GM-3-Government and Public Policy (2015)
Plan Overview:
Overall Objectives are:
Local officials have a command of basic fundamental skills, in public policy, governance, and land use procedure and process, as well as a foundation for understanding how individual jurisdictions fit into a regional context.
Increase awareness of state laws that impact local government management, land use
planning, public participation and future sustainability
Adoption of best management practices and strategies that foster and promote: sustainable community design, energy efficiency, natural resources conservation and management, economic and community resiliency in a changing global climate
Public policy, financial decisions and land use activities improve community prosperity, sustainability and resiliency.
Community plans are based on assets based strategies, long term financial impact data and within a regional context.
Community leaders have the skills necessary to provide high quality management, oversight and stewardship of taxpayer dollars.
Potential Curricula for Statewide Programs
The deliverables of the Government and Public Policy Team will be curricula, trainings, technical assistance and facilitation around three signature program areas:
1. Good Governance
2. Sustainable Fiscal Capacity
3. Fostering Strong Regions and Communities
GM-3. Government and Public Policy
0 - GM-3-02-
Learning Outcomes Action Outcomes
GM-3-FIS-L1: Reduce the risk of local government cash insolvency.
I1: Fiscal:
Number of local
Increase long term fiscal health of local and tribal governments.
and tribal decision makers that increase their awareness and knowledge in addressing short-term/long term fiscal stress, including that resulting from infrastructure damaged by extreme weather events.
I3: Fiscal:
Number of local and tribal
government officials that increase their confidence to effectively manage fiscal stress.
I4: Fiscal:
Number of local and tribal government officials who have increased awareness in the importance of contingency funding for unforeseen infrastructure damage or public works operations due to extreme weather.
I1: Number of local and tribal governments that achieve balance between revenue and spending.
I2: Number of local and tribal governments that increase their available fund balance.
I3: Fiscal:
Number of local and tribal governments that increase the number of specific actions described in best practices or as prescribed to improve fiscal health
(such as fee increases, staff reductions, department mergers, outsourcing, intergovernmen tal ventures, etc.)
0 - GM-3-03-
Regions and
I1: Fostering:
Number of tribal and community leaders with increased awareness and knowledge in new economy placemaking, entrepreneurfriendly, regionalism, etc).
I2: Fostering:
Number of tribal and community leaders with increased awareness and skills in the planning role in region and community economic development.
I3: Fostering:
Number of tribal and community leaders with increased awareness and
Increased individual and community core competency in placemaking, regional planning and economic development, civic engagement and preventing damage from wildfire and other natural disasters
GM-3-FOS-A1: community planning efforts reflect collaboration, measures for sustainable development, and other similar measures.
Number of local master plans and regional plans reflecting regional and subregional collaboration; measures for economic, social, civic, and environmental development; complete streets, climate adaptation or mitigation, and other similar measures.
Number of local ordinances amended to accommodate economic development, placemaking, form based coding,
skills in measures to prevent damage from wildfire and other natural disasters and local regulation to protect residents and properties from wildfire and other disasters (e.g. climate change induced flooding).
I4: Number of participants who increase knowledge on tribal, state, and local public policy issues
I5: Number of tribal and community leaders with increased awareness and skills in measures to adapt to or mitigate against climate change.
provisions, climate adaptation or mitigation, and other similar measures
A1-I3: Number of program participants who increase involvement in community and civic activities
A1-I4: Number of program participants who influence changes in public policy.
0 - GM-3-01-
GOV: Good
Participants understand tribal, federal, state and
Participants can demonstrate local laws under which implementation of their board must operate policies and practices that bring them in compliance with tribal,
-Participants increase their knowledge of federal, state and local laws under which their fundamentals and best practices specific to their board’s and tribal council duties and board must operate
-Boards can demonstrate responsibilities
- Participants increase their knowledge of development and implementation of methods and strategies to engage citizens in the decision making plans, ordinances and strategies that are based on best process
- Participants are aware of the importance of obtaining quality practices, regional concepts and/or innovation.
-Participants demonstrate successful information relevant to: board and tribal council responsibilities, engagement of citizens in the decision making process. emerging issues, and fiscal health.
-Plans and decisions are based on demonstrated need,
I1: Number of participants who factual information, and quality financial show understanding of analysis relevant laws and the practical impacts of those
Governance: laws on their boards and tribal councils
Number of boards who have adopted
I2: Number of participants who increase knowledge of their board’s and tribal council’s structure, functions and duties, and/or operational best practices new or improved rules or processes for compliance, including green government practices.
Number of participants that report their
I3: Number of participants who increase their knowledge of citizen input processes and
/or methods to implement those practices
I4: Number of participants who can identify and locate resources for quality information and/or apply that information to the solution of problems
I5: Number of participants who increase their knowledge of green government practices/operati ons.
board used new skills or techniques to improve the effectiveness of their meetings and/or processes at the local or regional level.
Number of boards who implement improved citizen engagement strategies.
A1-I4: Number of boards who report improved use of data and relevant information to inform their decision making
The need for these three signature program areas is based on:
Many Michigan communities were unprepared for the transition from the old economy to the new economy and, as a result are currently in the process of developing relevant community visions and plans that are better situated to compete and thrive in the 21 st
Many Michigan communities face serious fiscal stress and are in need of community leaders who have knowledge and skills in how to manage financial and capital assets to meet the needs of the future.
Turnover rates of locally elected and appointed officials have created an ongoing need for training programs addressing the fundamentals of local government, including basics of governance, finance, planning, zoning and placemaking.
Many Michigan communities have appointed officials without adequate training in local governance and finance, planning, zoning and placemaking. Without these fundamental skills, many appointed and elected officials are not at the point where they can fully benefit from training on more advanced concepts that inform key policy issues in
Local officials, community leaders, and general citizens have a need for greater awareness of government operations, budget, and land use decision makers’ roles and responsibilities. Importantly, increased knowledge and awareness of these issues can lead to the development of more livable communities, the protection and conservation of natural resources, and better overall governmental and land use decisions throughout
Extreme rainfall events and flooding have increased during the last century, and these trends are expected to continue, causing erosion, declining water quality, and negative impacts on transportation, agriculture, human health, and infrastructure. Greater awareness among local government officials in steps that can be taken to adapt to and mitigate against climate change will make Michigan communities more resilient in the face of a changing climate.
Diversity and Civil Rights Efforts:
The focus of diversity efforts shall be to include diversity and civil rights training to our audience so they understand the importance of diversity, are better able to provide local leadership to diverse communities, and are inclusive in the way they administer local government activities. We will incorporate information into our workshops and trainings that encourage boards and commissions to be inclusive in their recruitment of diverse board members.
In addition, the GPP Workgroup members and program teams will:
Focus efforts on communities with minority populations, tribal, women, and other special audiences
Review the team’s programs each year at its Summer retreat to address barriers to full program participation for all populations
Work to develop demographic data to identify specific target audiences and guide the outreach efforts of individual team members and program groups toward greater
inclusivity of these target audiences
Engage in thorough reporting of diversity efforts
Provide scholarship funds to increase opportunities to attract a more diverse audience.
Each GPP program team will review their geographic outreach and demographic data to enable them to enhance their ability to reach diverse audiences.
Workshops will be provided on demand and will be determined by each team member in their individual plans of work based on their statewide expertise, the needs in their region, and based on emerging needs in 2015. Specific team efforts planned to date: o Citizen Planner Advanced Academy (daylong program for citizen planner o o o o participants and others) – June 2015
Michigan Assessors Association Finance and Administration – Fall 2015
Finance and budgeting for county commissioners – Spring 2015
Effective meetings for county commissioners – Early winter 2015 o o o
Fiscal sustainability curriculum implementation - (at least two communities in
2014 -2015)
Citizen planner classroom series – at least 5 in 2015
Zoning Administrator Training – 2 series in 2015
Deliverables as they relate to the MI Place Partnership placemaking education grant : (Mark Wyckoff has preliminary schedule for 2015)
Writing and curricula development: o Team work on update to Guide to Michigan County Government – Fifth Edition o o
Citizen planner online program content update
Fiscal sustainability fine tune curriculum materials, book and program implementation methodology
Fee for service: o Individual work plans: Local government strategic planning facilitation and individual technical assistance per fee for service agreements (Level III) o Team provides level II programming for workshops at the rate of –
Face to face per person: $55 regular/$50MCP/$75 late fee
Webinar $20 regular/$10 MCP/$40 late fee
• GM-3-O-06: Fiscal: Train, provide technical assistance, and publish policy documents for government and tribal leaders and agencies around short and long term fiscal sustainability
• GM-3-0-7: Fiscal: Conduct research to measure and identify fiscal best practices, stress causes and mitigation strategies (Benchmarking consortium).
• GM-3-O-08: Fostering: Placemaking education and community facilitation and technical assistance around placemaking
• GM-3-O-9: Fostering: MI Place Placemaking Curriculum
• GM-3-O-10: Fostering: Education and technical assistance for Strategic growth and regional planning
• GM-3-O-11: Fostering: Firewise, emergency management and hazard mitigation education and technical assistance
• GM-3-O-12: Fostering: citizenship education and civic engagement in public policy process
• GM-3-O-01: Governance: Workshops based on topics of interest and urgency related to public policy, effective management, land use, public participation/civic engagement and leadership of local and tribal government
• GM-3-O-02: Governance: Citizen Planner Program Seven core citizen planner program
• GM-3-O-03: Governance: County Commissioner education and technical assistance
• GM-3-O-04: Governance: Tribal Leadership Training and Technical Assistance
• GM-3-O-05: Governance: Local government strategic planning and facilitation
Citizen Planner Series $295 per person; $275 for groups; team has ability to negotiate fees for communities who send majority of their board
Tribal leadership/governance programs (including youth programming, fee for service trainings, and Building Strong Sovereign Nations program).
Professional Development Related to this Logic Model:
Describe professional development plan for the next year that will impact your programming. You may want to visit the Organizational Development web-pages for
Professional Development .
Evaluation Overview:
In general: A retrospective post evaluation will be conducted after workshops where appropriate. Follow up evaluations will be emailed to participants to measure additional learning outcomes and to assess action outcomes. Questions and sample evaluations relating to the logic model indicators are available to all team members to choose from. When appropriate responses to those questions will be tallied across programs to be able to assess impact across all audiences
Educators may also add individual evaluation questions relevant to individual learning objectives to report against in their own reports for that program
Citizen Planner Program evaluation protocol
Finalize and publish reports from long term study and ripple mapping evaluation started in late 2014
Fiscal sustainability evaluation
Related files:
PLAN4595GM-3-Government and Public Policy_PLAN_2015 FINAL 9 18 14.doc
o Original plan: GM-3-Government and Public Policy o Sent out by Dave Ivan 10/16/14
PLAN45952015 GMI Individual POW Template.doc
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Original plan: GM-3-Government and Public Policy
Sent out by Dave Ivan 10/16/14