Behaviour and Discipline Policy Values and Aims At Fieldhead Primary Academy, we are committed to enabling all children to access education successfully in a safe and happy environment where all members of the school community feel valued and respected and where effective teaching and learning is able to take place. We believe that high standards are best promoted when everyone – staff, children and parents – have a shared understanding of what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. The main principals of our behaviour management strategy are to promote and emphasise good behaviour, fairness and social inclusion. We comply with equalities legislation and the duty to promote the wellbeing of our pupils. Our positive behaviour management strategy aims to: Ensure a safe, caring environment where effective learning can take place for all pupils. Promote good citizenship, self-esteem, self-discipline and emotional intelligence. To encourage children to recognise their responsibility for their own behaviour. Prevent bullying Clear Expectations Code of Conduct Our Fieldhead Primary Academy Code of Conduct applies to all children and adults in our school community: Respect yourself, each other and our environment. Excellent attendance and punctuality equals success. We take responsibility for our own actions. Rise to challenges positively. Honesty is the best policy. Wear your uniform and represent your school with pride. In addition to our school Code of Conduct, each class also has its own Classroom Charter which is devised by the pupils with their class teacher at the beginning of the year. The charter should be clearly displayed in the classroom by the end of the first week of the Autumn term. September 2013 Playground Code of Conduct Play safely. We take turns and share equipment. We only use playground equipment which is distributed by an adult. Maximum of 2 balls in the ball court. Only climb where there is soft flooring. Keep away from the planted areas. Good Relationships and Praise We know that maintaining a respectful, happy relationship between pupils and staff is the most effective behaviour management strategy used in school. With this at the heart of our school ethos, the effect of praise is never undervalued - as all children light up when they receive a smile and verbal recognition of good behaviour from their teacher! Positive Reinforcement and Rewards At Fieldhead Primary Academy, we recognise the value and importance of making explicit our expected standards of behaviour for learning, through positively reinforcing and valuing good behaviour. Rewarding positive attitudes and learning behaviours, is central to our behaviour strategy and school ethos. Golden Tickets In addition, we have a Golden Ticket system which is used across the whole school. Golden tickets can be issued to children by any member of staff in recognition of fantastic behaviour, effort and/ or achievement. All Golden Tickets are placed in the class Golden Ticket Box. During our weekly Celebration Assembly, a randomly chosen Golden Ticket will be drawn from each class box and a prize given to the pupil who was awarded the ticket during the week. Star of the Day At the end of each day a child in each class will be named by their teacher as the ‘Star of the Day’. Their name will be displayed on the classroom star and remain there until the end of the following day when another Star of the Day is chosen. The child will receive a Golden Ticket for being awarded Star of the Day. Star of the Week For continued good behaviour and effort in school across the week, each class teacher will choose a child from their class to be ‘Star of the Week’. The pupils named as Star of Week from each class sit at the front during our Celebration Assembly and are individually praised and rewarded by the Principal who leads the assembly. September 2013 Celebration Assembly Every Friday, we have our Celebration Assembly to which there is an open invitation for parents to attend. This assembly is a specific time dedicated, so that as a whole school community, we can celebrate good pupil behaviour, effort and attendance in school. The Principal leads the assembly and individually rewards each child chosen (either Star of the Week or the randomly chosen Golden Ticket winner) with a prize and public commendation. Discipline and Sanctions All pupils are expected to be well behaved and respectful to enable their own learning and the learning of others. Behaviours which adversely impact on learning and disrupt our school environment will not be tolerated and will be corrected in line with a range of behaviour management strategies and disciplinary sanctions. School staff will deal with incidents in a way appropriate to the level of misconduct, involving more senior staff where appropriate. Initially, low level disruption will be dealt with by staff with an appropriate strategy which could include: Silent Strategies Positive questioning: What should you be doing? … Good. So show me. Well done – I knew you could! Ignoring: Where practical, ignore inappropriate behaviour and praise appropriate behaviour of a peer. Identifying Choice: If you choose to continue to do that, this will happen (consequence identified)or you can choose to (correct behaviour identified). It’s your choice. Distraction: If a difficult situation is potentially likely to develop, distract the child’s attention e.g. specific given task Traffic Light System If low level behaviour has not been corrected with the above strategies, the traffic light system can be used to highlight instances of disruptive behaviour. All children start on green which signifies that they are ready for learning. If a pupil is disruptive and initial attempts of being reminded of classroom expectations identified in the class charter are unsuccessful, the child will then be placed to orange. If further instances of disruption continue, this will result in the child being moved to red. Pupils placed at Red on the traffic lights will be given a ‘time-out’ of up to 10 minutes in a partner class. This allows the child to calm down and reflect on their behaviour. Once this time has been completed, the child may return to class with an apology for their behaviour. They can then be placed back at green. September 2013 Children who have already had one time out after being placed at red on the traffic lights, should not have this repeated within one school day. Upon their second Red placing the child should be sent with an adult to a senior leader in school who will decide on an appropriate sanction. Severe and/or Persistent Behaviour Where behaviour is persistent or severe, Senior Leaders in school will become involved. In these circumstances the parents will be informed. The sanction and actions taken will be determined by the nature of the misconduct. Sanctions could include: The pupil is placed in an isolation area in school where they will work on appropriate tasks for the remainder of the morning or afternoon session. Removal of playtimes and/or lunchtimes. An Individual Behaviour Plan signed by parents. Home/School Behaviour log. Missed work, due to behaviour, being completed at home. For severe behaviour incidents a BLUE Incident form should be completed by the member of staff who initially witnessed the incident and also read and signed by the senior member of staff who was consulted. This form needs to be given to the Principal to file securely. Where appropriate, we may consider a multi-agency assessment for children who display continuous disruptive behaviour. Exclusion A Fixed Term Exclusion is not a decision taken lightly but will be made where severe cases of behaviour warrant this course of action. It is the Principal who will make this decision and parents will always be informed by telephone and also in writing which details the incident. Parents will always be invited to come to school and discuss their child’s behaviour and develop a behaviour working plan with senior leaders to ensure positive behaviour on the child’s return to school. A Permanent Exclusion will be used when a single or series of behaviour incidents justifies this course of action. For more information please see the Focus Trust Exclusion Policy. Pupil Restraint Pupil restraint is used by staff with appropriate training and only as a last resort when a pupil has directly refused to stop their behaviour and/ or leave the classroom or immediate learning environment. The following situations would warrant physical restraint: The prevention of a criminal offence. September 2013 To prevent a pupil injuring themselves or others. Searching for prohibited items. A pupil causing damage to property. Where behaviour is causing significant loss of learning to others and prejudicial to maintaining good order and discipline. Please see the Focus Trust Pupil Restraint Policy for more information. SEN and Behaviour For children who have been identified with a special educational need that includes behaviour, school will support these children in line with their individual education plan or objectives outlined in a statutory assessment statement. However, this does not mean that direct and deliberate violence and abuse towards others will be excused and allowed to continue in our school. For more information please see the Fieldhead Primary Academy SEN Policy Lunchtimes The lunchtime break is supervised by a trained team of lunchtime supervisors. These staff, headed by the Senior Lunchtime Supervisor, are responsible for dealing with the majority of behaviour incidents although will refer some incidents to teachers and/or senior leaders. The Lunchtime supervisors use a yellow and red card system to highlight where pupil behaviour is not in line with the Playground Code of Conduct. When a child is given a Red Card, this will result in ‘time-out’ from the playground. The class teacher is also informed at the start of the afternoon session. Good behaviour at lunchtime is also rewarded for excellent behaviour in the dining hall as the children are eating, and also outside in the playground. Lunchtime supervisors can award Golden Tickets and Lunchtime Certificates to pupils. Parental Involvement When parents and school work together we believe that the discipline and behaviour of pupils in school is significantly improved. We will therefore seek to the active involvement of parents/ carers where behaviour has become persistent or where a specific incident warrants. Our school behaviour expectations are explained in our school prospectus and we expect parents to support them. Our home-school agreement also makes clear our expectations of all stakeholders - pupils, parents and staff – and is given at the start of the school year and signed by parents. Monitoring, Evaluation and Review This policy will be reviewed and evaluated annually by the school and the Governing Body. September 2013 This policy was agreed by the Governing Body on XXXX September 2013 This Policy should be read in conjunction with the following related policies: Focus Trust Exclusion Policy Focus Trust Pupil Restraint Policy Focus Trust Behaviour and Discipline Policy Fieldhead Primary Academy Anti-Bullying Policy September 2013