Voluntary Board Member

Adullam Homes Housing Association Limited
ROLE OF THE BOARD – extract from Governance in Practice
The essential functions of the Board are formally recorded in the Association’s Rules. The main role of the Board is to direct
the affairs of the Association in accordance with its charitable objects, i.e. to determine strategic direction and policies.
The implementation of the Boards policies is delegated to the Association’s paid staff in accordance with the Rules, Schedule
of Delegation and Financial Regulations.
The Board’s minimum functions will include duties to:
Define and ensure compliance with the values, vision, mission and strategic objectives of the Association.
Establish a framework for approving strategies, policies and plans to achieve the Associations objectives.
Satisfy itself as to the integrity of financial information and approve each year’s accounts prior to publication, and
approve each year’s budget and business plan.
Establish and oversee a framework of delegation and systems of internal control which are reviewed annually.
Establish and oversee a framework for the identification, management and reporting of risk, in order to safeguard
the assets of the Association.
Agree or ratify policies and decisions on all matters that might create significant financial or other risk to the Association
or that raise material issues of principle.
Monitor the Association’s performance in relation to these strategies, plans, budgets, controls and decisions and also
in the light of customer feedback and the performance of comparable organisations.
Establish and monitor a mechanism for communicating and receiving feedback from the Association’s stakeholders and
Establish a strong working relationship between the Board, the Chief Executive and other senior staff.
Appoint (and if necessary dismiss) the CEO following agreed procedures, and approve his or her salary, benefits and
terms of employment.
To approve the Association’s Probity Policy.
To monitor the operation of the Association’s equal opportunities policy and its approach to equality and diversity.
Satisfy itself that the Association’s affairs are conducted lawfully and in accordance with generally accepted standards
of performance, conduct and propriety, and in accordance with the Association’s Christian Ethos.
Annually assess how the Association follows the NHF’s Code of Governance and state compliance and non-compliance
in its annual review and accounts.
Follow the Association’s rules in appointing (and, if necessary, removing) the Chair of the Board.
The code of conduct and therefore the expected behaviour for Board members are included in the Association’s
“Integrity at Work” publication.
Adullam Homes Housing Association Ltd is a charitable Industrial and Provident Society
Voluntary Board Member
Responsible For
Directing the affairs of Adullam Homes Housing Association Limited
Responsible To
The stakeholders of the Association (residents, shareholders, funders,
employees, local authority, wider community, future customers) plus the Registry
of Friendly Societies, the Homes & Communities Agency.
 To act as a guardian of the Association’s Mission and Values
 To work constructively with other Board Members and Association
employees to ensure that the Association is managed and controlled
 To ensure that it is accountable to its legitimate interest groups and
 To ensure that the Association works within the requirements of the law and
its Regulators.
 To promote the good name of the Association at all times.
Voluntary, but travel and expenses incurred in fulfilling the role of the Board
member will be paid.
Key Reference
Rules of Adullam Homes Housing Association Limited
National Housing Federation Code of Governance
Adullam’s Governance in Practice
Adullam’s Integrity at Work Policy
The Association is a not for profit exempt Charity, and a Registered Provider with a strong Christian ethos providing
housing and support to vulnerable people. We own over 400 properties and manage a further 345 properties all of
which are specifically provided for people who are vulnerable
The Association currently operates across the areas of Merseyside, Greater Manchester and Lancashire, Cheshire
and Staffordshire, East Midlands, High Peak and Derbyshire Dales, and West Midlands.
As well as providing affordable housing, the Association offers people significant social support and a bridge to a
better life. Mental illness, drug addiction and prolific offending behaviour are just some of the complex social issues it
faces every day, while delivering housing support, advice and community-based services to residents and partner
Adullam Homes Housing Association Ltd is a charitable Industrial and Provident Society
To devote sufficient time and energy to further the Association’s business. This includes:
Preparing for meetings.
Attending Board and Committee meetings as required.
Keeping up to date with housing issues by reading and attending training/briefing sessions.
To participate in the management and control of the Association’s activity, including:
 Generating strategic opinions
 Financial monitoring and control
 Establishing plans, policies and objectives
 Ensuring plans are implemented and performance is evaluated
 Reviewing activity and deciding on appropriate action
To agree policies and make decisions on all matters that might create significant financial or other risk to the
Association, or which raise material issues of principle.
To monitor the effectiveness and performance of the Board and individual Board members by participating
in a Board member appraisal scheme.
To ensure that the Association’s affairs are conducted lawfully and in accordance with generally accepted
standards of performance and propriety.
To consider and agree responses to reports from the Regulator, the Association’s auditors, funders and any
other relevant body.
To represent the Association in the outside world and to help foster good relationships with funders, local
authorities, churches etc.
To promote the good name of the Association at all times.
To participate in the recruitment of senior Association employees.
To participate in other employment functions, for example, being a member of an Appeals Committee, or the
appraisal of senior officers.
To campaign, both on a local and national level to promote issues relating to the Association and social
housing generally.
To abide by the National Housing Federation’s Code of Governance and Adullam’s ‘Integrity at Work’.
Adullam Homes Housing Association Ltd is a charitable Industrial and Provident Society
Occupational requirement for Board Members and Executive Officers
The purpose is always to help Adullam achieve its mission and purpose whilst maintaining the Christian ethos.
As the position is a Board member post, it will bring responsibilities for being the ‘voice’ of the Association,
representing Adullam to enquirers as a key point of contact.
The post of Board member is one of leadership within the purpose of Adullam, helping set the vision and
The position of Board member will bring the responsibilities for owning, representing, promoting,
maintaining and ensuring the visibility of the Christian ethos of the Association.
The role of Board Member for the Association must:
Be able to make decisions in the best interest of the Association and not for any personal financial or
material gain.
Be able to take a corporate not a personal view.
Be able to contribute to the discussion and debate at meetings bringing to bear his or her own knowledge
and expertise.
Be able to absorb and evaluate written material.
Give full support to the objectives and policies of the Association once these have been agreed.
Be willing to be accountable to the Regulator for decisions and actions taken by the Association.
Act to improve the service to residents, future residents, and service users.
Take account of residents needs whilst, at the same time, making sure that the best interests of the
Association as a whole are served.
Be able to form constructive working relationships with other Board members and to play a full part in the
work of the Board.
Be able to form constructive working relationships with the Chief Executive, the Directors and other
employees of the Association.
Understand the role and responsibilities of a Board member.
Be vigilant to ensure that he or she does not act in such a way as to derive any financial or material benefit
from Board membership.
Ensure that he or she is not put in a position where some financial or other obligation to outside individuals
or organisations might influence the performance of his or her duties as a Board member.
Adullam Homes Housing Association Ltd is a charitable Industrial and Provident Society
Be as open as possible about all decisions and actions taken, but recognise the need for confidentiality when
the circumstances dictate.
Declare any private interests which relate to the position as Board member, and take steps to resolve any
conflicts arising in a way that is lawful and protects the reputation, values and mission of the Association.
Avoid any activity in the public arena which could bring the Association into disrepute.
Adhere to and uphold the principle of equal opportunities.
In the case of tenant Board members, conduct the tenancy in a satisfactory manner.
Personal Requirements
Able to attend and prepare for at least one evening meeting every 2 months, together with additional
day/evening meetings, conferences, seminars on an occasional basis.
The following are excluded from holding the position of Board member of the Association:
 Un-discharged bankrupt or person who has made an arrangement of composition with his creditors
 A person incapable by reasons of mental disorder, illness or injury of managing his own affairs.
 Disqualified from acting as a Company Director or a Charity Trustee.
Adullam Homes Housing Association Ltd is a charitable Industrial and Provident Society