Parental Awareness and Attitudes Regarding Safety and Radiation Associated With Medical Imaging Techniques Commonly Ordered in the Pediatric Emergency Department Study Code_____ 1. What is your age? ______ years 2. What is your gender? (Circle one) Female1 Male2 3. What is your ethnicity? (Circle one) Caucasian1 African American2 Hispanic/Latino3 Other5 (please specify)__________ Asian/Pacific Islander4 4. What is your highest level of education? (Circle one) Some high school1 Completed high school2 Associates Degreee Degreee Bachelors 5. How old is your child that is getting medical imaging? _____ years 6. Why did you bring your child into the emergency department? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 7. What type or types of medical imaging is your child having done? (Circle all that apply) CT scan MRI X-ray 8. In your child’s life how many of each has he/she had done before today? CT scans______ MRIs_____ X-rays_____ 9. Which of these imaging methods do you feel is the safest? (Circle one) CT scan1 MRI2 X-ray3 Don’t know 10. Which of these imaging methods do you feel is the least safe? (Circle one) CT scan1 MRI2 X-ray3 Don’t know 11. Which of these imaging methods do you feel gives off the most amount of radiation? (Circle one) CT scan1 MRI2 X-ray3 Don’t know 12. Which of these imaging methods do you feel gives off the least amount of radiation? (Circle one) CT scan1 MRI2 X-ray3 Don’t know 13. Please tell me up to 3 negative effects that you think CT scans may have on patients starting with the most severe. 1.__________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________ 14. How many CT scans would it take for a patient to experience any negative effect? _________ CT scans 1 of 2 pages Parental Awareness and Attitudes Regarding Safety and Radiation Associated With Medical Imaging Techniques Commonly Ordered in the Pediatric Emergency Department 15. Please tell me up to 3 negative effects that you think MRIs may have on patients starting with the most severe. 1.__________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________ 16. How many MRIs would it take for a patient to experience any negative effect? _________ MRIs 17. Please tell me up to 3 negative effects that you think X-rays may have on patients starting with the most severe. 1.__________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________ 18. How many X-rays would it take for a patient to experience any negative effect? _________ X-rays 19. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: I feel that CT scans are safe Strongly disagree1 Disagree2 Neutral3 Agree4 Strongly Agree5 I feel that MRIs are safe Strongly disagree1 Disagree2 Neutral3 Agree4 Strongly Agree5 I feel that X-rays are safe Strongly disagree1 Disagree2 Neutral3 Agree4 Strongly Agree5 20. Are you interested in learning more about safety and radiation associated with medical imaging methods? (Circle one) Yes1 No2 Maybe3 If yes or maybe, how would you like to receive more information? (Circle all that apply) Speaking with a doctor Reading a pamphlet Speaking with a nurse Searching on the internet Speaking with any health care worker Other (please describe)______________ 2 of 2 pages