1 Electronic supplementary material 2 Field estimates of calf-cow ratios 3 On Wyoming elk winter ranges (Clarks Fork, Cody, and Jackson herds), classification 4 surveys were conducted over 1-2 days via helicopter and ground observation, during late January 5 and February. One or more observers counted the number of calves (< 1 y), adult females (> 1 6 y), yearling bulls (1-2 y, spike-antlered), and adult bulls (>2 y, branch-antlered). The ratio of 7 calves per 100 adult females is used by agencies and in our work as an index of calf recruitment. 8 Though some studies have questioned the value of age ratios, they are considered comparatively 9 reliable in the open habitats characteristic of our study area (1); moreover, a recent modeling 10 study based on the life history of an elk population of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GY) 11 indicated that changes in elk calf survival explained 93% of the variation in calf-cow ratios (2). 12 On the winter range of the northern Yellowstone herd, which spans the boundary of Yellowstone 13 National Park (YNP) including areas in both Wyoming and Montana, surveys are typically 14 conducted in mid-March across a subset of 68 units that are stratified among four elevation 15 sectors (see [3] for detailed survey methods). Where possible (Clarks Fork, Cody, and Jackson 16 herds), we used a subset of the survey data taken from winter range where GPS collar 17 information indicated elk were largely or entirely migratory (e.g., 4). 18 To assess the timing of calf losses, we assembled calf-cow ratios conducted while the 19 migratory elk subpopulations surveyed during winter were located on their high-elevation 20 summer ranges inside YNP. The Clarks Fork herd was sampled by helicopter between 21 September 14-22, 2007-2010 (n = 250-835) (4). The Cody herd was sampled by helicopter on 22 August 13-14, 2011 (n = 1,376). Elk from the Jackson herd that summer inside YNP were 23 sampled in August 1991, 2001, 2005, and 2010 (n = 713-1,311). Elk in the Dome Mountain 24 herd, which comprises a major portion of the northern Yellowstone herd, were sampled in July 25 and August 2007-2008 (n = 1,060) (5). Calf-cow ratios are prone to observation error and can be 26 influenced by mixing of subpopulations in partially-migratory GYE elk, thus we present these 27 data primarily to illuminate general patterns rather than to explore fine-scale inter-annual or 28 inter-population variation. We assume that when summer ratios are similar to winter ratios in a 29 given population, the majority of annual mortalities (due to all causes) have already occurred. 30 Could historical predation rates have been biased low? 31 It is possible that historical studies of grizzly bear foraging ecology underestimated the 32 rate of elk calf predation, which could lead us to overestimate the dietary shift. An earlier study 33 that tracked grizzly bears using VHF collars (6) may have had a lower probability of detecting 34 elk calf predation events. Other past studies involving visual observations of grizzly bear activity 35 described bouts of calf predation by individual bears in some localized areas, suggesting that calf 36 predation might be more common (e.g., 7). However, the VHF-based study (6) used more 37 systematic sampling involving a larger sample size of marked individual bears, over a larger 38 geographic area and a longer study period – and ultimately the author applied a correction factor 39 based on the amount of time grizzly bears spent at carcasses of varying size. Moreover, the 40 apparent increase in grizzly bear predation on elk calves spans a period of steadily declining elk 41 numbers (8), suggesting increasing selection for elk calves by grizzly bears. 42 Simulated elk population growth rates and calf-cow ratios 43 We explored the potential influence of changes in grizzly bear diets and elk calf predation 44 rates on elk calf recruitment and population growth by generating a series of stochastic age- 45 structured female-only population projection matrices. We assumed elk had five age classes (9): 46 calves (0-1 y), yearlings (1-2 y), prime age adults (3-9 y), post-prime age adults (9-15 y) and old 47 age adults (15+ y). We used a post-breeding census model (10), where elk in the 15+ age class 48 continued to survive and reproduce. Each age class had different mean pregnancy and survival 49 rates, and associated process variances (9) (Table 1). We assumed vital rates were beta 50 distributed and constrained between 0.0 and maximum values (9) (Table 1). 51 Because of uncertainty in the size of the elk population exposed to grizzly bear predation 52 and in their vital rates over time, our goal in this analysis was to illustrate the potential 53 magnitude of the demographic impact of increased grizzly bear predation on elk, not to simulate 54 the specific dynamics of the elk population nor to account for all sources of demographic 55 variation. Thus, we assumed that the only difference in elk vital rates before and after the 56 cutthroat trout decline involved lower elk calf survival due to grizzly bear mortality. We 57 assumed that calf mortality was a product of non-grizzly-related mortality (M) and grizzly 58 predation (Pbt) prior to cutthroat trout decline, so that calf survival equaled: 59 60 61 𝐶 𝑆𝑏𝑡 = (1 − 𝑃𝑏𝑡 )(1 − 𝑀), eq. S1 For each matrix, we calculated the non-grizzly mortality (M) by rearranging Equation S1, 𝑆𝐶 𝑏𝑡 𝑀 = 1 − 1−𝑃 , 𝑏𝑡 eq. S2 62 𝐶 where 𝑆𝑏𝑡 was the total (randomly drawn) calf survival rate. We calculated Pbt (calf mortality 63 due to grizzly bears before cutthroat trout decline, i.e., “before trout”) as the number of calves 64 eaten by grizzly bears per year over the total number of calves born. The total number of calves 65 born equaled the starting population of calves (male and female) under a stable age distribution 66 from a matrix of mean vital rate values. Both P and M were constrained so that they were 67 between 0.0 and 1.0. The total population size (reported in Figure 4) including bulls was 68 calculated assuming a 50:50 sex ratio of calves and yearlings, and a bull:cow ratio of 0.25 69 (equivalent to the approximate mean bull:cow ratio across Wyoming elk herds; Wyoming Game 70 and Fish Department, unpublished data). 71 The calculation of the non-grizzly-related mortality (M) component of calf survival 72 allowed us to estimate calf survival rate after the cutthroat trout decline by substituting the “post 73 decline” predation rate (Pat) back into Equation 1 and calculating a new calf survival rate. This 74 approach assumes that non-grizzly bear-related calf mortality rates were the same before and 75 after the cutthroat trout decline. In other words (as discussed in the main text), we assumed that 76 grizzly bear-related mortality was additive, and that calf mortality from other factors (i.e., other 77 predators, malnutrition, etc.) did not change before and after the cutthroat trout decline. Grizzly 78 bear predation is one of the only mortality factors that has been inferred to be largely additive in 79 our study area (11). 80 We examined two combinations of “pre-decline” and “post-decline” grizzly predation 81 rates. One combination used a 1:1 nutritional equivalency of the cutthroat trout biomass lost 82 from the diet with the elk calf biomass inferred to have replaced it (12; see main text for details), 83 with a pre-decline predation estimate of 245 elk calves and a post-decline predation estimate of 84 542 calves. Additionally, we calculated an estimate based on studies of grizzly bear kill rates 85 (see main text) of 245 calves pre-trout-decline and 476 calves post-trout-decline. We calculated 86 population growth rates for each matrix (pre- and post-decline) by taking the asymptotic lambda 87 value (eigenvalue). We found the change in lambda by subtracting the pre-decline lambda value 88 from the post-decline lambda value. 89 To calculate the changes in expected calf-cow ratios across population sizes, we 90 projected the population (at stable age distribution) eight months into the future, so that calves 91 were eight months old, reflecting the approximate date (February 15th) when winter calf-cow 92 ratios are collected in the field. We assumed that calf survival to eight months was a product of 93 bear-related mortality and half of the annual non-bear-related mortality. For each iteration, we 94 calculated the change in calf-cow ratios between the before and after trout declines. 95 For each population size, we iterated the above procedure 1,000 times, using a different 96 random set of vital rates for each run and we report the mean and 95% confidence intervals for 97 the change in population growth rates and change in calf-cow ratios (Figure 4). All simulations 98 were generated in program R (13). Beta values and eignevalues were simulated using the 99 “popbio” package (14). 100 References 101 1. Bonenfant C, Gaillard JM, Klein F, & Hamann JL (2005) Can we use the young: female ratio 102 to infer ungulate population dynamics? An empirical test using red deer Cervus elaphus as a 103 model. J Appl Ecol 42(2):361-370. 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 2. Harris NC, Kauffman MJ, & Mills LS (2008) Inferences about ungulate population dynamics derived from age ratios. J Wildlife Manage 72(5):1143-1151. 3. Coughenour MB & Singer FJ (1996) Elk population processes in Yellowstone National Park under the policy of natural regulation. Ecol Appl 6(2):573-593. 4. Middleton AD, et al. (In press) Animal migration amid shifting patterns of phenology and predation: lessons from a Yellowstone elk herd. Ecology. 5. Cunningham JA, Hamlin KL, & Lemke TO (2008) Northern Yellowstone elk (HD313) annual report. (Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, Bozeman, MT). 6. Mattson DJ (1997) Use of ungulates by Yellowstone grizzly bears (Ursus arctos). Biol Conserv 81(1-2):161-177. 7. Gunther KA & Renkin RA (1990) Grizzly bear predation on elk calves and other fauna of Yellowstone National Park. In Bears: their biology and management (pp. 329-334). 8. Eberhardt LL, White PJ, Garrott RA, & Houston DB (2007) A seventy-year history of trends in Yellowstone's northern elk herd. J Wildlife Manage 71(2):594-602. 9. Raithel JD, Kauffman MJ, & Pletscher DH (2007) Impact of spatial and temporal variation in calf survival on the growth of elk populations. J Wildlife Manage 71(3):795-803. 10. Caswell H (2001) In Matrix population models: construction, analysis, and interpretation (Sunderland, MA, USA, Sinauer Associates. 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 11. Griffin KA, et al. (2011) Neonatal mortality of elk driven by climate, predator phenology and predator community composition. J Anim Ecol 80(6):1246-1257. 12. Fortin JK, et al. (2013) Dietary adaptability of grizzly bears and American black bears in Yellowstone National Park. J Wildlife Manage 77(2):270-281. 13. R Development Core Team (2011) R: a language and environment for statistical computing. (Vienna, Austria, R Foundation for Statistical Computing. 14.Stubben C & Milligan B (2007) Estimating and analyzing demographic models using the popbio package in R. J Stat Softw 22(11), 1-23. 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 R code ## Although this program has been used by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the U.S. Government as to the accuracy and functioning of the program and related program material nor shall the fact of distribution constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in connection therewith. ##This code is same as lambda analysis, except the lambdas for pre- and post-decline are calculated as (Nt+1)/Nt, ## where Nt is a population in SAD and Nt+1 is a population following a stochastic draw of vital rates, for both preand post-decline populations. ## All A matrices are post-breeding pulse models rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) library(MASS) library(VGAM) library(shape) library(popbio) ##Thomas A. Morrison, Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Wyoming ##02.08.2012 ##This routine generates a set of random elk population projection matrices before and after a decline in calf ##survival. setwd() #set.seed(11982) reps = 1000 #number of runs per population size pop = c(1350,2000, 2650, 3300, 3950)#, 4600, 5250) #2400,3000,3600,4200,4800,5400,6000) #1200,1800,2400,3600,4200,female population sizes sexratio = 0.5 #proportion of calves that are female BCratio = 0.25 #ratio of adult cows (2+ y) to adult bulls (2+ y) maxage = 15 #max age of elk pred.mort1 = c(245,245) #245 estimated number of calves killed by grizzlies pre-decline based on median kill rate from Mattson (1997) pred.mort2 = c(542, 542) #estimated number of calves killed by grizzlies post-decline based on kill rate from Fortin et al. (2013) pred.mort3 = c(476) #estimated number of calves killed by grizzlies after based on trout:calf biomass equivalency calculations. comp1 = 0.0161 comp2 = 0.0161 sc = 0.354; sy = 0.875; spa = 0.886; soa = 0.856; ss = 0.717 #age-class survival rates fc = 0; fy =0.198; fpa = 0.928; foa = 0.864; fs = 0.530 #age-class fecundity rates vrhi = c(0.729, 0.999, 0.999, 0.999, 0.900, 0.01, 0.250, 0.494, 0.475, 0.346) #Max values allowed when other vital rates are at best vit.rates = cbind(c(0.354, 0.883, 0.886, 0.868, 0.724), c(sqrt(0.02001),sqrt(0.00420),sqrt(0.002),sqrt(0.002),sqrt(0.00588)), #Raithel et al. (2007) survival estimates #c(sqrt(0.03854),sqrt(0.00420),sqrt(0.00336),sqrt(0.00336),sqrt(0.00588)), #variance survival c(0,0.198/2,0.928/2,0.864/2, 0.530/2), #Pregnancy rates c(0,sqrt(0.01508),sqrt(0.00126),sqrt(0.00250),sqrt(0.00647))) #variance pregnancy A = APre = APost1 = APost2 = matrix(0,maxage,maxage) ran.beta1 = ran.beta2 = matrix(0,length(vit.rates[,1]),2) #"calf","yrlg","PA","OA","senes") dater1 = dater2 = dater3 = dater4 = M.temp = M1.temp = NULL 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 # Age classes: 0-1, 1-2, 2-9, 10-14, 15+ # Post-birth pulse matrix model to establish number of calves born to calculate P #### A[1,] = c(0,vit.rates[2,3]*vit.rates[2,1],rep(vit.rates[3,3]*vit.rates[3,1],8),rep(vit.rates[4,3]*vit.rates[4,1],4),vit.rates [5,3]*vit.rates[5,1]) #preg * surv A[2,1] = vit.rates[1,1] #calf A[3,2] = vit.rates[2,1] #Yearlings A[4,3] = vit.rates[3,1] #Prime-age adults A[5,4] = vit.rates[3,1] A[6,5] = vit.rates[3,1] A[7,6] = vit.rates[3,1] A[8,7] = vit.rates[3,1] A[9,8] = vit.rates[3,1] A[10,9] = vit.rates[3,1] A[11,10] = vit.rates[3,1] A[12,11] = vit.rates[4,1] #Old age adults A[13,12] = vit.rates[4,1] A[14,13] = vit.rates[4,1] A[15,14] = vit.rates[4,1] #Senescent adults A[15,15] = vit.rates[5,1] p.stable = eigen.analysis(A, zero=TRUE) for (k in 1:length(pop)) { pop.N = p.stable$stable.stage*pop[k] N.calves = p.stable$stable.stage[1]*pop[k] Nt = sum(pop.N)+sum(pop.N[1:2])+(BCratio*sum(pop.N[3:maxage])) ########## cc.temp = cc.diff = lam.diff1 = lam.diff2 = lam.diff3 = lam.diff4 = elast1 = elast2 = NULL Pre1 = pred.mort1[1] / (N.calves/sexratio) get female calf predation rate if (Pre1 > 1) Pre1 = 1 Pre2 = pred.mort1[2] / (N.calves/sexratio) if (Pre2 > 1) Pre2 = 1 Post1 = pred.mort2[2] / (N.calves/sexratio) if (Post1 > 1) Post1 = .99 Post2 = pred.mort3[1] / (N.calves/sexratio) if (Post2 > 1) Post2 = .99 #pre-decline low predation rate (least conservative) -- divide by 2 to #pre-decline high predation rate (most conservative) #post-decline low predation rate (least conservative) #post-decline biomass intake (most conservative) i=0 while (i<reps) { for (j in (1:length(vit.rates[,1]))) { repeat { ran.beta1[j,1] <- betaval(vit.rates[j,1],vit.rates[j,2]) if (ran.beta1[j,1] < vrhi[j]) break } } for (j in (1:length(vit.rates[,1]))) { repeat { ran.beta1[j,2] <- betaval(vit.rates[j,3],vit.rates[j,4]) if (ran.beta1[j,2] < vrhi[j+5]) break } 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 } for (j in (1:length(vit.rates[,1]))) { repeat { ran.beta2[j,1] <- betaval(vit.rates[j,1],vit.rates[j,2]) if (ran.beta2[j,1] < vrhi[j]) break } } for (j in (1:length(vit.rates[,1]))) { repeat { ran.beta2[j,2] <- betaval(vit.rates[j,3],vit.rates[j,4]) if (ran.beta2[j,2] < vrhi[j+5]) break } } M = 1-(ran.beta1[1,1]/(1-Pre1)) #M isolates “natural” non-bear predation rate -- least conservative Npre grizzly = 95 M1 = 1-(ran.beta1[1,1]/(1-Pre2)) #M1 isolates “natural” non-bear predation rate -- most conservative Npre grizzly = 304 if (M < 0 ) M = 0 if (M1 < 0 ) M1 = 0 M.temp = rbind(M.temp,M) M1.temp = rbind(M1.temp,M1) s.post1 = ran.beta1[1,1] s.post2 = (1-M)*(1-Post1) s.post3 = (1-M1)*(1-Post2) S=c(s.post1,s.post2,s.post3) #least conservative #most conservative #Post-birth pulse matrix model# APre[1,] = c(0,(ran.beta1[2,2]*ran.beta1[2,1]),rep(ran.beta1[3,2]*ran.beta1[3,1],8),rep(ran.beta1[4,2]*ran.beta1[4,1],4 ),(ran.beta1[5,2]*ran.beta1[5,1])) #calf APre[2,1] = S[1] #calf S APre[3,2] = ran.beta1[2,1] #yrling APre[4,3] = ran.beta1[3,1] #PA APre[5,4] = ran.beta1[3,1] APre[6,5] = ran.beta1[3,1] APre[7,6] = ran.beta1[3,1] APre[8,7] = ran.beta1[3,1] APre[9,8] = ran.beta1[3,1] APre[10,9] = ran.beta1[3,1] APre[11,10] = ran.beta1[3,1] #OA APre[12,11] = ran.beta1[4,1] APre[13,12] = ran.beta1[4,1] APre[14,13] = ran.beta1[4,1] APre[15,14] = ran.beta1[4,1] APre[15,15] = ran.beta1[5,1] #senes #Post-birth pulse matrix model pred rate -- least conservative# APost1 <- APre APost1[2,1] = S[2] #APost1[1,] = c(0,(ran.beta2[2,2]*ran.beta2[2,1]),rep(ran.beta2[3,2]*ran.beta2[3,1],8),rep(ran.beta2[4,2]*ran.beta2[4,1],4 ),(ran.beta2[5,2]*ran.beta2[5,1])) #calf #APost1[2,1] = S[2] #calf S 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 #APost1[3,2] = ran.beta2[2,1] #yrling #APost1[4,3] = ran.beta2[3,1] #PA #APost1[5,4] = ran.beta2[3,1] #APost1[6,5] = ran.beta2[3,1] #APost1[7,6] = ran.beta2[3,1] #APost1[8,7] = ran.beta2[3,1] #APost1[9,8] = ran.beta2[3,1] #APost1[10,9] = ran.beta2[3,1] #APost1[11,10] = ran.beta2[3,1] #OA #APost1[12,11] = ran.beta2[4,1] #APost1[13,12] = ran.beta2[4,1] #APost1[14,13] = ran.beta2[4,1] #APost1[15,14] = ran.beta2[4,1] #APost1[15,15] = ran.beta2[5,1] #senes ppost1 = eigen.analysis(APost1, zero=TRUE) #calculates eignevalues and elasticities Acomp1 = APost1[,]*(1+(comp1*(ppost1$elasticities[,]/max(ppost1$elasticities)))) #Increases the vital so that lambda = 1.03 ppost1 = eigen.analysis(Acomp1, zero=TRUE) #Post-birth pulse matrix model protein rate -- most conservative# APost2 = APost1 APost2[2,1] = S[3] #calf S ppost2 = eigen.analysis(APost2, zero=TRUE) #calculates eignevalues and elasticities Acomp2 = APost2[,]*(1+(comp2*(ppost2$elasticities[,]/max(ppost2$elasticities)))) #Increases the vital so that lambda = 1.03 ppost2 = eigen.analysis(Acomp2, zero=TRUE) p.Pre = eigen.analysis(APre, zero=TRUE) #calculates eignevalues and elasticities p.Post1 = eigen.analysis(APost1, zero=TRUE) #calculates eignevalues and elasticities -- least conservative p.Post2 = eigen.analysis(APost2, zero=TRUE) #calculates eignevalues and elasticities -- most conservative APre.stable = eigen.analysis(APre, zero=TRUE) NFpre = APre.stable$stable.stage*pop[k] temp = 2*NFpre[1]*(1-Pre1)*((1-M)^(8/12)) NFpre = sqrt(APre)%*%NFpre NFpre[1] = temp ccpre = NFpre[1]/sum(NFpre[2:maxage]) APost1.stable = eigen.analysis(APost1, zero=TRUE) #least conservative NFpost1 = APost1.stable$stable.stage*pop[k] temp = 2*NFpost1[1]*(1-Post1)*((1-M)^(8/12)) NFpost1 = sqrt(APost1)%*%NFpost1 NFpost1[1] = temp ccpost1 = NFpost1[1]/sum(NFpost1[2:maxage]) APost2.stable = eigen.analysis(APost2, zero=TRUE) #most conservative NFpost2 = APost2.stable$stable.stage*pop[k] temp = 2*NFpost2[1]*(1-Post2)*((1-M1)^(8/12)) NFpost2 = sqrt(APost2)%*%NFpost2 NFpost2[1] = temp ccpost2 = NFpost2[1]/sum(NFpost2[2:maxage]) ccLeastCon = (ccpost1-ccpre) ccMostCon = (ccpost2-ccpre) 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 #Nt1.pre = sum(NFpre)+sum(NFpre[1:2])+(BCratio*sum(NFpre[3:maxage])) #Nt1.post1 = sum(NFpost1)+sum(NFpost1[1:2])+(BCratio*sum(NFpost1[3:maxage])) #Nt1.post2 = sum(NFpost2)+sum(NFpost2[1:2])+(BCratio*sum(NFpost2[3:maxage])) lam.diff1 = rbind(lam.diff1, c(1,pop[k], p.Post1$lambda-p.Pre$lambda)) # #"low pred rate, least conservative","Least", lam.diff2 = rbind(lam.diff2, c(2,pop[k], p.Post2$lambda-p.Pre$lambda)) # #"biomass rate, most conservative","Most", cc.temp = rbind(cc.temp, c(ccpre,ccpost1,ccpost2)) cc.diff = rbind(cc.diff, c(ccMostCon,ccLeastCon)) i=i+1 } temp1 = sort(lam.diff1[,3]) L95.d1 = temp1[reps*0.05] U95.d1 = temp1[reps*0.95] temp2 = sort(lam.diff2[,3]) L95.d2 = temp2[reps*0.05] U95.d2 = temp2[reps*0.95] temp3 = sort(cc.diff[,2]) L95.d3 = temp3[reps*0.05] U95.d3 = temp3[reps*0.95] temp4 = sort(cc.diff[,1]) L95.d4 = temp4[reps*0.05] U95.d4 = temp4[reps*0.95] dater1 = rbind(dater1,c(Nt,mean(lam.diff1[,3]),L95.d1,U95.d1)) dater2 = rbind(dater2,c(Nt,mean(lam.diff2[,3]),L95.d2,U95.d2)) dater3 = rbind(dater3,c(Nt,mean(cc.diff[,2]),L95.d3,U95.d3)) dater4 = rbind(dater4,c(Nt,mean(cc.diff[,1]),L95.d4,U95.d4)) } Table legends Table 1. Elk vital rate means and variances used in the elk population model. Tables Table 1 Age Class (years) Survival Variance Max Survival Pregnancy Variance Max Pregnancy Calves (0-1) 0.354 0.02001 0.729 0.000 0.00000 0.000 Yearlings (1-2) 0.875 0.00420 0.999 0.198 0.01508 0.500 Prime age adults (2-9) 0.886 0.00200 0.999 0.928 0.00126 0.988 Post-prime adults (9-15) 0.856 0.00336 0.999 0.864 0.00250 0.950 Old adults (15+) 0.717 0.00588 0.900 0.530 0.00647 0.692