Foundations of Atomic Theory

Atomic Theory and Structure
Greek Philosopher (~480 BC)
named the basic particle the “atom” (means “indivisible”)
Foundations of Atomic Theory
developed 1700s – 1800s
Elements combine to form different compounds
- Do they always combine in the same ratio?
Law of Conservation of Mass
Mass is neither created nor destroyed
Law of Definite Proportions
Chemical compound contains same elements in same proportions by mass
regardless of size of the sample or source
- Ex. NaCl (table salt) … always 39.34% Na, 60.66% Cl by mass
(same combination of atoms)
Law of Multiple Proportions
If two or more different compounds are composed of the same 2 elements (or
more) than the ratio of masses of the second element combined with certain
mass of the 1st element is always a ratio of small whole #s
CO2 always has twice as much O2 as C (1:2 ratio)… CO always has 1:1 ratio, C to O.
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
1808 English schoolteacher
Explains laws (from above, ↑) with a few statements
1. All matter is composed of atoms (very) small
2. Atoms of a given element are identical in size, mass, and other properties –
atoms of different elements differ in properties
3. Atoms cannot be subdivided, created, or destroyed
4. Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole-number ratios to form
chemical compounds
5. In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged.
(3, 5 explain law of conservation of mass)
Modern Atomic Theory
Now we know [atoms can be divided into subatomic particles]
[elements can have atoms with different masses… Isotopes]
1. All matter is composed of atoms
2. Atoms of any one element differ in properties from atoms of another element
**An atom: the smallest particle of an element that retains the chemical properties of that
Atoms are made up of 2 regions: nucleus (protons and neutrons) & electron cloud
(general area where the electrons are located)
Discovery of the Electron
Came about with experiments dealing with electricity
Cathode Rays and Electrons
Sent an electrical current through a cathode
2 obsrvations:
1. Rays deflected by a magnetic field (just like current in wire, known to be
2. Rays deflected away from a negatively charged object
Thomson measured the ratio of charge of particles to their mass- the ratio is
ALWAYS the same!
Therefore, cathode rays composed of electrons
From this information, Thomson proposed the “Plum Pudding Model” (electrons
spread evenly throughout the atom)- This was DISPROVED shortly later
Discovery of the Atomic Nucleus
Rutherford’s gold foil experiment
Bombarded foil with alpha particles (4x mass of hydrogen atom)
Most passed through, but some bounced back! Caused by a very densely packed
bundle of matter with a positive electric charge- called it the nucleus.
Volume of the nucleus is very small compared to the total volume of the atom
Where were electrons?
Composition of the Atomic Nucleus
All nucleus are made of protons and neutrons (except hydrogen, which is only a
Proton is positively charged (equal in magnitude to the electron’s negative
charge), Neutrons are neutral- they have no charge.
Atoms of different elements differ in their number of protons- Number of
protons determine atom’s identity (determines which element it is)
Forces in the Nucleus
Like charges repel each other, but when extremely close together they have a
very strong attraction
Short range proton-neutron, proton-proton, and neutron-neutron forces hold the
nuclear particles together and are referred to as nuclear forces
The Sizes of Atoms
Electrons exist in the electron “cloud” (no exact position at any one moment)
Atomic radii- from the center of the nucleus to the outer portion of the electron
SMALL- measured in picometers (pm)
Atomic nuclei are very dense as well