Chapter 11.4 student notes

Environmental Science
Name: ______________________________
Goal: The student will describe the differences between passive solar heating, active solar heating and
photovoltaic energy and describe the current state of wind energy technology.
1. Renewable energy
2. Passive solar heating
3. Active solar heating
Chapter 11.4: Renewable Energy Today
• When we think about _______________________ energy (energy coming from sources that are
constantly being formed), many people think about high tech, solar powered _____________, but life on
Earth has always been powered by the sun
• Other _________________________ energy sources include: wind, water and Earth’s inner heat
• Many governments have plans to _____________________ their use of renewable energy sources. Ex:
European Union planned to produce ___________________% of their energy from renewable by 2010;
thus, reducing the ______________________________ impact of nonrenewable sources
• However, _______________energy sources, including renewable, have an affect on the environment
Solar Energy—Power from the Sun
 Energy from the __________; medium sized star that radiates energy from a nuclear _______________
reaction in its core
 Only a small fraction of that ______________ ever reaches the Earth; enough to power the wind, planet
growth and water cycle, therefore almost all energy comes from directly or indirectly from the ________
 We use ____________________solar energy everyday. Ex: sun shining in a room, heats it up
 _____________________________ – are devices that change the sun’s energy into electricity; these are
not efficient enough for large jobs and are very __________________________ to make
Passive Solar Heating
 _____________________________ form of solar energy; heating something directly
 ______________________ solar heating – used in homes made of materials that help ______________
the inside in conjunction with ________________ efficiency windows that maximize the ‘greenhouse
effect;’ in the Northern Hemisphere, ______________________ facing windows receive the most solar
energy (must be well ________________________________ with thick walls and floors, receive solar
heat by day, slowly release ________________________ by night
 Passive _____________________ heated homes: must have overhang to shade the sun in summer
months when sun is high in the sky and allow _______________________ to enter in winter months
when sun is _____________________ in the sky, also must be in an area which receives a reliable
amount of sunlight (may not need any other type of heating if these conditions exist)
 Any home could _______________________ their energy bills by using these passive solar features
Active Solar Heating
 Solar ______________________heating – solar collectors capture the sun’s energy and transfer it to a
mixture which flows through the ________________________________and is pumped through a heat
exchanger which ______________________________ heats water for use in homes or pools
 More than 1 _______________________ homes in the US use active solar energy to heat water
 8% of __________________________ used in the US is used to heat water; therefore, ______________
solar technology could save a lot of energy
Photovoltaic Cells
 Solar cells, called ________________________________ cells, convert the sun’s energy into electricity
 Invented 120 years ago, now used to __________________ everything from calculators to space stations
 They have _____________ moving parts, they run on nonpolluting power from the _______________;
energy is stored in batteries
 Produces only a very ________________________ electrical current so to use on a large scale would
require several 100’s of acres of solar panels and extended periods of ___________________________
 Since 1985, energy _______________________________ has doubled every 4 years; becoming
increasingly efficient and __________________________ expensive
 Great potential for use in _______________________________ countries; currently, in the developing
world, ___________________ cells provide energy for more than 1 million households
Wind Power—Cheap and Abundant
 Energy from the ___________________ warms the Earth’s surface unevenly, causing air masses to flow
in the atmosphere
 _______________________ in the wind can be harnessed by windmills which are attached to electrical
generators; new wind turbines are cost ________________________and can be erected in three months
 Wind generated electricity is relatively ____________________________, efficient and is the fastest
growing _______________________ source in the world (quadrupled between 1995 and 2000)
Wind Farms
 Large arrays of wind _________________________ are called wind farms
 In California, ________________________ wind farms supply electricity to 280,000 homes; small wind
farms (20 or fewer turbines) are becoming common and take up _______________________ space
 ___________________________ wind is not consistent enough in most areas to make it feasible
 Windmills are very ______________________ structures and their blades can interfere with
communications (cell phones)
 Some __________________________ farms are putting in wind farms and then sell the electricity they
generate to the local utility companies.
An Underdeveloped Resource
 The windiest spots on Earth could generate _______________ than ten times the energy used worldwide
 All the large energy companies are developing ways to use more __________________power
 Problem: _______________________ the energy from rural areas where it is generated to urban centers
 Wind energy in the _____________________ may be used to produce ______________________ from
water to be trucked or piped to cities for use as a ___________________.
Lesson Reflection:
- Origami Windmill
1. Describe the differences between passive solar heating, active solar heating and photovoltaic energy.
2. What is the current state of wind energy technology?
Active Reading: Renewable Energy Today
Lesson Extension (Technology/Application/Connection to Real World):
 Visual display of a wind farm
 NOVA video: Saved by the Sun (53 min)