Multi-level governance in the wider Europe: taking ‘governance’ seriously Conference at the initiative of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Law and Governance Centre for European Law and Governance Law School Museum Avenue Cardiff University 7 and 8 July 2011 The debate on multi-level governance (MLG) in EU studies has to a great extent focused on multilevel government rather than governance, looking at the vertical division of powers over multiple layers of government. At the same time, the horizontal dimension of European governance has been extensively dealt with in the literature on new modes of governance and on the role of civil society, but paying insufficient attention to the vertical division of powers over multiple levels of government. The aim of this conference is to look at new directions in the study of MLG, paying particular attention to the (horizontal) governance dimension of MLG in the EU; conceptualising e.g. regions more as a social space of governance interactions rather than simply a governmental level within a multi-level context; or vice versa analysing the effects of governance and (European) law on the reconfiguration of space; or, still, broadening the empirical research to an increasing range of policy fields. PROGRAMME: THURSDAY 7 JULY: (9.10. Leaving from hotel. Walk to Law School) 9.40 Welcome (Room 1.28) Stijn Smismans (Jean Monnet Chair in European Law and Governance, Cardiff Law School) Rethinking MLG: multiple, vertical, horizontal, depoliticised, Europeanised governance? 10.00 Simona Piattoni (Professor of European Integration Politics at the University of Innsbruck): MLG as political mobilization (politics), as authoritative decision-making (policy), and state-restructuring (polity). 10.40 Jirí Pribán (Professor of Legal Theory, Cardiff Law School): MLG as depoliticisation? 11.20-11.40 COFFEE BREAK 11.40 Paolo Graziano (Associate Professor at Department of Institutional Analysis and Public Management, Bocconi University, Milan): MLG and Europeanisation; lessons from employment policy. 12.00 Dan Wincott (Blackwell Law and Society Chair, Cardiff Law School): Reflections on the 'Devolution Paradox': Multi-Level citizenship in comparative perspective. 12.40-14.00 LUNCH (Senior Common Room) MLG at work in different policy fields 14.00 Romain Pasquier (Chargé de Recherche Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, University of Rennes 1): EU cohesion policy and territorial political capacity 14.40 Paul Stephenson (Assistant Professor Maastricht University): The ART of governance: towards a practical, interactions-based vision of multi-level governance (MLG) in cohesion policy 15.20 Emanuela Bozzini (Post-doctoral researcher Department of Sociology, University of Trento): Multi-level governance and interest representation in the common agricultural policy 16.00-16.20. COFFEE BREAK 16.20. Ian Bartle (University of Sheffield):Empirical analysis and the two types of multi level governance. Drawing on UK local transport policy. 17.00. Christian Heitsch (Lecturer in law, Brunel University London): Constitutional implications of EU multi-level water governance: a view from Germany. 17.40. End of first day 20.00 DINNER at Laguna Restaurant FRIDAY 8 JULY 9.40-11.40: Parallel panels: Panel 1: MLG and the restructuring of space (Room 1.28) 9.40 Antonia Layard (Senior Lecturer Cardiff Law School): law and spatial governance, environmental policy 10.20 Stefanie Dühr (Assistant Professor of Spatial Planning Radboud University Nijmegen): The macro-regional turn in EU territorial governance 11.00 Elisabetta Nadalutti (PhD student University of Bath): revisiting multi-level governance in cross-border cooperation Panel 2. MLG and interlocking legal orders (Room 1.27) 9.40. Luis Gordillo (Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Deusto, Bilbao): Multilevel 'legal governance' and Interordinal Constitutionalism 10.20. Maria Pilar Canedo (Jean Monnet Chair of Transnational Law, University of Deusto, Bilbao): Multilevel 'legal governance' and European Antitrust Law 11.00. Vito Breda (Cardiff Law School) When Policy Drives Constitutionalism: The peculiar case of Australian Constitutional Engineering 11.40-12.00. COFFEE BREAK 12.00-13.20 Parallel panels Panel 1: MLG in the new Member States (Room 1.28) 12.00. Miodrag Jovanovich (Associate Professor, University of Belgrado) : MLG and minority territorial autonomy in Eastern Europe: a closed chapter? 12.40 Natalia Cuglesan and Mihaela Herbel (Altiero Spinello Centre for the Study of European Governance, Babes Bolyai University, Romania): Environmental Governance and Civil Society in Romania: the case of Rosia Montana Panel 2: The Politics of MLG (Room 1.27) 12.00. Alistair Cole (Professor of Politics, School of European Studies, Cardiff University) : EU Cohesion policy and regional empowerment 12.40. Jorge Tunón Navarro (Law School, Carlos III, Madrid): Sub-state entities participation in the Spanish and Belgian EU presidencies of 2010. 13.20-13.30 CONCLUSION (Room 1.28) 13.30 LUNCH (Senior Common Room)