Lesson Plan


Ethics in Recreation and Leisure Studies

REC 480- Ethics Module Lesson Plan

Keith Fulthorp, Ed.D. Assistant Professor

California State University, Long Beach

Part 1- Introduction


 Present an overview of ethics, ethical development, and ethical theories including important definitions as related to the Recreation profession.

Class Activities: o Review the need for understanding ethics in the Recreation profession o Define ethics, values, morals, and ethical dilemma o Review stages of ethical development (Kohlberg, 1981) o Introduce ethical paradigms (conduct vs. character theories) o Introduce McLean & Yoder’s (2005) problem solving model o Show CNN Video Clip and Practice implementing model to resolve park/private school dilemma o Link to CNN Video Clip: o http://am.blogs.cnn.com/2009/10/22/schoolgirls-banned-from-public-playground/

Part 2- Application


 Practice applying McLean & Yoder’s (2005) model, in addition to identifying codes of ethics related to professional associations in Recreation o For example: see codes of ethics from the California Park and Recreation Society, and the

American Therapeutic Recreation Association

Class Activities:

 Split class into groups based on area of interest: Community Rec, Travel/tourism/Events,

Therapeutic Rec, Outdoor Rec, Campus Rec

 Provide each group a case study from “Issues in Recreation and Leisure” (McLean & Yoder, 2005)

 Groups implement the 3 step model, apply professional codes of ethics, and present case to class o Group presentations include a brief overview of the case, a resolution based on implementing the 3 step model, and application of codes of ethics related to the case.

Part 3- Demonstration


 Students complete a 3-5 page written assignment: (see REC 480 Ethics Paper handout and rubric).

Specifically, students will

Paper Requirements (for full list see Paper handout and Rubric)

 Identify an ethical dilemma related to their intended area of professional practice,

 Identify a professional code of ethics that intended area of practice adheres to, and

 Use the problem solving method discussed in McLean & Yoder (2005) and code of ethics to resolve the ethical dilemma.


 See REC 480 Ethics Paper Rubric
