SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Scenario Name: Diabetes Management Senior Level Program/Curriculum Specific Objectives: To provide basic diabetes management for a patient with high blood sugar Measurable Objectives (minimum 2, maximum 10) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Performs head to toe assessments and focused assessments as indicated Asks relevant history and assessment questions pertaining to the patient’s condition Identifies co-morbidities and medication effects on patients condition Identifies outcomes of interventions ordered and proceeds appropriately Demonstrates safe and accurate use of glucometer Demonstrates safe and comprehensive medication administration Demonstrates awareness of aseptic technique Maintains effective closed loop communication with all members of the health care team Provides support and education to patient Authors: Heather Bissmeyer RN MN CCRN Swedish Medical Center Peter Ford BA Bates Technical College Expected Scenario Time : 30 min Expected Debrief Time : 45 min Report and Information Provided To Participants Prior To Simulation You will be caring for a 73 year old female patient admitted to an inpatient unit post operatively for a left total hip replacement related to a fall. She has a history of mild dementia, hypertension, TAH/BSO, and type II diabetes. Medications to review: Carvedilol (Coreg CR) Lispro (Humalog) Glargine (Lantus) Morphine Hydrocortisone (Solu-cort) HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 1 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Patient Information (also see attached handoff report) Patient Name: Age: 73 Dolores Greer Gender: Female Birth date: 1/30/1940 Weight: 89 lbs/40.5kg Height: 5’4” ID band MR #00001234 Acct. # 1198765432 Hx. Present Illness: Status post left hip replacement r/t fall Social History: Windowed lives full time in SNF Religion: Pentacostal Support System: 2 daughters both live out of state, oldest is at bedside Allergies: Sulfa Immunizations: up to date Attending Physician: PCP: Dr. Hector Ford Surgeon: Dr. Lynn Jerald Past medical history: Mild dementia, hypertension, Type II Diabetes, Rheumatoid arthritis, and TAH/BSO Physical description of how you want the manikin to present at start of scenario? Moulage: Add picture here: Grey hair, patient gown, Id band, L hip dressing (primapore), hip abduction pillow, foley, PIV x2, SCD’s Assignment Of Roles (Please indicate below roles to be assigned): Primary Nurse (Assessment) Secondary Nurse (Meds) Family Member #1(played by an educator) Other: Safety Observer (see attached checklist) Other: Data collector Other: MD and charge nurse (Played by educator) Important Information Related To Roles: The family member should be anxious and asking questions about the health of the patient and what is going on with the patient. HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 2 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Fidelity (choose all that apply to this simulation) Setting/Environment Med-Surg Props: Equipment attached to manikin: Primary IV Fluid running at 125 ml/hr Foley catheter 100 ml output; Urine color cloudy yellow PCA and or IV pump running ID band Equipment available in room: Incentive Spirometer IV tubing IV pump Other: Glucometer Other Props: Medications and Fluids: Oral Meds IM/Subcut/Intradermal Documentation Forms: Admit Orders MAR Recommended Mode for Simulation Manual/Programmed Hybrid Manikin to be used: High fidelity recommended Significant Lab Values See glucose: in hand off report Physician Orders: Glargine 10 units subq once daily at 0900 Lispro insulin subq per sliding scale Q AC and HS Blood Sugar (mg/dL) Moderate Dose Sliding Scale: 70-130 0 units 131-180 4 units 181-240 8 units 241-300 10 units 301-350 12 units 351-400 16 units >400 20 units and call MD HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 3 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Scenario Progression Outline Stage 1 Initial Amount Time in Initial Stage- 5 mins Baseline Vital Signs T 99.1 F/37.4 C PR 112 BP 143/84 SPO2 98% Cardiac Rhythm N/A Breath Sounds Clear/diminished in the bases Heart Sounds S1S2 Abdominal Sounds hypoactive Other Symptoms: Urine output 100ml BS 404 Trending: VS Stable Verbalization (Pt/Manikin Cues) Expected Interventions Pt answering questions mostly appropriately. Oriented to self, and place, not to time, slightly confused about details, minimal pain. Learners will: 1. Wash hands upon approaching patient 2. Introduce themselves by name and role to patient 3. Perform assessment and VS 4. Check blood sugar using the aseptic technique 5. Critically think rationale for increasing blood sugar 6. Discuss increasing glucose with Charge nurse 7. SBAR to MD concerns about blood sugars 8. Provide patient and family education about increasing blood sugars Alternate or Incorrect Treatment Choice That Will Affect Outcome If MD is not made aware of increasing blood sugars: BS will continue to climb Urine output will increase Pt will become increasingly tired and more confused Confederate Actions/Additional Role Player Cues Daughter at bedside, notifying RN that “mom seems more confused” “I’m very worried about my mom” MD or Charge Nurse, “What do you think is going on with the patient?” “Let’s increase her sliding scale insulin orders. I will bring you orders” HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 4 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Correct Treatment Choice Stage 2 Timing Sequence: Expected Transition after MD is Interventions called and new orders are given NEW MD ORDERS: Lispro insulin subq per sliding scale Q AC and HS Blood Sugar (mg/dL) High Dose Sliding Scale: 70-130 2 units 131-180 6 units 181-240 10 units 241-300 12 units 301-350 14 units 351-400 18 units >400 22 units and call MD Baseline Vital Signs No change T P R BP SPO2 Cardiac Rhythm Breath Sounds Heart Sounds Abdominal Sounds Other Symptoms: Verbalization 1. Choose correct medications according to orders and blood glucose result. 2. Perform medication double checks 3. Administer medications 4. Provide pt education about medications Alternate or Incorrect Treatment choice Stage 2A Timing Sequence Expected Notify learners that Interventions scenario has progressed to next BS check in 6 hours Baseline Vital Signs T 1. Perform P 122 assessment and R 22 VS BP 2. Check blood SPO2 sugar Cardiac Rhythm 3. Critically think Breath Sounds rational for Heart Sounds increasing Abdominal Sounds blood sugars 4. SBAR to MD Other Symptoms: concerns about blood sugars BS 487 Increased urine output (Foley bag is full) Verbalization: Increased confusion HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 5 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Instructor Check List (return to CHESC assistant at the end of class) Pre-Scenario Check List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Equipment is staged as requested. The learner has been oriented to the simulator. The learner understands the guidelines/expectations for the scenario. Participants understand their assigned roles. The time frame Expectations for simulation met: Yes No. The time frame Expectations for debrief met: Yes No. Audio/Visual Consent signed and turned into CHESC sheet. Attendance sheet completed and given to CHESC staff. Post Scenario If you could change anything next time, what would it be? Comments: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ CHESC Assistant Name: Did the person provide excellent support for the scenario? Yes No Comment Instructor signature ________________________________ Date ________________________ HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 6 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Participant Check List (return to Instructor at the end of class) Pre-Scenario Check List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I have been oriented to the simulator. I understand the guidelines/expectations for the scenario. I understand the assigned role. My questions about the simulation have been answered. I have all necessary equipment for the simulation. Post Scenario If you could change anything next time, what would it be? Comments: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Participant Signature ____________________________________ Date ________________________ HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 7 SIMULATION DESIGN & PLANNING TEMPLATE Simulation Post-Assessment Methods Checklist Tests Evaluations Turning Point Jeopardy Other: Optional Literature References Refer to institutions selected nursing text book chapters related to: Hyperglycemia, DKA, diabetes, subcutaneous injections, medication double checks, insulin administration, aseptic technique, gloves and hand hygiene, and patient education. Debriefing Guidelines (Remember to identify important concepts or curricular threads that are specific to your program) 1. Leave the simulation room and go to a conference room, if possible. It allows for deescalation of emotions. 2. Solicit and validate emotions briefly. Validate simisms (the simulation isn’t 100% accurate due to different equipment, personnel etc) 3. What went WELL in this simulation? 4. What DID NOT go well in this simulation? 5. If you could do it again, what would you do differently? 6. Summarize: “What I hear you saying is . . .” HEET V Grant Simulation Scenario Template 2013. Excerpts adapted and used by permission from National League for Nursing's & Laerdal Medical Corporation's Simulation Design Template (2008), and Northwest Medical Center's Scenario Planning Worksheet (last accessed March 2013). 8