Dee Benson Basketball Assessment 1) The purpose of this assessment is to measure the ability of basketball skills along with basketball knowledge. This assessment lasts for 1 whole week. Athletes should be able to perform basic skills along with knowing the correct terminology to go along with the skills performed. This assessment will evaluate the players in shooting, ball handling, passing, movement, and rebounding. They should also be able to perform skills individually along with cooperating on a team. This athlete will be assessed on a number scale from 0-5 with 5 being the highest level. The purpose is to see how much the athletes improved through the duration of the assessment. 2) This assessment will cover a number of different skill and age levels. We will have 3 different level schooling assessments. ( Middle school, High School, College) The age of the athletes really does not matter as long as they within one of the three schooling systems. We will have the separate assessments for men and for women. So all together we will have 6 different groups being assessed. (MEN-Middle, High , College: WOMEN- middle, High, College) 3) The athletes will be assessed on a Pre-test/Post-test scale. (Before and After) This gives the athletes time to improve and show us what skills they really need to work on. They should be trying their hardest and asking for feedback from the coaches to help them with the skills they lack in. The coaches should be more than willing to give feedback but also encouragement. You really do not want to put the athletes down but want to give the inspiring words to help push them along the way, not saying that we won’t tell them the truth about their level of play, but something like constructive criticism. When they get an achievement/ reach one of their goals we tend to let the whole camp know so that the athletes would push themselves that much more. As far as the final exam during this assessment the athletes will perform the same test as the Pre-test on the second to last day of the week. 4,5,6, Ball Handling (one choice- should be the most representative of the athlete's skill level) Has difficulty dribbling and catching Possesses some ball handling skills but they are very limited Can handle ball with dominant hand only Can handle ball with both hands Has ability to go either direction on the dribble Has ability to beat defender regularly with dominant hand Has ability to beat defender regularly with either hand Passing (one choice- should be the most representative of the athlete's skill level) Has difficulty completing a pass/short pass to a teammate Can sometimes make a pass to an open teammate with token pressure Can only complete a pass to teammate after looking directly at him/her Has ability to choose best type of pass (bounce, chest, skip, other) Has ability to complete a no look or quick pass to an open teammate Controls game with ability to complete an advanced pass (no look/snap pass) to open player when they are in good position Movement (one choice- should be the most representative of the athlete's skill level) Maintains a stationary position; does not move to a loose ball Moves only 1-2 steps toward ball or opponent Moves toward ball; but reaction time is slow and only in a limited area of the floor Movement permits adequate court coverage Good court coverage; reasonably aggressive Exceptional court coverage; aggressive anticipation E. Shooting (one choice- should be the most representative of the athlete's skill level) Periodically can make an uncontested lay up Can make shots inside of lane Can make shots inside of lane and occasionally attempts a mid range jump shot Can make some mid range jump shots Can make some mid range jump shots and will attempt shots beyond 15' Has excellent shooting form and makes shots from all ranges on court Rebounding (one choice- should be the most representative of the athlete's skill level) No understanding of rebounding positions or principles, often beaten to a missed shot Gets rebounds only when they land directly to him/her Goes after loose balls within 3 to 4 steps Aggressively goes after rebounds, gets many Exceptional ability to get to missed shots on both sides of the basket and either side of the court 7) BASKETBALL Formative Assessment Performer 1 _________________________Performer 2______________________________ Grade_______Period_______Day______Date___________________ Directions: In groups of five, you are going to assess one another's DRIBBLING, SHOOTING, PASSING as well as SAFETY and court ETIQUETTE. Two players are the performers, two players are the defenders and one person is the assessor. Performers: While using correct form, play a 5 minute ½ game of basketball. Assessor: Read the criteria for each skill and provide feedback to the performer. Check "yes" or "not yet" upon demonstration of each area. Rotate players after each 5 minute round SKILL: DRIBBLING P1 P2 CUES: YES NOT YET YES NOT YET 1. Head up 2.Dribble waist level or lower 3. Dribble off pads of fingers 4. Dribble ball close to body 5. Has control of the ball most of the time SAFETY & ETIQUETTE P1 P2 CUES: YES NOT YET YES NOT YET 1.Plays without making unnecessary physical contact with others 2.Retrieves ball from adjacent space by waiting until play is over and politely asking " Ball Please" & saying "Thank You" SKILL: SET SHOT P1 P2 CUES: YES NOT YET YES NOT YET 1. Knees Flexed 2. Shooting hand behind the ball 3.Extend elbow and legs 4. Index finger pointing at the basket SKILL: LAY-UP P1 P2 CUES: YES NOT YET YES NOT YET 1. See target 2.Lift shooting knee 3. Extend shooting elbow 4. Used backboard 5. Has balance upon landing SKILL: CHEST PASS P1 P2 CUES: YES NOT YET YES NOT YET 1.Swing ball in Triple Treat Position 2.Step in direction of pass 3.Push ball out & extend 4. Snap Wrist 5. Ball is passed to receiver's chest SKILL: BOUNCE PASS P1 P2 CUES: YES NOT YET YES NOT YET 1.Swing ball in Triple Treat Position 2.Step in direction of pass 3.Push ball out & extend arm down 4. Snap Wrist 5. Ball is passed to receiver's Waist Basketball Grading Rubric Score 4 3 Dribbling Passing Student is Student is able to able to maintain deliver a control over successful the basketball on target with chest and dominant and bounce pass nonto a dominant teammate hand with a while on the defenseman run on him/her Catching Student is able to catch pass on the run and complete a successful rebound maintaining control Student can maintain control over the basketball with a defenseman on him/her Student is able to catch a pass and complete a successful rebound and maintain control Student is able to deliver a successful on target chest and bounce pass to a teammate Shooting Student is able to complete a lay-up on both dominant and nondominant sides and a jump shot with a follow through Student is able to complete a lay-up and jump-shot with full follow through Rebounding Student is able to complete full rebounding motion and pivot to left or right away from defenders Pivoting Student is able to pivot off of dominant and non dominant foot without committing a walking violation Student is able to complete successful rebound and maintain control Student is able to pivot successfully off of dominant foot and not commit a walking violation 2 1 0 Student can Student can Student is somewhat somewhat somewhat maintain complete an able to catch control over accurate a pass or the basketball pass to a rebound until he/she teammate has a by only a defenseman chest or on him/her bounce pass Student is Student is Student often unable often unable often drops to contain to deliver a the ball control over chest or more than a the basketball bounce pass catch from a while accurately teammate by dribbling to a the means of teammate passing or a rebound No Score No Score No Score Student is able to complete a lay-up and close jump shot but has no follow through Student is often unable to complete a successful jump shot or lay-up No Score Student is able to catch the ball but unable to contain control over the rebound Student pivots off of dominant foot but sometimes commits a walking violation Student is often afraid to jump up for a rebound in fear of injury Student is more often unable to pivot on dominant foot and commits walking violations No Score No Score References Jerry Krause, Don Meyer, Jerry Meyer - Human Kinetics (2008)