English Maths Science Personal development We will continue to read Kenzuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. This story will form the basis for both fiction and non- fiction writing: looking at writing extra chapters in the style of the author; writing from a character's viewpoint; diary entries; reports; letters and discussion texts. Mrs. Kempsey will be looking at Stories in an imaginary world; Mystery & Suspense & Journalistic reporting. Grammar and punctuation work will also be based on the text. Spelling will be linked with handwriting. The children will be learning about properties of numbers to do with multiplication: factors, multiples, square & cube numbers& prime numbers. They will learn formulae in order to calculate area & perimeter of rectangles, triangles and parallelograms & will learn how to calculate the volumes of cubes and cuboids in cm³. The children will also learn how to identify position and direction using co-ordinates and compass points & will continue work on shape. Beckbury C of E Primary School Mrs. Grinnell & Mrs. Kempsey's Class AM: Years 4, 5 & 6 PM: Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 The children will be studying Light. They will learn that light travels in a straight line & objects are seen because light bounces off them into the eye. They will learn about natural and man-made light sources. Name of Topics: The children will work with Mr. Goodrich on football in games and balances in gymnastics. Kenzuke's Kingdom Light The United Kingdom Autumn Term 2 2015 R.E. PSHE Art and D&T In RE the children will learn why Christmas is important to Christians. We will look at both religious and secular traditions around the world and learn about their origins. Children will have the opportunity to discuss whether the real meaning of Christmas has been lost. Personal, Social and Health Education will be taught throughout the year within other subjects such as RE, PE, Science, English, History & Geography. Art & Craft will be linked to our Maya work from last term. The children will complete pottery and weaving tasks in the style of the Maya. In Art, children will be looking at light and shade. History Autumn 1 Computing Children will be taught E-safety and how to programme. They will use the internet for communication and research. MFL Years 3 & 4: children will learn how to describe the classroom and the contents of their school bag; parts of the body; masculine & feminine nouns and numbers. They will also learn about Paris & some of its famous places. Years 5 & 6: children will learn to tell and ask the time; learn about places within a town & directions for getting around a town. They will also learn about the industrial port of Marseille. Additional Information Geography We will be studying the United Kingdom & the countries it is made up of. Children will study maps to locate mountains, coasts and rivers and different land use patterns. Welcome to Blossom Class - we are looking forward to a really great half-term. Mrs. Grinnell will be teaching the children all day on Mondays & Tuesdays and on Wednesday & Thursday mornings. Mrs. Kempsey will be teaching the children on Thursday afternoon & Friday morning. PE will be taught by Mr. Goodrich on a Monday & Wednesday - please ensure your child has a full PE kit in school every day. French will be taught by Mrs. Osborne on a Wednesday afternoon. Music will be taught by Mrs. Hindson on a Friday.