GP MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT PLAN (GP MHTP) PATIENT ASSESSMENT SUMMARY (2700/2701 OR 2715/2717) Patient’s Full Name Date of Birth Address Phone Carer/emergency name & contact details Other care plan Eg GPMP / TCA / CDM YES NO GP Name / Practice / Provider Number AHP or nurse currently involved in patient care Medical Records No. PRESENTING ISSUE(S) - mental health issues & bio-psycho-social symptoms; onset/events PATIENT HISTORY - biological (substance use, surgery, injury, dx, vascular, metabolism, arousal/sleep, illness) - psychological (fam MH hx, prev dx/tx/response) - social (work, ed, r’ship) MEDICATIONS (attach more if required) ALLERGIES ANY OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION RESULTS OF MENTAL STATE EXAMINATION Record summary & attach evidence of patient full examination SUICIDE / RISKS AND CO-MORBIDITIES self &/or harm to others see attached guidelines OUTCOME TOOL USED K10/ DASS / SDQ / PND SF12 / HoNOS / GDS / HEADSS/ DSC /other DIAGNOSIS / comorbidity (attach formulation) Indicate if provisional formulation warranting further assessment Suicide: [ ] ideation; [ ] plan; [ ] intent; [ ] means; [ ] past attempt; [ ] fam hx of suicide N.B. If risk noted, close monitoring & early review is indicated. RESULTS & IMPLICATIONS (i.e. level of psychological distress indicated; attached copy of assessment to enable tx monitoring) GP MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT PLAN PATIENT PLAN REFERRALS PATIENT NEEDS GOALS TREATMENTS What are the key issues/concerns central to the patients’ problems? Record mental health goals agreed to by patient and GP What treatments, actions and support services will address patient goals? (Clarify role of patient, GP, allied health & others) Attach copies of referrals by GP as needed for further assessment & initial six sessions of treatment. 4 additional subject to review. To whom & for what service….. CRISIS / RELAPSE (Plan for crisis intervention or relapse prevention & strategies or resources to support and maintain treatment compliance) COMPLETING THE PLAN On completion of the plan, the GP is to record that s/he has discussed with the patient (and/or carer/guardian if required) and the patient has accepted the assessment findings & treatment strategy: [ ] the assessment. [ [ the treatment strategies and role of GP, patient and other service providers [ ] the agreed date for review; and [ ] GP offered a patient copy of the plan and to carer (if agreed by patient). APPROPRIATE PSYCHO-EDUCATION PROVIDED YES NO DATE PLAN COMPLETED: PLAN ADDED TO THE PATIENT’S RECORDS PATIENT SIGNATURE: I accept this MHT Plan & consent to share it with providers named in the plan. YES NO COPY (OR PARTS) OF THE PLAN OFFERED TO OTHER PROVIDERS YES NO NOT REQ’D REVIEW DATE: (initially 4 weeks to 6 months after completion of plan unless mod-high risk indicates early review) REVIEW COMMENTS (Progress on actions and tasks) N.B. If symptoms have not resolved, a new assessment form may be used for the Review. OUTCOME TOOL REVIEW RESULTS COMPREHENSIVE SUMMARY OF MENTAL STATE EXAMINATION Patient Name: Date of MSE: Appearance Indicators: Overall gestalt, appearance, hygiene, dress, posture (including incongruities) Behaviour Indicators: activity level (mannerisms, gestures, alert, lethargic, limp, rigid, relaxed, combative, hyperactive, bored, vigilant. Preoccupied, distracted), posture, balance, gait, coordination, abnormal movements, startle response, habits, rituals, stereotyped movements. In-session Rapport: Indicators: eye contact, cooperativeness, attentive, frank, distracted, defiant ,guarded, humorous ,defensive, dependency, friendliness, withdrawal, evasiveness, fear, anxiety, hostility, suspiciousness, indifference, suggestibility, historian +/-.. Note level of rapport. Affect & Mood Indicators: elevated, euphoric, euthymic, dysphoric, empty, labile, anxious. Stable vs labile. Appropriateness to situation. Affect: range (normal, expansive, blunted, restricted, flat), appropriateness, control, congruity, suspicion, anxiety, fear, anger, issues related to particular affects. Thought Processes Indicators: tempo, fluency, goaldirection, coherence, interruptions, formal thought disorder, derailment, vague, disorganised, blocked, flight of ideas, tangential, incoherent, punning, neologism, evasive, circumstantiality, perseveration, poverty of speech, intensity. Thought Content Indicators: obsession, delusions, compulsion, ideas of reference (controlled, broadcasting, bizarre) illusion, depersonalisation, de ĵa vu, phobia, flashback, abnormality of body image, distortion of time, confabulation, fabrication; preoccupied (identity, self-efficacy, physical/mental health, past, future). Perceptual Disturbances Indicators :sensory distortions, hallucinations (voices, visions content, setting, sensory systems), delusion (persecutory, somatic, grandeur), depersonalisation, de ĵa vu, phobia, flashback, abnormality of general or special sensation, abnormality of body image, distortion of time, Insight and Judgement awareness of having a problem, awareness of nature of problem, desire for help. / / FORMULATION of Diagnosis/ Provisional Diagnosis Patient Name: Date of Assessment: / / Presentation: ________________________________________________________________ Describe repetitive themes, issues or patterns, behaviours/symptoms of concern, onset, impact on functioning) ________________________________________________________________ Precipitation: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ recent triggering events associated with the presentation or exacerbation of an existing condition ________________________________________________________________ Pattern: ________________________________________________________________ historical account of current presentation and prior episodes of difficulties ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Predisposition: social, emotional and psychological factors that have led to the development of the problem Perpetuating Risk: factors that are maintaining the problematic behaviours or symptoms ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Protective Factors: that may assist the individual to resolve or manage the identified problems ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT – Diagnostic Profile of Mental Disorder DSM5 clusters these three dimensions of well-being (former Axes I,II & II of the DMS-IV) Clinical Disorders/ Syndromes Developmental / Personality Factors Medical Conditions/ Physical Syndromes Psychosocial & Environmental Stressors Assessment of Disability Level Symptom impact on social, occupational and other important aspects of daily functioning e.g. superior functioning, minimal impact, transient, mild, moderate, severe, incapacitation…