Trip Letter and Parent Info. Form

Fine Art Field Trip 2016
Dear Parent,
Your student has expressed interest in attending the 2nd Annual NMMS
Fine Art Field Trip to Miami. Please read all of the following information
carefully. Our Trip has been planned through Educational Tours and is a
combined tour with students from three middle school art programs. We will
be traveling and lodging with students from Howard Middle and Liberty
Middle. It is possible students will have to share a room with students from another school depending on
how many students sign up. We will take careful consideration when matching students for lodging but
students need to be open to that possibility ahead of time. The dates for the trip are April 21, 22, 23,
2016. The Itinerary is attached. The trip cost is $459.00 per student not including spending money.
In order for your child to participate, they must follow NMMS guidelines. They are:
Cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 (C) average on their most current report
No out of school suspensions 90 days before date of trip.
No “U” in any class conduct. No more than 1 “N” in class conduct.
Acceptable attendance. (No more than 4 unexcused absences in a marking period).
Student must be present in school the day before our event.
Students must be DEBT FREE for all school accounts. (media center/cafeteria)
Our school has up to 10 slots open for this trip. The first 10 students to return the Tour
Enrollment form, parent info form and their first payment of $153.00 and who meet the
requirements listed above will be given the slots. The first payment must be made by December
16th so it can be processed before the break. All other students may be added to a waiting list in case a
space opens.
By signing the attached forms and turning in the first payment you are committing to the
following payments, on-time, and to dropping off and picking up your student at Howard Middle
School for the trip. If you want to pay the whole amount up front that is fine too. If all payments are not
made then your spot may be given to another student. The attached Tour Enrollment Form explains
the tour company’s cancellation policy. Refunds for certain parts of the trip may not be refundable. The
departure will be early morning and the arrival will be late at night at Howard Middle School. More
details about times will be handed out closer to the trip along with another pack of field trip forms.
Payment Schedule:
December 16, 2015 - $153
February 3, 2016 - $153
March 9, 2015 – Remaining Balance Due
Make checks payable to: North Marion Middle School
-Mrs. Strigle
Art Teacher, NMMS
Fine Art Field Trip 2016
Parent Information Form
This form and the Tour Enrollment Form must be included with your first payment by
December 16, 2015.
Yes, my student, _______________________________________________, wants to attend the Art
(Print Student Name)
Trip. I, ___________________________________________ am committing to the payment
(Print Parent/Guardian Name)
schedule and transportation requirements to and from Howard Middle at the start and end of the trip.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________________
Date: _________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________