Unit 7: AFL grid Level 1 Pass Level 2 Pass Merit Distinction Learning aim A-Investigate factors that contribute to healthy living 1A.1 Explain the importance of a balanced diet and exercise. 2A.P1 Describe the possible effects of diet and exercise on the functioning of the human body. 2A.M1 Explain how the diet and exercise plan will affect the functioning of the human body.* 2A.D1 Evaluate the diet and exercise plan, and justify the menus and activities chosen.* Assignment 1 Task 1 pg 6+7 A. components of a balanced diet B. why is it important? Btec textbook page no 106 Assignment 1 Task 1 blog pg 8 and 11 A. Describe importance of diet/exercise A. Btec textbook page no 107 and 108 Assignment 1 Task 3 pg 12 A. Justify chosen certain foods and exercise Btec textbook page no 109-110 1A.2 Identify a balanced diet for teenagers.* 2A.P2 Develop a diet and exercise plan based on level and type of exercise and appropriate nutritional balance, to promote healthy living for an individual.* Assignment 1 Task 3 A. exercise plan for a teenager Assignment 1 Task 3 merit distinction pg 9 + 10 A. how does the diet/exercise plan help the body? Btec textbook page no 108 and 109 Assignment 1 Task 3 A. Diet for a teenager Btec textbook page no 106-107 Btec textbook page no 108 and 110 Unit 7: AFL grid 1A.3 Identify measures taken to improve the health of the population. Assignment 2 task 1 A. NHS website-4 programs used to help improve nations health Btec textbook page 112 2A.P3 Describe the ways in which health improvement measures are intended to improve the health of the population. Assignment 2 task 2 A. 4 programs from the NHS B. Aim of the program C. how did they achieve their aim D. how can results of aim be measured? Btec textbook page 111-113 2A.M2 Analyse rates of disease in the population in relation to lifestyle choices. 2A.D2 Evaluate measures taken to improve the health of the population. Assignment 2 task 3 A. case studies alcohol & smoking B. how does case study affect lifestyle choice and health? C. measurement of health? D. pattern of case studies with explanation Assignment 2 task 3 A. Evaluate health programs B. Ads/Disads of health programs C. evidence to back up ideas E. compare different lifestyle choices Btec textbook page 112-113 Unit 7: AFL grid Learning aim B: Know how preventative measures can be used to support healthy living Level 1 Pass Level 2 pass Merit Distinction Learning Aim B-know how preventative measures can be used to help support healthy living 1B.4 Identify the role of the immune system in defending the body. 2B.P4 Describe how the immune system defends the body in relation to specific and non-specific immune responses. 2B.M3 Compare the different defence mechanisms the immune system uses to protect the human body. Assignment 1 task 1 part 1 A. what is the immune system B. how does immune system work? Btec textbook page 114 Assignment 1 task 1 part 2 A. physical/chemical barriers of the body B. non-specific and specific defences of the body *C. evidence in a leaflet format Btec textbook page 114-116 Assignment 1 task 2 A. How white blood cells work (3 methods) B. diagrams to show how they fight pathogens Btec textbook page 116-117 1B.5 Identify how a vaccine aids in defending the body. Assignment 2 task 1 leaflet on vaccinations including: A. what is a vaccine 2B.P5 Describe the changes in the human body following vaccination. Assignment 2 task 1 on the same vaccine leaflet include: A. describe the effects of vaccines on the body B. what happens to the body following a vaccination C. answer questions on vaccines on assignment 2 task 1 Btec textbook page 118-119 Btec textbook page 118-119 2B.D3 Evaluate the effectiveness of human vaccination and screening programmes. Unit 7: AFL grid 1B.6 Identify screening programmes. 2B.P6 Describe the role of specific health screening programmes. Assignment 3 task 1 A. produce a leaflet using NHS website research 1.breast cancer screening 2. down syndrome screening 3. Newborn Babies screening for Phenylketonuria A. 4.Vascular screening for atherosclerosis For each screening B.what it is? How is it carried out? Btec book page 120-127 *leaflet format Assignment 3 task 1 On same screening leaflet A.how does the program detect the illness? Btec book page 120-127 *leaflet format 2B.M4 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a specific health screening programme. Assignment 3 task 2 A. Ads/disads grid on screening B. data giving evidence of how effective the screening programs A. were C. the same data to explain whether the screening was effective? Btec book page 120-127 Assignment 3 task 3 Health Report using flu vaccine case study A. Describe the data B. Explain the patterns in the data C. Ads/disads of the vaccine program D. draw conclusions from the data? E. Back your conclusion with evidence from further research. F. justify why the health organisation spend so much money on vaccine programs (use the data) Btec book page 120-127 Unit 7: AFL grid Learning aim C: Investigate how some treatments are used when illness occurs Level 1 Pass Level 2 Pass Merit Distinction Learning Aim C-investigate how some treatments are used when illness occurs 1C.7 Describe how antibiotics are prescribed for use. 2C.P7 Investigate the use and misuse of antibiotics using secondary data. 2C.M5 Analyse the effectiveness of different kinds of medical treatment in health care using secondary data. 2C.D4 Evaluate the use of different kinds of medical treatments, justifying your opinions. Assignment 1 task 1 A. what are antibiotics? B. Describe how they are prescribed, and for what Btec book 128 Assignment 1 task 1 Experiment – INVESTIGATING THE EFFETIVENESS OF ANTIBIOTICS A. report on the experiment: equipment, method, results table, conclusion on effectiveness B. graph on your results C. compare your results against other results (in booklet) D. graph on the other data (questions in booklet) Btec book 128-129 Assignment 1 task 2 Look at data filled out for each type of treatment A.how does this method work to treat the illness? B. Ads/disads of each type of treatment C.Add data to help Btec book 130-133 Assignment 1 task 2 A. Evaluate different types of treatment investigated (see grid filled out) B. For each type of drug, describe what they treat C. Justify your choice in each case Btec book 130-133 Unit 7: AFL grid 1C.8 Identify pathogens that cannot be treated by antibiotics. Assignment 1 task 1 A. list of pathogens that cannot be treated by antibiotic (speech bubble in booklet) Btec book 128-33 2C.P8 Describe the use of anti-fungal, antiviral and analgesic treatments. Assignment 1 task 2 A. grid on different treatments 1-micro-organism it treats 2-how treatment works 3-examples of diseases this drug can treat. Btec book 130-133 1C.9 Identify the different blood groups. Assignment 2 task 1 A.table to show blood groups in humans Btec book 134-135 2C.P9 Explain the importance of blood group matching in blood transfusions. Assignment 2 task 2 A. Describe the blood grouping system in humans B. Importance of matching blood groups for blood transfusions Btec book 134-135 2C.M6 Describe organ donation and approaches used to reduce rejection. Assignment 2 task 3 presentation A. Process of Organ Donation B.how is organ rejection avoided? C.ads/disads of transplants Btec 136-139 2C.D5 Evaluate the potential benefits of stem cell therapy. Assignment 2 task 4 A. What are stem cells? B. Uses of stem cells C. Ads of stem cells instead of organ transplants D. Disads of stem cells E. Ethical issues on stem cells F. Ethical issues on organ transplants Btec book 140-142