose. Experimentally, female beef cattle fed diets containing <6 g of phosphorus/day developed an insidious and subtle complex syndrome characterized by weight loss, rough hair coat, abnormal stance, and lameness Spontaneous fractures occurred in the vertebrae, pelvis, and ribs. Some affected bones were severely demineralized and the cortical surfaces were porous, chalky white, soft, and fragile. The osteoid tissue was not properly mineralized. Experimental acute depletion of phosphorus in cattle results in a marked decline in serum inorganic phosphorus and affected animals display an avid appetite for old bones The signs include: Failure to gain weight and maintain body condition, Reduced bone weight ,Osteopenia radiographically ,and Evidence of reduced bone formation. Clinical findings Primary phosphorus deficiency is common only in cattle. Young animals grow slowly and develop rickets. In adults there is an initial subclinical stage followed by osteomalacia. In cattle of all ages a reduction in voluntary intake of feed is a first effect of phosphorus deficiency and is the basis of most of the general systemic signs. Retarded growth, low milk yield, and reduced fertility are the earliest signs of phosphorus deficiency. In severe phosphorus deficiency in range beef cattle, the calving percentage has been known to drop from 70 to 20 % . Although it is claimed that relative infertility occurs in dairy heifers on daily intakes of less than 40 g of phosphate, the infertility being accompanied by anestrus, sub estrus, and irregular estrus and delayed sexual maturity this has not been borne out by other experimental work, which indicates that fertility is independent of the calcium or phosphorus content or the calcium :phosphorus ratio of the diet in cattle. In the experimental production of phosphorus deficiency in beef cows, The clinical signs included general un thriftiness, marked body weight loss, reduced feed consumption, reluctance to move, abnormal stance, bone fractures, and finally impaired reproduction. The detectable signs of phosphorus deficiency developed in the following sequence: -Loss of body weight and condition -Decreased whole blood phosphorus associated with increased whole blood calcium concentration -Allotriophagia -Abnormal stance, locomotion and recumbence. In a severely deficient area, a characteristic conformation develops and introduced cattle revert to the district type in the next generation. The animals have a leggy appearance with a narrow chest and small girth, the pelvis is small, and the bones are fine and break easily. The chest is slabsided due to weakness of the ribs and the hair coat is rough and staring and lacking in pigment. In areas of severe deficiency, the mortality rate may be high due to starvation, especially during periods of drought when deficiencies of phosphorus, protein and vitamin A are exaggerated. Osteophagia is common and may be accompanied by a high incidence of botulism. Cows in late pregnancy often become recumbent and, although they continue to eat, are unable to rise. Acute recumbency in high-producing dairy cows on a marginally phosphorus deficient diet may become recumbent in early lactation. Affected animals are recumbent and cannot stand. They may be bright and alert and their vital signs are within normal range. Although sheep and horses it phosphorus-deficient areas do not develop clinically apparent osteodystrophy they are often of poor stature and unthrifty and may develop perverted appetites. An association between low blood phosphorus and infertility in mares has been suggested but the evidence is not conclusive. Clinical pathology Serum phosphorus Blood levels of phosphorus are not a good indicator of the phosphorus status of an animal because they can remain at normal levels for long periods after cattle have been exposed to a serious deficiency of the element. Generally, clinical signs occur when blood levels have fallen from the normal of 4-5 mg/dL (1.3-1.7 mmol/L) to 1.5-3.5 mg/dL (0.5-1.2 mmolL) and a response to phosphate supplementation in body weight gain can be anticipated in cattle that have blood inorganic phosphorus levels of less than 4 mg/dL(1.3 mmol/L).Levels may fall as low as1mg/dL(0 3 mmolL) or less in severe clinical cases. Phosphorus content of diet Estimation of the mineral content in pasture and drinking water is a valuable aid in diagnosis. A technique has been devised for determining phosphorus intake of sheep by estimating the phosphorus content of feces. Bone ash concentrations Determination of total bone ash concentrations and bone calcium and phosphorus concentrations from sample of rib can provide useful diagnostic information and comparison to normal values. Differential diagnosis osteomalacia. Those diseases resembling rickets and Treatment The preparations and doses recommended under control can be satisfactorily used for the treatment of affected animals. In cases where the need for phosphorus is urgent, as in postparturient hemoglobinuria and in cases of parturient paresis complicated by hypophosphatemia, the intravenous administration of sodium acid phosphate (30 g in 300 mL distilled water) is recommended. Control Supplement diets with adequate phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin D. Tox icity of supplements The use of phosphate supplements in the diet is not without hazards. Phosphoric acid is directly toxic and should not be used and monosodium phosphate is unpalatable to many animals; the depression of appetite that results may discount the improved feed utilization it provides. Superphosphate used as fertilizer can cause toxicosis in ruminants Clinical signs in sheep include teeth grinding, diarrhea, nervous system depression, apparent blindness, stiffness ,and ataxia and high fatality rate. Vitamin D deficiency Vitamin D deficiency is usually caused by insufficient solar irradiation of animals or their feed and is manifested by poor appetite and growth and in advanced cases by osteodystrophy. Etiology A lack of ultraviolet solar irradiation of the skin, coupled with a deficiency of preformed vitamin D complex in the diet, leads to a deficiency of vitamin D in tissues. Epidemiology Uncommon because diets are supplemented. Occurs in animals in countries with relative lack of UV irradiation especially in winter months; animals raised in doors for long periods. May occur in young grazing animals in winter months. May be antivitamin D factor. Pathogenesis Vitamin D is a complex of substances with anti-rachitogenic activity. The important components are as follows: - Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is produced from its precursor 7 dehydrocholesterol in mammalian skin and by natural irradiation with ultraviolet light. - Vitamin D2 is present in sun-cured hay and is produced by ultraviolet irradiation of plant sterols. Calciferol or viosterol is produced commercially by the irradiation of yeast. Ergosterol is the provitamin. - Vitamin D4 and Ds occur naturally in the oils of some fish. Vitamin D produced in the skin or ingested with the diet and absorbed by the small intestine is transported to the liver. In the liver, 25hydroxycholecalciferol is produced, which is then transported to the kidney where at least two additional derivatives are formed by 1-αhydroxylase. One is 1,25- dihydroxycholecalciferol (DHCC) and the other is 24,25DHCC. Under conditions of calcium need or calcium deprivation the form predominantly produced by the kidney is 1,25- DHCC. At present, it seems likely that 1,25-DHCC is the metabolic form of vitamin D most active in eliciting intestinal calcium transport and absorption and is at least the closest known metabolite to the form of vitamin D functioning in bone mineralization. The metabolite also functions in regulating the absorption and metabolism of the phosphate ion and especially its loss from the kidney. A deficiency of the metabolite may occur in animals with renal disease, resulting in decreased absorption of calcium and phosphorus, decreased mineralization of bone, and excessive losses of the minerals through the kidney. A deficiency of vitamin D per se is governed in its importance by the calcium and phosphorus status of the animal. Because of the necessity for the conversion of vitamin D to the active metabolites, there is a lag period of 2-4 days following the administration of the vitamin parenterally before a significant effect on calcium and phosphorus absorption can occur. The use of synthetic analogs of the active metabolites such as 1 - αhydroxycholecalciferol (an analog of 1,25-DHCC) can increase the plasma concentration of calcium and phosphorus within 12 h following administration and has been recommended for the control of parturient paresis in cattle. Maternal status Maternal vitamin D status is important in determining neonatal plasma calcium concentration. There is a significant correlation between maternal and neonatal calf plasma concentrations of vitamin D. This indicates that the vitamin D metabolite status of the neonate is primarily dependent on the vitamin D status of the dam . The maternal serum concentrations of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium do not determine concentrations of these minerals found in the newborn calf. The ability of the placenta to maintain elevated plasma calcium or phosphorus in the fetus is partially dependent on maternal 1,25- (OH)2 D status. Calcium : phosphorus ratio When the calcium: phosphorus ratio is wider than the optimum (1:1 to 2:1), vitamin D requirements for good calcium and phosphorus retention and bone mineralization are increased. A minor degree of vitamin D deficiency in an environment supplying an imbalance of calcium and phosphorus might well lead to disease, whereas the same degree of vitamin deficiency with a normal calcium and phosphorus intake could go unsuspected. The minor functions of the vitamin include maintenance of efficiency of food utilization and a calorigenic action, the metabolic rate being depressed when the vitamin is deficient. These actions are probably the basis for the reduced growth rate and productivity in vitamin D deficiency. Some evidence suggests that vitamin D may have a role in the immune system. Clinical findings 1-The most important effect of lack of vitamin D in farm animals is reduced productivity. 2-A decrease in appetite and efficiency of food utilization cause poor weight gains in growing stock and poor productivity in adults. Reproductive efficiency is also reduced and the overall effect on the animal economy may be severe. 3-In the late stages lameness, which is most noticeable in the forelegs, is accompanied in young animals by bending of the long bones and enlargement of the joints. 4-The latter stage of clinical rickets may occur Simultaneously with cases of osteomalacia in adults. 5- An adequate intake of vitamin D appears to be necessary for the maintenance of fertility in cattle, particularly if the phosphorus intake is low. Clinical pathology Serum calcium and phosphorus A pronounced hypophosphatemia occurs in the early stages and is followed some months later by a fall in serum calcium. Plasma alkaline phosphatase levels are usually elevated. The blood picture quickly returns to normal with treatment. Plasma vitamin D The normal ranges of plasma concentrations of vitamin D and its metabolites in the farm animal species are now available and can be used to monitor the response of the administration of vitamin D parenterally or orally in sheep. The serum concentrations of vitamin D in the horse have been determined. Necropsy findings The pathological changes in young animals are those of rickets, while in older animals there is an osteomalacia. In all ages, a variable amount of osteodystrophia fibrosa may develop and distinction of the origin of these osteodystrophies based on only gross and microscopic examination is impractical. Differential diagnoses A diagnosis of vitamin D deficiency depends upon evidence of the probable occurrence of the deficiency and response of the animal when vitamin D is provided. Differentiation from clinically similar syndromes is discussed under the specific osteodystrophies. Treatment Administer vitamin D parent rally and oral calcium and phosphates. Control Supplementation The administration of supplementary vitamin D to animals by adding it to the diet or by injection is necessary only when exposure to sunlight or the provision of a natural ration containing adequate amounts of vitamin D is impractical. A total daily intake of 7-12 IU/kg BW is optimal. Sun-dried hay is a good source, but green fodders are generally deficient in vitamin D. Fish liver oils are high in vitamin D, but are subject to deterioration on storage, particularly with regard to vitamin A. They have the added disadvantage of losing their vitamin A and D content in premixed feed, of destroying vitamin E in these feeds when they become rancid and of seriously reducing the butterfat content of milk. Irradiated dry yeast is probably a Simpler and cheaper method of supplying vitamin D in mixed grain feeds. Because there is limited storage of vitamin D in the body, compared to the storage of vitamin A, it is recommended that daily dietary supplementation be provided when possible for optimum effect. Injection In situations where dietary supplementation is not possible, the use of single 1M injections of vitamin D2 (calciferol) in oil will protect ruminants for 3-6 months. A dose of 11 000 units/kg BW is recommended and should maintain an adequate vitamin D status for 3-6 months. In mature non-pregnant sheep weighing about 50 kg, a single IM injection of 6000 IU/kg body weight. Rickets Rickets is a disease of young, growing animals characterized by defective calcification of growing bone. The essential lesion is a failure of provisional calcification with persistence of hypertrophic cartilage and enlargement of the epiphyses of long bones and the costochondral junctions (so-called 'rachitic rosary) . The poorly mineralized bones are subject to pressure distortions. Etiology Rickets is caused by an absolute or relative deficiency of any or a combination of calcium, phosphorus, or vitamin D in young, growing animals. The effects of the deficiency are also exacerbated by a rapid growth rate. An inherited form of rickets has been described in pigs. It is indistinguishable from rickets caused by nutritional inadequacy. Epidemiology Rickets is a disease of young, rapidly growing animals and occurs naturally under the following conditions. Calves Primary phosphorus deficiency in phosphorus- deficient range areas and vitamin D deficiency in calves housed for long periods are the common circumstances. Vitamin D deficiency is the most common form of rickets in cattle raised indoors for prolonged periods in Europe and North America. Grazing animals may also develop vitamin D deficiency rickets at latitudes where solar irradiation during winter is insufficient to promote adequate dermal photobiosynthesis of vitamin D 3 from 7 -dihydrocholesterol. In young, rapidly growing cattle raised intensively indoors a combined deficiency of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D can result in leg weakness characterized by stiffness, reluctance to move, and retarded growth. In some cases, rupture of the Achilles tendon and spontaneous fracture occur. Lambs Lambs are less susceptible to primary phosphorus deficiency than cattle, but rickets does occur under the same conditions. Green cereal grazing and, to a lesser extent, pasturing on lush ryegrass during winter months may cause a high incidence of rickets in lambs; this is considered to be a secondary vitamin D deficiency. An outbreak of vitamin D deficiency rickets involving 50% of lambs aged 6-12 months grazing new grass and rape occurred during the early winter months in Scotland. Foals Rickets is uncommon in foals under natural conditions, although it has been produced experimentally. Pathogenesis Dietary deficiencies of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D result in defective mineralization of the osteoid and cartilaginous matrix of developing bone. There is persistence and continued growth of hypertrophic epiphyseal cartilage, increasing the width of the epiphyseal plate. Poorly calcified spicules of diaphyseal bone and epiphyseal cartilage yield to normal stresses, resulting in bowing of long bones and broadening of the epiphyses with apparent enlargement of the joints. Rapidly growing animals on an otherwise good diet will be first affected because of their higher requirement of the specific nutrients. Clinical findings The subclinical effects of the particular deficiency disease will be apparent in the group of animals affected and have been described in the earlier general section. Clinical rickets is characterized by: 1-Stiffness in the gait. 2- Enlargement of the limb joints, especially in the forelegs. 3- Enlargement of the costochondral junctions. 4-Long bones show abnormal curvature, usually forward and outward at the carpus in sheep and cattle. 5- Lameness and a tendency to lie down for long periods. 6-Outbreaks affecting 50% of a group of lambs have been described. Arching of the back and contraction, often to the point of virtual collapse, of the pelvis occur and there is an increased tendency for bones to fracture. 7-Eruption of the teeth is delayed and irregular, and the teeth are poorly calcified with pitting, grooving, and pigmentation. These dental abnormalities, together with thickening and softness of the jaw bones, may make it impossible for severely affected calves and lambs to close their mouths. As a consequence, the tongue protrudes and there is drooling of saliva and difficulty in feeding. In less severely affected animals, dental malocclusion may be a significant occurrence. 8- Severe deformity of the chest may result in dyspnea and chronic ruminal tympany. 9-In the final stages, the animal shows hypersensitivity; tetany, recumbency and eventually dies of inanition. D.D Copper deficiency in young cattle under 1 year of age can also result in clinical, radiographic and pathological findings similar to rickets. Copper concentration in plasma and liver are low and there is usually dietary evidence of copper deficiency. Epiphysitis occurs in rapidly growing yearling cattle raised and fed intensively under confinement. There is severe lameness, swelling of the distal physes and radiographic and pathological evidence of a necrotizing epiphysitis. Congenital and acquired abnormalities of the bony skeletal system are frequent in newborn and rapidly growing foals. Mycoplasmal synovitis and arthritis There is a sudden onset of stiffness of gait, habitual recumbence, a decrease in feed consumption, and enlargements of the distal aspects of the long bones which may or may not be painful, spontaneous recovery usually occurs in 1 0-14 days. Treatment and control Recommendations for the treatment of the individual dietary deficiencies (calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D) are presented under their respective headings. Lesser deformities recover with suitable treatment but gross deformities usually persist. A general improvement in appetite and condition occurs quickly and is accompanied by a return to normal blood levels of phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase. The treatment of rickets in lambs with vitamin A, vitamin D3, calcium borogluconate solution containing magnesium and phosphorus parenterally and supplementation of the diet with bone meal and protein resulted in a dramatic response. Osteomalacia Osteomalacia is a disease of mature animals affecting bones in which endochondral ossification has been completed. The characteristic lesion is osteoporosis and the formation of excessive un calcified matrix. Lameness and pathological fractures are the common clinical findings. Etiology In general, the etiology and occurrence of osteomalacia are the same as for rickets except that the predisposing cause is not the increased requirement of growth but the drain of lactation and pregnancy. Epidemiology Osteomalacia occurs in mature animals under the same conditions and in the same areas as rickets in young animals, but is recorded less commonly. Its main occurrence is in cattle in areas seriously deficient in phosphorus. It is also recorded in sheep, again in association with hypophosphatemia. In pastured animals, osteomalacia is most common in cattle, and sheep raised in the same area are less severely affected. In feedlot animals, excessive phosphorus intake without complementary calcium and vitamin D is likely as a cause, especially if the animals are kept indoors. Intensively-fed yearling cattle with inadequate mineral supplenlentation may be affected with spontaneous fractures of the vertebral bodies, pelvic bones and long bones, leading to recumbency. Pathogenesis Increased re sorption of bone mineral to supply the needs of pregnancy, lactation and endogenous metabolism leads to osteoporosis, and weakness and deformity of the bones. Large amounts of uncalcified osteoid are deposited about the diaphyses. Pathological fractures are commonly precipitated by sudden exercise or handling of the animal during transportation. Clinical findings Ruminants In the early stages, the signs are those of phosphorus deficiency, including lowered productivity and fertility and loss of condition. Licking and chewing of inanimate objects begins at this stage and may bring their attendant ills of oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal obstruction, traumatic reticuloperitonitis, lead poisoning, and botulism. The signs specific to osteomalacia are those of a painful condition of the bones and joints and include a stiff gait, moderate lameness often shifting from leg to leg, crackling sounds while walking, and an arched back. The hind legs are most severely affected and the hocks may be rotated inwards. The animals are disinclined to move, lie down for long periods and are unwilling to get up. The names 'milkleg' and 'milk-lameness' are commonly applied to the condition when it occurs in heavily milking cows. Fractures of bones and separation of tendon attachments occur frequently, often without apparent precipitating stress. In extreme cases, deformities of bones occur and when the pelvis is affected dystocia may result. Finally, weakness leads to permanent recumbencv and death from starvation. Clinical pathology In general, the findings are the same as those for rickets, including increased serum alkaline phosphatase and decreased serum phosphorus levels. Radiographic examination of long bones shows decreased density of bone shadow. D.D The occurrence of non-specific lameness with pathological fractures in mature animals should arouse suspicion of osteomalacia. There may be additional evidence of subnormal productivity and reproductive performance and dietary evidence of a recent deficiency of calcium, phosphorus, or vitamin D. I n cattle it must be differentiated from chronic fluorosis in mature animals, but the typical mottling and pitting of the teeth and the enlargements on the shafts of the long bones are characteristic. Treatment and control Recommendations for the treatment and control of the specific nutritional deficiencies have been described under their respective headings. Some weeks will elapse before improvement occurs and deformities of the bones are likely to be permanent. Osteodystrophia fibrosa Osteodystrophia fibrosa is similar in its pathogenesis to osteomalacia, but differs in that soft, cellular, fibrous tissue is laid down as a result of the weakness of the bones instead of the specialized uncalcified osteoid tissue of osteomalacia. It occurs in horses, goats, and pigs. Etiology A secondary calcium deficiency due to excessive phosphorus feeding is the common cause in horses and probably also in pigs. Epidemiology Osteodystrophia fibrosa is principally a disease of horses and other Equidae and to a lesser extent of pigs. It has also occurred in goats. Among horses, those engaged in heavy city work and in racing are more likely to be affected because of the tendency to maintain these animals on unbalanced diets. The major occurrence is in horses fed a diet high in phosphorus and low in calcium. Such diets include cereal hays combined with heavy grain or bran feeding. Legume hays, because of their high calcium content, are preventive. Pathogenesis Defective mineralization of bones follows the imbalance of calcium and phosphorus in the diet and a fibrous dysplasia occurs, This may be in response to the weakness of the bones or it may be more precisely a response to hyperparathyroidism stimulated by the excessive intake of phosphorus. The weakness of the bones predisposes to fractures and separation of muscular and tendinous attachments. Articular erosions occur commonly and displacement of the bone marrow may cause the development of anemia. Clinical findings Horse In horses, a shifting lameness is characteristic of this stage of the disease and arching of the back may sometimes occur. The horse is lame, but only mildly so and in many cases, no physical deformity can be found by which the seat of lameness can be localized. Such horses often creak badly in the joints when they walk. These signs probably result from relaxation of tendon and ligaments and appear in different limbs at different times. Articular erosions may contribute to the lameness, In more advanced cases severe injuries, including fracture and visible sprains of tendons, may occur. Fracture of the lumbar vertebrae while racing has been known to occur in affected horses. Flattening of the ribs may be apparent and fractures and detachment of ligaments occur if the horse is worked, There may be obvious swelling of joints and curvature of long bones, Severe emaciation and anemia occur in the final stages, Pigs In pigs, the lesions and signs are similar to those in the horse and in severe cases, pigs may be unable to rise and walk, show gross distortion of limbs and enlargement of joints and the face. In less severe cases, there is lameness, reluctance to rise, pain on standing and bending of the limb bones, but normal facial bones and joints, With suitable treatment, the lameness Goats Affected goats were 9-10 months of age with a history of stunted growth, lameness, diarrhea, and tongue protrusion. Clinically there was symmetrical enlargement of the face and jaws, tongue protrusion, prominent eyeballs, and tremor. The enlarged bones were firm and painful on palpation, The hind limbs were bent outwards symmetrically from the tarsal joints, Treatment and control A ration adequately balanced with regard to calcium and phosphorus (calcium: phosphorus should be in the vicinity of 1:1 and not wider than 1:1.4) is preventive in horses and affected animals can only be treated by correcting the existing imbalance. Even severe lesions may disappear in time with proper treatment. Cereal hay maybe supplemented with alfalfa or clover hay, or finely ground limestone (30 g daily) should be fed.