1 High School Name High School Course Name/BIOL 111—Fundamentals of Biology I INSTRUCTOR: Teacher’s Room Number:High Name School Room Number Teacher email: Teacher email Class meeting times: please indicate how often and how long you meet with students: minutes per normal class, every day, every other day, semester, trimester, weeks in a grading period, etc. Lab time: Please indicate the average amount of time you spend in lab (i.e. % of time or number of days in a week REQUIRED TEXTS Please indicate text book include, name, author, publication date, and ISBN REQUIRED LAB MANUAL Please indicate lab manual include, name, author, publication date, and ISBN Additional Resources: Please include any additional resources: online support site, calculators, etc. COURSE DESCRIPTION, ASSESSMENT, & POLICIES Credit Hours: 4.00. This course is designed primarily to provide an introduction to the principles of biology for students in agriculture and health sciences. Continuation of BIOL 110. Principles of biology, focusing on cell structure and function, molecular biology, and genetics. Attendance & Make-ups: Please indicate attendance policy and make-up policy for both exams and labs Additional grading policies: Please indicate any additional grading policies: i.e. retake policy, please realize that if the policy does not reflect the policies at PC, you may have to revise the policy for the PNC grade BIOL 111_Syllabus 2 Resources & Special Needs: As a PNC concurrent enrollment student, you are eligible for all the assistance that PNC has to offer their on campus students. Purdue University North Central is committed to providing all students equal access to learning opportunities. If you encounter any difficulties with the course or if you have a disability that should require an accommodation during the semester, come and see me as soon as possible. Drop in any time during office hours or make an appointment. Messages and appointments can be left with the departmental secretary during normal business hours; however, I prefer that you contact me directly through voice mail or e-mail (my contact information is provided above). In addition, the Disability Services Coordinator, in LSF-103A, extension 5374, provides information and resources to all students with disabilities, faculty and staff, ensuring equal access to educational opportunities. The office will provide guidance regarding appropriate accommodations. Academic accommodations and other services are provided on an individual basis determined by documented need. Documentation of the disability completed by a physician or qualified health care professional must be on file in the office. Short term confidential counseling is available to enrolled students free of charge through the Student Counseling Services office located in LSF 103. The phone number is 219-785-5230 or 1-800-872-1231 ext. 5230. Call or stop in to make an appointment Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Some learning activities will require the use of the internet. In addition, copies of this syllabus as well as other resources will be available on the PNC Instructor’s drive (I-drive), which can be accessed from personal and other off-campus computers by signing into the MyPNC Portal located at www.pnc.edu. Find the folder named “Alix” and then open the BIOL 110 folder to access the appropriate information. Files and documents are password protected and thus can be opened as read-only. In calculating the PNC grade, the following grading scheme will be followed: Percentage of grade 50% 30% 10% 10% Category 3 unit exams of 3 or more chapters and comprehensive final 2 lab exams Lab Scores Quizzes, 1-2 chapters each Grading Scale: 100%=A+ 99-93%=A 92-90%=A89-87%=B+ 86-83%=B 82-80%=B79-77%=C+ 76-73%=C 72-70%=C69-67%=D+ 66-63%=D 62-60%=D≤59%=F BIOL 111_Syllabus 3 Topic Covered: By the end of the course, the following topics will be covered: High School Purdue North Central BIOL 110 □ The Origin and diversity of life Please indicate all the topics that you cover in the biology course. If the topic you cover is □ viruses not on the list, it is possible that it is on the BIOL 111 syllabus. There must be two □ prokaryotes separate syllabi since these are considered two separate courses at PNC □ protists □ seedless plants □ seeded plants □ fungi □ animal diversity □ protostomes (animal diversity) □ deuterostomes (animal diversity) □ plant form □ transport in plants □ plant nutrition and soils □ plant defense responses □ sensory systems in plants □ plant reproduction □ behavioral biology □ ecology of individuals and populations □community ecology □dynamics of ecosystems BIOL 111_Syllabus 4 □ the biosphere □ conservation biology Academic Dishonesty: As a PNC Concurrent Enrollment student, you are held to the same academic integrity as the on-campus students. A student caught giving or receiving information in any form during an exam will earn a zero for that work. In addition, any student handing in answers to lab review questions which do not represent his or her own work will earn a zero for that assignment. Both of the previously mentioned scenarios constitute acts of academic dishonesty. Those who commit an act of academic dishonesty will be reported to the administration for further action. Misc. policies: ACADEMIC INTEGRITY IS A CORE VALUE OF OUR COMMUNITY. It is expected that all students, instructors, and support staff associated with courses or any other function offered under the direction of the Biology/Chemistry department will interact in a civil and courteous manner at all times. Disruptive, ill-mannered behavior will not be tolerated, and will be reported to the Dean of Students or the Department Chair and Vice Chancellor for Academic Services (faculty/staff). Rude/unruly students will be removed from class and will be subject to both academic and non-academic sanctions. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the University’s Code of Conduct (www.pnc.edu/policy/conduct/) and an addendum covering classroom disruption (www.pnc.edu/academic_affairs/wpcontent/uploads/sites/20/2013/05/Disruption-in-Classroom-Policy.pdf). BIOL 111_Syllabus