Engineering Technology Walla Walla Community College ENT 132 – Soils Mechanics for Construction INSTRUCTOR: Ron Rooks, P.E. CONTACT: (509) 527-3655 Winter 2015 OFFICE: 1110 (Technology Center) 9:30 am to 10:20 MWF _______________________________________________________________________________ TYPE OF COURSE: Lecture course with assignments, examinations, laboratory work, and problem solving activities. CREDIT HOURS: 4 (30 Lecture hours; 20 Laboratory hours) PREREQUISITES: None COURSE DESCRIPTION: Introduction to the fundamental principles of soil mechanics as it relates to engineering design. Emphasis is on the identification, classification, engineering properties, compaction, aggregate gradations, bearing capacities, and construction consideration of soils. Students shall complete ASTM and/or AASHTO laboratory test methods of soils. Formerly CET 224. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to use and understand the basic concepts of the following: Classify soils using various industry standards Determine engineering properties of soils Determine aggregate gradations Determine bearing capacities of soil Explain concepts related to compaction, subgrade stabilization, and earthwork Complete ASTM and/or AASTHO laboratory test methods Write laboratory reports COURSE TOPICS: Printed: 2/9/16 Natural soils and their properties Soil index properties Construction Specifications Soil reports Earthwork Supports for excavations Foundation support Applications Page 1 of 4 Engineering Technology Walla Walla Community College ENT 132 – Soils Mechanics for Construction Winter 2015 REFERENCE TEXT: Soils In Construction, 5th Edition, by Schroeder, Dickenson, and Warrington OTHER MATERIALS: The following materials are required for this course: Engineering computation paper, straight edge, engineer scale, protractor, pencil, and eraser Scientific Calculator (with trigonometric, radian, and root function capability at minimum) A copy of the Instructor’s Engineering Course Guidelines. Syllabus requirements take precedence if a conflict arises. PORTFOLIOS: Assignments should be organized in a portfolio as a professional practice. Recommendations for doing so are provided in PORTFOLIO GUIDELINES in the Engineering Course Guidelines. LABORATORIES: One must complete all laboratories in order to pass the course. Additionally, one must attend the laboratory to receive full credit. Absences: Excused (10% deduction), UNexcused (20% deduction). EVALUATION SUMMARY: Evaluation of the student’s final grade will be based upon the following components and their assigned points. See FINAL GRADE in the Engineering Course Guidelines for final scoring. Additionally, one must pass the Final Examination in order to pass the course. Component Homework: Laboratories: Chapter Examinations: Final Examination: TOTAL: Attendance Bonus: Printed: 2/9/16 Total Points 300 200 400 100 1000 30 Page 2 of 4 Engineering Technology Walla Walla Community College ENT 132 – Soils Mechanics for Construction 1 DATE CHAPTER 5-Jan 1 Introduction; SOIL CONSTITUENTS 2 NATURAL SOIL DEPOSITS 7-Jan LAB 1 9-Jan 3 12-Jan 2 3 4 14-Jan LECTURE SCHEDULE** Soil constituents & properties SOIL INDEX PROPERTIES (continued) LAB 2 Soil constituents & properties EXAMINATION 1 19-Jan HOLIDAY - MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY 4 CLASSIFICATION LAB 3 Soil Classification 7 Exercises 1 all 2 all 3 1-5 (continued) 4a 1, 2, 4 26-Jan (continued) 4b 3 (soils 1-4) 28-Jan (continued) LAB 4 4-Feb 4c 3 (soils 5-9) Soil Classification EXAMINATION 2 2-Feb 6 No. 23-Jan 30-Jan 5 ASSIGNMENT DUE (continued) 16-Jan 21-Jan Winter 2015 5 STRESS ANALYSIS & ENGINEERING PROPERTIES (continued) LAB 5 Soil Investigation & reports 5a 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 6-Feb 6 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 5b 9, 10 9-Feb 7 SOIL REPORTS 6 handout 7 all 11-Feb (continued) LAB 6 Soil Investigation & reports 13-Feb EXAMINATION 3 16-Feb HOLIDAY - PRESIDENT'S DAY 18-Feb 8 LAB 7 20-Feb Printed: 2/9/16 EMBANKMENT CONSTRUCTION/CONTROL Compaction & Testing (continued) 8a 1, 2, 5 Page 3 of 4 Engineering Technology Walla Walla Community College ENT 132 – Soils Mechanics for Construction DATE 8 CHAPTER LECTURE SCHEDULE** Exercises 8b 6, 7 25-Feb (continued) 8c 8, 9, 10 LAB 8 Compaction & Testing EXAMINATION 4 2-Mar 9 DEWATERING 4-Mar 10 EXCAVATIONS & SUPPORTS LAB 9 11 9-Mar 11 No. (continued) 6-Mar 10 ASSIGNMENT DUE 23-Feb 26-Feb 9 Winter 2015 9 all Site Visits FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION 10 1 to 4 (continued) 11-Mar 12 LAB 10 CONSTRUCTION ACCESS/HAUL ROADS Site Visits 13-Mar (continued) 16-Mar REVIEW 18-Mar 11 handout 12 handout NO CLASS NO LAB 20-Mar FINAL (8:30 am to 10:30 pm) * Subject to change to class needs at the Instructor's discretion ** LAB reports are due on FRIDAY of the week of the laboratory; "Holiday" due dates are actually due on TUESDAY Printed: 2/9/16 Page 4 of 4